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TITLE : The grasshopper and the ants

Group :

Director :

Narrator :

The grasshopper :

The ant 1:

The ant 2:

Tugas director : Mengolah video rekaman

Tugas narrator : Membaca narasi cerita

Act 1.

Director, Narrator, dan pemain berdiri di depan kamera.

Director membuka video dengan mengatakan :

“Hello, we are from group …. I am the director and my name is …. The narrator is …. The grasshopper is
…. The ant 1 is …. And the ant 2 is …. We present you The grasshopper and The ants. Please enjoy.”

Director , narrator dan para pemain meninggalkan frame.

Act 2.

Narrator : “One day. There was a grasshopper walking around a forest while enjoying the bright
morning. “

The grasshopper berjalan berkeliling dengan wajah yang ceria.

The ant masuk berjalan sambil membawa makanan.

The Grasshopper melihat the ants.

The grasshopper berjalan mendekati the ants yang sedang membawa makanan.

The grasshopper : “Why are you guys sweating like that? It’s still early, my friends. Let’s enjoy this
beautiful morning. Come on, let’s have some fun!”

The ant 1: “No, thank you. We have to keep working for our family and friends. Otherwise, they will be

The ant 2 : “Sorry, we have to work. Bye.”

Narrator : “The ants kept working and left the grasshopper.”

The ants berjalan keluar frame. The grasshopper berjalan keluar ke arah yang berlawanan dengan the

Act 3.

Narrator : “ A few days later, the grasshopper met the ants again”

The ants sedang berjalan membawa makanan. Lalu dating the grasshopper mendekati mereka.

The grasshopper : “Hi, guys. You always work very hard and looked very tired. Why don’t you put your
burden down and take a rest for a while? You can enjoy your day for fun. I bet you won’t lack food.”

Sambil tersenyum the ant berkata

The ant 2 : “Sorry, Buddy. Nothing is easy, you know? Everything required sacrifices. If we don’t gather
all these foods, our family and friends will starve.”

The ant 1 : “Remember! There are many of us.”

The ants and grasshopper berjalan keluar dari frame.

Act 4.

Narrator : “Not long after, there was a long dry season. Many plants withered and died.”

The grasshopper duduk dengan wajah yang panik

The grasshopper : “What hard days! How could this disaster occurred?”


Director, narrator, dan pemain berada dalam frame.

Director : “That’s all from us. Thank you so much for wataching.”

TITLE : The princess and the frog


Director :

Narrator :

The princess :

The frog :

Tugas director : Mengolah video rekaman

Tugas narrator : Membaca narasi cerita

Act 1.

Director, Narrator, dan pemain berdiri di depan kamera.

Director membuka video dengan mengatakan :

“Hello, we are from group …. I am the director and my name is …. The narrator is …. The princess is ….
And the frog is …. We present you The princess and the frog. Please enjoy.”

Director , narrator dan para pemain meninggalkan frame.

Act 1.

Narrator : “Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess who liked to play alone in a forest.”

The Princess bermain main dengan bola nya. Tiba tiba bolanya jatuh ke dalam air. The princess mencari
tapi tidak dapat menemukannya. Ia pun bersedih.

The princess : “I would give anything to have my ball back!”

The narrator : “ Suddenly, an ugly big frog popped out of the water”

The frog : “Anything?”

The princess : “Yes, I would give you anything if you can get my ball back.”

The frog : “I will get your ball for sure. In return, you must bring me along to your castle. You must let
me live with you and eat from your plate.”

The princess : “whatever you ask.”

Narrator : “the frog dove down the lake and brought the ball before the princess.”
The frog memberikan bola ke princess, lalu mereka berdua berjalan meninggalkan frame.

The princess : “He is ugly, but promise is a promise. And a princess always keeps her word.”

Act 2.

Narrator : “Soon after arriving at the palace, the princess changed her clothes and forgot all about the
frog. “

The frog mengetuk pintu . The princess segera membuka pintu.

The princess : “Hey! You can’t just walk into my room! Who are you?”

The frog : “I’m the prince you have rescued at the lake. I was cursed into a frog one hundred years ago
by a wicked lady. Only a beautiful princess can break the spell. You’re a bit forgetful, but you do keep
your word!”

Final :Director, narrator, dan para pemain berada dalam frame.

Director : “That’s all from us.Thank you so much for watching.”


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