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Самостоятелна форма на обучение

Учебна 2022/2023 г. клас:VI

Изпитен вариант № 2



Directions: Read the following text and circle the correct answer A, B or C for questions 1 to 5.

Emperor penguins in Antarctica are really shy birds. When someone tries to get close to them,
they normally go away.
That is why engineers created a baby penguin-robot to help the work of biologists and
filmmakers. The baby-robot is very cute and looks like a real penguin.
But the first penguin-robot was made of hard plastic and wasn’t successful. It scared the real
birds. The engineers tried five different versions before they finally created the right penguin-robot.
The final robot has grey fur, black arms, and a black-and-white painted face. It helped the scientists
study the birds, watching them from about 200 metres away. They controlled the penguin-robot and
moved it close to the shy birds. That’s how the documentary "March of the Penguins" was filmed.

1. The first penguin-robot was _____________________.

A) really beautiful
B) unsuccessful
C) made of metal

2. The last penguin-robot has _________________________________.

A) black fur, grey arms and a white face.

B) grey fur, black arms and a black-and-white face.
C) white fur, grey arms and a black face.

3. Thanks to this baby-robot scientists could ________________________________.

A) catch some penguins.

B) study the penguins’ life.
C) train penguins to march.

4. At the beginning of the text the author says emperor penguins are “shy” because they

A) don’t like other animals in Antarctica

B) don’t like bird-robots
C) leave their place when a man comes near them

5. How many models did the engineers make of the robot before the final one?

A) Two.
B) Three.
C) Five.


Directions: Circle the correct answer A, B or C for questions 6 – 15.

6. Be careful with that knife! You may hurt ______________.

A) myself
B) herself
C) yourself

7. Helen was ___________ excited that she couldn’t stop jumping and screaming.

A) such
B) as
C) so

8. Peter can’t watch the football match this afternoon because he __________ meet his father at
the airport.

A) will
B) is
C) is going to

9. If you __________________ to be late for the camp, take an early train.

A) don’t want
B) doesn’t want
C) not want

10. She didn’t see ____________ dolphins on the boat trip – only two or three.

A) many
B) much
C) no

11. Martin is very keen on photography. He really enjoys _______________ pictures of his
family and friends.

A) to take
B) taking
C) take

12. Would you like some more ice-cream?

A) Yes, please.
B) Yes, I do.
C) Yes, I like.

13. Those ______________ project is very good – just look at their poster!

A) boys
B) boys’
C) boy’s

14. Let’s meet _____________ 6 p.m. in front of the cinema.

A) in
B) at
C) on

15. While Tom _________________ on the beach yesterday morning, he found a bottle with a
message in it.

A) is walking
B) was walking
C) walks

Directions: Circle the correct answer A, B or C for questions 16 – 21.

16. Dimitar Berbatov gives a lot of money to young football players to develop their skills. He is
very ____________.

A) kind and generous

B) happy and cheerful
C) honest and hard-working

17. Susan is helping her mother to paint eggs for ________________.

A) Halloween
B) Christmas
C) Easter

18. Anna is a ________________. She works in a hospital and looks after sick people.

A) vet
B) chef
C) nurse

19. Maria is my mother’s sister. She is my _____________.

A) cousin
B) grandma
C) aunt

20. I went to the ________________ to borrow a book for my report.

A) library
B) supermarket
C) post office

21. If you want to make a _______________ you need some bread, cheese and ham.

A) fruit salad
B) sandwich
C) cake


……………………………………………………………………………………… клас: ………

(трите имена на ученика)

1. A B C 6. A B C 16. A B C
2. A B C 7. A B C 17. A B C
3. A B C 8. A B C 18. A B C
4. A B C 9. A B C 19. A B C
5. A B C 10. A B C 20. A B C
11. A B C 21. A B C
12. A B C

13. A B C

14. A B C

15. A B C

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 от 7 точки до 9 точки (вкл.) – среден (3) Член :

 от 10 точки до 13 точки (вкл.) – добър (4)

 от 14 точки до 17 точки (вкл.) – много добър (5)

 от 18 точки до 21 точки (вкл.) – отличен (6)

Време в Макс. брой
Компоненти Брой задачи Вид на задачите
минути точки
5 задачи задачи с избираем
ЧЕТЕНЕ около 10 мин. 5 точки
ГРАМАТИК 10 задачи задачи с избираем
около 15 мин. 10 точки
А отговор
6 задачи задачи с избираем
ЛЕКСИКА около 15 мин. 6 точки
ОБЩО 21 задачи 40 мин. 21 точки
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 от 0 точки до 6 точки (вкл.) – слаб (2)

 от 7 точки до 9 точки (вкл.) – среден (3)

 от 10 точки до 13 точки (вкл.) – добър (4)

 от 14 точки до 17 точки (вкл.) – много добър (5)

 от 18 точки до 21 точки (вкл.) – отличен (6)

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