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1. What is your favourite way to relax?

When it comes to relaxing, especially after a busy day, my favourite way to disconnect and
forget about stress and daily problems is to listen to my favourite music. When I hear my most-
liked artist singing my dearest songs, I feel full of hope and my smile returns to my face.
Another good way to relax is to read a novel or cook one of my special desserts. I am sure that
everyone would feel better after eating some delicious muffins.

2. What hobbies are popular in your country?

In my view, sports are the most loved by teenagers of my age. Whether it’s outdoor sports or
going to the gym, young people like to exercise while having fun with their friends. Basketball,
football and tennis are just some of the activities that are enjoyed by children and adult alike.
Team sports in particular offer you the opportunity to move your body in fresh air while
spending your leisure time with family and friends.

3. Do you believe people spend too much time working these days?
Today’s people are much more focused on career and financial development than allocating
time for hobbies or spending time with family or friends. Everything seems to be a competition
and we all try to surpass ourselves daily, but sometimes we forget what is truly important.
We don’t always take into consideration the risks that are likely to affect our health due to the
stress and agitation of every day.
I believe that we should prioritize out health and good disposition more and create memories
that we will remember fondly when we are old.

4. How important is having a social life to you?

For me as a teenager it is very important to spend time with my friends. I think that one of the
most effective ways to express myself freely is when I am surrounded by people of my age with
whom I share the same opinions and I have common topics to talk about. Of course, diversity
makes us better and that’s why I’m absolutely open to talk with people who have different
believes than me and learn from them while understanding their point of view.
Going to movies or talking in restaurants or parks are some of my favourite ways to have fun
with my peers.

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