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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Region X
Division of Gingoog City
Brgy 11, Gingoog City
Writer: Joylene V. Cagasan
School: San Juan Central School

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
The learners explain the use of possessive pronouns.

B. Performance Standards
The learners use possessive pronouns to complete the sentence

C. Learning Competency and Code:

Read and write possessive pronouns use possessive pronouns

II. Content: Measurement

Subject Matter: Use Possessive Pronouns
Strategies: Cooperative Learning
Materials: Papers, Pictures
References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide in English

III. Procedure
A. Review Previous Lessons
Form sentences showing the cause-effect 1. Raymond reviewed his lessons last
relationship by matching sentences in column A with night because he always read his
sentences in column B. Write the sentences in your books
notebook. Underline the cause and encircle the
effect. 2. Joan writes well because they all
A B worked together.
Raymond reviewed because he always
his lessons last night read his books. 3. I watered the plants every day
Joan writes well because they all because she practices every day
worked together.
I watered the plants because she 4. The kids submitted their project on
everyday practices every day. time so he got an excellent score
The kids submitted so he got an on his test.
their project on time excellent score on
his test. 5. Rodel was able to answer his
Rodel was able to so they grow with teacher’s question so they grow
answer his teacher’s beautiful flowers. with beautiful flowers.
B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson
Fill the blanks with because or so to show 1. Mary has a wound because he
cause and effect.
1. Mary has a wound __________ she tripped. 2. Thomas has toothache so he
went to a dentist.
2. Thomas has toothache ___________ he
3. Angela received a medal
went to a dentist.
because she won in the singing
3. Angela received a medal _______________ 4. It is Typhoon Signal no. 4 so
she won in the singing contest.
families evacuated to the
4. It is Typhoon Signal no. 4 ___________ nearest evacuation center.
families evacuated to the nearest evacuation 5. Teacher Kay’s phone broke
down so she bought a new one.
5. Teacher Kay’s phone broke down 6.
_____________ she bought a new one.

C. Presenting examples /instances of the

new lessons
Do the “Hold Up” game to present
possessive pronouns

1. I will Group you into 2 groups.

2. Write various sentences on cards, each
containing a possessive pronoun (e.g., his, her,
their, its).
3. Each player takes turns holding up a card with a
sentence on it.
4. The player must read the sentence aloud and
identify the possessive pronoun in the sentence.
5. The other players can then guess the correct
possessive pronoun or provide a sentence using a
possessive pronoun.
6. Continue playing until all the cards have been
used or for a set amount of time.
7. The player with the most correct identifications or
sentences wins the game.

1. His red sports car zoomed past the other

vehicles on the highway.
2. Their family owns a luxurious black sedan for
their daily commute.
3. Its vintage convertible car gleamed under the
sunlight at the car show.
4. Her electric car was parked in the designated
charging spot at the mall.
5. Our yellow taxi cab honked loudly as it weaved
through the city traffic.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills #1.
Discuss possessive pronouns and explain
the use of possessive pronouns.

Possessive pronouns are used to show ownership

or possession of a person, place, thing, or idea
without the need for a noun to follow. They replace a
noun and indicate who or what something belongs

Examples of possessive pronouns include "mine,"

"yours," "his," "hers," "ours," "theirs," and "its."
These pronouns indicate that something belongs to
a specific person or group. For example, in the
sentence "The book is mine," the possessive
pronoun "mine" replaces the noun and shows that
the book belongs to the speaker.

Possessive pronouns can also be used to avoid

repetition or to make sentences more concise. They
are essential in indicating possession and clarifying
relationships between individuals or objects.
Understanding possessive pronouns is crucial for
effective communication and expressing ownership
in written and spoken language.

E. Discussing new concepts & practicing 1. The word "mine" in the sentence
and concern to new skills #2 indicates ownership.
2. Ownership is shown in this sentence by
Example sentence: "The blue bicycle is mine." using the possessive pronoun "mine" to
demonstrate that the blue bicycle belongs
Possible questions for students based on this to the speaker.
sentence: 3. In this context, "mine" is a possessive
1. What word in the sentence indicates ownership? pronoun.
2. How is ownership shown in this sentence? 4. We use a possessive pronoun like
3. What type of word is "mine" in this context? "mine" in a sentence to show who
4. When would we use a possessive pronoun like something belongs to without repeating the
"mine" in a sentence? noun.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative
Guided Practice
Let pupils do the Ownership Game.

1. Divide the students into two groups.

2. Provide each group with a set of objects or
images representing various possessions.
3. Ask each group to create sentences using
possessive pronouns to indicate ownership of the
objects or images.
4. Encourage the students to use possessive
pronouns such as "mine," "yours," "his," "hers,"
"ours," "theirs," and "its" in their sentences.
5. Each group takes turns presenting their
sentences to the class, emphasizing the correct use
of possessive pronouns.
6. After each presentation, engage the class in
discussing the use of possessive pronouns and
provide feedback on their sentences.
7. To make it more challenging, students can also
guess the owner of the object based on the
possessive pronoun used in the sentence.
8. Award points for correct usage and creativity in
forming sentences with possessive pronouns.


G. Finding Practical Applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
Let each pupil from the group give the
possessive pronoun that will complete each

1. Marie reads the book. That is _____book. 1. Marie reads the book. That is her book.
2. Jon writes using a pen. That is _____pen. 2. Jon writes using a pen. That is his pen.
3. Luisa gets a stick. That is _____stick. 3. Luisa gets a stick. That is her stick.
4. I go home with a bag. This is _____bag. 4. I go home with a bag. This is my bag.
5. We go to school every day. This is 5. We go to school every day. This is our
_____school. school.
H. Generalization Possessive pronouns are pronouns used
What is Possessive pronoun? to show ownership
I.Evaluating Learning
Copy the following sentences in your notebook.
Underline the owner in each sentence. Then, write
the correct possessive pronoun on the blank.

1. Jon owns the bag. It is _____bag. 1. Jon owns the bag. It is his bag.
2. Almira owns the ball. It is _____ball. 2. Almira owns the ball. It is her ball.
3. We own the house. It is ____house. 3. We own the house. It is our house.
4. Carlo, is your art? It is _____art. 4. Carlo, is your art? It is your art.
5. I own the black pen. It is ____pen. 5. I own the black pen. It is my pen.
J. Additional activities for application or
Write 3 at least sentences using the
Possessive Pronoun

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