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) Grasslands are natural ecological communities dominated by grasses and with no or only
sparse tree or shrub cover. They are dominated by a range of grass species but contain a
diversity of other herbs. Grasslands are among the most species rich plant communities in
b.) Barossa is known for having a Mediterranean climate, with warm, dry summers and cool,
rainy winters. June through August is wintertime, with chilly days, occasional rain, and
chilly nights. There are plenty of sunny days from September to February, since there is
typically not much rainfall during this time, additional irrigation is occasionally required.
March through May, the harvest season, is often pleasant, bright, and cool at night.
c.) In order to survive in the Grasslands, the species that live here must be able to adapt to
the conditions of this biome. In this biome, the dominant animals are; mice, cheetahs, and
birds. For the plants, spidewort, coneflower, and gumweed.
a.) Various adaptations are needed to survive in the grasslands.
Grasslands are known for barely have trees, because of this, animals like birds have
developed a nesting behavior, because of the lack of trees, birds that live in the
grasslands try to hide their eggs as much as possible.

Using it’s spot-patterned body, cheetahs can get itself a heftly from stalking prey and
hide itself from the lurking predators on gray – hued grasses they inhabit. This is called

Social Systems
Distancing one’s self from you pack will attract lurking predators, because of this, such
animals (herbivores) have become social, some creating a bigger group and some inter-
socializing with other species.
b.) Plants in the grassland biome tend to have long, narrow leaves which doesn’t need very
much water.
c.) Grasses grow near the base, not from the tip. This decreases the chances of
permanently destroying the grasses from grazing animals and wildfires.
d.) Soft stems enable grasses to bend in the wind.

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