The Heart Test 2

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Quick Test on the Heart

1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. Where is your heart located in the body?

a) In the center of your chest
b) Just under your ribs, slightly to the left of center
c) Below your stomach
d) In the right side of your chest

2. What is the function of the valves in the heart?

a) To pump blood
b) To allow blood to flow in one direction only
c) To store oxygen
d) To control heart rate

3. What happens when the heart muscle contracts?

a) Blood flows into the heart
b) The heart muscle lengthens
c) Blood is pushed out into the arteries
d) Valves open to let blood flow back into the heart

2. Short Answer Questions

1. Into which chamber does blood from the lungs flow?


2. Out of which chamber does blood flow on its way to the rest of the body?


3. Which two chambers contain oxygenated blood?


3. Activity-Based Questions

1. Describe the process of measuring pulse rate and how it changes with exercise.


2. Draw a simple diagram showing where to feel for a pulse.


4. Comparative Questions

1. Compare the structure of the heart muscle to other muscles in the body.


2. How do the heart valves function similarly to and differently from other valves in the body?


5. True or False

1. True or False: The heart muscle stops contracting when you are tired.


2. True or False: There are valves only between the upper and lower chambers of the heart.


6. Fill in the Blanks

1. The heart is made of ______.

2. Each surge of blood caused by the contraction of the heart is called a ______.

3. Blood flows into the heart from the veins when the heart muscle ______.

7. Matching

Match the part of the heart with its function:

- Left atrium
- Left ventricle
- Valves
- Heart muscle

a) Pumps oxygenated blood to the body

b) Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
c) Prevents backflow of blood
d) Contracts and relaxes to pump blood

8. Summary

Task 1: Questions on Heart Structure and Function

1. Into which chamber does blood from the lungs flow?


2. Out of which chamber does blood flow on its way to the rest of the body?


3. Which two chambers contain oxygenated blood?


Task 2: Investigating the Effect of Exercise on Pulse Rate

1. Explain how to measure and record the pulse rate before and after exercise.


2. Draw a graph showing pulse rate changes over time post-exercise.

3. Conclude how exercise affects pulse rate.


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