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1. The number of weekly customer complaints are monitored in

a large hotel using a c-chart. Develop three sigma control limits using the data
table below. The Graphics must be submitted in "Tempat kumpul tugas SPC"
Week Number of
1 3
2 2
3 3
4 1
5 3
6 3
7 2
8 1
9 3
10 1
Total 22
To figure out the graphic, please determine first some of indicator below
• C-bar = Complain / sample = 22/10 = 2.2
• UCL = C + Z C = 2.2 + 3 = 2.2 = 6.65
• LCL = C – Z C = 2.2 – 3 2.2 = -2.25 = 0

Control chart
Number Of Complaints C-bar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. A Production manager for a tire company has inspected the number of defective tires in five random
samples with 20 tires in each sample. The table below shows the number of defective tires in each
sample of 20 tires
Sample Number of Number of Tires
Defective Tires in each Sample
1 3 20
2 2 20
3 1 20
4 2 20
5 1 20
Total 9 100
Please determine the value for each indicator below
• Proportion Defective 1st sample
• Proportion Defective 2nd sample
• Proportion Defective 3rd sample
• P-bar =
• Sigma P (standar deviasi P) =
• Upper Control Limit = • Lower Control Limit =
Finally, develop the Control chart for the case above

To calculate the indicated values and develop the control chart, we'll follow these steps:
Calculate the proportion defective for each sample.
Calculate P-bar (the average proportion defective) and Sigma P (the standard deviation of proportions
Calculate the upper and lower control limits for the control chart.
Let's start with the calculations:

Proportion Defective for each sample:

Sample 1:
Proportion Defective = Number of Defective Tires / Total Number of Tires
Proportion Defective = 3 / 20 = 0.15

Sample 2:
Proportion Defective = 2 / 20 = 0.10

Sample 3:
Proportion Defective = 1 / 20 = 0.05

P-bar (Average Proportion Defective):

P-bar = (Proportion Defective Sample 1 + Proportion Defective Sample 2 + Proportion Defective Sample 3
+ Proportion Defective Sample 4 + Proportion Defective Sample 5) / 5
P-bar = (0.15 + 0.10 + 0.05 + 0.10 + 0.05) / 5
P-bar = 0.09
Sigma P (Standard Deviation of Proportions Defective):
First, calculate the variance:
Variance = ((Proportion Defective Sample 1 - P-bar)^2 + (Proportion Defective Sample 2 - P-bar)^2 +
(Proportion Defective Sample 3 - P-bar)^2 + (Proportion Defective Sample 4 - P-bar)^2 + (Proportion
Defective Sample 5 - P-bar)^2) / 4
Variance = ((0.15 - 0.09)^2 + (0.10 - 0.09)^2 + (0.05 - 0.09)^2 + (0.10 - 0.09)^2 + (0.05 - 0.09)^2) / 4
Variance ≈ 0.00075

Then, take the square root to find Sigma P:

Sigma P = sqrt(Variance)
Sigma P ≈ sqrt(0.00075) ≈ 0.027

Upper and Lower Control Limits:

Upper Control Limit (UCL) = P-bar + (3 * Sigma P)
UCL = 0.09 + (3 * 0.027) = 0.171

Lower Control Limit (LCL) = P-bar - (3 * Sigma P)

LCL = 0.09 - (3 * 0.027) = 0.009

Now, we have all the values needed to construct the control chart. The control chart will have the
Proportion Defective on the y-axis and the Sample Number on the x-axis. The center line will be at P-bar,
and the Upper Control Limit (UCL) and Lower Control Limit (LCL) will be drawn accordingly. Each sample's
proportion defective will be plotted on the chart. If any point falls outside the control limits, it indicates a
statistically significant deviation from the expected proportion defective.

3. Sebagai seorang quality control di politeknik, anda diminta untuk membuat peta kontrol tentang kualitas
sarana (Personal Computer) di 10 Lab computer yang ada di Politeknik dengan digunakan oleh mahasiswa
prodi AB, dengan cara mengidentifikasi ada berapa computer yang berfungsi atau tidak berfungsi .
Berdasarkan hasil observasi diperoleh data yang disajikan pada table berikut:
Kelas Jlh computer Jlh computer yang
dalam kelas rusak hsil observasi
107 30 2
206 30 1
210 35 0
212 30 3
215 30 2
804 30 4
806 35 1
807 35 1
TF1 35 2
TF2 30 0
Berdasarkan data di atas, gambarkan peta control terkait kualitas sarana di setiap lab computer. Lakukan
perhitungan semua indikator yang diperlukan untuk dapat membuat peta control. Berdasarkan peta
control yang dibuat, kelas mana yang dianggap tidak berkualitas dari sisi keberfungsian PC nya?

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