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P. Polak, F. Masquelier, G.

Towards Treasury 4.0/the Evolving Role of...



Petr Polak*
Francois Masquelier**
Grzegorz Michalski***
Received: 19. 5. 2018 Professional paper
Accepted: 12. 12. 2018 UDC 005.915:004

Abstract. This paper highlights the impor- importance for every CFO. Treasury manage-
tance of treasury management in a corporate ment needs to put aside the traditional practice
world. Treasury management is a dynamic phe- of setting financial targets for one year and think
nomenon, and treasurers need to update treasury of medium-term treasury planning as a source of
activities accordingly. This paper aims to provi- significant motivation. Treasury management is
de a future roadmap for treasury management. a dynamic profession that evolves continuously,
In the near future, the most important aspects of seeks maximum effectiveness, and aims for the
treasury management will be new financial regu- highest productivity and simplification of all tre-
lations, developments in information technology, asury activities.
and global approaches toward whole business
operations. In this regard, the concept of busine- Keywords: treasury 4.0, treasury evolution,
ss intelligence has become a need of the highest digitization, globalization, business intelligence.

1. INTRODUCTION persuade changes in corporate treasuries. As

an example of this, it is essential to mention
Corporate finance and treasury man-
modern financial procedures and protocols,
agement have achieved an intersection that advancements in information technology
becomes salient when planning the role of across the board, and the internationalization
a treasurer in the dynamic career of treas- of businesses’ operations. Finance and treas-
ury management for the near future. The ury experts characterize this as a second evo-
credit crunch crisis from 2007 to 2009 ex- lution phase of the treasury. Such factors are
tended developments in the job descriptions the agents of change in the treasurer’s pro-
of treasurers over the past nine years as a fession and demand adaptability to a treas-
result, and the treasurer’s job has changed ury environment, which is already unstable
significantly. Due to a turbulent environ- and in a paradigm shift. It is said that antici-
ment, new factors have risen that will pating means managing, so it is treasurers’
* Petr Polak, Associate Professor of Finance, UBDSBE, University of Brunei Darussalam, Gadong, Brunei
Darussalam; visiting at Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China, e-mail:
** Francois Masquelier, Head of Treasury and Enterprise Risk Management, RTL Group, Luxembourg; Chairman of
ATEL, Luxembourg; Vice-Chairman of the EACT (European Association of Corporate Treasurers)
*** Grzegorz Michalski, Associate Professor of Finance, Wroclaw University of Economics, Wroclaw, Poland

Journal of Contemporary Management Issues

responsibility to come up with treasury nar- treasurers in charge of decision-making as

ratives and invoke innovative situations related to cash, inventory, accounts receiv-
about treasuries’ roles in the future, which able, accounts payable, and risk manage-
will enable a company to understand what ment during the financial crisis. They used a
narrative and situation works best in the sec- survey to determine if managers were prone
ond phase of treasury evolution. to different forms of heuristic-driven biases
(including aversion to losses, high confi-
dence levels, anchoring, and self-serving
biases). They were able to identify some
aspects of behavioral biases. Some of these
Roszkowska and Prorokowski (2017) in- biases were described as leading to “sub-
vestigate “the contemporary role of banks’ optimal decisions in certain areas of work-
treasuries and show how the treasury func- ing capital management (WCM)”, but also
tion is being transformed across the bank- could represent “desirable attributes in oth-
ing sector,” discussing the current and future er aspects of WCM.” Moosa and Ramiah
challenges faced by corporate treasuries. (2017) analyze behavioral biases and their
Polak, Robertson, and Lind (2011) analyze implications for decision-making in finance.
how the modern corporate treasurers func- The authors claim that the narcissism of
tion in multinational companies (MNCs) fo- corporate treasurers is demonstrated as a
cusing on the transformation of the treasurer prevalent behavior in the finance industry
role in response to current business chal- and that it can be identified as one of the
lenges. According to these authors, the most triggers of the global financial crisis.
significant trigger creating change in the role
of the corporate treasurer is the global finan- Chauhan and Banerjee (2018) investigate
cial crisis of 2007 to 2011. This moved the the existence of optimal or target levels of
focus from earnings to cash and liquidity working capital for India-based manufactur-
and marked the era of the easy availability ing firms and whether the firms intentionally
of cash for corporate financing. In this pa- follow the targets or not. They use the cash
per, the authors further describe the end of conversion cycle to measure working capi-
a credit expansion fostered by the financial tal and employ the dynamic panel models to
deregulation of the 1980s and point to the analyze the behavior of following the targets.
constraints in hedging exposures to foreign
exchanges and interest rates. In addition,
management of liquidity and proper meas- 3. EVOLUTION OF THE
urement of risks has been disrupted, while CORPORATE TREASURY
embedded risks (such as vendor and custom- FUNCTION, FROM
er contracts) have also emerged as critical
issues. This has led to the transformation of
the treasury, from performing the functions
of cash management, funding, and hedge ac- 3.1 Development of the treasurer’s
counting toward a strategic function focused role
on securing liquidity and managing the risk
profiles of corporations. To succeed in a rapidly changing envi-
ronment, corporate treasurers need to devel-
Ramiah, Zhao, Moosa, and Graham op new skills and competences. They need
(2016) analyze the behavior of corporate to undertake new tasks and challenge major

Management, Vol. 23, 2018, No.2, pp. 189-197
P. Polak, F. Masquelier, G. Michalski: TOWARDS TREASURY 4.0/THE EVOLVING ROLE OF...

Figure 1. Towards 'Treasury 4.0'

Source: Authors

technological changes as they face a shifting treasury community expects fraud to be one
and oppressive business environment. It is an of the major problems it will face in the fol-
ongoing challenge, and it entails the prospect lowing years.
of several years of hard work. Figure 1 illus-
trates the major changes that are expected. The watchwords for Treasury 4.0 are
Corporate treasurers have already moved clear: to encrypt messages, protect data
from Treasury 2.0 (T.2.0) to T.3.0. The move against cyber-attacks, obtain ISO and oth-
to T.4.0 (or Version 4.0) will be an objective er required certifications, send messages
for 2020. It involves endeavors for organic by eBAM to improve bank connectivity,
modification within the pursuit of greater remove all the paper documentation from
profitability and efficiency. the process, adopt standardized XML for-
mats such as 3Skey to secure systems ac-
Today’s world has become a complex cess, and provide 100% automation. The
place. The treasury profession is now dealing strategic and operational tasks are becom-
with three main risk categories: (1) econom- ing rather complex, with all corporations in
ic and regulatory environment-related risk, general and also individual companies be-
(2) operational risk and (3) political, security, ing vulnerable.
and security of information risks. The geo-
graphical scope of the treasurer’s profession The banking relationship in T.4.0 will
has expanded globally to include emerging also rationalize itself thanks to the Single
countries and regions that are complicated Euro Payment Area development and new
to handle and have many specific provisions technological solutions. In a corporate
in the area of, for example, withholding tax, treasury environment, it is quite common
restrictive and protectionist policies, repatria- to have cash pooling accounts and certain
tion of profits prohibitions, and foreign ex- virtual accounts, thus cutting down operat-
change controls. Information technology is a ing costs. Rationalizing and shortening fi-
great help for treasurers on one hand, but it nancial cycles and the processing sequence,
is also dangerous if it is not kept secure. The having better cash and working capital

Journal of Contemporary Management Issues

requirement forecasts, electronic invoicing, (which are coming together with the expect-
and having simpler procedures and other ed major changes in IFRS), corporate treas-
approvals are the main objectives for a cor- urers need to improve their skills and capa-
poration’s survival nowadays. Corporate bilities (both soft and hard skills), lock in to
treasurers are taking more and more part in get a handle on new errands and capacities,
implementing corporate group strategies. add new technologies to improve corporate
Financial investors expect greater efficien- productivity and efficiency, and keep adapt-
cy and profitability for their investments in ing to ever more restrictive legislation and
companies and also are aware of how the regulatory environments. Companies need
top management controls their companies. to have efficient and centralized organiza-
tional structures to achieve this. Greater ef-
3.2 Toward fully automated and fully ficiency is a keyword everywhere, and the
centralized treasuries treasury functions cannot avoid it either.
Corporate treasury management is mov- Luckily, new technology can be viewed as
ing into its second phase of functional evo- a quickening agent rather than a brake, re-
lution. During this stage, the main drivers gardless of whether each new framework
should be related to new regulatory devel- includes adjustments and devours a lot of
opments, technological drivers and changes, time and vitality at the beginning
as well as the general economic environ- Figures 1 and 2 provide a broader view
ment, in which the focus will be placed on of the evolution expected in the coming
transparency. The corporate treasury is ex- years. Productivity, flexibility, analytical
pected to work on an open-book basis with skills, and regulatory compliance are the
a total fair value. To challenge such changes keywords for T.4.0 functions. At the same

Figure 2. Drivers of the 'Treasury 4.0' function evolution

Management, Vol. 23, 2018, No.2, pp. 189-197
P. Polak, F. Masquelier, G. Michalski: TOWARDS TREASURY 4.0/THE EVOLVING ROLE OF...

time, we can expect a greater role of the financial risk, treasurers will look ideal in
internal controls in the company that will all cases and consider each perspective to
lead to full automation and then straight- fuse the impacts of connection decorrela-
through processing (STP) for systems inte- tion to oversee chance ideally. Management
gration. Corporate treasury management is of financial risk will never again be a dis-
being plunged into the approach of a sin- connected pocket approach, but a world-
gle system with multiple functions that are wide and coordinated methodology, with
interoperable and modular, instead of the devices to help with basic leadership and
previously used multisystem approach. And business intelligence reports that will ad-
as a final stage, use of an in-house bank to dress the issues of the boards of directors
cover all the treasury and finance activities and audit committees. Especially because
and serve as a center of expertise, control, of greater expected involvement in corpora-
and point of transit to execute fully auto- tions’ strategic analyzing and decision-mak-
mated flows of securely encrypted and fast ing, the corporate treasurers will again find
financial transactions is expected. As the their place at the top of the organizational
ultimate level of this, we can also expect structure and also a good reasoning for their
the introduction of “Payment on Behalf existence. The gradual change from produc-
of” (POBO) and “Collection on Behalf of” ing financial reports, although sometimes
(COBO). In T.4.0, companies are expected sophisticated, to a phase of evaluation,
to handle their cash following the sun— planning, and supporting decision-making
from the Asia-Pacific in the East through seems to be another significant challenge
Europe and the Middle East up to the for T.4.0. Treasurers are expected to provide
Americas in the West, considering only tax strategic recommendations to help CFOs
efficiency. Companies will have fewer bank make final decisions. Corporate treasuries
accounts under the Single Euro Payment are increasingly important suppliers to the
Area and with virtual sub-accounts. At the CFOs, and there is high stress placed on the
end of the day, corporate treasury man- quality of their work. The treasurer function
agement is moving to eBAM, e-billing, e- is moving up the job pyramid toward more
procurement, future e-services, common strategic and advisory tasks with higher
and enterprise-wide XML standards, and added value. Operational matters will be-
“follow-the-sun” cash management/cash come relatively less important (we can ex-
pooling solutions. There will never again pect many fewer repetitive, low-value-add-
be any idle cash lying around. In overseeing ed tasks in T.4.0) or even be outsourced.

Figure 3. Evolution of the task pyramid

Source: Authors

Journal of Contemporary Management Issues

4. “TRADITIONAL” TREASURY increased collection rates, and sped up

TASKS 10 YEARS AFTER THE overall financial profitability.
4.2 Treasury centralization
Since the 2007-2009 global financial
Centralization of the treasury manage-
crisis, corporate treasuries have had to ad-
ment processes is a common first step to
just to a number of regulatory changes and
achieve a greater efficiency of treasury op-
a volatile macroeconomics environment
erations. Most MNCs have already com-
and learn to respond to changing working
pleted the third (or final) stage of centrali-
practices, especially automation and digi-
tization. However, it appears that cash and zation of treasury management, or they are
liquidity are still the top priority for corpo- near completion. However, even if a com-
rate treasurers, even in 2018, to ensure ac- pany has centralized its organizational
cess to funding, with the treasury often fo- structure and treasury management, it still
cused on cost-effectiveness. needs to standardize and simplify both the
internal and external processes, and all of
4.1. Cash and liquidity management this must be done before going to automa-
tion and digitization of the treasury.
One of the current challenges for treasury
management is embracing diverse trading 4.3 Banking relationships
models, currencies, and payment and col-
lection methods and practices without los- The nature of bank relationships has
ing control over liquidity and risk. Liquidity been changing over the years as well. In
these days is moving faster than during any charge of this change, some initiatives are
period before. Developments such as instant originating from the banking sector itself,
payment systems are seeing clearing cycles, for example technological developments
reaching the point of being almost immedi- and industry consolidation. Others are the
ate. At the same time, the development of result of economic changes, such as glo-
mobile payments is causing seven-day-per- balization, competitive pressures, and the
week, 24-hour-per-day cash flows at much recent global financial crisis.
higher frequencies. At the same time, various Regarding globalization, banks have had
SWIFT initiatives mean that such accelera- to adjust to, for example, the Single Euro
tion also pertains to cross-border and global Payment Area (SEPA), expand their op-
flows as well. The tempo of liquidity is also erations internationally, extend their global
increasing and is likely to continue doing so. business networks, be in compliance with
Higher-speed liquidity opens the way to in- local legislation and regulations, and be
traday cash and liquidity forecasting. It helps able to support the operation of MNCs and
foster the effective use of internal sources of optimize cash and liquidity management
liquidity throughout the day. globally, in both developed and emerging
The role of the corporate treasurer has markets. This, in turn, requires a detailed
become increasingly complex, so corpo- understanding of the corporate customer’s
rate treasuries are aiming for automation business model and operating environment.
and more efficient software with the goal
4.4 Financial risk management
of gaining clear visibility of all bank ac-
counts, enhanced liquidity, reductions in Most financial managers and/or corpo-
the number of days in accounts receivables, rate treasurers would find their primary role

Management, Vol. 23, 2018, No.2, pp. 189-197
P. Polak, F. Masquelier, G. Michalski: TOWARDS TREASURY 4.0/THE EVOLVING ROLE OF...

to be in financial risk management within a very important part of the strategic deci-
their corporations rather than in other parts sion process in companies. As the key-
of treasury management. Financial risk word nowadays is profitability, the treas-
management is always a responsibility of ury profession aims for efficiency and
the treasury (or finance) department in a competitiveness.
corporation. The process of risk manage-
ment in a company includes identifying 5.1 From standardization to
different types of financial risk, measuring digitization of treasury
them, defining financial risk management management as a part of
policies and standards, reporting on pro- Treasury 4.0
gress, and, of course, periodically re-assess-
ing policies. In line with recent experiences The digitization of the economy and its
are the treasurers’ continuing concerns with consequent impact on all companies and in-
managing credit risk to businesses and dustries is a fact, so the traditional treasur-
banks, market risk, operational risk, and li- er’s world is under pressure to go out of its
quidity risk. comfort zone and follow these challenges.
As with other finance functions, corpora-
Market risk consists of individual risks, tions, and jobs, treasuries have been con-
managed traditionally by the treasury, such fronting difficulties, changes and advance-
as interest rate risks, foreign exchange risks, ments over the last 10 years, since the end
security prices risks, and commodity prices of the credit crunch crisis. Actually, the cor-
risks. While some treasurers are fairly spe- porate treasury management function has
cialized in managing individual risk areas, evolved over many years, but more signifi-
such as credit risk and different types of op- cantly over the last decade.
erational risk, it is becoming necessary for
treasurers to be able to manage a full spec- The treasury function is a relatively
trum of market risks themselves. While the young function, first known from the end of
economic environment is still turbulent, it the 1940s, and it has evolved rapidly since
is very important to manage company ex- that time, especially since the last financial
posures, especially in the foreign exchange crisis. The financial crisis was a kind of im-
and commodity markets, while adequate petus for further principle changes in treas-
attention should be also paid to the interest ury management that have been achieved
rates, since they are at historically low lev- through the digitization of the market.
els in the developed markets. Digitization already influenced treas-
ury management recently in conjunction
with new standards (Single Euro Payment
5. FACING NEW EMERGING Agreement) and means (e.g. bank payment
obligations), which combine all the advan-
tages, such as rapid processing, of the out-
going and incoming payments with mitiga-
MANAGEMENT tion of risks in cash collection, improve-
The role of the treasurer has changed ment of bilateral trading relations between
profoundly and expanded during recent trading partners, and solving of difficulties
years due to different factors, especially with payment terms and conditions. Further
regulatory, fiscal, and technical develop- technology changes, such as transactions
ments. The corporate treasurer has become platforms, cross-bank bidding platforms,

Journal of Contemporary Management Issues

and virtual subsidiary accounts, have been with relevant regulations, especially with
developed and will further impact treasury different regulatory frameworks across a
management. range of regions and countries.

Digitization is changing the way the A related challenge is the difficulty of

world does business, as it covers multiple centralizing and repatriating cash held inter-
technologies that can be used to optimize nationally. This is relatively easy in devel-
existing processes and services or to support oped markets, but in many emerging coun-
the creation of entirely new services and eco- tries and regions, the obstacles are greater
systems. Some of these technologies have due to currency and capital controls, includ-
widespread business applications, such as ing domestic and cross-border cash pooling.
blockchain or distributed ledger technology Basel III is also creating cash management
(DLT), while others, such as mobile money challenges as tools such as notional cash
support, are for more specific activities like pooling are likely to no longer be offered
managing payments. These will likewise by banks to corporations, prompting im-
be a test for MNCs endeavoring to encour- mediate action in regional and global cash
age digitization, especially as the explora- and liquidity management. For example, in
tory idea of the digital economy does not the European single market, there has been
generally adjust well inside a rigid structure. developed a simpler method of transferring
Treasury management digitization requires money between banking systems. SEPA
standardized and clearly defined business has improved the efficiency of cross-border
processes, including the necessary data, in- payments and allows cross-border payments
terfaces, end products, and responsibilities. between different EU and EFTA member
countries as cheaply and easily as domes-
5.2 Going global tic payments, effectively harmonizing and
streamlining the transfer of liquidity around
Globalization continues to be a driving
Europe. A further benefit is the reduction of
force in the world economy; it creates new
bank fees for European businesses for pay-
opportunities for companies, from small
ments and collections around the area.
businesses to MNCs, to develop, grow, and
expand. Treasury management plays an
important role in any company’s globaliza-
tion efforts, especially in the areas of cash 6. CONCLUSION
management, banking relationships, man-
The role of the corporate treasurer has
aging foreign exchange risk, and mergers
changed profoundly and expanded dur-
and acquisitions overseas. Treasury depart-
ing recent years due to different factors,
ments must address all the developments in
especially regulatory, fiscal, and techni-
managing liquidity internationally across
cal developments. The corporate treasurer
regions and markets and in different cur-
has become a very important part of stra-
rencies and companies, especially the need
tegic decision processes in companies. As
to keep up with regional cash and liquidity
the keyword nowadays is profitability, the
nuances in the emerging markets, as well as
treasury profession aims for efficiency and
regulatory issues.
With the development of globalization
Corporate treasuries have to set aside
and the opening of new markets, it is in-
the traditional practice of planning for a
creasingly complex to ensure compliance

Management, Vol. 23, 2018, No.2, pp. 189-197
P. Polak, F. Masquelier, G. Michalski: TOWARDS TREASURY 4.0/THE EVOLVING ROLE OF...

full year. Several professionals set annual make finance departments efficient, compet-
targets for themselves and strive to achieve itive, and dynamic. Still, despite all the new
them. There is a need to forgo traditional challenges and progress in treasury man-
paths, plan for the medium term, and com- agement achieved during the last decade,
mit to it. It should be a strong motivation it looks like cash and liquidity are still the
for all treasurers. A new, dynamic era of top priority for corporate treasurers, even in
treasury management invokes significant 2018, to ensure access to funding, with the
challenges, but it also presents an opportu- treasury often focused on cost-effectiveness.
nity for treasurers to adapt accordingly and

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Journal of Managerial Finance, 14(1), Graham, M. (2016). A behavioural fi-
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2. Moosa, I. A., Ramiah, V. (2017). The management. European Journal of
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3. Polak, P., Robertson, D.C., Lind, M. Financial Studies, 46(6), 797-823.
(2011). The new role of the corporate


Sažetak globalni pristup promatranju poslovnih operaci-
ja. U ovom smislu, „poslovna inteligencija“ po-
U ovom se radu naglašava značaj rizničkog staje potrebom najviše razine za svakog glavnog
menadžmenta za korporacije. Riznički menad- menadžera/icu financija. Riznički se menadžment
žment je dinamički fenomen, a rizničari trebaju mora odreći tradicionalnih praksi postavljanja
na odgovarajući način osvježavati svoj pristup ri- jednogodišnjih financijskih ciljeva i usmjeriti se
zničkim aktivnostima. U radu se pokušava pružiti na srednjoročno rizničko planiranje. Riznički je
prikaz budućeg razvoja rizničkog menadžmenta. menadžment dinamička profesija, koja se stalno
U bliskoj budućnosti, najznačajniji će aspek- razvija, traži maksimalnu efektivnost te teži najvi-
ti rizničkog menadžmenta biti nova financijska šoj razini produktivnosti i pojednostavnjenja svih
regulacija, razvoj informatičke tehnologije te rizničkih aktivnosti.


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