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CHAPTER 100 Epilepsies 1649

of language cortex requires the patient to be involved in language discussion of epidemiology of the first unprovoked seizure) (Krumholz
activities during electrical stimulation. Depth electrodes implanted et al., 2015). Delay in initiation of therapy until after the second unpro-
stereotactically have become the dominant method of invasive EEG voked seizure does not affect the odds of subsequent long-term remis-
recording due to greater tolerability, lower complication rate, and sion. Rarely, some mild forms of epilepsy may not require therapy.
superior flexibility (Mullin et al., 2016; Schmidt et al., 2016). For example, in BECTS, seizures may be infrequent, occur in sleep,
and remit at puberty. In some patients with JME, seizures are clearly
linked to sleep deprivation or binge alcohol consumption, and may be
MEDICAL THERAPY managed with lifestyle adjustments only, especially when myoclonic
Medical therapy is generally the first-line treatment after the diagno- seizures are the only seizure type. In the vast majority of individuals,
sis of epilepsy has been made (Fig. 100.19). Its goal should be com- however, medical therapy is necessary.
plete seizure freedom in the absence of medication side effects. Since
the choice of therapy depends on seizure and epilepsy classification, Initiating Therapy
ideally there should be enough evidence to diagnose the seizure type The many ASMs available for prescription include classical ASMs that
and the epilepsy syndrome prior to deciding on initial therapy. The were marketed before 1980 and many new ASMs that have been mar-
treating physician must have a low threshold for reevaluating the keted since 1993. Knowledge of their pharmacokinetic properties is
diagnosis when therapy fails, particularly when the diagnosis of epi- essential for safe and effective use (Table 100.2). Choice of the first ASM
lepsy is based on history alone without supportive EEG or imaging depends primarily on the classification of seizure type and epilepsy syn-
data. drome (Table 100.3) but should also take into consideration factors such
Pharmacotherapy is not always necessary after a single unprovoked as age, gender, comorbid conditions, and individual circumstances. The
seizure, particularly when the risk of recurrence appears low, based ASM choice should consider the ASM’s spectrum of efficacy, its specific
on known predictors (e.g., with a normal EEG and MRI; see earlier pharmacological properties in relation to the patient’s specific needs, its

Epilepsy diagnosis

First monotherapy

Second monotherapy or
adjunctive therapy

Refer to epilepsy center

Reassess diagnosis; video-EEG Not epilepsy
monitoring Revise therapy

Consider/evaluate for epilepsy
Nonstructural with Yes, proceed with
surgery for TLE with
generalized onset seizures presurgical evaluation,
hippocampal sclerosis or focal
then epilepsy surgery
epilepsy with well-defined and
resectable epileptogenic lesion

Revise ASM therapy

Continue trials of medical No Dietary therapy may be
therapy: additional one to Continue trials of medical considered sooner in
five ASM regimens therapy: additional one to five motivated individuals or
ASM regimens those that are tube-fed

Consider VNS, dietary In event of persistent ASM

therapy, neurostimulation, failure (whether due to lack of
Good candidate—
corpus callosotomy efficacy or poor tolerability), re-
proceed with epilepsy
evaluate for epilepsy surgery,
including invasive EEG-video
monitoring if appropriate

Not a surgical candidate

Consider VNS, dietary therapy,
neurostimulation, palliative
epilepsy surgery

Fig. 100.19 Treatment Algorithm for Epilepsy. Additional steps assume that seizures are not controlled
despite adequate trial of well-tolerated medication. AED, Antiepileptic drug; EEG, electroencephalographic;
TLE, temporal lobe epilepsy; VNS, vagus nerve stimulation.

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1650 PART III Neurological Diseases and Their Treatment

safety profile in the patient’s age and gender group, as well as its efficacy and eslicarbazepine acetate have clinical trial evidence supporting their
in the patient’s comorbid conditions. Whenever possible, these determi- use as initial monotherapy (Kanner et al., 2018a). A large community-
nations should be based on solid evidence derived from well-designed based study found that lamotrigine was significantly better than carba-
studies. The ASMs with FDA-approved indications outside of epilepsy mazepine, gabapentin, and topiramate and had a nonsignificant advan-
include clonazepam (panic attacks); carbamazepine (trigeminal neural- tage compared to oxcarbazepine with respect to time to treatment failure
gia, bipolar disorder); valproate (migraine prophylaxis, acute treatment, (Marson et al., 2007a). However, lamotrigine requires slow titration and
and maintenance for mania/bipolar disorder); gabapentin (postherpetic would not be an appropriate first choice when a rapid onset of action is
neuralgia); lamotrigine (maintenance for bipolar disorder); topiramate needed. When rapid therapeutic effect is required, oxcarbazepine and
(migraine prophylaxis); and pregabalin (diabetic peripheral neuropathy, levetiracetam may be the drugs of choice because they can be started at
postherpetic neuralgia, fibromyalgia). However, several ASMs are used an effective dose. Topiramate also requires slow titration. Because of its
off-label for a variety of nonepilepsy indications ranging from insom- cognitive adverse effects, it is not generally the first drug of choice unless
nia to restless legs syndrome and essential tremor, based on trial data or comorbidities (e.g., migraine, obesity) favor its use.
anecdotal evidence (Azar and Abou-Khalil, 2008). For generalized-onset seizures, the initial ASM is dependent on the
For focal-onset seizures, carbamazepine or phenytoin may be used seizure type(s). For pure generalized absence seizures, ethosuximide
first, but newer drugs have clear pharmacokinetic advantages, particu- is the first drug of choice, based on a comparative trial with valproate
larly absence of enzyme induction (French et al., 2004). Oxcarbazepine and lamotrigine, in which it had the best balance of efficacy and toler-
and topiramate were the only ones with official FDA indications, until ability (Glauser et al., 2010). Valproate was equally effective and may
2016 when the FDA allowed a drug’s efficacy as adjunctive therapy in be the best choice if there are concomitant GTC seizures or generalized
adults to be extrapolated to efficacy in monotherapy (Abou-Khalil, myoclonic seizures because ethosuximide efficacy is limited to gen-
2019). Lamotrigine, gabapentin, levetiracetam, zonisamide, lacosamide, eralized absence seizures. For IGE with GTC seizures, valproate was

TABLE 100.2 Antiepileptic Drug Absorption, Elimination Half-Life, Formulations (Displayed in

Order They Were Marketed in the United States)
Oral Bioavailability Half-Life (Hours)*

High: ≥90% Short: ≤10

Antiseizure Intermediate: ≥70–<90% Intermediate: >10–<30 Intravenous Extended-Release Requires Slow
Medication Low: <70% Long: ≥30 Formulation Oral Formulation Titration
Phenobarbital High Long X
Primidone High Intermediate X
Phenytoin High Intermediate X† X
Methsuximide‡ High Long
Ethosuximide High Long
Clonazepam High Long
Carbamazepine Intermediate Intermediate X X
Valproate High Intermediate X X
Felbamate High Intermediate
Gabapentin Low§ Short
Lamotrigine High Intermediate X X
Topiramate Intermediate Intermediate X X
Tiagabine High Short X
Levetiracetam High Short X X
Oxcarbazepine‡ High Intermediate X
Zonisamide High Long
Pregabalin High Short
Lacosamide High Intermediate X
Rufinamide Intermediate Short X
Vigabatrin High Short¶
Ezogabine/retigabine Low Short X
Clobazam High Long
Perampanel High Long
Eslicarbazepine High Intermediate
Brivaracetam High Short X
Cannabidiol Low Long +
Cenobamate Intermediate Long X
*The t1/2 for antiseizure medication (ASM) given as monotherapy in a young adult.
†Parenteral formulation is also available as fosphenytoin, a phenytoin prodrug that can be administered intramuscularly.
‡Applies to active metabolites (N-desmethyl methsuximide for methsuximide, monohydroxy derivative [MHD] for oxcarbazepine).
§Gabapentin bioavailability decreases with increasing dose, ranging from ≈60% after a single 300 mg dose to ≈30% at 4800 mg/day given in three

divided doses.
¶The duration of ASM effect is much longer than expected for the short t .

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CHAPTER 100 Epilepsies 1651

TABLE 100.3 Established Efficacy of Antiseizure Medications by Seizure Type (FDA Indications
and Class I–III Evidence)
Fda-Approved Indications
Monotherapy Versus Noteworthy
Adjunctive Therapy Efficacy
Indication* Seizure Type or Syndrome Indication Evidence

Antiseizure Generalized Therapy and

Medication Monotherapy Adjunctive Focal Tonic-Clonic Absence Myoclonic LGS IS Seizure Type
Phenobarbital X X X
Primidone X X X
Phenytoin X X X X
Methsuximide X X X Two class IV trials
supporting efficacy
for focal-onset
Ethosuximide X X X
Clonazepam X X X† X
Carbamaze- X X X
Valproate X‡ X X X‡ X X‡ Initial monotherapy
for generalized
tonic-clonic and
myoclonic seizures
Felbamate Conversion to X X X‖ X‖
Gabapentin X X Initial monotherapy
for focal seizures
Lamotrigine Conversion to X X X X‖ Initial monother-
monotherapy§ apy for absence
Topiramate X X X X X‖
Tiagabine X X
Levetiracetam X X X X Initial monotherapy
for focal seizures
Oxcarbazepine X X X
Zonisamide X X Initial monotherapy
for focal seizures
Pregabalin X X
Lacosamide X X X
Rufinamide X X‖
Vigabatrin X¶ X X X¶
Ezogabine/ X X
Clobazam X X
Perampanel X X X X Efficacy against
myoclonic seizures
Eslicarbaze- X X X
Brivaracetam X X X
Cannabidiol X X (also DS)
Cenobamate X X X
DS, Dravet syndrome; FDA, US Food and Drug Administration; IS, infantile spasms; LGS, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
*The FDA indications for older antiseizure medications (ASMs) (first 7 rows) are less specific with respect to monotherapy versus adjunctive indication,
and even with respect to seizure type. Official labeling may not specify monotherapy versus adjunctive therapy for older ASMs marketed prior to 1993.
†For patients who have failed ethosuximide.
‡The official FDA indication is initial monotherapy for absence or partial seizures and adjunctive therapy “in patients with multiple seizure types that

include absence seizures.” Valproate is widely considered a monotherapy drug of choice in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy with tonic-
clonic or myoclonic seizures.
§For partial-onset seizures only.
‖Adjunctive in LGS.
¶Monotherapy only for infantile spasm.

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1652 PART III Neurological Diseases and Their Treatment

significantly better than both lamotrigine and topiramate for time to The neurologist will often need to reduce the dose of the initial ASM
treatment failure (Marson et al., 2007b) and may be the first drug of when adding a second ASM with a similar mechanism of action. A
choice for men, in the absence of prohibitive comorbidities. However, better understanding of the epilepsy pathophysiology in individ-
valproate is teratogenic, with dose-related increased risk of major con- ual patients may improve the selection of ASMs in the future, with a
genital malformation, permanent cognitive impairment, and increased greater role for mechanism of action.
risk of autism in the exposed fetus. A different ASM should be used There are limited examples of epilepsy genetics predicting ASM
first in women with IGE, but valproate may be used at a low dose if efficacy. Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy is par-
other ASMs fail to control seizures (Montouris and Abou-Khalil, ticularly responsive to carbamazepine and its analog, oxcarbazepine
2009). While no ASM has official FDA initial monotherapy indica- (Picard et al., 1999; Raju et al., 2007). Dravet syndrome, which is usu-
tion for generalized myoclonic seizures, valproate is clearly effective, ally caused by a sodium channel mutation, may have seizure aggrava-
and levetiracetam, which has FDA approval as adjunctive therapy for tion with the use of agents acting on the sodium channel, particularly
generalized myoclonic seizures (Noachtar et al., 2008), may also be lamotrigine (Guerrini et al., 1998).
effective in monotherapy. Weaker evidence exists for efficacy of topi-
ramate, zonisamide, and lamotrigine (lamotrigine may even aggravate Antiseizure Medication Considerations Based on Age
myoclonic seizures in some individuals) (Biton and Bourgeois, 2005; and Gender
Crespel et al., 2005; Genton et al., 2006; Prasad et al., 2003). The newest Age and gender may have an influence on ASM selection (Azar
drugs perampanel and brivaracetam also have anecdotal evidence of and Abou-Khalil, 2008). In the pediatric age group, specific epi-
efficacy. lepsy syndromes have implications for ASM efficacy. Tolerability
For all epilepsy indications, treatment is initiated with an ASM profiles may also be different for children and adults, which may
monotherapy. In the absence of urgency, it is preferable to start at a low influence the risk/benefit ratio for specific agents. Serious rashes
dose and titrate slowly, even for ASMs that can be started at a higher from lamotrigine, behavioral adverse effects from levetiracetam,
effective dose. The initial target dose is often the minimal effective dose and oligohidrosis from topiramate and zonisamide are more likely
that has been demonstrated in clinical trials, keeping in mind that the in children, while hyponatremia from oxcarbazepine and aplastic
pivotal clinical trials may have underestimated or overestimated that anemia from felbamate are much less likely. Valproate-induced
dose in some instances. If the initial target dose is not sufficient, the liver failure is more likely in children younger than 2 years of age.
ASM dose can then be titrated gradually until efficacy is established. In women of childbearing potential, certain ASMs may reduce the
For patients with infrequent seizures, it may take a long time to deter- efficacy of oral contraception, and valproate is to be avoided for
mine when an effective dose has been reached. Therefore it is wise for two important reasons: higher risk of congenital malformations
the initial target dose to be an average rather than a minimum effective in the exposed fetus and increased risk of polycystic ovaries and
dose. Before a medication can be considered ineffective, it usually has hyperandrogenism (Lofgren et al., 2007).
to be titrated to the highest tolerated dose. If a medication fails due to In the elderly, a key consideration is interaction with other medi-
lack of efficacy, the neurologist may choose either replacement mono- cations, which favors newer nonenzyme-inducing ASMs (Arain et al.,
therapy or adjunctive therapy with another medication. The available 2009). Some ASM adverse effects are more likely in the elderly—for
evidence is that the two options do not differ significantly in either example, reversible parkinsonism and cognitive impairment from val-
efficacy or tolerability (Beghi et al., 2003; Kwan and Brodie, 2000b). If proate (Armon et al., 1996) and hyponatremia from oxcarbazepine,
the initial therapy has been completely ineffective, then replacement particularly when combined with diuretics or other agents that may
monotherapy is the best choice. If the initial therapy was partially effec- lower sodium (Dong et al., 2005). Several trials have examined the com-
tive, adjunctive therapy may be a consideration. If medication failure is parative efficacy and tolerability of ASMs in the elderly. Lamotrigine
due to lack of tolerability, then replacement monotherapy is the clearly and gabapentin were better tolerated than immediate-release carba-
preferable option. Replacement monotherapy usually requires initially mazepine in new-onset geriatric epilepsy (Brodie et al., 1999; Rowan
adding the new ASM before withdrawing the old agent. However, et al., 2005), but no difference was found between lamotrigine and
overnight switch is possible for some ASMs such as carbamazepine and extended-release carbamazepine (Saetre et al., 2007).
oxcarbazepine (Albani et al., 2004).
Adjunctive therapy should take into consideration any possible phar- Pharmacoresistance, Tolerance, and Seizure Aggrava-
macodynamic or pharmacokinetic interactions between the medications tion
in question (Table 100.4). Ideally, the added medication should not have Persistence of seizures despite ASM therapy should always prompt
adverse pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic interactions (Abou- reevaluation of the diagnosis; one of the most common causes of
Khalil, 2017). All ASMs are appropriate for adjunctive therapy (Kanner apparent drug resistance is misdiagnosis of nonepileptic psycho-
et al., 2018b). Some ASM combinations have a suggestion of synergy. genic seizures. Other causes of apparent pharmacoresistance include
For example, the lamotrigine and valproate combination seems to have breakthrough seizures related to noncompliance, sleep deprivation
greater efficacy than what would be predicted by the efficacy of each (particularly in IGE), alcohol or drug abuse, and co-medications that
ASM alone (Brodie and Yuen, 1997). There is also evidence favoring the reduce the seizure threshold. In addition, seizures may appear resistant
combination of lamotrigine and levetiracetam (Kinirons et al., 2006). because of incorrect ASM selection or inadequate ASM use.
At present, the ASM mechanism of action (Table 100.5) is not cru- Approximately a third of individuals with epilepsy will not become
cial for initial ASM selection (Guimaraes and Ribeiro, 2010), but there seizure free at follow-up despite adequate ASM therapy (Chen et al.,
is a suggestion that combining two ASMs with different mechanisms 2018; Kwan and Brodie, 2000a). However, the definition of the exact
may have a greater chance of efficacy than combining two ASMs with time point when epilepsy is considered drug resistant has not been
the same mechanism (Brodie and Sills, 2011; Margolis et al., 2014). agreed upon. An ILAE task force recommended the definition of
Mechanism of action may be a predictor of adverse effects from phar- drug-resistant epilepsy as “failure of adequate trials of two tolerated,
macodynamic interactions. For example, dizziness, ataxia, and diplo- appropriately chosen and used antiepileptic drug schedules (whether
pia are more likely when combining lacosamide with another agent as monotherapies or in combination) to achieve sustained seizure free-
that acts on the sodium channel (Novy et al., 2011; Sake et al., 2010). dom” (Kwan et al., 2010).

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CHAPTER 100 Epilepsies 1653

TABLE 100.4 Hepatic Metabolism, Enzyme Induction/Inhibition, Pharmacokinetic Interactions,

and Protein Binding
Hepatic Affected Affected
Hepatic Hepatic Enzyme Enzyme by Enzyme by Enzyme Protein
Metabolism Induction Autoinduction Inhibition Inducers Inhibitors Binding

High: >90% +Minimal

Intermediate: ++Intermediate
Antiseizure ≥50% to ≤90% +++Pronounced +Affected High: ≥85%
Medication Low: <50% −Absent −Not Affected Low: <85%
Phenobarbital Intermediate +++ − − + + Low
Primidone Intermediate +++ − − + + Low
Phenytoin High +++ − − + + High
Methsuximide Low + − − + − Low
Ethosuximide Intermediate − − − + − Low
Clonazepam Intermediate − − − − − High
Carbamazepine High +++ +++ − + + Low
Valproate High − − +++ + + High
Felbamate Intermediate + − ++ + + Low
Gabapentin None − − − − − None
Lamotrigine High + + − + + None
Topiramate Low +* − +* + − Low
Tiagabine High − − − + − High
Levetiracetam None − − − ± − Low
Oxcarbazepine High ++† − +† + + Low
Zonisamide Intermediate − − − + + Low
Pregabalin None − − − − − None
Lacosamide Low − − − + − Low
Rufinamide High + − + + + Low
Vigabatrin None + − − − − None
Ezogabine/reti- Intermediate − − − + − Low
Clobazam High + − + + + Low
Perampanel High + − − + − High
Eslicarbazepine High + − + + − Low
Brivaracetam High − − − + − Low
Cannabidiol High − − + + + High
Cenobamate High + − ++ + − Low
*Applies to dose ≥200 mg.
†Applies to dose ≥900 mg.

Drug resistance may be related to the underlying epilepsy pathol- seizure free if the first ASM was ineffective, while 41%–55% became
ogy. Idiopathic epilepsy is less likely to be drug resistant than symp- seizure free if the first ASM was not tolerated owing to side effects or
tomatic epilepsy (Berg et al., 2001b). In one large study, 82% of idiosyncratic reaction (Kwan and Brodie, 2000a). In a follow-up report
patients with generalized idiopathic epilepsy were seizure free for the of 1795 patients, the 1-year seizure-free rate was 50.5% on the first
past year as compared with only 35% of symptomatic focal epilepsy, drug regimen, 11.6% on the second regimen, and 4.4% on the third
25% of patients with cerebral dysgenesis, 11% of patients with tempo- regimen (Chen et al., 2018).
ral lobe epilepsy due to mesial temporal sclerosis, and 3% of patients Other studies have suggested that continued ASM trials have a
with dual pathology (Semah et al., 1998). Initial seizure frequency was greater chance of achieving remission than suggested by the study
also a predictor (Berg et al., 2001a). In one study, drug resistance was of Kwan and Brodie. In one study of continued ASM trials in drug-
seen in 51% of individuals who had more than 20 seizures before start- resistant epilepsy, 14% achieved a 6-month terminal seizure remission
ing treatment, versus 29% of those who had fewer than 20 seizures after 3 years of follow-up with medication therapy only (Callaghan
(Kwan and Brodie, 2000a). Other predictors of drug resistance were et al., 2007). In a separate study, about 16% of all drug introductions
history of acute symptomatic or neonatal status epilepticus and focal resulted in seizure freedom for more than 12 months, and 28% of
EEG slow activity. Age at onset between 5 and 9 years predicted a lower patients were rendered seizure free by a drug introduction over 5 years
risk of resistance (Berg et al., 2001a). of follow-up (Luciano and Shorvon, 2007). Negative clinical predictors
Resistance to the first ASM predicts resistance to the next ASM. In in these studies included history of status epilepticus, younger age at
the landmark study of Kwan and Brodie, 47% of patients with newly intractability, greater number of failed drug therapies, and presence
treated epilepsy became seizure free with the first ASM monotherapy, of intellectual disability. Shorter-duration epilepsy and idiopathic epi-
13% with the second ASM monotherapy, and 1% with the third ASM lepsy were favorable predictors. Failure of ASM therapy suggests the
monotherapy. Among patients who failed the first ASM, 11% became need to consider alternative therapies discussed later in this chapter.

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1654 PART III Neurological Diseases and Their Treatment

TABLE 100.5 Key Known Antiseizure Medication Mechanisms of Action

High- α2δ-Subunit
Voltage of Voltage-
Activated Activated
Antiseizure Sodium Potassium Enhancing Glutamate Calcium T-Calcium Calcium
Medication Channels Channel GABA Receptor Channels Channels Channels SV2A Comment
Phenobarbital X X X
Primidone X X
Phenytoin X
Methsuximide ? X
Ethosuximide X
Clonazepam X
Carbamazepine X
Valproate X X X
Felbamate X X X X NMDA receptor
Gabapentin X
Lamotrigine X X
Topiramate X X X Kainate and AMPA
receptor antag-
Tiagabine X Inhibition of GABA
Levetiracetam X
Oxcarbazepine X
Zonisamide X X
Pregabalin X
Lacosamide X Selective enhancing
of slow inactiva-
tion of voltage-
gated sodium
Rufinamide X
Vigabatrin X Irreversible inhi-
bition of GABA
Ezogabine/reti- X Enhancing of
gabine transmembrane
Clobazam X
Perampanel X Noncompetitive
antagonism of
AMPA glutamate
Eslicarbazepine X
Brivaracetam X
Cannabidiol X Also modulates
Cenobamate X X

AMPA, α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid; GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; SV2A, synaptic vesicle
protein 2A.

Drug resistance does not always manifest early in the course of epi- for at least 1 year at the last clinic visit. Upon reviewing the course
lepsy. It may develop after a variable latency, may be overcome with of seizure control, 37% achieved early and sustained seizure freedom,
the use of a new ASM, and may be punctuated by periods of drug 22% had sustained seizure freedom after a delay, 16% had a pattern of
responsiveness, particularly with the use of new ASMs (Schmidt and alternating seizure freedom and relapse, while 25% never attained sei-
Loscher, 2005a). In the follow-up study by Brodie and colleagues of zure freedom (Brodie et al., 2012). In one group of patients evaluated
1098 patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy, 68% were seizure free for resective epilepsy surgery, the mean latency to failure of the second

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CHAPTER 100 Epilepsies 1655

ASM was 9.1 years (range, 0–48), and 26% of patients reported at least Long-term adverse effects of ASMs are often overlooked but could
1 year of seizure freedom after the second unprovoked seizure (Berg be more concerning because they are difficult to reverse or at times
et al., 2003). are irreversible. Common examples include weight gain seen with
Pharmacoresistance may have more than one mechanism. One valproate and pregabalin, and weight loss noted with topiramate
proposed mechanism is that ASMs do not reach the epileptogenic and zonisamide. Barbiturate chronic use may be associated with fro-
zone in sufficient concentration because of multidrug transporters zen shoulder and Dupuytren contractures. One of the more recently
that transport ASMs out of neurons. A number of findings support appreciated chronic adverse effects of ASMs is reduction in bone min-
this hypothesis indirectly, but there is no direct evidence of cau- eral density. This is most likely to occur with chronic use of enzyme-
sality (Schmidt and Loscher, 2009). Another key hypothesis is that inducing ASMs but has also been associated with valproate and other
the ASM target (e.g., channels, receptors) is no longer sensitive nonenzyme-inducing agents (Ensrud et al., 2004, 2008; Farhat et al.,
to the ASM. Disease severity may play a role and may have com- 2002). It is unclear whether any ASM is not detrimental to bone den-
mon neurobiological factors with pharmacoresistance (Schmidt sity, and bone mineral density reduction may have different mecha-
and Loscher, 2009). Another explanation for the loss of an ASM nisms with different drugs. It is therefore advisable to monitor bone
response is tolerance, which is established with benzodiazepines density with chronic ASM therapy, and to supplement vitamin D and
but likely occurs with other ASMs as well (Loscher and Schmidt, calcium. The enzyme-inducing ASMs carbamazepine and phenytoin
2006). have been associated with serological markers of vascular risk, ame-
Seizure aggravation may occur with a number of medications liorated upon switching to lamotrigine or levetiracetam (Mintzer
(Chaves and Sander, 2005). This is most common in generalized epi- et al., 2009). Another long-term adverse effect of ASMs is potential
lepsy, where ASMs such as carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, for teratogenicity (Kluger and Meador, 2008) as well as reduced IQ in
tiagabine, gabapentin, or vigabatrin may increase the number of sei- exposed infants. This adverse effect is most pronounced with valproate
zures or provoke the appearance of new seizure types (myoclonic or (Meador et al., 2009). Valproate in utero exposure also increases risk of
absence seizures) at a therapeutic level. In addition, any ASM may autism (Christensen et al., 2013).
cause a paradoxical increase in seizures in some patients. This phenom- Idiosyncratic adverse effects are not dose dependent but rather
enon has been documented with levetiracetam (Nakken et al., 2003). depend on individual patient genetic predisposition. They most
A number of ASMs have been reported to increase seizure frequency commonly affect organs such as the liver, skin, and blood. Examples
or severity as a manifestation of toxicity, with ASM serum levels above include hepatotoxicity, which may occur with valproate and felbamate;
“therapeutic” range. This is well documented for phenytoin but may Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which may occur with several ASMs
also occur with other agents. Finally, seizure exacerbation may occur including phenytoin, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine; and aplastic
in the setting of ASM-induced encephalopathy or with sedation. For anemia, which may occur with felbamate and (more rarely) carbamaz-
example, seizures may be exacerbated with valproate-induced enceph- epine. There are some predictors for these serious adverse effects. For
alopathy, and sedative ASMs may exacerbate tonic seizures in patients example, valproate hepatotoxicity is more likely in children younger
with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. than 2 years, particularly those with mitochondrial disease (Bjornsson,
2008). Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis with
Medication Adverse Effects carbamazepine are more likely in individuals of Asian descent who
It is essential to know the most common and the most serious carry the HLA-B1502 allele. Prior immune disorder and prior cytope-
adverse effects of ASMs before using them. Such potential adverse nia are risk factors for felbamate-associated aplastic anemia (Pellock
effects should be discussed with the patient before prescribing any et al., 2006). In some instances, genetic testing may identify individuals
medication. The most common adverse effects are dose dependent at greater risk of idiosyncratic reactions, but there is a need for prog-
and will predictably occur if titration continues (Toledano and Gil- ress in the field of epilepsy pharmacogenomics (Kasperaviciute and
Nagel, 2008). Their appearance indicates that the dose should be Sisodiya, 2009).
reduced. These adverse effects are most likely to occur at the time of
greatest serum concentration following medication intake, in which Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
case they could be alleviated without dose reduction by splitting the Monitoring ASM levels should be used predominantly as an adjunct
dose, taking the medication with food, or using an extended-release to clinical decision making rather than the determinant of ASM dose.
preparation. Some dose-dependent adverse effects can be predicted An ASM is typically titrated to the lowest dose known to be effective,
by the mechanism of action. For example, the most common dose- but titration may stop earlier if it is clear that seizure freedom has
dependent adverse effects with medications acting on the sodium already been achieved at a lower dose. Once a clinically effective dose
channel (phenytoin, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine) are has been reached, a serum drug level is then obtained for future ref-
dizziness, ataxia, and diplopia. Sedation is common and sometimes erence. Routine drug levels are not necessary, and the level does not
unavoidable with benzodiazepines and barbiturates acting on the have to be repeated after that unless a breakthrough seizure occurs.
GABA receptor. In general, dose-dependent adverse effects are revers- The new level can be compared to the baseline reference level to deter-
ible with dose reduction or medication discontinuation. Cognitive mine whether a drop in the level played a role in the seizure. A serum
and behavioral adverse effects of ASMs could be considered in the level can also be helpful to determine how much room there is to
category of dose-dependent adverse effects, although some individuals increase the dose if seizures have not yet come under control. ASM
may be predisposed by virtue of genetic or other factors. Barbiturates serum levels are valuable to help explain lack of ASM efficacy at what
and benzodiazepines are best known to affect cognition, but any ASM appears to be a relatively high dose or appearance of adverse effects
can cause impairment of concentration and memory. Among the at a relatively low dose. One explanation for lack of efficacy is non-
new ASMs, topiramate and zonisamide are the most likely to impair compliance. If seizures have not come under control and the ASM
cognition, while lamotrigine is the least likely. Depression may occur serum level is 0, it is likely that the patient is not actually taking the
with any ASM, and psychosis is an uncommon adverse effect of many medication. Another reason for a low serum level may be fast metab-
ASMs but seems more likely associated with topiramate, vigabatrin, olism, either due to genetic factors or due to enzyme induction by
and levetiracetam. a concomitant medication. Similarly, serum levels can be useful to

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1656 PART III Neurological Diseases and Their Treatment

explain toxicity at a relatively low dose. Adverse effects may be due to The decision to withdraw medications must balance the potential
an elevated serum level as a result of slow metabolism (either due to consequences of seizure relapse and the potential benefits of eliminat-
genetic factors or to hepatic or renal dysfunction) or pharmacokinetic ing medication side effects and costs on an individual basis (Shih and
interaction. Ochoa, 2009). The risk of seizure recurrence after ASM discontinua-
A therapeutic range is quoted for some ASMs, particularly tion is lower in children than in adults, and the potential psychoso-
classical ASMs such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, and valproate. cial consequences of recurrent seizures are fewer in children. Hence
Although a useful guide, a value outside the range should never be ASM withdrawal is considered sooner in children, usually after 1 or
the only basis for dosage change. This therapeutic range may be 2 years of seizure freedom. In a meta-analysis of ASM discontinua-
helpful for patients with infrequent seizures, for whom ascertain- tion, the overall risk of relapse after ASM discontinuation was 25%
ment of effective seizure control may take a very long time. For at 1 year and 29% at 2 years. Relapse was more likely in patients with
these patients, aiming for a level in the middle of the range may remote symptomatic seizures than in patients with idiopathic seizures,
be advisable. The classical ASM for which serum levels may be the and with adolescent-onset versus childhood-onset epilepsy; an abnor-
most helpful is phenytoin. Phenytoin has nonlinear kinetics, and mal EEG was associated with a relative risk of 1.45. One study found a
its serum level can fluctuate widely with small changes in dose or greater predictive value for serial EEGs obtained after initiating ASM
bioavailability. When the dose is being titrated in a patient with withdrawal (Galimberti et al., 1993). Other factors associated with a
difficult-to-control seizures, it may be difficult to predict when greater risk of recurrence in other studies are focal seizures and longer
to stop increasing the dose, and the level may have to be checked than 5 years to attain seizure freedom. Early ASM response predicted
intermittently during this process. The usually quoted therapeutic successful ASM withdrawal in children (Shih and Ochoa, 2009). A pro-
range is 10–20 µg/mL. If the level is found to be at 20 µg/mL, addi- spective multicenter randomized study of continued ASM treatment
tional titration may result in toxicity. Nevertheless, it is ill advised versus slow withdrawal over 6 months reported that 41% of those in
to reduce the dose for a level above 20 if the patient has good seizure the withdrawal group relapsed at 2 years, compared to 22% of patients
control and no adverse effects. A therapeutic range is less estab- on continued treatment (Medical Research Council Antiepileptic Drug
lished for many of the new-generation ASMs. Lamotrigine levels Withdrawal Study Group, 1991).
have been better evaluated than other new ASMs. Toxic adverse Additional factors predicting recurrence in adults have included
effects are likely to occur with a level greater than 20 µg/mL, and longer duration of active disease, shorter number of years of seizure
few patients are expected to derive therapeutic benefit beyond this remission, abnormal psychiatric examination, presence of hippocam-
point (Hirsch et al., 2004). pal atrophy, abnormal neurological findings, IQ below 70, increased
For two medications that are highly protein bound, protein-free number of seizures, focal-onset seizures, and multiple seizure types
levels may have added value. Phenytoin and valproate are approxi- (Shih and Ochoa, 2009). Seizure relapse in adults will restrict driving
mately 90% protein bound, and the protein-free portion is responsible privileges and may endanger employment, particularly in certain occu-
for efficacy and toxicity (Levy and Schmidt, 1985). The total level is pations. There is also a concern that seizure control may be difficult to
usually a good predictor of the free level. However, in instances where regain (Schmidt and Loscher, 2005b). Hence, discontinuation of ASMs
the proportion of protein binding may be altered, the total serum level in seizure-free adults is usually delayed for at least 4 years and occa-
is a poor predictor of the protein-free level. These situations include sionally postponed indefinitely.
low-protein states such as malnutrition, hepatic failure, and renal fail- The optimal rate of ASM withdrawal after remission has not been
ure, the combined use of phenytoin and valproate, which compete for established scientifically. Abrupt discontinuation of ASMs is not
protein binding, and pregnancy. The elderly may also have a greater appropriate in this setting. Severe seizures have been reported during
protein-free portion. Valproate has saturation kinetics for protein withdrawal of some ASMs, including benzodiazepines, carbamaze-
binding such that there is a greater proportion of free valproate at pine, and oxcarbazepine. It is generally agreed that ASMs in general
higher levels. Protein-free serum levels have greater value in guiding and medications associated with tolerance (e.g., benzodiazepines) in
therapy in the special situations noted. particular should be withdrawn gradually.

Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication Therapy SURGICAL THERAPY

Owing to the potential adverse effects of ASMs, particularly long-term
adverse effects, discontinuation of ASM therapy should be considered Timing
when it is no longer necessary. Although there are several predictors If seizures fail to come under control with medications, surgical ther-
of sustained remission on no medications, there is never a guarantee apy is considered. An ILAE task force suggested that failure of two
that seizures will not recur after ASM discontinuation. The decision tolerated, appropriately chosen, and used ASM schedules constitutes
to withdraw ASMs is easiest to make when the epileptic syndrome is medical failure (Kwan et al., 2010). This was in part based on the
known to remit. One example of such a syndrome is BECTS, which is finding that when two ASM monotherapies have failed, the chances
known to remit at puberty. On the other hand, JME, the most com- that additional medical therapy will provide complete seizure control
mon idiopathic generalized epilepsy syndrome, is known to have a very diminish considerably (Kwan and Brodie, 2000a). It is reasonable at
high risk of seizure recurrence; pharmacological therapy is expected to that point to refer the patient to an epilepsy center, particularly if the
be lifelong in the majority of patients. underlying epilepsy is surgically remediable and surgical results are
Most patients will not be diagnosed with a specific syndrome whose expected to be excellent. Examples include temporal lobe epilepsy with
course is well known. In a study of 294 children with nonsyndromic hippocampal sclerosis and focal epilepsy with underlying focal epilep-
epilepsy followed for more than 10 years, complete remission, defined togenic lesion. However, if expected surgical results are less favorable,
as 5 years seizure free and medication free, was achieved by 58% of it is reasonable to continue medical therapy using different monother-
children (Berg et al., 2011). Good seizure outcome at 2 years and no apies and various combinations (see Fig. 100.19). In a study by Selwa
known underlying cause of epilepsy were predictors of remission, et al., (2003), continued changes in ASM regimen rendered about 20%
while older age at onset was independently associated with a poorer of patients who were not candidates for epilepsy surgery seizure free at
chance of complete remission. 4-year follow-up. It is important to keep in mind that surgical outcome

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CHAPTER 100 Epilepsies 1657

and chances of seizure freedom after postoperative ASM withdrawal use a transcortical approach through the middle temporal gyrus, or
are better with earlier surgery, so epilepsy surgery should not be an inferior temporal approach. No clear difference in surgical out-
delayed for too long (Simasathien et al., 2013). come was noted in a study comparing transcortical and trans-sylvian
Evaluation for epilepsy surgery should probably not be pursued for approaches, but phonemic fluency was significantly improved after
patients who are noncompliant with medications—and therefore have transcortical but not after trans-sylvian SAH (Lutz et al., 2004). The
not actually failed medical therapy. Nor should surgery be pursued for “Spencer” approach involves resection of the anterior 3 cm of the tem-
patients with only brief, subjective FAS (i.e., isolated auras) since these poral pole to expose mesial temporal structures for resection (Spencer
seizures often persist after epilepsy surgery. et al., 1984). A favorable surgical outcome with respect to seizure con-
trol requires inclusion of the parahippocampal gyrus in the surgical
Presurgical Evaluation resection (Siegel et al., 1990). Recently, laser ablation under real-time
An extensive presurgical evaluation is necessary before consider- MR thermographic guidance has been proposed as an alternative to
ing epilepsy surgery and has already been discussed in detail (see open resection in patients with hippocampal sclerosis (Gross et al.,
Evaluation and Diagnosis). Its purposes are to (1) localize the epilep- 2018). Its main advantages are decreased surgical morbidity and better
togenic zone (whose resection is necessary and sufficient to eliminate cognitive outcome (Drane et al., 2015). This approach can also be used
seizures), (2) identify incongruent evidence that may indicate the need for other small deep epileptogenic lesions. Radiofrequency thermo-
for additional tests including invasive EEG, and (3) determine whether ablation has been used less frequently to lesion deep epileptogenic foci.
planned surgical resection poses risk to cerebral functions. Essential It can be applied via depth electrodes already implanted for localiza-
elements of the presurgical evaluation include interictal and ictal EEG, tion purposes, but with the disadvantage of less temperature control
video analysis of recorded seizures, and structural imaging with MRI (Voges et al., 2018).
to identify an epileptogenic lesion. Interictal PET scanning with FDG Lesionectomy is a suitable surgical approach when there is a well-
and neuropsychological testing are also commonly part of the pre- defined structural lesion such as benign tumor or cavernous malforma-
surgical evaluation. In cases where interictal EEG abnormalities are tion. In the latter case, the resection must include hemosiderin-stained
consistently focal and congruent with a focal unilateral structural epi- tissue surrounding the malformation. There is some evidence to sup-
leptogenic lesion, some have advocated skipping ictal EEG recordings, port the use of intraoperative electrocorticography to guide the extent
particularly where resources are limited. Complex scenarios where of resection (Van Gompel et al., 2009).
there is incongruence in the presurgical data require additional testing Nonlesional neocortical epilepsy usually requires a tailored resec-
that should include functional imaging with PET, ictal SPECT, MEG, tion after the ictal onset zone and cortical functions have been defined
or even invasive EEG with implanted intracranial electrodes. The deci- through intracranial recordings, most often using subdural grids.
sion to proceed with surgery should balance the predicted benefits of Hemispherectomy is the preferred surgical approach when the epi-
epilepsy surgery against the predicted risks of functional deficits that leptogenic zone is well lateralized but widespread in one hemisphere,
might result from surgery. and the hemisphere functions are impaired or expected to become
impaired (Limbrick et al., 2009). Examples of conditions for which
Surgical Approaches hemispherectomy is often the recommended procedure include
Epilepsy surgery can be classified as either curative or palliative. Rasmussen syndrome, Sturge-Weber syndrome, and hemimegalen-
The aim of curative surgery is to eliminate seizures completely and cephaly. The current functional hemispherectomy technique removes
potentially produce permanent remission without the need for temporal and centroparietal regions, leaving the frontal and occipital
ASMs. Palliative surgery is considered only if “curative” surgery is poles with their blood supply but disconnected from the remainder
not viable. of the brain. Hemispherectomy provides complete seizure control in
The most common epilepsy localization is mesial temporal, specifi- approximately three-quarters of patients and improved seizure control
cally amygdalohippocampal. The most common surgical approach has in the majority of the remainder (Limbrick et al., 2009). The disap-
been a temporal lobectomy in which lateral temporal cortex is resected pearance of seizures will often improve the function of the remain-
first, followed by resection of the amygdala and hippocampus. The ing hemisphere such that cognitive function and behavior are often
resection size is typically different for dominant and nondominant improved at follow-up.
resection. The lateral resection usually measures around 6 cm from If the epileptogenic zone includes eloquent cortex, resection may
the temporal pole on the right but is less extensive on the left to reduce not be possible without unacceptable deficits, and the technique of
the chance of language deficits. The typical left dominant temporal MST is then considered (Morrell et al., 1989). MST involves discon-
lobectomy measures about 4 cm from the temporal pole (Wiebe et al., nection of horizontal intracortical fibers while preserving the integrity
2001). Dominant temporal lobectomies often spare the superior tem- of vertical connections. The procedure is based on evidence that the
poral gyrus in an effort to reduce risk of language disturbance, but a ictal discharge often spreads along horizontal fibers, while cortical
randomized prospective trial did not suggest that this was associated functions tend to follow a vertical columnar organization. MST on elo-
with benefit (Hermann et al., 1999). Some centers tailor the resection quent cortex is most often performed in conjunction with resection of
based on preoperative language functional mapping with electrical adjacent nonessential cortex. More recently, hippocampal transection
stimulation or fMRI. The hippocampal resection usually measures was proposed as a memory-sparing procedure for patients with MTLE
about 3 cm. One study suggested that a more complete hippocampal without hippocampal sclerosis, who are at risk of memory decline
resection was associated with greater chance of postoperative seizure from hippocampal resection (Uda et al., 2013).
freedom (Wyler et al., 1995), but the findings were not confirmed in a Corpus callosotomy (CC) is a palliative surgical procedure involv-
second study (Schramm et al., 2011). ing partial or complete disconnection of the corpus callosum. The
For individuals with clear hippocampal sclerosis, selective amyg- procedure is most often used for drop attacks and is thought to dis-
dalohippocampectomy (SAH) is an alternative approach with less rupt rapid bilateral seizure spread responsible for sudden loss of con-
risk to language functions and equal outcome for seizure control sciousness or loss of posture without warning. CC can change seizure
(Tanriverdi et al., 2008). The original approach advocated by Yasargil characteristics such that seizures may become focal or patients may
was trans-sylvian (Siegel et al., 1990), but the same operation could have a warning, giving them time to protect themselves before further

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1658 PART III Neurological Diseases and Their Treatment

seizure progression. In seizure types where bihemispheric synchrony is longer duration of epilepsy (Al-Kaylani et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2005;
required for seizure expression, CC may potentially eliminate clinical Lee et al., 2008). Other factors associated with recurrence were ASM
seizure manifestations. Drop attacks are the seizure type most helped reduction before 10 months (Lee et al., 2008) and normal preoperative
by CC, with benefit in about three-quarters of patients and freedom MRI (Schiller et al., 2000).
from drop attacks in more than a third (Tanriverdi et al., 2009). GTC Late relapse is not a rare event. Relapse after a 2-year remission
seizures are also helped. A two-thirds anterior callosotomy is gener- occurred in 25% of mesial temporal and 19% of neocortical epilepsy
ally performed first, with the possibility of extending the callosotomy patients in the seven-center study. Only delay to remission predicted
later if there is insufficient improvement. CC is not effective for focal relapse, and only in mesial temporal epilepsy patients (Spencer et al.,
seizures, including FIAS of temporal lobe epilepsy. It is reserved for 2005). In a study of anterior temporal lobectomy for temporal lobe
patients with severe epilepsy, falls, and injuries. The most appropri- epilepsy in 325 patients followed for a mean of 9.6 years, 55.3% of
ate candidates have symptomatic generalized epilepsy, but CC may be patients were seizure free at 2 years, 47.7% at 5 years, and 41% at
considered for patients with highly refractory GTC seizures in the set- 10 years (McIntosh et al., 2004). Patients who were seizure free at
ting of IGE (Cukiert et al., 2009; Jenssen et al., 2006b). 2 years postoperatively had a 74% probability of seizure freedom at
10 years after surgery. Long-term postoperative outcome was exam-
Surgical Results and Predictors of Surgical Freedom ined specifically in 171 patients with MRI-defined hippocampal
Epilepsy surgery can be a very effective treatment for patients who are sclerosis (Janszky et al., 2005a). Seizure freedom was noted in 80%
found to be good candidates after a presurgical evaluation. The best at 6 months, 71% at 2 years, 66% at 3 years, and 58% at 5 years.
surgical outcome has been reported in temporal lobe epilepsy sur- Predictors of outcome varied at different time points: preoperative
gery. The efficacy of temporal lobe epilepsy surgery was confirmed in FBTCS and ictal dystonia were negative predictors at 2 years; longer
a randomized controlled trial in which 80 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy duration and ictal dystonia at 3 years; and only longer epi-
epilepsy were randomly assigned to immediate temporal lobectomy or lepsy duration at 5 years.
additional ASM therapy for 1 year. At 1 year, the difference between About a third of patients who are not seizure free immediately after
the two groups was highly significant: 58% of patients in the surgical surgery eventually achieve long-term seizure freedom (Janszky et al.,
group and 8% in the medical group were free of seizures impairing 2005b). Normal MRI findings and FBTCS preoperatively were unfa-
awareness; 38% in the surgical group and 3% in the medical group vorable predictors; rare postoperative seizures and ipsilateral tempo-
were free of all seizures, including auras (Wiebe et al., 2001). ral interictal epileptiform discharges were associated with seizure-free
Many other studies have confirmed efficacy of surgery, with gener- outcome. Newly administered levetiracetam also showed a significant
ally better results for MTLE than neocortical epilepsy. In a seven-cen- positive effect on the postoperative outcome, independent of other
ter prospective observational study of resective epilepsy surgery in prognostic factors (Janszky et al., 2005b).
patients aged 12 years and older, 339 operated patients (297 mesial Patients who have failed epilepsy surgery can be considered for
temporal, 42 neocortical) were followed over 2 years (Spencer et al., reoperation, usually after at least 1–2 years. Reoperation is more likely
2005). Of these, 66% (223) experienced 2-year remission, not signifi- to be successful if the initial surgery missed the epileptogenic zone or
cantly different between mesial temporal and neocortical resections epileptogenic lesion, or if the initial resection was incomplete. Between
(68% and 50%, respectively). Seizure remission was defined as 2 years one- and two-thirds of reoperations result in seizure freedom or
completely seizure free after hospital discharge, with or without auras. near-seizure freedom (Germano et al., 1994; Gonzalez-Martinez et al.,
Only absence of GTC seizures and presence of hippocampal atrophy 2007; Holmes et al., 1999; Ramantani et al., 2013; Salanova et al., 2005;
were significantly and independently associated with remission, and Siegel et al., 2004). If the first presurgical evaluation was extensive
only in the mesial temporal resection group. and the surgery was appropriate based on the findings, reoperation is
Epilepsy surgery significantly improved quality-of-life score mea- unlikely to be successful.
sures within 6 months after surgery; subsequent changes over time Epilepsy surgery has potential adverse effects that may be expected
were sensitive to seizure-free and aura-free status (Spencer et al., in some instances, as well as unexpected complications. A contralateral
2007). Other factors reported in some studies as predictors of post- upper-quadrant visual-field loss is to be expected after temporal lobec-
operative seizure freedom after temporal lobe surgery include discrete tomy, but this is usually not of functional consequence to the patient
abnormalities (lesions and hippocampal sclerosis), unilateral ictal and (Hughes et al., 1999). Cognitive changes may occur. Dominant tempo-
interictal epileptiform discharges, and antecedent febrile convulsions ral lobe epilepsy surgery carries risks of verbal memory loss in 44% and
(not consistently reported). The etiology of head trauma, normal MRI, reduced naming in 34% of patients (Sherman et al., 2011). Memory
and absence of hypometabolism on PET were unfavorable predictors may continue to decline for up to 2 years after surgery (Alpherts et al.,
in some studies. Postoperative seizures and epileptiform activity on 2006). There is a suggestion of increased risk for memory decline in
postoperative EEG were also unfavorable predictors. In neocortical patients with larger hippocampal volumes (Baxendale et al., 2008).
epilepsy, well-circumscribed lesions (e.g., tumor, cavernoma), com- On the other hand, memory deficits associated with the function of
plete lesion resection, and focal beta or gamma activity at ictal onset the contralateral temporal lobe may improve postoperatively in some
were favorable predictors, while absence of a lesion and generalized patients with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis (Baxendale et al., 2008).
spike-and-wave EEG pattern were unfavorable predictors.
ASMs usually have to be continued for at least a period of time
after successful epilepsy surgery, but the number and dose of ASMs
may be reduced prior to that time. Most commonly, medications are Other therapies are often considered only after medical therapy
tapered after 1–2 years of complete seizure freedom. However, there is fails and when surgical therapy is not possible or has also failed
a risk of recurrence in approximately one-fifth to one-third of patients (Cascino, 2008). However, alternative nonpharmacological ther-
(Kim et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2008; Park et al., 2010b; Rathore et al., apy should also be considered when patients may be candidates
2011; Schiller et al., 2000; Schmidt et al., 2004). The risk seems lower for surgery, but expectations for complete seizure freedom are low.
in pediatric patients (Lachhwani et al., 2008). Factors associated with These alternatives include dietary therapy, stimulation therapies,
greater likelihood of recurrence included older age at surgery and and radiosurgery.

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CHAPTER 100 Epilepsies 1659

Dietary Therapy therapy for children with GLUT deficiency and pyruvate dehydroge-
Dietary therapy is a very old treatment of epilepsy, first proposed in nase deficiency. Other syndromes where the ketogenic diet has been
1921 to mimic the effects of fasting by producing ketosis, acidosis, and reported to be especially beneficial include myoclonic-astatic epilepsy,
dehydration (Sinha and Kossoff, 2005). Interest in a ketogenic diet tuberous sclerosis, Rett syndrome, Dravet syndrome, and infantile
decreased with the introduction of many new ASMs in the 1990s but spasms (Kossoff et al., 2009). Absolute contraindications include mito-
increased again with the realization that the newer ASMs had only a chondrial disorders, pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, and β-oxidation
modest impact on drug-resistant epilepsy. The ketogenic diet is a very defects.
low-carbohydrate, high-fat, and low-to-adequate protein diet that Patient compliance with the ketogenic diet has proven difficult,
includes some restriction of total calories (≈75% of age recommen- so other diets have been explored in the treatment of epilepsy. The
dations). The amount of protein is based on age requirement: carbo- modified Atkins diet was created to be more palatable and less restric-
hydrates are only 5–10 g/day, and the remaining calories come from tive than the ketogenic diet. It only restricts carbohydrates (10 g/day
fat. The ratio of fat to protein plus carbohydrate ranges from 2:1 to for children and 15 g/day for adults), not protein, fat, or calories. It
4:1. The diet is typically initiated with a fast. Although the fasting is is modified from the standard Atkins diet in that the induction phase
not necessary for therapeutic efficacy, it does provide a faster onset limiting carbohydrates is indefinite, and that fat is not only allowed but
of action that may help improve compliance. Initiation with fasting also encouraged. Weight loss is not the goal of this diet, but weight loss
requires hospital admission, which may also be helpful for monitoring has been associated with improvement.
unexpected adverse effects of the diet and reviewing medications for The efficacy of the Atkins diet has been studied prospectively in
possible carbohydrate components (Sinha and Kossoff, 2005). Efficacy children and adults. In one pediatric study, 65% of children had a
of the ketogenic diet in children was confirmed in a randomized con- greater than 50% reduction in seizures (Kossoff et al., 2006), and in
trolled but unblinded trial: 38% of children who received the diet had an adult study, 47% had greater than 50% reduction at 3 months and
a greater than 50% reduction versus only 6% of controls, and 7% had 33% at 6 months, but 33% discontinued the diet before 3 months. The
a greater than 90% reduction versus none of the controls (Neal et al., modified Atkins diet also seems to work fairly rapidly; median time
2008). A blinded crossover study in children with Lennox-Gastaut syn- to seizure reduction was 2 weeks. In the adult prospective study, a
drome did not reach significance, but this may have been due to meth- higher level of ketosis was associated with improvement early on and
odological problems (Freeman et al., 2009). In a prospective study of weight loss later on (Kossoff et al., 2008c). Another study suggested
the ketogenic diet in 150 children with drug-resistant epilepsy, 3% consistently strong ketosis was important for maintaining the efficacy
were seizure free at 3 months and 7% at 12 months; 27% had a greater of diet therapy (Kang et al., 2007). The Atkins diet has advantages over
than 90% decrease in seizure frequency at 1 year (Freeman et al., 1998). the ketogenic diet in that it is easier to initiate in an outpatient setting
A multicenter study similarly showed that 10% of children with highly and requires only limited dietician input. It is more tolerable and has
refractory epilepsy were seizure free at 1 year, and 40% had a 50% or fewer adverse effects than the ketogenic diet. The presence of obesity
greater decrease in seizure frequency (Vining et al., 1998). in other family members may encourage them to try the diet as well,
The ketogenic diet is a little less effective in adolescents and adults thus improving the chances of success for the patient. The modified
than in children and is also limited by a higher rate of noncompliance Atkins diet has also been proposed as an inexpensive treatment option
in adolescents. The onset of action is very fast. In one study the median in developing countries (Kossoff et al., 2008a).
time to first improvement was 5 days, with a range of 1–65 days. The The suggestion that a lower glucose level played a role in dietary
onset of improvement was faster in children who were fasted (5 vs. efficacy prompted a trial of a low glycemic index diet (Muzykewicz
14 days), but there was no difference between 1 and 2 days of fast- et al., 2009). This diet selectively restricts high glycemic index foods
ing. Fasting had no effect on long-term efficacy. Some 75% of children that produce a substantial postprandial increase in blood glucose and
improved within 14 days. Improvement was unlikely if no benefit had insulin. The diet allows only low glycemic index carbohydrates, with
been seen by 2 months, although exceptions did exist (Kossoff et al., an overall carbohydrate intake of 40–60 g/day. There was a greater than
2008b). 90% improvement in seizure control in about 25% at 3 months, with
The mechanism of the ketogenic diet is not well understood. Its another 25% experiencing 50%–90% improvement. There was a cor-
benefit may be related to acidosis, ketosis, calorie restriction and relation between efficacy and blood glucose at 1 month and 12 months
decrease in blood glucose, dehydration, or increase in certain lipids of treatment.
(Sinha and Kossoff, 2005). Predictors of success included concomitant Overall, the advantages of dietary therapy are that it is effective, has
use of the ketogenic diet and vagus nerve stimulation (Kossoff et al., a rapid onset of action, and has different adverse effects than seen with
2007; Morrison et al., 2009). Children receiving phenobarbital in com- ASMs. Disadvantages include that dietary therapy may be socially iso-
bination with a ketogenic diet were less likely to benefit. Adverse effects lating, and compliance is difficult to maintain. The less-restrictive diets
of the ketogenic diet include constipation and worsening of reflux, are easier to follow, but they also give more opportunity for cheating
both of which can be managed with minor adjustments and stool soft- (Muzykewicz et al., 2009).
eners. Acidosis may occur, mostly at initiation and in association with
Vagus Nerve Stimulation
acute illness; it can be managed with hydration. Unexplained fatigue
could be helped by supplementation with carnitine. The potential Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) was first approved in 1997 as the only
adverse effect of decreased growth is most likely to occur in the young- device for the adjunctive treatment of refractory focal-onset seizures
est children. Renal calculi have been reported in 5%–6% of individuals in adults and adolescents aged 12 years or older. More recently, VNS
and may be averted with improved hydration. Hyperlipidemia is of was also FDA approved as adjunctive long-term treatment for chronic
unknown long-term significance. or recurrent depression that has not responded to antidepressants.
Indications for the ketogenic diet include refractory seizures, Animal data suggested that VNS has acute abortive effects, terminat-
regardless of classification. Individuals unable to tolerate ASM therapy ing seizures that have already started (McLachlan, 1993), and acute
are particularly good candidates for the diet. The ketogenic diet is easi- prophylactic effects, reducing seizure frequency and severity during
est to manage in tube-fed patients or infants receiving formula. A keto- intermittent stimulation (Takaya et al., 1996). Efficacy in patients
genic diet is particularly beneficial and could be considered first-line with drug-resistant epilepsy was confirmed in two pivotal randomized

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1660 PART III Neurological Diseases and Their Treatment

blinded controlled studies that demonstrated 24.5%–28% short-term The main advantages of VNS are that it does not have the ASM
reduction in seizure frequency (Handforth et al., 1998; The Vagus adverse effects of sleepiness, tiredness, dizziness, or cognitive dys-
Nerve Stimulation Study Group, 1995). The long-term continuation function. It may improve mood and promote alertness, and it gives
studies suggested increasing benefit over time, with median seizure patients and families a sense of control with the use of on-demand
reduction of 34% 3 months after the end of the second double-blind stimulation to abort seizures. In addition, compliance does not
trial, and 45% by the end of 1 year. In one cohort followed for 12 years, require patient effort. However, it does require surgical implanta-
mean reduction in seizure frequency was 26% after 1 year and 52% tion, and the battery has to be changed every 3–10 years depend-
after 12 years of treatment (Uthman et al., 2004). However, seizure ing on the stimulation parameters. It is difficult to predict who will
freedom is reported in less than 10% of patients (Ben-Menachem, benefit from this therapy, but the best candidates are patients who
2002). Hence, individuals who are excellent candidates for epilepsy are not good candidates for epilepsy surgery, have frequent seizures,
surgery should be advised of the much greater chance of seizure free- and have a consistent aura or a slow seizure progression, so that on-
dom with surgical therapy. demand stimulation could be used to abort seizures. VNS has also
Even though there are no randomized trials of VNS in patients with become frequently used in symptomatic generalized epilepsy before
drug-resistant generalized epilepsy, several studies have supported proceeding with CC (Nei et al., 2006; Rosenfeld and Roberts, 2009;
VNS efficacy in both idiopathic and symptomatic generalized epi- You et al., 2008).
lepsy (Ben-Menachem, 2002; Elliott et al., 2011; Kostov et al., 2009;
Ng and Devinsky, 2004); the same is true for VNS efficacy in children. Other Stimulation Therapies
Thus VNS efficacy does not seem to be specific for a particular form Trigeminal nerve stimulation, which had an antiepileptic effect in a
of epilepsy or particular age. The mechanism of action of VNS for rodent model of epilepsy, can be delivered noninvasively in humans
epilepsy is not totally clear. Approximately 80% of the vagus nerve is and is being investigated as an alternative stimulation modality. In a
composed of afferent myelinated fibers projecting to the nucleus of small open-label pilot study, bilateral stimulation of the ophthalmic
the tractus solitarius, which itself has widespread projections (Ben- branch produced a mean reduction in seizure frequency of 59% at 12
Menachem, 2002). In humans with implanted VNS, imaging of blood months (DeGiorgio et al., 2009). A larger blinded randomized con-
flow with PET showed that VNS increased blood flow in some regions trolled trial in 50 subjects with focal-onset seizures showed a reduc-
and decreased blood flow in others. Increased blood flow in the thal- tion in seizure frequency as measured by the response ratio, but there
amus correlated with long-term seizure control (Henry et al., 1999). was no significant difference between groups in the 50% responder
In another study using SPECT, acute reduction in amygdala perfusion rates (30.2% for the treatment group and 21.1% for the active control
and chronic reduction in hippocampal perfusion correlated with clin- group) (DeGiorgio et al., 2013). Of note is that the active treatment
ical efficacy (Van Laere et al., 2002). group showed a significant improvement in responder rate over the
The VNS device consists of a generator, usually implanted over treatment period, from 17.8% at 6 weeks to 40.5% at 18 weeks.
the chest under the left clavicle, and electrodes that are placed around Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), a noninvasive
the left vagus nerve and tunneled under the skin to connect with the cortical stimulation method, was also investigated as a treatment for
generator. VNS implantation is usually an outpatient surgical proce- drug-resistant epilepsy, with variable results:L rTMS modulates cortical
dure with rare complications, the most important of which is infec- excitability, with high-frequency rTMS enhancing and low-frequency
tion. Asystole (with full recovery) has been reported during routine rTMS decreasing cortical excitability in most individuals (Gangitano
intraoperative lead testing, approximately once for every 1000 implan- et al., 2002). Most studies used daily rTMS sessions for about 1 week,
tations. VNS is usually programmed to stimulate for 30 seconds, alter- then evaluated efficacy 2–4 weeks later. A meta-analysis deduced that
nating with 5 minutes of rest, but the duration of stimulation time low-frequency rTMS is moderately beneficial, with more improvement
on and stimulation time off can be changed. Some patients seem to in subjects who have cortical dysplasia or neocortical epilepsy, proba-
derive greater benefit from “rapid-cycle” stimulation, with 7 seconds bly because of greater and more precise access of rTMS therapy to the
of stimulation alternating with 12 seconds of rest. The first parameter more superficial seizure foci (Hsu et al., 2011).
to be titrated is current intensity, which is increased by 0.25 mA steps Various brain targets have been explored for stimulation, includ-
as needed to achieve benefit. Other output current parameters that can ing cortical and subcortical targets. Scheduled open-loop stimulation
be programmed are frequency and pulse width. The optimal stimu- to various cortical and subcortical structures, including the thalamus,
lation parameters have not been well defined and may vary between subthalamic nucleus, cerebellum, and hippocampus, demonstrated
individuals. In addition to the recurring output current cycles, a single variable success (Jobst et al., 2010a). Bilateral stimulation of the ante-
on-demand stimulation train can be programmed separately to abort rior nucleus of the thalamus was proven effective in a multicenter
seizures with the use of a magnet. On-demand stimulation is particu- double-blind randomized trial (Fisher et al., 2010). Median seizure
larly helpful to abort or attenuate seizures in individuals who have an reduction was 14.5% in the control group and 40.4% in the stimu-
aura (Morris, 2003). However, the clinical efficacy of on-demand stim- lated group during the blinded phase, and there was a 56% median
ulation is difficult to confirm with rigorous investigation. Newer VNS reduction in seizure frequency by 2 years. However, participants in the
models also offer responsive stimulation upon detection of sudden stimulated group were more likely to report depression or memory
increase in heart rate. This is based on the observation that ictal tachy- problems as adverse events. Bilateral deep brain stimulation of the
cardia is an early sign observed in the majority of patients (Eggleston anterior nucleus of the thalamus for epilepsy was first approved in
et al., 2014; Hirsch et al., 2015). Europe in 2010, then by the US FDA in 2018 (Salanova, 2018). The
The most common VNS adverse effect is hoarseness, which occurs FDA approval is for adjunctive therapy in individuals 18 years of age
during stimulation cycles. This is to be expected in most patients, but it or older diagnosed with focal epilepsy “refractory to three or more
does improve over time. The same is true of other stimulation-related anti-epileptic medications.”
adverse effects of coughing, throat pain, dyspnea, and paresthesias Responsive closed-loop stimulation delivers a stimulus to the pre-
(Ben-Menachem, 2002). VNS may also exacerbate obstructive sleep sumed seizure onset zone in response to seizure detection (Jobst et al.,
apnea, so it is important to diagnose and treat sleep apnea before initi- 2010a). The concept is based on evidence that brief stimulation can
ating VNS therapy (Malow et al., 2000a; Marzec et al., 2003). terminate seizure activity if delivered early after seizure onset. The

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CHAPTER 100 Epilepsies 1661

generator is implanted in the skull and connected to either depth or QUALITY-OF-CARE STANDARDS IN THE
subdural strip electrodes to deliver stimulation directly to one or two
seizure onset zones. The responsive stimulator device was found to
be effective in a pivotal randomized double-blind, sham stimulation The American Academy of Neurology developed standardized quality
controlled trial in patients with drug-resistant focal-onset seizures. The measures for epilepsy care (Fountain et al., 2011) that have since been
reduction in seizure frequency over the blinded evaluation period was updated based on new evidence and performance gaps (Fountain et al.,
37.9% in the treatment group compared to 17.3% in the sham stim- 2015; Patel et al., 2018). The latest quality measurement set includes
ulation group (Morrell, 2011). In the open-label extension, median the following:
percent reduction in seizures was 44% at 1 year and 53% at 2 years,
suggesting progressive improvement with time (Heck et al., 2014). The year
device was approved by the FDA as an adjunctive therapy in individ-
uals 18 years or older with focal-onset seizures who have undergone patients with intractable epilepsy
diagnostic testing that localized no more than two epileptogenic foci,
are refractory to two or more antiseizure AEMs, and currently have -
frequent and disabling seizures. Responsive stimulation is a suitable ment
treatment option for patients with bilateral independent seizure foci or
with an epileptogenic zone in eloquent cortex not suitable for surgical The measures were primarily developed for quality improvement
resection. projects. Providers were encouraged to identify measures most mean-
In general, the advantages of stimulation include that it is reversible ingful for their patients and to implement these measures to drive
and adjustable, unlike resective surgery. However, the optimal stimu- improvement in practice (Patel et al., 2018).
lation parameters are not generally well defined, and, to date, stimu-
lation therapies have been predominantly palliative. The decision to
pursue stimulation therapy has to balance risks and benefits in com-
parison with other available therapies. Seizure clusters, also called acute repetitive seizures and serial seizures, are
closely grouped seizures representing an increase in seizure frequency
Radiosurgery compared to baseline, usually occurring over the span of minutes to a
Radiosurgery uses a stereotactic frame to immobilize the head while couple days. Seizure clusters may include any type of seizure and may
radiation beams are precisely directed from different angles to a target. vary in severity, but by definition there is complete recovery in between
The method delivers radiation to the target with a steep gradient so that seizures. Seizure clusters are more common in patients with drug-
regions within a few millimeters of the target receive a substantially resistant epilepsy, particularly those with remote symptomatic epilepsy
reduced radiation dose (Romanelli and Anschel, 2006). Radiosurgery and extratemporal epilepsy. Patients with seizure clusters are more likely
was initially used for treatment of brain tumors and AVMs not readily to have a history of status epilepticus. Seizure clusters themselves may or
accessible to standard surgery, with beneficial effect on seizure control. may not progress to prolonged seizures or even status epilepticus. Such
It has also been used successfully for hypothalamic hamartoma. More progression may be predictable for individual patients, based on their
recently, radiosurgery was explored for MTLE. A prospective study in seizure history. This may determine the most appropriate treatment for
three European centers reported 65% of patients seizure free at 2 years seizure clusters. Mild clusters can be treated with oral doses of benzo-
after radiosurgery. Five patients had transient side effects, including diazepines. However more severe clusters, particularly those known to
depression, headache, nausea, vomiting, and imbalance. No perma- progress to severe prolonged seizures or status epilepticus, may require
nent neurological deficit was reported, except nine visual-field defi- other routes of administration. Rectal diazepam was the only FDA-
cits. However, seizure freedom was delayed for most patients, the main approved treatment for out-of-hospital administration by nonmedical
improvement occurring between 12 and 18 months; some patients caregivers (Cereghino et al., 1998), until intranasal midazolam spray was
only became seizure free after 2 years post treatment. approved in 2019 (Detyniecki et al., 2019). Buccal midazolam is in wide
A US multicenter prospective study randomized patients to high- or clinical use in Europe and various countries (Nakken and Lossius, 2011),
low-dose radiosurgery. At 36 months of follow-up, 76.9% of patients but has not been approved in the United States. Intranasal diazepam was
randomized to the high dose and 58.8% randomized to the low dose approved by the US FDA in 2020. The efficacy of intramuscular diaze-
were free of seizures for the prior 12 months (Barbaro et al., 2009). pam delivered by autoinjector was demonstrated in a blinded controlled
Seizure remission correlated with appearance of vasogenic edema trial (Abou-Khalil et al., 2013), but this did not lead to FDA approval or
demonstrated on serial imaging after approximately 9–12 months marketing. Other approaches that were evaluated include buccal diaze-
(Chang et al., 2010). The degree of radiation-induced local vascular pam and staccato midazolam.
insult and neuronal loss was dose dependent and predicted long-term Status epilepticus was previously broadly defined as seizure activ-
seizure remission (Chang et al., 2010). Neuropsychological testing ity that continues for 30 minutes, or recurrent seizures without
showed no definite change in cognitive measures from baseline at 2 recovery between attacks. The 30-minute duration has been the
years after radiosurgery (Quigg et al., 2011). A single-blinded multi- subject of debate, since it may delay aggressive therapy, particularly
center controlled trial randomized 58 adult subjects with drug-resis- when prolonged duration can be predicted in the absence of therapy.
tant unilateral MTLE to either stereotactic radiosurgery or standard Experimental evidence suggests that irreversible neuronal injury may
temporal lobectomy (Barbaro et al., 2018). Seizure remission was start after 20–30 minutes of generalized convulsive status epilepticus
achieved in 52% of the radiosurgery and 78% of the temporal lobec- (GCSE) (Fujikawa, 1996; Meldrum and Brierley, 1973), so every effort
tomy patients. has to be made to stop seizure activity prior to that. A large body of
Radiosurgery may have a place in the treatment of drug-resistant evidence suggests that the bilateral tonic-clonic phase if focal or gener-
mesial temporal epilepsy for patients who are opposed to or at greater alized onset seizures does not last longer than 2 minutes (Jenssen et al.,
risk for complications with standard epilepsy surgery. However, the 2006a; Theodore et al., 1994) except when it evolves into status epilep-
long-term risk/benefit ratio of radiosurgery needs better definition. ticus. As a result, it has been suggested that vigorous therapy for status

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1662 PART III Neurological Diseases and Their Treatment

epilepticus be initiated after 5 minutes of bilateral tonic-clonic activity generalized attenuation, and then periodic discharges on a relatively
(Lowenstein et al., 1999). There is also evidence that FIAS that last lon- flat background (Treiman et al., 1990). This sequence was proven in an
ger than 10 minutes will likely evolve into status epilepticus (Jenssen animal model of status epilepticus, and also suspected in human status
et al., 2006a). Based on the above, the ILAE defined status epilepticus epilepticus based on EEGs of patients studied at different stages of the
as a condition “resulting from the failure of the mechanisms respon- condition. A similar sequence may also occur in focal status epilepti-
sible for seizure termination or from the initiation of mechanisms cus, with asymmetrical or focal EEG features. The last pattern in the
which lead to abnormally prolonged seizures (after time point t1), sequence, periodic discharges on a relatively flat background, is some-
and can have long-term consequences (after time point t2)” (Trinka what problematic because periodic discharges are not specific.
et al., 2015). The time point t1 for status epilepticus was 5 minutes for The incidence of status epilepticus is likely underestimated by pub-
bilateral tonic-clonic seizures, 10 minutes for focal seizures, and 10–15 lished studies. The highest overall incidence, 41 cases per 100,000 per
minutes for absence seizures. year, was found in the prospective population-based study of status
Any seizure type may evolve into status epilepticus. Status epilep- epilepticus in Richmond, Virginia (DeLorenzo et al., 1996). The inci-
ticus may be classified based on the seizure type it evolves from. The dence of status epilepticus is elevated early in life, decreases after that,
most dangerous type of status epilepticus, GCSE, may evolve from a then increases in the elderly, with up to 98.9 annual cases per 100,000
primary GTC seizure or more often from a FBTCS. One form of sta- persons in that age group (Vignatelli et al., 2003).
tus epilepticus with a low likelihood of irreversible neuronal injury is The etiology of status epilepticus is very dependent on age. The
generalized absence status epilepticus, which evolves from generalized most common cause in children is febrile status epilepticus, account-
absence seizures. ing for more than half of cases (Rosenow et al., 2007). In adults, status
The most recent ILAE classification of status epilepticus (see Box epilepticus is much more often due to acute cerebrovascular accidents,
100.3) includes the two major categories of status epilepticus with prom- hypoxia, metabolic causes, and low ASM levels (Rosenow et al., 2007).
inent motor symptoms and status epilepticus without prominent motor It is important to recognize that the majority of patients in status epi-
symptoms, which is synonymous with nonconvulsive status epilepticus. lepticus do not have a history of epilepsy.
Status epilepticus with prominent motor symptoms includes convulsive Status epilepticus is a neurological emergency that requires prompt
status epilepticus, which has been made synonymous with tonic-clonic sta- intervention. The goal of therapy is to stop seizure activity in the brain
tus epilepticus, myoclonic status epilepticus (with coma or without coma), before neuronal injury has started. In addition, delay in initiating ther-
focal motor status epilepticus, tonic status epilepticus, and hyperkinetic status apy is associated with resistance to treatment (Treiman et al., 1998),
epilepticus. Convulsive status epilepticus can be generalized, focal evolv- probably due to alteration in the functional properties of GABAA
ing to bilateral tonic-clonic, or unknown whether focal or generalized in receptors (Goodkin et al., 2008; Jones et al., 2002; Macdonald and
onset. Nonconvulsive status epilepticus can be with coma or without coma. Kapur, 1999). Since convulsive status epilepticus is the most serious
Nonconvulsive status epilepticus without coma can be generalized as in form, its treatment will be discussed first. Treatment of status epilepti-
absence status epilepticus, or focal, with or without impairment of con- cus may have to start before arrival in the emergency room. Individuals
sciousness. Focal nonconvulsive status epilepticus without impairment of known to have recurrent status epilepticus may respond to rectal diaz-
consciousness is often referred to as aura continua. epam administered by a parent or care partner. There is also evidence
Nonconvulsive status epilepticus without coma is generally consid- to support the use of buccal midazolam, nasal midazolam, and nasal
ered a less serious medical emergency than convulsive status epilepti- lorazepam (Arya et al., 2011). Even when prehospital treatment was
cus. However, nonconvulsive status epilepticus with coma, including not effective and status epilepticus had persisted upon arrival in the
what was previously referred to as subtle convulsive status epilepti- emergency room, there was evidence that prehospital treatment with
cus is extremely serious, difficult to treat, and has a poor prognosis. rectal diazepam was associated with a shorter duration of status after
Nonconvulsive status epilepticus with coma may evolve from convul- arrival to the emergency department (Chin et al., 2008). For individ-
sive status epilepticus in which treatment has been delayed or has been uals not prepared for home treatment of status epilepticus, the use of
ineffective. It may also be seen without prior overt convulsive status 2 mg of IV lorazepam by paramedics was associated with termination
epilepticus when there has been a serious brain insult such as severe of status before arrival to the emergency room in 59.1% of individu-
traumatic brain injury, hypoxic injury, or massive strokes. In gener- als, compared to 21.1% treated with placebo (Alldredge et al., 2001).
alized absence status epilepticus, the patient usually appears awake Intramuscular autoinjector administration of midazolam by paramed-
but may be either unresponsive to verbal stimuli or may have slowed ics was found at least as safe and effective as IV lorazepam for prehospi-
or inappropriate responses. In focal nonconvulsive status epilepticus tal seizure cessation (Silbergleit et al., 2012). Intramuscular midazolam
with impaired consciousness, there is a wide spectrum of impairment could be administered faster than IV lorazepam. At arrival in the
of consciousness, responsiveness, or behavior. There may be consider- emergency department, 73.4% of 448 subjects in the intramuscular
able cyclical fluctuations in the clinical manifestations. midazo-lam group were free of seizure activity, as compared with 63%
The definitive diagnosis of nonconvulsive status epilepticus of 445 subjects in the IV-lorazepam group.
requires confirmation with EEG. Even convulsive status epilepticus Upon arrival in the emergency room, treatment of convulsive sta-
has to be differentiated from psychogenic status epilepticus or pseudo- tus epilepticus begins with basic life support measures, specifically
status epilepticus, which may require video-EEG for definitive diagno- attention to airway, breathing, and circulation (Treiman, 2007). Blood
sis. However, the EEG patterns of status epilepticus, particularly non- samples should be drawn for hematological and serum chemistry val-
convulsive status epilepticus, are not totally specific (Kaplan, 2007). ues, as well as ASM levels for patients who are already taking these
When the EEG pattern is not specific, the definitive diagnosis also medications. If blood glucose is low or cannot be measured rapidly,
requires observation of a definite clinical response to treatment, or at IV glucose should be administered, in conjunction with IV thiamine if
least restoration of normal EEG activity that was previously absent. In there is a concern for malnutrition. Based on the landmark Veterans
convulsive status epilepticus, a sequence of EEG patterns was reported, Affairs Status Epilepticus Cooperative Study, lorazepam 0.1 mg/
starting with discrete recurrent seizures separated by interictal slow kg was the most effective agent, terminating overt convulsive status
activity, merging seizures with waxing and waning ictal discharge, epilepticus within 20 minutes in 64.9% of patients (Treiman et al.,
continuous ictal discharge, continuous ictal discharge punctuated by 1998). It was much less effective in subtle convulsive status epilepticus

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CHAPTER 100 Epilepsies 1663

(nonconvulsive status epilepticus with coma), terminating it within 20 general anesthesia. If seizure activity recurs upon withdrawal of general
minutes in only 17.9% of patients with a verified diagnosis. Lorazepam anesthesia, a number of agents have been used successfully. ASMs with
was superior to phenytoin alone, which controlled overt convulsive IV formulation are used more often (Agarwal et al., 2007; Aiguabella
status within 20 minutes in only 43.6% of patients with verified diag- et al., 2011; Albers et al., 2011; Alvarez et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2011;
nosis. If the first treatment failed to control status epilepticus, the Goodwin et al., 2011; Kellinghaus et al., 2011; Koubeissi et al., 2011;
chances of control with the second treatment were minimal and mor- Misra et al., 2006; Moddel et al., 2009), but high-dose topiramate and
tality was twice as high (Treiman et al., 1998). felbamate have also been advocated as treatment options (Wasterlain
A standard treatment protocol is necessary for the hospital treat- and Chen, 2008). During the treatment of refractory status epilepti-
ment of convulsive status epilepticus. The American Epilepsy Society cus with ASMs, the cause of status has to be investigated and treated
issued an evidence-based guideline in 2016 (Glauser et al., 2016). It appropriately (Shorvon, 2011). Immunotherapy may be indicated if an
recommended initiating treatment in adults with either intramus- autoimmune therapy is suspected.
cular midazolam, IV lorazepam, IV diazepam, or IV phenobarbital The treatment of other forms of status epilepticus may be less
for a bilateral convulsive seizure that has lasted at least 5 minutes. aggressive, depending on the type of status encountered. In noncon-
Lorazepam is usually the first agent used for terminating status. If lora- vulsive status epilepticus with impaired consciousness, or focal motor
zepam is successful in stopping seizure activity, the decision to add status epilepticus, aggressive treatment should avoid depressing level
another agent depends on the underlying etiology. Lorazepam’s dura- of consciousness. It is still recommended to start with one of the ben-
tion of action is approximately 12–24 hours. If the etiology is reversible zodiazepines listed above, followed by second-line agent IV agents,
(e.g., status epilepticus due to metabolic or toxic factors), lorazepam including fosphenytoin, valproate, levetiracetam, and lacosamide.
may be the only treatment necessary. Intravenous diazepam is not rec- The use of general anesthesia should be avoided if at all possible,
ommended as the only treatment because of its rapid redistribution in because of associated increased risk of infection and death (Sutter
adipose tissue, markedly shortening its duration of action following IV et al., 2014).
administration. Another longer-acting ASM is needed if the underly- Generalized absence status epilepticus may respond to IV loraze-
ing etiology is not rapidly reversible. pam but may require additional IV valproate for control. Generalized
If convulsive status epilepticus is not controlled after lorazepam 0.1 myoclonic status epilepticus can be treated with IV lorazepam, val-
mg/kg, a second-line therapy should be initiated within 20 minutes of proate, or IV levetiracetam. Levetiracetam is the only ASM approved
seizure onset. Choices include IV infusion of 20 mg/kg of fosphenytoin by the FDA for treatment of myoclonic seizures based on class I clinical
(no faster than 150 mg/min) or 40 mg/kg of valproic acid, or 60 mg/ trial evidence.
kg of levetiracetam (Kapur et al 2019). Lacosamide is a more recently Outcome of status epilepticus depends on the underlying cause,
introduced option, supported with retrospective studies. If convulsive patient age, duration and severity of status epilepticus, and rapidity of
status epilepticus is still not responsive after 40 minutes, endotracheal therapy initiation. In the Richmond status epilepticus study, mortal-
intubation is necessary at this point, followed by general anesthesia ity was 3% for children and 26% for adults (DeLorenzo et al., 1996).
using midazo-lam, propofol, or pentobarbital. The purpose of general Status epilepticus of less than 1-hour duration had a 2.7% mortality
anesthesia is to control electrical status epilepticus in the brain. EEG rate after 1 month, compared to 32% for status epilepticus persisting
monitoring is necessary at this point because electrical status epilep- longer than 1 hour (Towne et al., 1994). Patient age and depth of coma
ticus may continue after motor activity stops. If the EEG continues to at presentation were the strongest predictors of outcome (Neligan and
show ictal activity, the anesthesia has to be deepened to a burst-sup- Shorvon, 2011). However, depth of coma is related to duration of sta-
pression pattern and even to complete suppression in some cases. tus (including delay in initiating therapy) and underlying illness.
Patients who require general anesthesia to control status epilepticus
will generally require long-term maintenance with ASMs. Serum levels The complete reference list is available online at https://expertconsult.
of ASMs must be in a high therapeutic zone prior to discontinuation of

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