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Silver Lake Teezers

2024 Rules and Handbook

Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

2024 Officers and Committees

PRESIDENT – Sharon Ryan – (773) 677-7413

VICE-PRESIDENT – Mary Marks – (708) 704-3577

TREASURER – Judy Twardy – (708) 814-3272

SCHEDULER – Joan Kloos – (630) 886-1325

STATISTICIAN – Maryanne Rice – (312) 218-6000

WEEKLY EVENTS – Susan Bernovich – (708) 214-4909

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 1
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf


1. New Membership
Membership is capped at 40. Anyone wishing to join the league
after membership cap has been reached will be placed on a
waiting list kept by the President. All new members must have
an established CDGA handicap of 40 or less.

2. Required Rounds
Members are required to play a minimum of 10 league rounds of
golf to qualify for end-of-year monetary awards. If a member
does not complete 10 rounds of golf, they will not be eligible for
the game prizes at the end of the season. First-year golfers are
not eligible for the Season's Most Improved Golfer Award. If for
any reason a player is unable to complete a full 18-hole round, it
should be noted that 14 holes must be physically completed for
the round to count and have the remaining 4 holes scored
according to the rules of unplayed holes.

3. Schedule
A weekly schedule will be provided by the League's Scheduler
that will be posted on our website by Monday evening. Website
address: Be sure to
check the website onTuesday morning for last minute changes.
Advance notice of absences on a particular week or weeks

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 2
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

should be entered by the member into the absentee book.

Last minute absences should be sent by text to the scheduler
no later than 9:00 pm SUNDAY. If you have a last-minute
emergency, text or call the scheduler before Monday at 9:00 pm if
not possible then a $5 fee may apply per rule 9. Such last-minute
absences should be reported to the Silver Lake pro shop on
Tuesday morning.

4. Arrival
Members should arrive at the golf course 30 to 60 minutes prior to
assigned tee-time. After paying greens fee, proceed to the first
tee. Late arrivals may find the group has teed off. Member will
catch up with the group on their current hole, and assuming four
or less holes are unplayed, scores for unplayed holes will be
calculated according to rules for scoring unplayed holes. All
members must play the tee time assigned by the scheduler –
there is to be no switching of tee times.

5. 10 Strokes and Pick UP

If you are in the fairway or rough and you have 10 strokes already
and you do not see the 4some in front of you, pick up and score
your card as a 10/2. 10 total strokes with a 2-stroke putting. Circle
that hole and record in the Statistical and the Events book.

6. Divots in Fairway

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 3
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

Our league rule for the divots in the fairway is if your ball lands in
a divot in the fairway you may move your ball out of the divot but
no closer to the hole.

7. 1 Stroke Penalty for Lost Ball

Our league rule for lost ball is there will be a one stroke penalty
for a lost ball in the rough or in the woods. Drop the ball 1 club
length from where you think the ball was lost in same grass

8. Hole 9 on South Course

Our league rule for the 9th hole on the South course is you can
move to the front of the tee box if you choose and tee from there.
If you wish you can go to the drop zone and hit from there
knowing you will be hitting 3 not 1 as the penalty rule will come
into play.

9. Not Showing Up or Calling on Tuesday Morning

We are now implementing a $5 cost to the member if they don’t
show up or if they call on Tuesday morning. All members have to
let the scheduler know by no later then 9:00 pm on Sunday as
listed in rule 3.

10. Recording Scores

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 4
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

Each golfer must keep a score card for all four players. Following
the round, scores will be recorded in the statistician book and the
events book by your foursome. While all members of the group
should be in the clubhouse for recording scores, we do require
that at least 3 members of the the group be present for recording
scores. This is a part of the league rules and we need to adhere
this rule. Sign and date two legible scorecards and put one in the
statistician book, and one in the events book.

11. Putt Pot

Deposit 25 cents in the Putt Pot if you had 36 or less putts. 50
cents if you had 37 or more putts. If you are leaving directly from
golf, give your Putt Pot money to your team to put into the Putt

12. Hole In One Pot

The yearly fee for the hole-in-one pot is $5. Joining the hole-in-
one pot is completely optional. Beginning in 2024, we are
requiring payment of the $5 be paid along with the fees paid at
the beginning of the year. Payout, if any, of the hole-in-one pot
will occur at the end of the season and the entire pot will be paid
out based on the number of holes-in-one scored during the

13. Away Dates

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 5
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

We have three to four (rarely 5) away rounds of golf a season. A

sign-up sheet will be available at the Opening meeting, and is
kept in the records books. These are the only rounds where you
can choose your own foursome. A final headcount is required 2
weeks prior to the away rounds with payment due at that time.
Zelle to (Teezers account) or make
check out to treasurer.

14. Rainout
A round will be declared a rainout if the course is closed by the
Director of Golf at Silver Lake, or the golf course manager on
duty. A minimum of 12 golfers must play in order for the round to
be eligible for the weekly event. If less than 12 golfers play, your
round is still counted towards the 10 minimum round requirement
and year-end monetary awards. Be sure your game is entered in
the statistician's book in order to get credit for the round played. If
you decide that you will not be golfing, make sure to call Silver
Lake and leave your name.

15. Handicap
Silver Lake is a member of the Chicago District Golf Association
(“CDGA”). You must post your golf score on the CDGA website.
Handicaps are adjusted daily by the CDGA, so scores should be
posted the day of play or next day. CDGA will automatically adjust
your score to your handicap. If you do not post your scores, you
will not be eligible for prizes. See Exhibit A in the handbook
section for handicap system.

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 6
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 7
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

Golf Etiquette

1. Play ready golf.

2. Silence cell phones.
3. Limit practice swings.
4. Don't move, talk, stand close or cast a shadow near a
player making a stroke.
5. Take all penalties.
6. Don't play until the group in front is safely out of the way.
7. Don't step on another player's line of putt.
8. Keep small talk to a minimum.
9. Repair divots
10. Rake sand
11. Yell FORE if you think your ball may hit someone.

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 8
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

USGA Rules, (Most Common)


Play the course as you find it and play the ball as it lies.
LEAGUE RULE: If the ball is lying in a divot on the
fairway, the ball may be moved by hand no more than 6
inches and not closer to the hole.

PENALTY AREA – RED STAKES 17.1.d (1)(2)(3)


1. Play the ball as it lies. Player may ground club as No Penalty

long as it does not improve conditions.

2. Replay from original shot location. 1 Stroke

3. Choose a spot as far back-on-the-line from the hole 1 Stroke

through the point the ball last crossed the edge of the
penalty area. Drop within 1 club length of this spot,
no nearer to the hole.

4. Drop a ball within 2 club lengths from the point of 1 Stroke

entry no nearer the hole.


1. Play the ball as it lies. Player may ground the club as No Penalty
long as it does not improve conditions.

2. Replay from original shot location. 1 Stroke

3. Choose a spot as far back-on-the line from the hole 1 Stroke

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 9
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

through the point the ball last crossed the edge of the
penalty area. Drop within 1 club length of this spot
not nearer the hole.



1. Replay from original shot location (stroke & distance). 1 Stroke


Model Local Rule E-5

2. If ball is out-of- bounds or lost outside of a penalty 2 Strokes

area, for a 2-stroke penalty:

Locate point where ball went out-of-bounds or is

likely to be lost.

- Locate nearest fairway edge, equal distance from

the hole as point where ball went out-of-bounds or is
likely to be lost and measure 2 club lengths onto the
- Draw a line between these two points and drop a ball
anywhere on or behind this line, no nearer the hole.
**If provisional ball is played, you may not use
option 2.



1. Replay from original shot location. 1 Stroke

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 10
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

2. Choose a spot as far back-on-the-line from the hole 1 Stroke

through where the ball lies. Drop within 1 club length
of this, no nearer the hole.

3. Drop the ball within 2 club lengths of the spot where 1 Stroke
the ball lies, no nearer the hole.


1. Play ball as it lies, player may not ground club. No Penalty


A player decides his/her ball in a bunker is unplayable. The

player has four options:

1. The player may take stroke and distance relief. 1 Stroke

2. The player may take back-on-the-line relief in the 1 Stroke


3. The player may take lateral relief in the bunker. 1 Stroke

4. The player may take back-of-the-line relief outside the 2 Strokes

bunker based on a reference line going straight back
from the hole through the spot of the original ball.



If swing or stance is interfered by animal hole, temporary No penalty

water, ground under repair or immovable obstruction you

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 11
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

may take free relief. Locate nearest point of complete relief

and drop within 1 club length of this point, no nearer the


BUNKER 16.1.c

1. Find the nearest point of complete relief in the bunker No Penalty

and drop within the one club length relief area.

2. The player may drop the original ball or another ball 1 Stroke
in a relief area that is based on a reference line going
straight back from the hole through the spot of the
original ball.


See Penalty Area – White Stakes


Penalty for playing wrong ball. 2 Strokes



If a player’s ball in motion hits another ball at rest on the 2 Strokes

putting green and both balls were on the putting green
before the stroke, the player gets two penalty strokes.


Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 12
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

1. If obstruction is movable (rake, can, bottle, etc.) No Penalty

player may move it. Replace ball if it moves.

2. If obstruction is immovable (cart path, shelter, etc.) No Penalty

and interferes with stance or swing, you may take
FREE RELIEF. Locate nearest point of complete
relief and drop within 1 club length of this point, no
nearer to the hole.
*Nearest point of complete relief can never be nearer
the hole.
*If ball is in a bunker, you must drop within the
*Objects defining out-of-bounds, such as white stakes
or fence posts are not considered obstructions and no
free relief can be granted.

As most are aware, there were significant rule changes in 2019. Teezers
has posted on our website a link to a terrific YouTube Video “New Golf
Rules 2019 – the 20 Most Important Changes.”

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 13
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

How to adjust score for handicap purposes under world handicap system
For handicap purposes, golfers adjust any score higher than a net double
bogey when posting their round on the cdga site. You can also enter your
score hole by hole on the CDGA website and it will automatically make the
adjustments and post adjusted score.
Note: All scores must be posted – good or bad.
DOUBLE BOGEY: Par plus 2; i.e., 5 on par 3, 6 on par 4 and 7 on par 5.
NET SCORE: Gross score minus handicap.
(double bogey) plus handicap.
Example: Par 5 + 2 + 2* = 9
Par 4 + 2 + 2* = 8
Par 5 + 2 + 3* = 10
*Golfer’s handicap per hole in this example.
COURSE HANDICAP: Your course handicap can be found on the My
CDGA app. On the home page, you will see your Handicap Index. Below
that you will see Course Handicap. Just click on Course Handicap and find
the course you are playing. Because it would be labor intensive to use
course handicap for our weekly events and year end payouts, the league
uses the handicap index.

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 14
Silver Lake Teezers
It is our mission to provide women a strong sense of respect, fair play, and
camaraderie while sharing a love of the game of golf

How to apply handicap over the 18 holes:

Handicap – 33 (33 – 18 = 15) 1 stroke on 18 holes and one additional stroke on 15
hardest holes. (18+15=33) see example on reverse.


HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OUT

PAR 5** 4** 3** 4** 5** 4** 3* 4** 4** 36

HANDICAP RATING 1 11 15 9 5 7 17 3 13

SCORE 10 7 6 7 9 7 6 9 7 68

Max Score 9 8 7 8 9 8 6 8 8

*= Stroke(s) Received

HOLE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 OUT

PAR 4** 4** 5** 3* 4** 3* 5** 4** 3** 35

HANDICAP RATING 8 12 4 16 10 18 2 6 14

SCORE 7 6 11 5 7 6 10 7 6 65

MAX SCORE 8 8 9 6 8 6 9 8 7 *=Stroke(s)

The golfer in this
example shot a gross score of 133, but will post an adjusted score of 128.
As soon as you post 3 scores on cdga (can be posted from any course), your handicap
will be established and you will follow the instructions above
Note: for anyone without a handicap the maximum per hole before your handicap is
established is par plus 5. So, on par 3’s the most you can post is 8; for par 4’s, the most
you can post is 9 and on par 5’s the most you can post is 10.

Revised 4/23/24 sr

Teezers 2024
Revised 5/21/24 15

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