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Name :Elishama Musokota

Reg number :M224292

Part :2.2

Lecturer :Dr Gwindingwe

Module :Research Methods

Question :Evaluate the view that Mixed Methods approach is superior to mono-method
approach in research.

The evaluation of whether a mixed methods approach is superior to a mono-method approach

in research depends on various factors, such as the research objectives, the nature of the
research questions, the availability of resources, and the specific context of the study. While
both approaches have their merits and limitations, I will provide an evaluation of the advantages
and considerations associated with each approach.

Starting with mixed methods approach, it allows researchers to gain a more comprehensive
understanding of the research topic by combining qualitative and quantitative data. This
approach can provide a more nuanced and holistic perspective, capturing both the breadth and
depth of the phenomenon under investigation.

Moving on, the combination of multiple methods can enhance the validity and reliability of the
findings through triangulation. By comparing and contrasting different data sources, researchers
can corroborate their results and strengthen the overall quality of the study.
A Mixed Methods approach allows researchers to gather both quantitative and qualitative data,
providing a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic. By integrating different
methods, researchers can capture a broader range of perspectives, explore complex
phenomena, and gain a deeper insight into the research question (Creswell & Clark, 2017).For
instance a researcher studying the impact of a social program on a community's well-being
might collect quantitative data through surveys to measure changes in indicators like income
levels or health outcomes. Additionally, qualitative interviews or focus groups could be used to
explore the participants' experiences and perceptions of the program's effects. By combining
both quantitative and qualitative data, the researcher can gain a more holistic understanding of
the program's impact on the community.

Adding on, mixed methods research can leverage the strengths of both qualitative and
quantitative methods. Qualitative methods can generate rich, in-depth insights, while
quantitative methods can provide statistical analysis and generalizability. The integration of
these approaches can lead to a more robust and comprehensive research design.

Although it can be noted that conducting a mixed methods study can be more time-consuming
and resource-intensive compared to a mono-method approach. Researchers need to allocate
sufficient time and resources to collect, analyze, and integrate data from different sources.
Adequate planning and organization are crucial to ensure the feasibility of the approach.

In addition, implementing a mixed methods approach requires a sound understanding of both

qualitative and quantitative research methods. Researchers need to possess the necessary
expertise to effectively design and execute each component of the study, as well as integrate
the findings appropriately.

Moving on to mono-method approach it allows researchers to concentrate on a single research

method, providing an opportunity for in-depth exploration within a specific paradigm. This can be
particularly advantageous when the research question requires specialized expertise or when
the objective is to gain a comprehensive understanding of a single method.

Conducting research using a single method is often more efficient in terms of time, resources,
and logistics. Researchers can streamline the research process, focusing on data collection,
analysis, and interpretation within the framework of a single method.

However relying solely on one method may limit the scope and depth of the research findings.
Certain research questions may benefit from multiple perspectives that can be captured through
qualitative and quantitative data.
In conclusion, the superiority of a mixed methods approach over a mono-method approach
depends on the research context, objectives, and available resources. A mixed methods
approach can offer a more comprehensive understanding, triangulation of results, and synergy
between qualitative and quantitative methods. However, it requires careful planning,
methodological expertise, and adequate resources. On the other hand, a mono-method
approach can provide a focused and efficient investigation within a specific paradigm but may
lack the depth and multiple perspectives of a mixed methods approach. Ultimately, researchers
should carefully consider the specific requirements of their research questions and choose the
most appropriate approach accordingly.The evaluation of whether a Mixed Methods approach is
superior to a mono-method approach in research is subjective and depends on various factors,
including the research question, objectives, context, and resources available.


1. Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. (2017). Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research
(3rd ed.). SAGE Publications.

2. Fetters, M. D., Curry, L. A., & Creswell, J. W. (2013). Achieving Integration in Mixed Methods
Designs: Principles and Practices. Health Services Research, 48(6 Pt 2), 2134–2156.

3. Tashakkori, A., & Teddlie, C. (2010). SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social &
Behavioral Research (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications.

4. Teddlie, C., & Tashakkori, A. (2009). Foundations of Mixed Methods Research: Integrating
Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. SAGE

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