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1) Multiple choice questions.

(i) Which of the following is not a nutrient?
(a) carbohydrates (b)fats (c)proteins (d) water

(ii) Which color is observed when chapatti is tested with dilute iodine solution?
(a) brown (b)brown-black (c) blue (d)blue-black

(iii) Which disease is caused by the deficiency of iron?

(a) beriberi (b)scurvy (c)anemia (d)goiter

(iv) --------------is a good source of dietary fiber.

(a) Meat (b) Corn (c) Butter (d) None of these

(v) Green leafy Vegetables are good source of___________

(b) Vitamin A (b) Iron (c) Iodine (d) All of these

2) Very Short Answer Type Questions

(i) Name the nutrient needed by our body:
a. For growth
b. to prevent scurvy
c. to avoid constipation
(ii) Name two foods each rich in:
a. Fats
b. Starch
c. Protein

3) Short Answer Type Questions

(i) As a nutritionist designing a meal plan how would you emphasise the significance of water in a balanced diet?
(ii) What is the other name of dietary fiber? Although dietary fibers do not provide any nutrient, it is important to
include them in our diet, why?
(iii) Neha often complained of bleeding gums. She also had a weak immune system and her wounds take longer
time to heal. The doctor prescribed her a vitamin supplement and asked her to include certain food in her
a. Which deficiency disease could Neha is suffering from?
b. Name the vitamin that is lacking in her diet.
(iv) List any three healthy and unhealthy food items.
(v) Rahul thought that (pizza, burger, samosas) fats would be the best food items to eat, all the time. Do you
think he was right?
(vi) If any food item gives blue-black color with iodine then which nutrient is present in the food?
(vii) You are incharge of organising a school lunch menu how would you ensure that the meals served are both
delicious and nutritious?

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