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· Being worthy to enter

· Prioritizing temple worship

· Getting more out of temple attendance an eternal endeavor

The temple is a spiritual school

There are different levels of temple worship just as there are different levels of exercise, most
often broken down by effort exerted often referred to as intensity.

When you are starting to work out for the first time or the first time in a long time, it can cause
discomfort, aching, and dissatisfaction due to now very noticeable limitations. However; over
time with consistent effort at that same level of intensity the exercise becomes easier and
dissatisfaction is replaced with feelings of accomplishment and excitement.

This pattern continues as you push yourself to new levels of intensity and with a newly
developed hindsight can see progress and feel successful.

Just as we can exert ourselves in physical exercise, we can exert ourselves in spiritual exercise.
First level of intensity – becoming worthy to enter the temple. Second level of intensity
maintaining the spiritual progress attainted by pushing yourself, in a habitual manner, to enter the
temple regularly and finally to learn to exercise all your facilities in an effort to turn outward and
get more out of your temple attending exercise. And by so doing, attaining a newly developed
hindsight in which builds your hope and peace in our father’s plan for you.

Doing something is typically better than doing nothing at all. Some of us are counting steps, or
just hoping that this 5th time up the staircase will suffice for today. Some are us are hitting the
weights and breaking a sweat. Wherever you are, know that any activity is better than nothing
first of all, and second be conscious that as you find yourself ready for your next level, don’t put
it off for anything. There is nothing more important than your own salvation.

So to begin we must first be worthy to enter the temple.

Being worthy to enter

Russell m nelson “think celestial” oct 2023 Mortality is a master class in learning to choose the
things of greatest eternal import. Far too many people live as though this life is all there is.
However, your choices today will determine three things: where you will live throughout all
eternity, the kind of body with which you will be resurrected, and those with whom you will live
forever. So, think celestial. – this advice from President Nelson reminds us that this master class
we are living in right now has a lot to offer. Most especially if we prioritize what is of most

Thomas S. Monson The Holy Temple—a Beacon to the World

If you have not yet been to the temple or if you have been but currently do not
qualify for a recommend, there is no more important goal for you to work
toward than being worthy to go to the temple… Secure a temple recommend
and regard it as a precious possession, for such it is.
when hearing the stories of a member on their death bed about to pass away
that their final ask was to be interviewed so they could die with a current
temple recommend, have you ever thought, ‘was it really necessary?’ if they
were worthy and their recommend expired shortly before their death did they
really need a piece of paper signed by the SP and Bish? No, so then why? I
believe that them being able to bear testimony through answering those
interview questions was their personal witness of their faith and divine
determination to walk with the saviour.

President Boyd K. Packer: “What you learn spiritually depends, to a degree, on how you
treat your body. That is why the Word of Wisdom is so important.

Prioritizing temple worship

There is always some degree of sacrifice associate with attending the temple. While some
children of God sacrifice jobs, money, and more to travel to a faraway temple, we here in
Calgary are asked to sacrifice the time, gas, and sometimes more to attend the temple.
Although most of us will never have to sacrifice a home, job, or excessive amounts of money to
attend the temple, the sacrifice of time and gas can sometimes feel just as insurmountable and
burdensome. If you experience these feelings, know that your Father in Heaven desires so
much for you to receive the blessings of the temple and that those you serve there are, our
heavenly family on the other side, is awaiting their blessings of temple covenant and desire so
much for you to be apart of that.

"The lord loves effort" Russell M Nelson said. Effort looks different in everyone’s lives so
compare to yourself only.

President Russell M. Nelson declared last year: “Each person who makes covenants in baptismal
fonts and in temples—and keeps them—has increased access to the power of Jesus Christ. …
“The reward for keeping covenants with God is heavenly power—power that strengthens us to
withstand our trials, temptations, and heartaches better. This power eases our way.” overcome
the world's and find rest

With a temple close at hand, it can be easy to let little things get in the way of attending, saying
to ourselves, “Well, I’ll just go another time.” Living close to a temple does bring greater
flexibility in scheduling time in the temple, but that very flexibility can make it easier to take the
temple for granted. When we do, we “miss the mark,” undervaluing the opportunity to draw
closer to the Savior in His holy house. Our commitment to attend should be at least as strong
when the temple is nearby as when it is distant. Jesus Christ Is the Treasure by Elder Dale G.
D&c 128:18
For we without them cannot be made perfect; neither can they without us be
made perfect. Neither can they nor we be made perfect without those who
have died in the gospel also; for it is necessary in the ushering in of the
dispensation of the ffulness of times, which dispensation is now beginning to
usher in, that a whole and complete and perfect union, and welding together
of dispensations, and keys, and powers, and glories should take place, and be
revealed from the days of Adam even to the present time. And

Getting more out of temple attendance an eternal endeavor

There are different levels of activity just as there are different levels of exercise. Do what you
can. Some of us are counting steps, or just hoping that this 5th time up the staircase will suffice
for today. Some are us are hitting the weights and breaking a sweat. Where ever you are, know
that any activity is better than nothing first of all, and second be conscious that as you find
yourself ready for your next level, don’t put it off for anything. There is nothing more important
than your own salvation.

When the endowed Japanese members living in Hawaii first heard the translation, they wept.
One member recorded: “We’ve been to the temple many, many times. We’ve heard the
ceremonies in English. [But] we have never felt the spirit of … temple work as we feel it now
[hearing it] in our own native tongue.” Elder J. Kimo Esplin the saviours healing power on
the isles of the sea.

o Sometimes I go to the temple and feel that the language spoken is beyond my
understanding. As if it were a different language. I have come to understand that
when I feel this feeling, it is Heavenly Father lovingly wrapping an arm around
me and calling me by name and saying if you want the language you hear to be
your own you must become mine. Sometimes leading up to my attendance at the
temple my fast-paced life gets me so wound up I have trouble slowing down to
feel, hear the Holy Ghost, and increase my faith. My solution is on the drive to the
temple I will disregard my phone and spend the 20-40minutes praying to slow my
mind and focus on peace. I often pray for the sister I am going to do the work for.
I pray she will be willing to listen. I pray for her heart to be softened, and I pray
for her to accept the work I have done for her. I sometimes pray to feel the love
that my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for her and in the times, I have
done so I have had amazing spiritual experiences.

Sometimes I see church on Sunday as my preparation for the week… but I have experienced
something over the past few years, and that is, when I prepare for church, I am not only prepared
for the week, but also for the financial struggles, motherhood struggles, sibling struggles, general
emotional struggles or social struggles and so on. When I actively prepare for church, I always
feel uplifted and ready to ride the waves of the new week. I also have more foresight into
eternity. Mainly I grow to have a greater understanding of my Heavenly Fathers love for me and
how I can help him by helping my fellow brothers and sisters.

I used to go to the temple with the intent to be uplifted and blessed and looked forward to that
feeling of renewal that comes from participating in service at the temple. But recently I have
found a lot more joy and fulfillment in preparing for the temple. There is a stark difference when
I go for myself versus when I am sincerely prayerful in behalf of the sister I am going to be
doing proxy work for.
· Actively living the gospel is not expecting to be blessed just because you
went to the temple. Actively living the gospel looks more like praying before
during and after and really seeking for understanding as you watch the
presentation of the endowment. Then upon leaving pondering the things you have
learned in your heart, maybe asking more questions. Actively living the gospel
really is just some time/energy investment in your own testimony growth and
· As you seek to go to the temple choose to be mentally, emotionally, and
spiritually active in the work you do, and don't passively go through this celestial
preparing exercise.

Spending more time in the temple builds faith. And your service and worship in
the temple will help you to think celestial. The temple is a place of revelation.
There you are shown how to progress toward a celestial life. There you are drawn
closer to the Savior and given greater access to His power. There you are guided
in solving the problems in your life, even your most perplexing problems.
Think celestial -Russell m nelson

What is your purpose in attending the temple?

Do we go to the temple because we are told to do so? Because our friends are going? Because we need
something, maybe an answer to a question, or comfort through a trial? Or do we go to support our
ancestors? Maybe you feel called on to do as much work for your family as possible before you die?
Whatever your reason the temple has much to offer. If we really have the desire to connect with our
ancestors and those others whom we do work for, you can. If you want to come closer to the savior and
your father in heaven when you attend, you will. If you want comfort, peace, grace, mercy, forgiveness,
and hope, we are promised these things as we strive to frequent the temple.

“Mortality is a master class in learning to choose the things of greatest eternal import. Far too
many people live as though this life is all there is. However, your choices today will determine
three things: where you will live throughout all eternity, the kind of body with which you will be
resurrected, and those with whom you will live forever. So, think celestial.” (Russell m nelson “think
celestial” oct 2023)– This advice from President Nelson reminds us that this master class we are
living in right now has a lot to offer. Most especially if we prioritize what is of most importance.

Elder Renlund then advised us who live close to temples that… “it can be easy to let little things
get in the way of attending, saying to ourselves, “Well, I’ll just go another time.” Living close to
a temple does bring greater flexibility in scheduling time in the temple, but that very flexibility
can make it easier to take the temple for granted. When we do, we “miss the mark,” undervaluing
the opportunity to draw closer to the Savior in His holy house. Our commitment to attend should
be at least as strong when the temple is nearby as when it is distant.” (Jesus Christ Is the Treasure by
Elder Dale G. Renlund)

As you seek to go to the temple choose to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually active in the
work you do, and don't passively go through this celestial exercise.

Spending more time in the temple builds faith. And your service and worship in the temple will
help you to think celestial. The temple is a place of revelation. There you are shown how to
progress toward a celestial life. There you are drawn closer to the Savior and given greater
access to His power. There you are guided in solving the problems in your life, even your most
perplexing problems.
Think celestial -Russell m nelson

Bare testimony
Why are we blessed for attending the temple

We are blessed when we sacrifice. We are blessed when we serve. We are blessed when we think of
others. We are blessed when we turn our hearts to the families who have come before us.

Sometimes I go to the temple because

I am struggling and need direction, comfort, and a brake from the distractions and noise from the world.

Sometimes I go to the temple because

I really want to serve. I really want to offer my direct, extended, and heavenly family members with a
choice. A choice that could change their eternity for eternity. If they choose to accept the covenants, I
entered into for them as proxy, they will be blessed with beautiful eternal consequences like eternal
marriage, eternal families, being sealed to God our father, and the opportunity to become more than we
can currently imagine.

I have found that as my purpose in attending the temple focuses mainly on the needs of those who are
awaiting these covenants, I have amazing experiences. And I leave feeling more fulfilled and ready to
take on the trials at hand.

Russell m nelson taught, “Spending more time in the temple builds faith. And your service and
worship in the temple will help you to think celestial. The temple is a place of revelation. There
you are shown how to progress toward a celestial life. There you are drawn closer to the Savior
and given greater access to His power. There you are guided in solving the problems in your life,
even your most perplexing problems.
Think celestial -Russell m nelson
As you seek to go to the temple choose to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually active in the
work you do, and don't passively go through this celestial exercise.

Sometimes I see church on Sunday as my preparation for the week… but I have experienced
something over the past few years, and that is, when I prepare for church, I am not only prepared
for the week, but also for the financial struggles, motherhood struggles, sibling struggles, general
emotional struggles or social struggles and so on. When I actively prepare for church, I always
feel uplifted and ready to ride the waves of the new week. I also have more foresight into
eternity. Mainly I grow to have a greater understanding of my Heavenly Fathers love for me and
how I can help him by helping my fellow brothers and sisters.

I used to go to the temple with the intent to be uplifted and blessed and inadvertently temple
attendance became about me. What am I getting out of it? Once I became aware of this, I started
to ask questions to my father in heaven like, “why do I need to go to the temple?

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