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Article 2

Wasylkiw, L. & Clairo, J. (2018). Help seeking in men: When masculinity and self-compassion
collide. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 19(2), 234-242.

Instructions: Please answer the following questions based on the corresponding article (type
your response directly below each question). Make sure your responses are in your own words.
Do NOT copy word for word from the article, quote directly from the article, or copy from a

1. What are some of the previous findings outlined by the researchers regarding the
influence of gender roles on mental health and seeking help?

2. The researchers proposed three hypotheses for their study. Describe TWO of the

3. Describe what is meant by the term “traditional masculinity.”

4. How did the two groups compare/differ on measures of attitudes toward seeking help
and self-compassion?

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