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NUtS & Bolts

Aircraft Building
day, the word "dope" has
an obvious and negative
Legal Dope flammable. Like all lac-
quers, it continues to
s h r i n k throughout its
meaning. But to people lifetime, which means it
who cover their airplanes Nitrates & Butyrates continues to tighten the
with fabric, it has an en- fabric it's applied to. Fur-
tirely different meaning. RON ALEXANDER thermore, overtighten-
Used for decades, the ing a i r c r a f t fabric can
term describes a liquid lead to distortion of the
that seals and tightens the air- They tried furniture lacquers structure it covers.
craft's fabric. next, with limited success. They Covering early airplanes with
Builders of early airplanes cov- developed this lacquer in nitrate fabric required more work and skill
ered their aircraft with fabric be- dope, and dope today is still made than the processes available today.
cause it was light and easy to apply. from the same raw material used Grade A cotton was the fabric of
But just covering the wings with it in lacquer. During World War II, choice then. Builders sewed it in
wasn't enough. Early aviators developers took the next step and place on the airframe and then
found that unless they sealed and came up with butyrate dope. shrank it with water, which gave
tightened the fabric, the wings the cotton a moderate amount of
wouldn't create lift. So they used Nitrate Dope tautness. Then they brushed on
varnish to seal the fabric. But they The first lacquer developed several coats of clear nitrate to fill
soon discovered that the varnish and manufactured for aircraft the fabric's weave.
would turn yellow and crack in a fabric, nitrate dope is made from These first coats of nitrate had
short time. nitrocellulose, which is highly to contain a fungicide to keep cot-

This rudder is completed with nitrate and butyrate dope.

88 FEBRUARY 2000
ton (or muslin, another fabric of- when exposed to the elements, ni- flammable nitrate during World
ten used) from rotting. As they trate dope didn't last very long. War II because it was less flamma-
dried the coats of nitrate shrank, The search for an alternative coat- ble (something combat aviators ap-
pulling the fabric tighter. In other ing resulted in the development of preciated), and it weathered better.
words, the shrinking dope caused butyrate dope. But it still shrank throughout its
the tautness of the fabric. lifetime, just like nitrate dope. In
After the initial coats, builders addition to possibly deforming the
added a silver powder to the ni-
trate dope they applied next. This
Used for decades, underlying structure, this uncon-
trolled shrinking would shrink ni-
coat protected the fabric from the trate and butyrate dope right off of
sun's ultraviolet rays. On many air- dope is a liquid the fabric, causing a peeling of the
craft, applying the silver coat com- coatings.
pleted the fabric covering process. Chemists addressed the shrink-
Charles Lindbergh's Spirit of St. that seals and ing problem by adding a plasticizer
Louis is a shining example. Apply- to the dope. The plasticizer in-
ing color coats of dope adds a con-
siderable amount of weight to an tightens an hibits the shrinking tendency and
increases the flexibility of the
airplane, and—if so desired—spray- chemical. In short, adding the
ing them completed the covering
aircraft's fabric. plasticizer meant the dope didn't
shrink as fast as before.
Flammability was a major prob- This additive didn't totally
lem for airplanes covered with ni- solve the shrinking problem be-
trate dope. Any spark generated Butyrate Dope cause the plasticizer evaporates
from an accident would tend to ig- Cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) from the dope with time. Dope
nite the nitrate-covered fabric. And dope essentially replaced the more with plasticizer added is called

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Sport Aviation
Aircraft Building
SinUe or twin engine aircraft,
JutttAf otters a OEM to meet yaw requirements "non-tautening" dope. But this is
something of a misnomer because
non-tautening dope still shrinks,
but it doesn't shrink as quickly as
dope without plasticizer.
With the advent of butyrate
dope the procedure for covering
cotton cloth changed. Builders
applied several coats of butyrate
dope without the plasticizer to
fill the fabric. When the fabric
started to pull tight they applied
non-tautening butyrate dope that
contained the silver pigment, and
then the color pigment.
Because these f i n a l coats
shrank little, they slowed the
overall shrinking process. When
you hear old-timers discuss a dope
and fabric job, they are usually re-
ferring to this systematic process.
Because certificated cotton fabric
isn't available, this process is now
For information, use SPORT AVIATION'S Reader Service Card outdated. Polyester fabric is what
covers airplanes today, and it
changed the way we cover an air-

Nitrate & Butyrate Today

Builders today still use butyrate
and nitrate dope on polyester
fabric. Ceconite fabric is most com-
monly used with dope, and the
Cooper Engineering Company de-

Right Stimulator
veloped it in the late 1950s. Rather
than using dope to shrink poly-
ester fabric (Ceconite), you can use
the heat from a household iron.
And you should use non-tautening
Ellisons Throttle Body Injector is built to any position. nitrate and butyrate dopes on heat-
Unlike other carburetors originally designed for tractors shrunk polyester fabric.
or jet skis, Ellison's patented fuel metering tube How do you apply these dopes
maintains smoother, more efficient engine operation
to Ceconite fabric? You cement
during any maneuver. The even fuel distribution simply
means more fun and better economy!
the fabric to the airframe using
Find out why Ellison is the right carburetor for special nitrate-based cement called
your aircraft. For product literature, write, phone "Super Seam." Then shrink the
425-271-3220, fax 425-277-9333, or visit our web site fabric using a calibrated iron (not
to email or to upload. EPS 4-5 a heat gun) set at a specific tem-
perature, normally 240°F. Next ap-
ply three coats of non-tautening
Carburetors You Can Bank On! nitrate dope to the fabric. Why flammable nitrate? Because bu-
Ellison Fluid Systems Inc. • 350 Airport Way • Renton, WA 98055 tyrate dope doesn't adhere directly
For information, use SPORT AVIATION'S Reader Service Card
to polyester fabric. Nitrate dope
90 FEBRUARY 2000
Over 2,150 RVs have been completed
and flown in 22 countries... probably
more than any other homebuilt aircraft
does, and you don't need a fungi- design in the world.
cide in the three nitrate coats be- Why?
cause polyester fabric is a synthetic You'll understand when you fly one!
fabric and will not rot. Infopaks w/30 minute video
After the initial coats of nitrate, $16 in USA, $25 other countries
(info pak w/video in PAL or SECAMformatfor
you switch to non-tautening bu- overseas customers, $30.00)
tyrate dope, which adheres to the
nitrate dope quite well. Spray on
at least three coats of clear, non-
tautening butyrate dope; do some
sanding; and then add a mini- RV-8A
mum of three more crosscoats of SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE
non-tautening butyrate with sil- RV-6A • cruise 185-210 mph
ver pigment added. * superb control harmony
• excellent short field capability
Do some more sanding to give a
good finish and then apply the
necessary coats of non-tautening
I 1
• Simple all metal construction
Standard Kit includes all airframe compo-
nents and hardware. $11,000-$ 15,000
butyrate with color pigment. • QuickBuild Kit cuts building time in half.
When buffed and waxed, this fab- $20,000 - $23,000
ric covering procedure provides a
deep, classic look found only with VAN'S AIRCRAFT, Inc.
hand-rubbed lacquer products. No PO Box 160, North Plains, OR USA 97133 503-647-5117 FAX 503-647-2206
other covering system matches the www. vansaircraft. com
classic look of polished dope. For information, use SPORT AVIATION'S Reader Service Card

Nitrate/Butyrate Dope Advantages

Repairing a dope finish is easy.
You simply rub off the old dope
with solvents and reapply new We mean to
dopes after patching the fabric.
The colors are easy to blend and clean it.
match. This is d i f f i c u l t to do
with a polyurethane topcoat. Typical Lycoming Installation
0-235 thru 10-720
You must completely sand off The leader in cleaner oil since Endorsed by the engine OEMs,
the polyurethane before you re- 1963. Airwolf filter systems keep our filter systems clean your oil
pair it and blending in the new the oil in your Piper cleaner, cool- best, while our filter cutter allows
color is often difficult. er and sarer from particulate dam- you to track abnormal engine
age. Remote-mounting makes filter wear. The Northern Lights
You can also rejuvenate a dope changes a convenient, no-mess Aerobatic Team uses Airwolf sys-
finish. After years in the open snap, and our systems are STC'd tems exclusively, under the most
on every opposed Lycoming and rigorous conditions. Never a fail-
weather, dope becomes brittle as Continental enaine in the sky. ure. Never an AD. Your Piper is a
the plasticizer evaporates. But Your Piper can t afford to be with- big investment. We keep it flying
you can easily apply some new out one. safer with properly filtered oil.
plasticizer to restore the dope's
flexibility. This adds several more
years to the life of the finish. The
chemical is called "rejuvenator"
and usually requires you to spray
on three coats to restore the sup-
pleness of the dope.
Another benefit of dope is that
it's acceptable to wear a charcoal- 15369 Madison Road, Middlefield, Ohio 44062 • Tel.: (440) 632-5136 • Fax: (440) 632-1685
filtered respirator when spraying Web: • e-mail:

dope. You do not need to use a Call T o l l - f r e e : 1-800-326-1534

Also available for Wright, Franklin, Jacobs, and Pratt & Whitney engines_____
fresh air breathing source like For information, use SPORT AVIATION'S Reader Service Card

Sport Aviation 91
Aircraft Building



s** back pane! tor precautionary instruct*"1*


Non-tautening butyrate dope. Super Seam, a nitrate-based cement.


Of course, if you're planning to
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A i r c r a f t Coatings

For information, use SPORT AVIATION'S Reader Service Card

92 FEBRUARY 2000
those necessary for polyurethane

Dope Disadvantages
Covering an airplane with dope
is more time consuming than other
systems because it requires more
coats of chemicals and more sand-
ing. The problem of flammability
remains. Nitrate and butyrate dopes
are still flammable. Even though
fewer coats of nitrate are used, it is
still on the airplane.
Shrinking of the fabric is criti-
Check us out!
cal using a dope system. Even We're EAA Tours 'n Travel
though you use non-tautening and we're the best source for
dopes, they still slightly shrink
the fabric over time, and you
ALL your travel needs.
have to allow for that. Shrinking • We're the travel department of your association
the fabric using a temperature in • We give you a choice and a variety of ways to travel:
excess of 240°F often results in a
deformed airframe over time be- 1. Join our aviation-related tours to world-wide destinations. These
cause of the dope's added shrink- extended trips will always feature a major air show, aviation sites,
and general-interest touring. Two or more countries are usually
ing. Other systems use coatings included.
that don't shrink over time, and 2. Select from one or more of our Quick Trips—weekend excursions to
they shrink the polyester fabric aviation locations within the United States and Canada.
to 350°F. 3. We have a Monthly Feature Tours Calendar. These are general-
Builders still used nitrate and interest travel programs including cruises. Call us.
butyrate dope today on fabric-cov- 4. Pick your own destination and we'll plan and book it for you.
ered aircraft. Many people restor-
ing antique and classic aircraft • Our tours are planned to appeal to all: Families, singles,
want the deep finish that can be seniors...there's something of interest to everyone.
obtained by using dopes, and this • EAA Tours 'n Travel gives EAA members the BEST
type of finish adds to the aircraft's PRICES for all your travel—anytime, anywhere.
originality. • When you travel through EAA Tours 'n Travel, you
If you are going to use nitrate support your association.
and butyrate dope, I suggest you
purchase the Ceconite covering DON T MISS OUR NEXT AVIATION TOURS:
manual. It is the most complete SCANDINAVIA, July 9-21, 2000
NEW ZEALAND, April 20-
manual you will find that discusses May 2, 2000 with an option to
this method of fabric covering. Be with an option to The International Air
sure you follow the directions AUSTRALIA, May 2-10, 2000 Tattoo and Farnborough
found in that manual very closely. Air Show, July 21-25, 2000
I want to leave you with this ad-
vice—never experiment with fabric CALL FOR DETAILS AND A FREE BROCHURE.
covering. More than any other
building skill, builders can create Contact the EAA Tour Desk at:
more problems for themselves in 800-634-2153
fabric covering by not following 312-726-1189 (FAX)
the directions than in any other e-mail: traserco@MEGSINET.NET Tours'n Travel
area. Regardless of what the resi-
dent "expert" says about how to For all your general-interest and aviation-related tour and
cover an aircraft—follow the direc- cruising travel. EAA Tours 'n TraveLYOUR Travel Desk.
tions found in the manual! •
Sport Aviation 93

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