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2022 1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics: Developments & Applications (ICIDeA)

A Study on the Impact of 5G in Defense and

Vardan Malik Sarvesh Tanwar
Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity Institute of Information Technology,
Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida
Noida, India Noida, India
2022 1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics: Developments & Applications (ICIDeA) | 978-1-6654-2149-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICIDEA53933.2022.9970046

Abstract—5G which stands for fifth generation wireless military these are several technologies coming [3]. 5G will
network. Fifth-generation technology is a new standard for become a key player in the field of military communication
broadband cellular networks as it is designed to connect as there is no need for any kind of satellites or
devices and everyone to each other and aimed to provide communication relay aircraft for communication between
higher bandwidth with extremely low latency. 5G networks machine-to-machine or between soldiers and control centres.
are now being evaluated in several sites throughout the
world, with commercial use likely to commence in India in The paper is set up in the following manner: In section 2,
early 2022. This article delves at the potential applications of presents related work of 5G. 5G development and security
5G technology in the sphere of military and conflict challenges are explained in section 4 and section 5. In
situations. After a quick rundown of 5G technologies and
Section 6, describes the possible solutions and in section 7,
how it works, a detailed literature review of research done by
authors in the field of 5G with in time span of six years is done applications of 5G. The proposed approach is described in
along with stating some gaps in their research papers and section 8 followed by conclusion in section 9.
then a detailed discussion about different key technologies
used in 5G network such as – mm Wave, MIMO, Hentet’s, II. LITERATURE REVIEW
D2D Communication, SDN, NFV are talked through. This Xinsheng Ji Xin [4] In his article, the author examined
paper focuses on challenges in deployment of 5G technology. the security requirements of 5G commercial applications,
After which it has an incredibly detailed discussion about network architecture, the air interface, and user privacy. He
privacy and security challenges which are linked with 5G
because of using foreign equipment and then it provides
also talks about the trend of 5G architectural development. A
workable solutions to the privacy and securitychallenges. variety of 5G security technologies are also covered.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) may have an impact on 5G
Keywords—5G Technologies, 5G Network, Defense, Security, security from a defensive standpoint, and authors [5]
Military Communication, Future Battlespace. investigated potential defences to protect against hostile AI
while highlighting their limitations and adoption challenges.
Shen Su [6] provided a framework for automated 5G security
Cellular Communications was centred on solutions by integrating the physical and logical layers from
communications connecting people [1]. On the other hand, the point of defence and automated attack. Tugba Erpek [7]
the next generation of mobile networks is designed to link underlined the attack surface of machine learning and
more devices to each other. Acceptance of the Internet of corresponding attacks launched against wireless 5G
Things (IoT), in which each item will have inbuilt sensors, is communications systems. Kadri Kaska [8] pointed out
required for the number of smart commodities, smart cities, security threats from both a cybersecurity point and a broader
and smart army bases which will have capability to detect national security context who are planning to use 5G
and sense in order to make decisions together with the power equipment’s from China based companies. Michel Bonfim
to speak to among themselves, in locality that too in real [9] shows a real-time 5G network attack defense system. As
word timing leading to a common environment to fulfil they found new security issue regarding attacks against an
some purpose and every one this may occur without the NS instance within network operator. Software defined
need for human involvement 5G networks are viewed as dynamic security (SD-DSD) as a service for 5g-enabled
having significant promise. infrastructure that is required to automotive networks is described by Haotian Xu [10].
make this a reality [2].5G will have voice, video and data Yangban Sun [11] this paper demonstrates defence
with device-to-device communication which will have ultra- framework and automated attack on security 5G with the
low latency especially in dense places with big target of giving exploratory direction for the research on
dependability. Thus, 5G technology brings a possibility of security of 5G. Harsh V. Pant [12] this paper tells us about
the operational requirements for communication between the response of Native American to the ongoing talks on 5G
soldier to soldier and with control post also with the help of technology. It further tells us about the division between the
voice, the possibility of 5G technology is connecting sensor Government of India and telecom companies in India.
with self-driving cars along with devices with built-in Literature review is presented in table 1.
advanced Al techniques will bring a conflict with a far fewer
number of humans participating, which will be faster and
stronger [3]. 5G technology works on band of mm Wave,
with transmitting aerial, with a spectrum which is being
shared and beamforming method, and full duplex
communications which is of extremely high speed. In the
area of communication with respect to commercial and

978-1-6654-2149-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE

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Yash Patel 2021 The author proposed slicing of network [26] based on the priority of services. He
showed how to migrate services from one
type to the next to ensure better software, The following are some of the new key technologies
gadget, communication, and physically employed in 5G technology [13-14]
available resources.
Luis 2021
Bastos The author provides an overview of 5G
technologies and outlines significant A. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)
technologies that will aid in the
development of military-related features. It This method makes use of many co-located antennas to
also provides some scenarios where 5G can simultaneously serve multiple clients in a similar time-
help military use. Then it gives some frequency asset. As the array opens with a high number of
suggestion where further development elements, the array's resolution is also increased. This viably
can be done. thinks the transmitted force towards proposed recipients,
Shane 2020
Fonyi Here the author discussed his research
related to 5G in the space of security. It
along these lines the transmitted force can be made
also gives an overview of technologies discretionarily little, bringing about large decrement in intra
and security built into 5G. and between cell impedance and all along work on the
Ansh 2020 Here author talks in detail about use of 5G throughput and Energy Efficiency (EE) execution [15].
u in field of military communications and
Bhar about security challenges regarding 5G
dwaj specifically in India and further cast
[29] light on status of 5G in world. B. Heterogeneous Networks (HetNet)
Ning 2019
Wang Through this paper the author gives a Long Term Evolution, High-Speed Packet Access are
comprehensive survey of PLS techniques different type radio access technologies which have various
in communication system of 5G IoT with nodes which will empower framing of the multitier network
the help offour hierarchical parts.
with every level having various qualities, for example,
Anand 2018 Here the author tries to present aspects
of security in 5G system specified by transmission force and area covered. One thousand times
the 3rd Generation Partnership Project capacity which will be addressed with dense cells are
(3GPP), and difference with 4G (LTE) feasible to acknowledge with HetNet. HetNet can be
system. acknowledged by framework of cells which is overlaying
Douglas 2017 In this paper the author briefly with technology of small cells which is similar, that is
Stapleton discuses 5G bandwidth requirement [32] for modern wars. It also examines
with various technology of small cells. HetNet will
important problem in adopting 4G (LTE) accomplish notably better region spectral effectiveness
and future 5G. (b/s/Hz/m2) [16].
Ab Rathi 2016 In this paper firstly author tries to give a [33] detailed information about all previous C. Millimeter wave (mm Wave)
generation of networks technology and The mm Wave band, as of now pipes of wireless
then shifts focus toward upcoming 5G broadband can be given because of the accessibility of
technology. They also discussed about spectrum in large quantity. Additionally, the little antenna
present Telecommunication system and
sizes (λ/2) and their little spectrum (likewise around λ/2), will
problems faced by soldiers because of it
and talked about recent efforts to empower pressing many antenna components in only one
overcome the problem regarding military. centimetre square. This, thus, will permit accomplishing
exceptionally high beamforming gains in little regions, this
can be done at both the Base Station and the User
A. Research Gaps Equipment, and it can help improve the security of the
However, after reading all these research paper which system [16]. However, route loss is higher at these
state about different things related to 5G technology wavelengths than at traditional sub 3GHz bands, and
especially in the field of defence and security I personally infiltration loss via the building is significantly higher,
find a topic which is not extensively covered in these limiting the use of outside RATs for internal use. Finally,
research papers is about the privacy of 5G users. As we are radio connections are subject to being broken by moving
talking about the use of 5G technology in the field of objects or persons due to the proliferation in the Line-of-
military, privacy of military data is particularly important. Sight direction. Regardless of these limitations, the mm
There must be more research done regarding encryption of Wave frequency band is viewed as the very promising for
5G networks. Only a few papers talk about security future networks due to its large MIMO and availability of
concerns regarding 5G equipment purchase from specific spectrum in abundance [17].
country. And how data breaches, especially data related to
military affairs can be a major concern for national interest
because of usage of international 5G equipment’s. SO, D. Device to Device
there should be deep elaborated research regarding In 5G, D2D communication allows for better spectrum
security issues related to 5G technology. utilization and traffic offloading from base stations. The
first issue is the substantial amount of devices that are
need to be linked (fifty billion gadgets should be
associated later network society). The other test entails
streaming real-time and remote-controller vehicles via the
network, which necessitates a millisecond or less of
latency. One such arrangement may be the "Tactile

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Internet" [14], which focuses on a twenty times network constraints resulting from constant partition of the
improvement in latency from 4G to 5G. fundamental systems network and preparation framework.
E. Software defined network (SDN) Buying 5G hardware from China's media
Software defined network has three essential features: communications monsters is going to be extremely unsafe
logically centralized intelligence, programmability, and from the angle of the Indian army. 5G technology will
reflection, all of which can aid boost network flexibility carry colossal advantages to the Indian army over the
and scalability while lowering costs. SDN decouples the course of the following decade in any event. It is
control plane of network from the information plane, regarded to be innovative innovation, which will have a
allowing for a greater client plane limit without losing direction on the tasks of military. However, the Government
control plane resources. Furthermore, the centralized of India is yet to settle on a definitive decision in regards
Controller of a network can set certain networking from where to buy 5G equipment’s. Huawei, a Chinese
mechanisms (such as routing, forwarding, and access company, is still a contender for some 5G equipment
control), allowing for unique topology of network inventory. Huawei's 5G offering is highly competitive in a
reorganizations and reconfigurations for specific field that includes other major international firms. While the
networking mechanisms. Similarly, thanks to the Indian government has stated unequivocally that it will not
programmable centralized regulator, infrastructure authorize 5G equipment from "untrustworthy" suppliers,
translation to novel networking technologies such as implying that Huawei and another Chinese network, ZTE,
Cloud Computing, the IoT, and others will be simple and will not be able to do so, the government is undecided on
quick [15]. whether the two Chinese 5G providers should be outright
The public authority has recognized these networks as
F. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and liable to introduce "back door" innovations that could
Networking Slicing empower Chinese covert operative offices to direct
Network Functions Virtualization allows for the delivery undercover work. These advances, whenever introduced by
of virtualized networking functions at the edge of network, Chinese companies, will no doubt endanger India's
enabling for the sharing of Network as a Service public security. 5G carries extraordinary advantages to
components. In this way, virtualization approaches enable the regular citizen, business, and defence broadcast
the execution of network services in programming that are communications areas. It will produce higher information
ready to run regardless of the basic server hardware [1]. The rates, quick transmission empowered by high transfer
administrator's core equipment can be virtualized into a speed.
logical design that can be used to virtualize a variety of
services and capacities, in both terms of processing and Military specialists in India, similarly as they are in
network. As a result, genuine network operating components different nations, are going to take advantage of this
can be virtualized in a multi-tenancy and multi-version lucky break to coordinate 5G equipment and
manner, permitting services and capabilities to be scaled as programming for their current and future abilities. 5G will
needed while decreasing development time and Capex [16]. have quicker reaction rates rather than 4G, more
As a result, prohibitions on proprietary equipment have been extensive data transfer capacity and amazingly speedy
eased, allowing for tremendous progress in the creation of transmission and gathering of symbolism and war zone
novel networking services. Network cutting is the ability of conditions. Given the circumstances, 5G range presents
a network to arrange and execute many logical networks as a difficulties to a scope of the tactical specialized limits.
virtual business activity on a typical physical infrastructure. Even before the present deadlock, the armed forces advised
Network cutting is being used in a few Enterprise apps right the government against adopting 5G technology purchased
now, and it will be a key aspect of 5G design. from China because it could meddle with military
communications and drastically damage the Army's capacity
IV. CHALLENGES IN 5G DEPLOYMENT to safeguard India along its wide land borders with the PRC.
The most significant issue with 5G is the substantial 5G will have an impact on defence electronic
number of networked devices, particularly critical infrastructure, for example. Radar networks and
infrastructure, which necessitates the use of asymmetric communication require this equipment, as well as man-
assets (size computational assets, power requirements, BW, portable radio sets. Because wired services are limited to
and so on) in a new IoT worldview . The security of the rural areas, the government should consider two types of
radio interface is a test for productivity, device security, roadblocks when considering whether to integrate 5G into
network security, and preventing DoS attacks on the the country's media communications network. The first is
foundation; distributed control frameworks anticipate natural: the Indian Army's 5G gear will be hampered by the
cooperation to avoid Signalling storms; and preventing DoS hilly terrain and significant precipitation soon; the second is
attacks on end-client gadgets. Next Generation Mobile client blocking, which might seriously impede the
Networks (NGMN) discovered a number of difficulties, presentation of 5G frameworks.
which have been documented in the literature [1].
Dissimilar to the business clients of 5G technology
Huge availability will expand the attack surface of the who might not have any desire to put resources into
5G network. Similarly, rather than true separation, the effect hearty insurance gear from impedance because of
of an attack will be viewed as difficulties in controlling a significant expense, the Native American armed services
successful assault because of temporary bury and intra- will be constrained in doing that. They should put
resources into tough movable gear that downplay

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impedance in a working climate. To ensure a robust and disaster-related fatalities. With secure and dependable video
thorough presentation of 5G technology for the Indian sharing using body cameras and area sharing [21], 5G will
military, the government must hire specialized personnel to also expand data sharing within the various warring groups. If
overcome computer-related barriers. Armed forces will very a crisis occurs, a network of upgraded sensors, robots,
certainly face pervasive barriers, such as powerful signals of vehicles, and troops in far-flung places would reduce
foe loyalty. The data transmission rate of 5G is extremely response time and enable rapid delivery of critical supplies –
high. As a result, the jammer will follow into millimetre ammo, food, medications, and so on – to precise areas via 5G
wave range to stick frameworks in proximity. For short- connected Drones. The introduction of 5G technology will
distance transmission, all clients, including business and allow for a greater variety of material information.
military clients, will rely on 28 GHz and beyond. This is like
4G in that it has a longer frequency and lower signal Advances in 5G technology will allow for more material
recurrence, 3.5 GHz and below. usage data to be collected, which will have a major impact on
future industrial networks and military planning [21].
Lower-frequency data transmission, such as 4G, has Military specialized gadgets would allow rapid short
reduced long-distance networks' capacity to transfer data at proximity correspondence via D2D correspondence without
higher speeds to approximately one megabyte per second. requiring satellite transfers, according to a 2017 report in
5G technology developers are aiming for one gigabyte per China Defence News [22], decreasing the cost of military
second data rates, which will only be possible over short missions. To make transportation easier, the 5G segments
distances. If India wants to buy long-distance should be appropriately ruggedized and bundled [23].
communication from Chinese companies like Huawei and Specialized instrumentation, such as better handling or
ZTE, China will utilize a similar method. altered cell engineering, will be necessary to compensate for
the higher losses of mm Wave transmissions. A few things to
Purchasing 5G equipment from China's two major come front line situations that are applying 5G innovation
broadcast communications companies is going to be alongside IoT are rehashed here [24][34].
extremely detrimental to the Indian armed forces in this
situation. The government must also evaluate the impact of
5G on satellite-based signal transmission. Transmission
from space to ground-based recipients could take a long A. Communication Machines
time. Given these constraints, the government should think Zhen [24] has successfully shown the use of 5G
carefully about where it gets 5G equipment and how to technology in a remote woodland battle scenario. A gang of
avoid 5G interfering with terrestrial networks' space-based troopers wanders the bush during a battle, all sporting
transmission [18]. sparkling wearables that directly connect with one another
(machine- to-machine correspondence). The wearables are
In any event, Huawei and ZTE, two Chinese hardware likewise observing different health boundaries continuously
companies, have been excluded from India's 5G trials. The and any assault on the soldier is quickly recognized by
ministry has given authority to other multinational them. The injured bit is secured via automated tightening of
businesses, including Ericsson, Nokia, and Samsung's the belt and an infusion of first aid. At the same time, the
network unit, to oversee a 6-month trial of 5G innovation. closest crisis helps focus and the gathering individuals are
Even though Huawei and ZTE were not identified, their cautioned. Directed by area GPS beacons on the wearables,
ability to sell 5G equipment to telecoms businesses was not auto driven emergency vehicles show up for the harmed
prohibited [19]. soldier and support unit show up in heavily clad vehicles to
encompass the enemy.
Indian government should take necessary steps to provide
5G network to the country and especially to the military of B. Future Battlespace Scenarios
India. Regarding these Native American armed forces has According to [13][25] hypersonic weapons will be ready
decided to build its own 5G networks which will be only for by 2022, with the United States, Russia, China, and others
military use. Ajay Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Defence said, working on them. Blocking or directing them at their high
“Military likewise should move to 5G network thinking about velocity is beyond the capabilities of present networks. As
the utilization of automated vehicles and AI in future [20]”. currently envisioned, 5G networks will have both the
Government should ask its ally countries which are ahead of required BW and low latency bandwidth. Furthermore, these
India in this technology like USA and country like South hyper glided vehicles will be gliding at a lower height to
Korea which is the world’s first full commercial 5G network avoid being spotted by air defence systems, and thus this
to provide technology and road map for deploying 5G low altitude may be under the low reach limit of 5G
networks quickly. Further on Indian Government should take networks' millimetre waves, despite multiple interconnected
more steps for the immediate implementation of 5G in transfers.
country to counter its enemies. Government must help private
companies from India and other international companies by 5G may be able to supply a constant network to these
providing 5G network spectrum atsubsidized rate. hypersonic weapons from ground stations, just as future air
defence systems will be able to notice them, thanks to lower
VII. APPLICATIONS OF 5G latency and reachability (provided by a network of transfers
– several thousands in each outskirt). system in [24], Zhen
Military operations depend on dependable, secure, and
presents two sci-fi scenarios in which a plane carrying a
fast communications, and 5G technology will enable a far- battleship is simultaneously attacked by a torpedo and a
reaching, reliable network that is less energy-intensive and rocket. With the support of on-board sensors that are
has large data transfer capacity. This will allow for the safe organized together and provide constant situational
transfer of a risky situation to the activity site, reducing awareness to the skipper, the captain launches a swarm of

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drones and a spate of autonomous underwater vehicles have a positive impact on everyday life, empowering self-
(UUVs). Drones form a barrier to prevent the approaching governing tasks and expanding proficiency in terms of asset
rocket from colliding with the sea. In addition, UUVs executives and quick service delivery, a large group of
provide hurdles to catch and destroy the oncoming torpedo. associated gadgets with on-board sensors, actuators, and
Artificial Intelligence algorithms will have a positive impact
C. Perimeter Security and Telemedicine on everyday life. In the military, 5G network accessibility
In contrast to 4G's sub–GHz spectrum, 5G will employ will improve situational awareness by continuously
the millimetre waves band, where signal degradation is transmitting massive amounts of information, surveillance,
rapid, limiting reach significantly. This can be employed in and reconnaissance (ISR) data to authorities. This will not
two specific use cases for army bases because of the only give an advantage in the strategic atmosphere during a
enormous BW and ultra-low latency available: countless conflict, but it will also allow for ad hoc logistics and
sensors can be sent across the edge to provide edge security resource allocation during peacetime and in any
without the risk of opponents recognizing the sensor circumstance [25]. Automated cars, smart military bases,
communications [26]. high-bandwidth, low-latency apps that enable cloud-based
The usage of a directional antenna, low ranges, high services for both commercial and C2 environments are just a
BW, and low latency make 5G an ideal technology for few of the applications that 5G networks can support.
communication among different command posts of a However, the substantial amount of connected devices and
formation, without the risk of identification, jamming, or network virtualization methods for the central system would
snooping. mm-wave signals are prone to being weakened by expand the possible attack surface. More robustness on
structures, foliage, moving articles, and other factors. these networks has effectively made them part of the
Following that, 5G technology will employ directional foundation, and any flaw will have disastrous consequences
antennas with beamforming, which will provide inherent for the broader public. India has historically relied on
anti-jamming capabilities. These qualities can be used to foreign equipment to put up mobile networks (base stations,
plan many layers of range for diverse spectra without the routers, servers, handsets, and so on). Local restrictions bind
need for additional hardware [26]. most organizations, whether based in the United States or
China, to comply with their respective National Security
The concept of smart military locations could become a Agencies. As a result, the risk of their governments gaining
reality thanks to 5G. For robotized and strong access indirect access to confidential information via this load of
management, the equivalent can be transmitted at front hardware cannot be ruled out. The construction of 5G
entryways employing increasing biometric technologies. networks is necessary to fulfil increased demand while also
Similarly, in an activity auditorium, the continual exchange allowing for unprecedented freedom. It is vital to establish a
of situational mindfulness information versus available network plan that includes adequate security measures at
assets (workforce, weapons and ammo, proportion, and so each tier in order to make it powerful enough to prevent an
on) at a base would result in optimal weapon sending and attack but also tough enough to recover from one that
circulation at the target, giving an edge. Robotic surgery in a succeeds.
far-off conflict zone will be another common use of 5G,
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