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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
Muskan Gautam*1, Sajid Ali*2, Devesh Jaysawal*3
*1,2Student, Department Of Civil Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, U.P, India.
*3Assistant Professor, Department Of Civil Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational
Institute, Agra, U.P, India.
Plastic waste is a very hazardous material in today’s world. It is a non-biodegradable waste that cannot
decompose easily which creates water pollution, land pollution, and air pollution. For humanity, this is the most
dangerous problem. Also, while we burn plastic waste it evolves harmful fumes in the atmosphere. It is found
that plastic waste will become two times after a decade as we use hundreds of grades of plastic in our daily life.
We can reuse and recycle plastic waste. As civil engineering students, we want to innovate something new
related to this, which is advantageous for civil engineering. So, we are making plastic-sand brick innovatively
and trying to solve the problem effectively. It also decreases the use of clay which causes resource depletion.
Hence, it is an economical and environmentally friendly solution. We took the plastic waste as Drinking Water
Bottles (polyethylene terephthalate), Bottles Caps, house articles (High-Density Polyethylene), Milk Pouches,
Sacks, Carry Bags, Bin Linings, Cosmetics, (Low-Density Polyethylene), Bottle Caps and Closures, Wrappers of
Detergents, Biscuit (Poly Propylene), Electricals Fittings, Handles and Knobs (Urea Formaldehyde), Casting,
Bonding Fibers (Polyester resin), etc.
Keywords: Plastic Waste, Plastic Sand, Plastic Bricks, Mix.
Plastic may be an exceptionally valuable material in our lifestyle work, but after the use of plastic, it is
exceptionally troublesome for us to dispose of it because it could be a non-biodegradable substance. After its
utilization, it may be an unsafe material. Plastic could be a modern design fabric in which analysts take more
intrigued to invest their time and cash since it has a wide scope to upgrade the utilization of plastic in different
work, The properties of plastic are exceptionally special and it can blend with every kind of fabric. They are
flexible and pliable and remold into any strong substance. Plastic is utilized in different objects which we utilize
in our standard of living like polythene, plastic mugs, furniture, packs, bundling of food and other accessories,
drinking holders, bottles, outlines, bowls, etc. We utilize superior development strategies and strategies to
arrange plastic squander appropriately, something else the time isn't as well far away from where we see it as a
huge challenge for us to arrange it. In the case of India, we use incinerators to collect the plastic waste which
plastic waste burns at high temperatures. While burning the plastic the gases evolved contaminates the air. Due
to this, a large number of people get influenced and get harmed by different diseases. Analysts recommend that
if plastic isn’t arranged before long, it can support 4500 for a long time without corruption. Presently, these
days the rate of plastic utilization keeps expanding. Hence the waste plastic collection is increasing day by day
at a faster speed. The utilization of plastic can’t be prohibited, but able to reuse in numerous ways. Plastic can
be reused in various sectors like marketing, fabricating, transportation, etc. In the development sector, we can
utilize the plastic squander on an expansive scale after recycling it, which implies the issue of plastic squander
can be evacuated for a long period. It appears to be a more practicabl56e and efficient strategy to unravel this
problem. In the development field, numerous sorts of bricks and tiles are utilized like - clay bricks/tiles,
concrete bricks, fly fiery debris bricks, and foam bricks. In this operation or process, we tried to utilize plastic-
based bricks/tiles which have superior characteristics to any other sort of bricks.
When exposed to surrounding sun-orientated radiation the plastic technique nurseries gasses, methane, &
ethylene. Due to its low-density properties (branching), it breaks down more effortlessly over time, driving to
higher surface ranges. The supply of glasses might be of inclining gasses from virgin LDPE increment with
surface range or time, with rates after a 212day hatching of 5.8 nmol g1 d-1 of methane, 14.5 nmol g-1 d-1 of
ethylene, 3.9 nmol g-1 d1 of ethane and 9.7 nmol g-1 d-1 of propylene. In the case of discussion, it was
incubated, LDPE discharges gasses in discuss by ~2 times and ~76 times higher in comparison to water for @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
methane & ethylene, respectively. Low thickness polyethylene, gotten from squandering plastic sacks, bundling
materials, and plastic bottles having a thickness of 0.91- 0.94 g/cm3, the dissolving point at almost 115
centigrade is utilized.
The broad objectives of the study can be listed as follows:
 To use waste plastic productively.
 To decrease the usage of a common material such as clay for making bricks.
 To draw down the pollution caused by waste plastic.
 To decrease the dumping of waste plastic.
 To produce easily accessible and cost-effective materials.
 To minimize the health issues both in humans as well as animals.
The plastic required for the construction of brick was collected from locally available waste plastic centers and
other abounded plastic. The plastic used for this purpose was only LDPE. The estimation of materials for
making brick is called batching. After the collection of material, we isolated the sorts of plastic and evacuate any
other waste displayed within the collected fabric and checked that any water substance in the sample collected
then continued for burning.
After finishing the sample collection, the next step was burning and melting, plastic waste in which we used a
vessel as shown in the figure above and start putting the waste plastic Ain small amounts. The process will be at
a temperature of 120-150 degrees centigrade. as soon as the plastic turned into a liquid state the next
important step was mixing. The mixing of materials (mixing plastic and sand) was one of the important and
basic steps that must be done carefully for the uniformity and strength of brick. The mixing needs to be satisfied
so that the mass becomes homogeneous, uniform in color, and consistent. There are two ways of mixing.
 Hand mixing, and
 Mechanical mixing.
Various steps involved in the preparation of sample brick are as under:
a. Collection of Materials.
b. Batching.
c. Melting.
d. Mixing.
e. Material placing
f. Molding
In this process, we have done hand mixing of materials. Until the complete plastic substance required for
making plastic brick of one mix proportion is included into it. At that point, these plastic fluids were completely
mixed by using a trowel as sometimes it solidifies quickly. The mix has a very short setting time as the plastic
turned to a liquid state has a low setting time and sand added to it during the mixing process also reduced its
setting time. Thus, the mixing process should not be done for a longer time. After completion of the required
mixing, we poured the mixture into the required mold shape. In our project, we used the typical brick sizes
(20cmx10cmx5cm). After 24 hours we unmolded the brick from the mold. The test samples after unmolding
were permitted to dry for 24 hours. The samples were kept immersed for 24 hours and taken out for further
tests. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752

Figure 1: Mixing of sand with melted plastic


Figure 2: low-density polyethylene

Table 1: Table of Properties of Plastic Polyethylene
Sl. No. Experiments Results
1 Density at 23⁰C 958
2 Elasticity Modulus 9
3 Tensile Creep Strength 8
4 Bending Creep Modulus 1
5 Tensile strength at 23⁰C 2
6 Elongation at break (%) >600
7 Thermal Conductivity 0
8 Ignition Temperature 3 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752

Mould and final brick

The different sorts of tests on plastic bricks were led to check the characteristics of blocks for development.
The test results according to the data are as follows:
A. Water Absorption Test
An immersed brick in water for 24hrs Absorption test is carried on the brick to find out the quantity of water
content consumed by the brick under worse conditions. In this test, dry bricks are taken and weighted. Then
these bricks are put in water with full drenching for a time of 24 hours. After 24 hours the wet brick was
cleaned from the water at the surface with a cloth and weight this wet brick The distinction between dry and
wet brick weights will give the measure of water assimilation.

water content test results


Water content(%)




Figure 3: Water absorption test. Figure 4: Water content (%) Results.

B. Compressive Strength Test
Normally the Compressive strength of bricks is determined by a compression testing machine. Hence the
prepared bricks are placed in the compressive testing machine. After placing this brick in the compression
testing machine, the load is applied to it until the brick breaks. Note down the value obtained at the breaking
point and find out the compressive strength value of the brick. The minimum compressive strength of brick is
3.50N/mm2. If it is less than 3.50 N/mm2, then this type of brick is not useful for construction purposes. The
obtained results are shown in the chart:

Figure 5: Sample in compression testing machine Figure 6: Compressive strength results. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
C. Hardness Test
This type of test was conducted to check the hardness property of the prepared plastic brick. In plastic may be
composition this test the sharp tool was used to scratch the surface of the bricks and identify the hardness by
the depth of the scratch which was done by the sharp tool. If the brick shows a small and lower impression,
then the given brick is hard. The following figure shows after-scratch results.
D. Soundness test
This test is conducted to find out the soundness of bricks. When two samples struck with each other they
should produce a ringing bell which shows bricks are perfectly prepared and do not erode or crush during
E. Efflorescence Test
This test was conducted for efflorescence measure during the test it was found plastic sand bricks do not show
any sign of efflorescence. Since the plastic contains less soluble salts in it. Hence finally proved that the
efflorescence of the plastic brick was very less.

Figure 7: after scratching Figure 8: Efflorescence teat specimen

Hence, this study helps in reducing the problems related to plastic waste and also helps in reducing the
problems related to manufacturing of burnt bricks. The final product from plastic was tested for the
compressive strength and it was found that the compressive strength of plastic pavement brick is higher than
conventional pavement bricks.
The following point-wise conclusions are drawn from this research are as under: -
 Waste plastic, which is available everywhere, can be effectively used in brick/tile making.
 Plastic sand bricks/tiles can help reduce environmental pollution, thereby making the environment clean
and healthy.
 Plastic sand bricks/tiles reduce the usage of clay in the making of bricks/tiles.
 Water absorption of plastic sand brick is 1%.
 The compressive strength of plastic sand brick is 12.5N/mm2 at the compressive load of 250 KN having a
ratio of 1:3 corresponds to first-class brick.
 The compressive strength of sample 2 with a 1:2 ratio comes to 11N/mm2
Hence, we concluded that plastic-sand bricks are very useful for the construction industry when we compare
them with Fly Ash bricks and 3 rd. class clay bricks.
We express our deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Devesh Jaysawal, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil
Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra for his invaluable help. We are highly thankful to him for
his continuous support and encouragement in completing this work. Last but not the least; we are thankful to
our parents for their support and encouragement not only during this project work but throughout our life.
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e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
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