The Magic of Switchwords 2023 19 10 07 12 14

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What is Switchwords?

Switch words are simply the words that determine and alter your
energy from one dimension to the other dimension. It means that
words hold the power to change your energy. Switch words can
be called single-word affirmations and can replace affirmations.
How does it work? Switch words help you manifest.

Do you believe in MAGIC?

YES, there is existence of magic. Switch words can create magic.

Preparation before using switch words :-

1. Spend 20 to 30 minutes doing something that keeps you in a

positive emotional state.
2. Then do in a similar way as mantras, in fact
they are English mantras.
What Switchwords can do?

• Help deal with pain, low mood and stress-related ailments.

• Support efforts to break negative habits.

• Promote sleep and peace of mind.

• Help in leadership qualities.

• Manifest money.

• Attract love and friendship.

• Deepen relationship bonds.

• Support healing

• Combine with existing therapies like NLP, Chakra healing and

How Switchword Work ?

Switchwords - as the name signifies are the Switches. They are like
Electrical Switches. When one flips on electric light switch in his
home, it automatically lights up the bulb.

So Switchwords are like push buttons and they automatically

switch on the machinery inside because we have our Universe
within. So, they automatically work.
How To Use Switchwords?

1. Chant, whisper or say loudly many times daily. Don't count...

never focus on a number. Focus on intention. The more chanting
the better.
2. Write them down in a notebook many times daily. Don’t count...
Just write more times...

3. Write them on your body once after every bath. But don’t write
on your body when results are needed in another person.
4. Write them on a sticker paper and stick that sticker on the body.
Use a different sticker daily for hygienic reasons.

5. Write them on wrist bands, knee guards, clothes or anything we

wear. Sky is the limit for your imagination. For example, write hair
growth Switchwords on a hair band and wear it on head.
6. Write on a paper and stick on a water bottle (or write on bottle
directly) and drink that water in sips throughout the day. But after
15 minutes of writing.

One way of working with Switchwords is to repeat for 10 minutes

in the morning and for 10 minutes at night, and then anytime
during the day.
What Switchwords can NOT do

• Switchwords cannot make someone lie for you. If you are in a

court case, and you want to want to win no matter what,
Switchwords are not able to make someone to lie for you.
• Switchwords cannot make someone who doesn't have an
attraction to you change their mind, become devoted, and give up
their own free will.
• Switchwords do not force a person's to change his personal
• Switchwords cannot ruin someone life for your revenge.

• Switchwords cannot curse someone.

• Switchwords cannot kill someone.

• Switchwords cannot complete your wrong desire.

Master Switch Words

• Master Switchword ADD has Red Color Energy and uses to increase
what you have no matter what it is. ADD helps to increase the
percentage. ADD creates more power and force in every switch
word phrase. Anything you want to magnify use ADD. ADD helps
to set in motion your work. ADD helps to support, push,
uphold, promote, encourage, strengthen, reinforce, boost,
increase, improve, enlarge, amplify and fortify whatever you want.
Example: Add number, Add wealth, Add energy

• Master Switchword BRING has Green Color Energy and used as a

manifestation switchword. BRING helps you to unite and connect
with your goal and finish what you started. BRING helps to shorten
the time period for any goal and manifest quickly. BRING helps to
build, produce, create, form, generate, attract and pull towards you
miraculously. BRING unites you to your goal and makes an easy
pathway between you and your goal. BRING makes sure that the
Universe must deliver all their goodness with perfect time. BRING
makes you a magnet for all goodness.

Example: Bring Memory, Bring Love, Bring Job, Bring promotion

• Master Switchword CHARM has Pink Color Energy and helps you
to manifest your heart’s desire. Everyone has something in their
deep heart to manifest. CHARM helps you to attract your deep
desires those are sometimes unattended by your day to day work
pressure. Use CHARM to fulfill your inner wishes.

Example: Charm dream, Charm Goa tour

• Master Switchword LOVE also has Pink Color Energy and helps
you to manifest your heart’s desire like CHARM. LOVE helps
you to finish any work more politely, graciously and with ease.
LOVE eases the pressure. Use LOVE to melt down all hurdles and

Example: Love work, Love job, Love relation

• Master Switchword DIVINE has Violet Color Energy and creates

miracles of all types. Use DIVINE with any switchword phrase and
you will notice the difference. DIVINE also means to rise above the
ordinary and excelling in every aspect of life. DIVINE stands
for “EXCELLENT”. To do any work excellently well and to achieve
outstandingly, we can chant DIVINE. When you say DIVINE, even
impossible things will become possible. DIVINE creates luck and a
miracle. DIVINE protects us from everything that is not universal
love. DIVINE opens our hearts and unites us with divine love.
DIVINE helps against anger, hate, envy, jealousy, suspicion, and
revengefulness. DIVINE cut off from negativity. DIVINE is used to
call forth extra personal ability. DIVINE is used for extraordinary
accomplishment, multiple intensity, increase enlightenment and
brightly focus on positivity. DIVINE helps in cleaning and makes
the switchword phrase more efficient. DIVINE clean up a mess and
put it in optimum order.

Example: Divine job, Divine home, Divine love

• Master Switchword DONE has Greenish Yellow Color Energy and

helps to meet a deadline. DONE helps to keep a resolution and
build willpower. DONE creates completion. DONE gives an instant
solution to any work and issue. DONE creates a guarantee. DONE
helps when you are not in the mood to finish your workout,
this one is great to make your mood. DONE helps to increase
endurance, make a long-distance seem short, generate, radiate,
and experience love and acceptance. DONE finish all works

Example: Job done, Work done, Marriage done

• Master Switchword ELATE has Orange Color Energy to turn a
setback into an uplift. ELATE has the power to revive and restore
anything. ELATE helps to recreate a lost relationship, name,
fame, love, health, wealth and prosperity. ELATE helps to
restore ill organs too.

Example: Elate kidney, Elate love, Elate Wealth, Elate Energy

• Master Switchword NOW has Blue Color Energy to act on good

impulse. NOW helps to relieve procrastination. NOW helps to
make sure your destiny gives you only good things at the right
time. NOW create calmness and relaxation. NOW helps to
eliminate past traumas, wounds, diseases, and karmas. NOW
speed up things which are stuck into and due to bad memories.
Example: Work now, Do now, Start now
• Master Switchword REACH has Purple Color Energy to remember
something forgotten, to find lost or misplaced articles, to solve a
problem and to invent. REACH helps to find anything and
anywhere. REACH is more concerned with the effort. When some
problem smash your head REACH always helps as the solution is
within you. When your mind is completely confused about
whether to do this or do that, then REACH will work.

Example: Reach pen, Reach Gold, Reach answer, Reach memory

When you fix a target and not able to reach the target even after
attempting 4–5 times then you say REACH. REACH will bridge the
gap between yourself and the target. To get spiritual insights
too, we can use REACH. REACH repair things, give an idea and find
what you’re looking for. REACH increase your memory. Read
more about REACH here.

• Master Switchword SUNRISE has Golden Color Energy which

helps to eliminate laziness, lethargy, stress, anxiety, darkness and,
procrastination. SUNRISE creates hope, new energy, optimism,
fulfillment, and a source of life. SUNRISE creates happiness for our
inner spirit and tunes us with our truest Self. SUNRISE un-hides
things and events which are sometimes fade behind negative

SUNRISE creates strength and purity of spirit. SUNRISE creates

a perfect balance between the conscious mind and the
subconscious mind. SUNRISE creates action, vibration, and rays of
hope. SUNRISE also creates life and the fruitfulness of the
spirit under the nourishment of the GOD.

SUNRISE creates success, radiance, and abundance. SUNRISE gives

you strength and makes sure that no matter where you go or
what you do; your positive and radiant energy will follow you and
will bring you happiness and joy. People are drawn to whom
those regularly use SUNRISE. SUNRISE makes your mind so that
you can always see the bright side and you bring such warmth
into other people’s lives.

SUNRISE has beautiful warm energy which will get you through
the tough times and will help you succeed. SUNRISE creates and
enhances your position, your highest qualities and achievements.
SUNRISE creates stability and open one’s eyes to those who are
going on the wrong path. SUNRISE also creates abundance and
stop losses. SUNRISE alone has enough power but if you want
to enhance more chant “GOLDEN SUNRISE“.

• Master Switchword THANKS also has Green Color Energy to cease

regretting. THANKS has a powerful way to close up all arguments.
THANKS create many options and solutions.
Example: Thank god

• Master Switchword TOGETHER has Sky blue color energy to unite

body, mind and soul. TOGETHER has a powerful way to do
something quickly and get connected with the divine energies.
TOGETHER has enough power to achieve mastery in something.

Example : Together divine

What are the Switchword Phrases?

• Switchword phrases are the phrases made out of combinations of

a few effective Switchwords without using and following any
grammatical rules.

• Switchword phrases have energies of combination

Switchwords to attain desired results. Many Switchwords can
be clubbed together to create a Switchword phrase in order to
acquire the power of many Switchwords into one phrase for
quick results.
Switchwords phrases for Money and Abundance

▪ FIND-COUNT-DIVINE – For attracting Money Miracles

▪ INTEND-NOW-PERFECT-RAINBOW-BE – For attracting good

feelings, and an abundance of positive experiences


attracting money quickly




▪ SATYA-RESTORE-COUNT-NOW – when you are owed money for

work done


of magic with immediate effect

▪ DIVINE-MAGIC-BEGIN-NOW + Your Intention – This is used to

attract whatever you intend


joyful abundance beyond expectation now.

▪ SHREEM – attracting wealth



your heart’s desires, deliver the goods, cause money to come to

you, make it happen fast.

▪ BRING-GOLD-CLOUDS-NOW – bring money asap

▪ COUNT-COUNT-COUNT-520 – Financial freedom




– attract money
▪ TOGETHER-FIND-COUNT-DIVINE – to make money miraculously


immediate money

▪ POVERTY-CANCEL - To clear debt, to erase poverty consciousness

and help money come in

▪ TOGETHER-SHUT - To end a financial dispute

▪ ADD-COUNT - To increase existing money

▪ FIND-DIVINE - For a financial miracle, to find a treasure

▪ TOGETHER-COUNT-ON To attract wealth as part of a team

FIND-DIVINE-COUNT-ON For a measurable fortune/income

ADD-GOLD-COUNT-CRESCENDO-ON. To increase earnings.


home in budget.
Switchwords phrases for Finding a New Job


job offer


For job confirmation.


To clear the job selection interview.

• FIND -DIVINE -JOB- To get good job

Switchwords phrases for Education, Research & Test

▪ CARE-REACH - To learn and recall at will.

▪ ATTENTION-NEXT-DONE - To work with accuracy and to deadline.

▪ RESTORE-CARE - To improve memory

Tip: Use REACH to retrieve information. As CARE stores, REACH

retrieves. Chant REACH when you need instant recall.

Switchwords phrases for Attracting a New Relationship

▪ BRING-ON-LOVE-DIVINE - For a love miracle; to get soul mate.

▪ TOGETHER-REACH-DIVINE-LOVE – To attract dream lover.

Switchwords phrases for dealing with relationship issues

▪ CONCEDE-CLEAR - For forgiveness; to clear lingering negative

▪ BOW-CONCEDE-FORGIVE - To let go of past hurts.


BETWEEN-EVER-ON - For increasing respect, love &

understanding between parents and kids.

▪ QUIET-DETACH-CUT-END-SHUT-UP - To keep third party influence

from a relationship.

the third party influence is very stubborn and you want to totally
cut relations and talks between them.

▪ BE-DIVINE-MAGIC-NOW - Be at peace and in wellness, unaffected

by ridicule and negative

communication and clear mistakes/miscommunication made in



personal ability to master kindness, caring, aligning energies,

cherishing and being unaffected by ridicule and negative
energy(for relationships where you feel have been hurt).


honesty, fairness and protection


MAGNANIMITY - To help bring back together a broken



To improve communication in a relationship.

Switchwords phrases for Ex and Enemy

What to do about negative people in your life?

▪ To stop thinking about a person and/or distance you from them or

the effect of their actions, say the person’s full name plus CUT.

▪ If a relationship or friendship is broken and it is time to move on,

mentally send them a love bomb by chanting the Switch phrase
DIVINE- THANKS for the role they played in your life but which is
now over.

▪ TOGETHER-ADJUST-TINY-THANKS - switches the charge of your

energy away from irritation, anger and frustration which keep you
connected to acceptance, which releases you both.

▪ REVEAL-UNMASK-RESTORE-SATYA-NOW-to help someone realize

that the person is being used for selfish motives.

Switchwords phrases for Health(Physical & Emotional)


▪ SAVE-ON-OPEN-UP-SHUT-OFF - to overcome addiction

▪ Ensure-BE-ADJUST-EASE-FLOW-Tiger Lily-LIGHT - to overcome


▪ BLUFF - To reduce anxiety; dispel nervousness.

▪ BE-SUPREME-Hu-LOVE-BE - Connect to the highest light and love

and beauty within yourself; release negative thinking; allow
yourself to let go of negative thoughts. To resolve all problems
and tensions in life.


handle uncomfortable or unpleasant conditions, adapt and
convert, feel satisfied, become a success, express yourself well.


available, give and receive joy, transform thought into action, act
on good impulse now, place focus on positive aspects.

For Conceiving

▪ DIVINE-CHARM-BRING-COPY-NOW – Pregnancy & Fertility.

For Sleep –

▪ OFF - to go to sleep.

▪ LAVENDER - To relax and sleep

▪ STOP - To stop over thinking; to promote sleep

▪ OCEAN - To see pleasant dream in sleep.

For Calming a crying baby –

▪ LOVE-LOVE-LOVE over and over for 5-10 minutes. (Helps a

child feel secure and loved, usually has a near immediate calming

▪ BE-BE-BE-BE over and over for 5-10 minutes. This has been
found to work amazingly well when a child is not feeling well.
For Students –

▪ DIVINE-CARE – Improve study habits and retention.


your conscious and subconscious minds together and focused,

allow information to flow in a smooth and organized manner.

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