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Software Engineering 2

2023 2024
References ‫المراجع‬
1. Dart documentation,, 2023
2. Flutter documentation,, 2023
3. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering , tenth edition,
4. Martina Seidl , Marion Scholz, Christian Huemer , Gerti Kappel, An
Introduction to Object-Oriented Modeling, 2015
5. Marlon Dumas , Marcello La Rosa, Jan Mendling , Hajo A. Reijers,
Fundamentals of Business Process Management, second edition, 2018
6. Roger pressman, Bruce Maxim, Software Engineering, eighth edition
7. ‫سعيد‬.‫راكان رزوق د‬.‫ خليل العجمي د‬.‫ باسل الخطيب د‬.‫األساسيات في الهندسة المعلوماتية (د‬
‫خالد‬.‫مادلين عبود د‬.‫محمد جنيدي د‬.‫غسان سابا د‬.‫ عمار جوخدار د‬.‫سيرا استور د‬.‫أبو تراب د‬
2019)‫ميسون دشاش‬.‫مروان زبيبي االشراف والتنسيق العام د‬.‫العمر د‬
Syllabus ‫مفردات المقرر‬
1. Dart
2. Flutter
3. Business Process modeling notation(BPMN)
a. Business process
b. Core elements of BPMN
c. Branching and merging
d. Business objects
e. Resources
f. Process decomposition
g. Repetition
‫تقييم العملي‬
‫اختبار العملي في نهاية الفصل من ‪ 30‬درجة‬
‫يحدد في الفترة بين ‪ 21/11/2023‬و ‪25/12/2023‬‬
‫(الموعد الدقيق يتم تحديده بعد توفير القاعات والمراقبين الالزمين الجراء االختبار‪ .‬وال يتم اعادته‬
‫الي طالب لذلك يجب على الطالب تنسيق مواعيدها بحيث تلتزم بموعد االختبار العملي)‬
‫االختبار العملي واالمتحان النظري يتضمن أسئلة حول‬
‫مالحظة‪ :1‬تمارين العملي كافية للتعرف على نموذج االختبار العملي‬
‫مالحظة‪ :2‬االسئلة في االختبار العملي واالمتحان النظري تعتمد على الفهم وليس الحفظ‬
‫الساليدات الموجود مأخوذة‬
5‫ و‬4 ‫من المرجعين‬
‫ومن الرابط‬
What is a (Business) Process?
Collection of related events, activities and
decisions, that involve a number of actors and
resources, and that collectively lead to an
outcome that is of value to an organization or
its customers.

• Order-to-Cash
A BPMN process model is a graph consisting of four types
of core elements:

start end
activity event gateway sequence

• An order-to-cash process is triggered by the receipt

of a purchase order from a customer.
• Upon receipt, the purchase order has to be checked
against the stock to determine if the the requested
item(s) are available.
• Depending on stock availability the purchase order
may be confirmed or rejected.
• If the purchase order is confirmed, an invoice is
emitted and the goods requested are shipped. The
process completes by archiving the order.
Order-to-cash BPMN Model
Reject order event
Items not in
Check stock split gateway end
Purchase event
order Items in
received stock Confirm Emit Archive
start Ship goods
order invoice order
event fulfilled

Naming conventions
• Event: noun + past-participle verb
• Activity: verb + noun

A start event triggers a new process instance start
by generating a token that traverses the
sequence flow (“tokens source”)

An end event signals that a process instance has

completed with a given outcome by consuming
a token (“tokens sink”) end

Flutter install

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