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Conference Paper · October 2019


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5 authors, including:

Shahin Eskandarsefat Loretta Venturini

ITERCHIMICA Iterchimica spa


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100% cold recycled asphalt mixture using a multi-functional rejuvenating agent


Shahin Eskandarsefat1 – Loretta Venturini2 – Lorenzo Sangalli3 – Luca Baccellieri4 – Klajdi
1 Scientific technical development expert – Iterchimica S.r.l. Suisio (BG), Italy.
2 Technical director – Iterchimica S.r.l. Suisio (BG), Italy.
3 Technical area manager – Iterchimica S.r.l. Suisio (BG), Italy.
4 Technical assistant & Lab. technician – Iterchimica S.r.l. Suisio (BG), Italy.
5 Technical civil engineer – Iterchimica S.r.l. Suisio (BG), Italy.

Abstract: Considering the ever-increasing awareness about the principles of sustainability, within road sector recycling
materials and from them Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) is the first viable choice. While the use of RAP for producing
hot mix asphalt is still limited, producing cold-recycled asphalt mixtures with a high content of RAP is considered as a
suitable sustainable alternative. This paper deals with a kind of rejuvenating agent for producing 100% RAP containing
cold recycled asphalt pavements mainly for maintenance and rehabilitation works and cycling paths. In this respect, a
series of 100% cold recycled asphalt mixtures were produced containing different dosages of rejuvenating agent and
moisture investigating the optimum amount of the rejuvenating agent. The paper also represents some of the test results
of a binder layer as the trial section of this material in Spain. The experimental plan consisted of characterizing the aged
bitumen with and without containing different dosages of rejuvenating agent and investigating the mechanical properties
of the recycled asphalt mixtures through Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) and Marshall Stability and Flow. Overall the results
showed that while such 100% recycled asphalt mixtures are convenient solutions for road maintenance and light load
pavements, the quality is highly depended on the RAP quality and residual moisture.

Keywords: Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), Cold-recycled asphalt mixtures, Rejuvenating agent, Indirect Tensile
Strength (ITS), Marshall Stability and Flow.


The need to limit the emission of greenhouse gases leaves the asphalt pavement industry with the next
available option of exploring cold mix technology to maximise the use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP).
Asphalt concrete (AC) recycling is probably the most cost-effective technique for the rehabilitation of road
pavements and the construction of new ones [1]. Besides the economic aspects, their compatibility with
environmental aspects has made RAP an exceptional alternative with respects to sustainability in our
expanded road networks. To date, many efforts have been done, which resulted in the application of up to 40-
50% of RAP in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and even up to 100% for cold recycled asphalt mixtures. The use of
RAP in the cold mix has been around since the development of the grinding process and hot mix recycling.
Highway agencies throughout the country have stockpiles of RAP. There is a cost associated with these
stockpiles and the use of RAP cold mix can gradually reduce these piles [2].

Many technical, practical, and logistic problems limited the application of using high content RAP to some
extent. From the early stages of cold recycling of asphalt mixtures, many different rejuvenating agents, binders
and production methods have been introduced to the road industry. However, within cold recycling, the use of
RAP was limited to the base layer mostly using asphalt emulsions or hydraulic cement as for binder. In addition
to these types of binders, in the area of cold mixes containing RAP the idea of using rejuvenators as part of
the new binder in the mix has been investigated and used successfully [3]. In the rejuvenation process, a
rejuvenator makes steps to return the maltenes to asphaltenes ratio back in balance and restore the bitumen
SARA fraction to its original state or as close to it as possible. In cold mixes, there are two ways to use the
rejuvenating agents: one is the use of a straight recycling agent in the mix or a blend of a rejuvenator and an
asphalt emulsion and/or other different components [4]. While the first option is well-recognized, recently the
second method found as a more practical alternative. For this purpose, to develop a cold mix product, the RAP
is analyzed in the laboratory to establish the correct ratio of rejuvenator to asphalt cement that should be in
the finished emulsion. Once this ratio is established, the project can proceed. However, nowadays commercial
products can be directly provided, which made the procedure more straightforward.

Corresponding author:

Shahin Eskandarsefat

Within the literature, several types of recycling agents have been studied for cold asphalt recycling containing
100% RAP. In this respect, Hugener et al. [5] have investigated the possibility of adding different kinds of
vegetable oils to milled RAP. Briefly summarized, RAP was produced on-site from the old pavement, and then
sprayed with water and rejuvenator before it is mixed thoroughly and immediately compacted. It turned out
that rejuvenators with used cooking oil did give comparable results to virgin rapeseed and linseed oil. In this
research, the results of the water sensitivity test were not satisfactory, as the wet specimens showed a
considerable loss of tensile strength.
The presented paper deals with the application of a kind of rejuvenating agent with 100% cold recycling asphalt
mixture ideal for producing eco-friendly cost-effective paving material. The objectives of this paper were
delivering the principles on the mix design of the 100% cold recycled asphalt pavement, representing some of
the results of trial sections using this mixture. Such this mixtures could be a convenient alternative of HMA for
cycling paths, light-traffic roads, road maintenance, and rehabilitation works.


As it was mentioned before, the data represented in this paper is divided into two sections of 1) laboratory
study and mix design and 2) the state-of-the-practice of using this multi-functional rejuvenating agent for
different purposes. Hence, it should be noted that the RAP sources were not always the same during the mix
design and represented case studies. In some cases even to improve the gradation of the RAP, get better
particle distribution, control the moisture content, and to increase the performance properties of the final
mixture, some hydraulic cement or filler was added as 1 to 3% is recommended by the producer.

2.1. Materials

2.1.1. Rejuvenating agent

The rejuvenating agent used in this study (developed by Iterchimica S.r.l., Italy) is a liquid additive free of
aromatic substances that allows producing cold plastic asphalt concrete using 100% of RAP, for maintenance
intervention (e.g. potholes), bike-lanes, and local low-traffic roads. In other words, it is a hydrocarbon binder
enriched with plasticizers, vegetal flux oils, and rejuvenators. Table 1 represents some of the physical
properties of the rejuvenating agent. This material is compatible with different kinds of coloring pigments. This
compound is composed of different chemical components: anti-oxidative chemicals, plasticizer, rejuvenating
agents, and moisturizer diluent. Unlike the traditional cold asphalt production in asphalt plant, in this case, the
milled materials can be mixed and laid with this rejuvenating agent at room temperature. Thereby, the saving
in terms of energy and economic aspects is evident (zero emissions, material recovery, and not heating

Table 1. Some of the given physical properties of rejuvenating/binder

Characteristic Value/Description
Aspect Fluid substance
Colour Brown
Density at 20˚C 0,94 ± 0,02 g/cm3
Viscosity 400 - 500 cP
Flash point > 150°C

2.2. Methods

The mix design in this study was a performance mix design considering the limits provided in specifications of
the municipality of Milan, Italy. For this purpose, at the first stage, the used RAP was characterized by
determining the particle distribution and the bitumen binder content. In the next stage, the optimum content of
rejuvenating agent, moisture and hydraulic cement was determined using Marshall Stability, and Flow, Indirect
Tensile Strength (ITS).
In addition to the rejuvenating agent content, it has been shown that the moisture content has an important
role in the cold mixes’ performance properties correlated with compaction properties, hence the mix design in
this study was carried out with mixtures containing different residual moisture. However, it should be noted
that there are two sources of water in cold mix asphalt mixtures: residual moisture in the aggregate material
and the water existing in the asphalt emulsion. In both instances, the water slowly evaporates over time as the

100% cold recycled asphalt mixture using a multi-functional rejuvenating agent

mixture cures, which in turn affects the bulk mixture physical (i.e., dimensions and density) and mechanical
properties. The studied mix combinations in this experimental work are represented in Table 2.

Table 2. Mixing blends

Moisture content rejuvenating agent content Hydraulic cement content
Mixtures’’ ID
(% on the weight of) (% on the weight of RAP) (% On the weight of RAP)
Mix no.1 4 1.5 1
Mix no. 2 4 2 1
Mix no. 3 4 2.5 1
Mix no. 4 4 3 1
Mix no.5 4 3.6 1
Mix no. 6 5.5 2.5 1
Mix no. 7 5.5 3 1
Mix no. 8 7.5 3 1

The second stage of the experimental works was dedicated to complementary test methods using Indirect
Tensile Strength Ratio (ITSR) and Cantabro particle loss test aiming for mix design verification.


3.1. RAP characterization

The RAP, which was used in this work was from a demolished dense-graded asphalt layer containing neat
bitumen. As the primary stage of the laboratory mix design, the particle distribution of the RAP was determined.
Fig. 1 compares the obtained grading curve of the RAP with a common dense-graded wearing course
gradation band from Italian specifications, Autostrada del Brennero [6]. According to the curves it can be seen
that the aggregate blend had a well-proportioned continuous distribution. Hence no modification was applied.

Figure 1. RAP particle size distribution after bitumen extraction

In the next stage, the bitumen binder content of the RAP was determined to be sure of having enough
recoverable bitumen binder. In this respect, the bitumen was determined as 4.78% on the weight of
aggregates, which was sufficient for a cold recycled asphalt mixture.
In addition to the bitumen content, the residual moisture plays an important role in the performance of cold
recycled asphalt mixtures. Hence, the moisture content was determined, which was 5.5% (on the weight of
aggregates). However, in practice, it should be noted that this value could be changed based on the storage
conditions of the material.

3.2. Marshall Stability and Flow

Even if Marshall Method is outdated in many countries, despite its shortcomings, it is still probably the most
widely used mix design method in the world probably since it is a simple and inexpensive test. Marshall Stability

Shahin Eskandarsefat

is related to the resistance of bituminous materials to distortion, displacement, rutting and shearing stresses.
The stability is derived mainly from internal friction and cohesion. Cohesion is the binding force of binder
material while internal friction is the interlocking and frictional resistance of aggregates [7].
For the current study, the test has been done according to EN 12697-34 European standard applying 50 blows
for each face. The test results were compared to the local specification criterion for maintenance works
(Comune di Miano, 2016 [8]) and Asphalt Institute minimum, 3.36 kN for medium traffic (104 – 106 ESALs)
roads [9]. Fig. 2 represents the recorded Marshall Stabilities for the trial blends after 7 days of conditioning at
25˚C based on the local specification. According to the results it can be seen that almost all the tested mixtures
complied with the specifications criterion.

Figure 2. Marshall Stabilities

3.3. Indirect Tensile strength

HMA tensile strength is important because it is a good indicator of cracking potential. A high tensile strain at
failure indicates that a particular HMA can tolerate higher strains before failing, which means it is more likely
to resist cracking than an HMA with a low tensile strain at failure [10]. Also, Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) is
an indicator of strength and adherence against fatigue, temperature cracking and rutting [11]. For the current
study, the tests were done following EN 12697-23 European standard at 25˚C on the Marshall compacted-
compacted specimens (50 blows, each face). Fig. 3 shows the ITS of the tested mixtures compared with the
local specification’s criterion. According to the results it can be seen that the ITS value of all the mixtures were
above the specification’s criterion (Comune di Miano, 2016 [8]). From another point of view, it noteworthy that
the obtained test results followed the same trend with the Marshall Stability test, which could be considered
for mix design verification. Hence, comparing the Marshall Stability and ITS test values, mixture no. 3 and no.
6 were selected as for candidate mixtures for being tested by complementary test methods. However, it should
be noted that the choice of 2.5% for the dosage was a compromise between production costs and performance.

100% cold recycled asphalt mixture using a multi-functional rejuvenating agent

Figure 3. Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) values

3.4. Cantabro particle loss

The Cantabro test method; EN 12697-17 [12] was used to characterize the ravelling resistance of the cold-
recycled asphalt mixtures. In the literature, the particle loss weight is considered as the mixture’s durability
criteria, which strictly depend on the type, amount and characteristics of the incorporated binder [13]. Here,
the test was carried out on the Marshall compacted specimens (50 blows on each face), which were
conditioned 7 days at 25˚C.
Fig. 4 represents the obtained test results of the tested specimens, condition for 7 days at 25˚C. The results
were compared to the specifications limit (Comune di Miano, 2016 [8]) for cold asphalt mixtures conditioned at
25˚C for 28 days. Bearing in mind this point, the presence of the optimum moisture is utterly important for the
cohesion properties of cold recycled asphalt mixtures. It is worth to mention that the particle loss value for the
mixture containing 7.5% of residual moisture and 3% of the rejuvenating agent was not applicable. It should
be noted that the specification threshold for particle loss I is for the samples with 28 days of curing, while due
to the time limitations for the mix design, we have run the tests on specimens with 7 days of conditioning.
Hence, it is expected that all the obtained results be more than the specification’s criterion.

Figure 4. Cantabro Particle loss

Shahin Eskandarsefat

Figure 5. On the top, the Cantabro specimens of mix no. 3 and on the bottom, the Cantabro Specimens of
mix no.6

3.5. Indirect Tensile Strength Ratio (ITSR)

Moisture damage-related distress is a primary concern limiting the application of cold-mix asphalt as an
alternative to hot-mix asphalt in the field [14]. The main concerns of moisture damage are in the form of
stripping resulting from the loss of bonding between bitumen binder and aggregate. Two mechanisms lead to
moisture damage in cold mix asphalt: one is the potential incomplete coating as a result of the charge
incompatibility between emulsion and aggregate; the other is the presence of water in the mixture.
The ITSR test as specified by EN 12697-12 [15] was used to evaluate the moisture sensitivity of the selected
mixtures (no. 3 and no. 6) in this study. The mixtures were prepared using gyratory compacted specimens at
ambient temperature applying 40 gyrations. Table 3 represents the obtained ITSR values for mixtures no. 3
and 6. According to the results even though there was no local specification criterion for TSR values of cold
mix asphalt, it is apparent that the mixtures performed very well to the presence of moisture.

Table 3. Moisture susceptibility in terms of ITSR

Mixture ID ITSR (%)
(MPa) (MPa)
no. 3 0.17 0.163 95.8
no. 6 0.15 0.145 96.4


Cold-mix recycled asphalt mixture serves as a promising paving material for applications ranging from
preventive maintenance to full-scale pavement construction. Here the following sections are some of those
experiences using 100% cold cold-mix recycled asphalt mixture containing the introduced rejuvenating agent.

4.1. Maintenance work

The mixture, which optimized following the aforementioned procedure was successfully used for maintenance
works in the province of Bologna, Italy. The objectives were mainly patching the potholes and extended
deteriorated areas as shown in Fig. 6. The trial maintenance works were monitored visually for a month after

100% cold recycled asphalt mixture using a multi-functional rejuvenating agent

placement of mixture controlling the probable raveling or early distress. Thanks to the perfect mix design, no
raveling or any other distress were seen after one month-monitoring.

Figure 6. On the left, placing the mixture for patching a pothole, first day. On the right compacted surface
after 14 days

4.2. Binder (intermediate) layer

The cold asphalt mixtures are probably the most sustainable solution for bottom layers of road pavements (e.g.
binder Layer or stabilized base course) with a low/medium level of traffics. In this regard, a 100% cold-recycled
asphalt mixture was optimized for binder layer in Spain, using 2% (on the weight of RAP) of the mentioned
rejuvenating agent examining the capability of using this rejuvenating agent producing a qualified binder layer.
It is worth mentioning that due to the grading curves of the RAP used in this project, 2% of cement was added
improving its grading curve. Fig.7 shows the trial section before and after laying the 100% cold-recycled asphalt

Figure 7. On the left, milled surface before laying binder layer; on the right compacting the binder layer

The laid binder layer was studied both with in situ tests and laboratory tests on the samples collected from the
trial section. The in situ controls were carried out mainly by visual inspections including the surface texture,
bonding between layers, and rutting susceptibility. Shown in Fig. 8, the macrotexture of the final surface
complied with standard and during the direct service life (before laying the wearing course) no raveling was
seen on the surface.

Shahin Eskandarsefat

Figure 8. 100% cold recycled binder layer in Spain after completing the compaction

As an important factor, the bonding quality between the recycled binder layer and stabilized base layer were
controlled by taking cores and evaluating the level of bonding. Fig. 9 shows the cores, which were taken from
the laid binder layer after 2 weeks of placement.

Figure 9. Asphalt cores from trial section

One of the in situ controls of this project was periodically controlling the permanent deformation. Shown in
Fig. 10 the depth of rutting was controlled in sections specified spacing on the trial section. During this
controls no significant rutting was recorded for this trial section before laying the wearing course.

100% cold recycled asphalt mixture using a multi-functional rejuvenating agent

Figure 10. Controlling the Rutting periodically after placement

In addition to periodically in situ controls, the sample collected form trial section was investigated employing of
ITS, Indirect Tensile Stiffness Modulus (ITSM), and Marshall Stability. The results are shown in Table 4.
According to the tests’ results, it can be seen that the values complied with considered specification’s criteria
discussed above.
Table 4. Comparing the trial section quality with the mix design
Test Standard Mix design test result Trial section test
Air voids 12697-08 11.91 (%) 9.39 (%)
Moisture susceptibility 12697-12 92 (%) 83 (%)
Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) 12697-23 0.23 (MPa) 0.26 (MPa)
Indirect Tensile Stiffness Modulus
@ 5˚C 8569 7208
@ 20˚C 12697-26 4184 3502
@ 30˚C 2411 2046
Marshall Stability (kN)
Conditioning @ 25˚C 15.59 15.36
Conditioning @ 60˚C 3.38 3.88


Compared with traditional hot-mix asphalt (HMA) and warm-mix asphalt, cold-mix recycled asphalt provides
many environmental and practical benefits; specific examples include a reduction in heating energy and
emissions and longer working time for transportation and placing. This paper represented a performance base
mix design of 100% cold-mix recycled asphalt mixtures containing an innovative rejuvenating agent. The
followings are some of the noteworthy concluding remarks notified during the mix design study and laying the
trial sections with different functions and RAP sources.
- The moisture content is of utmost importance in the performance properties of 100% cold-recycled
asphalt pavements.
- According to the data obtained from monitoring a trial section made with 100% cold-recycled asphalt
pavements and 2% of the rejuvenating agent. It was found out that against the expectations such this
mixtures could be a suitable sustainable solution for the binder layer of roads with low/medium traffic
load. According to the inspections, while the laid binder layer was performed acceptably against

Shahin Eskandarsefat

permanent deformation, some microcracks were also observed. However, this could be due to the
direct loading of the binder layer and late placement of wearing course.
- Providing a scratched surface (stabilized base layer) before laying the binder layer, no bonding
inefficiency was observed in this project.


Considering that up to now there is no standardized mix design procedure and testing method as for cold
recycling the authors recommend to apply the needed performance tests depending on the service load and
dominant temperature. In this respect, further cold-weather cracking and resistance to fatigue are
recommended and planned for cold recycled asphalt mixtures containing such rejuvenating agent.


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