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Supansa T ongkham,

79/S, Moo 4,Chiang Mai 501 50, T hailand

Opening Balance 6.1 00.0 T HB

Withdrawals 2.836.05 T HB
Deposits 2.852.45 T HB
Closing Balance on Apr 1 8, 2024 6.1 1 6.40 T HB
Y ou are eligible for a 1 00 T H B
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smartphone to find out more about a
High interest. Savings Account-with
the first 1 00 T HB deposit on us!

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Y our T ransaction Details

Date Details Withdrawals Deposits Balance
Apr 8 Opening Balance 6.1 00.00
Apr 8 Insurance 252.45 6.352.45
Apr 1 0 AT M 300 6.052.45
Apr 1 1 Internet T ransfer 240 6.292.45
Apr 1 2 Pay roll 21 00 8.392.45
Apr 1 3 Bill Payment 1 35.07 8.257.38
Apr 1 4 Direct Debit 300.00 7.957.38
Apr 1 4 Deposit 260.00 8.21 7.38
Apr 1 6 Bill Payment 522.70 7.694.68
Apr 1 7 Bill Payment 328.63 7.366.05
Apr 1 8 Bill Payment 725.96 6.640.09
Apr 1 8 Bill Payment 223.69 6.41 6.40
Apr 1 8 AT M 300.00 6.1 1 6.40
Closing Balance 6.1 1 6.40

Bangkok Bank
Address: 947/2 Moo 1 2, Bang Na Complex Building, Bang Na-Trat Road, Bangkok, 1 0260, T hailand
T el: +66 2 361 8444

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