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Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

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Boosting customers’ impulsive buying tendency in live-streaming

commerce: The role of customer engagement and deal proneness
Xi Luo a, Jun-Hwa Cheah b, *, Linda D. Hollebeek c, d, e, f, g, h, Xin-Jean Lim i
Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom
Sunway University, Malaysia
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Umea University, Sweden
Lund University, Sweden
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Centre of Value Creation and Human Well-being, Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia


Keywords: With the ever-growing popularity of live-streaming commerce, it is crucial for marketers to understand how live-
Live-streaming streaming contributes to sales. While prior studies mainly focused on customer motivations for using live-
Elaboration likelihood model streaming commerce, few studies, to date, elucidate consumers’ decision-making process in this context.
Customer engagement
Addressing this gap, we adopt the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of persuasion to examine how live-
Deal proneness
Impulse buying
streaming influences customers’ engagement and impulse buying behavior, as moderated by their deal prone­
PLS-SEM ness. To explore these issues, we analyzed data collected from 735 Millennials in China using partial least squares
structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings show that factors characterizing the ELM-informed central
(i.e., product information quality, streamer interaction quality, and streamer credibility) and peripheral (i.e.,
review consistency) routes exert positive effects on customer engagement and impulse buying. Moreover, deal
proneness was found to moderate the relationship between engagement and impulse buying. The findings offer
valuable insight for e-tailers seeking to encourage impulsive buying among millennial shoppers. Specifically,
they highlight the role of central- and peripheral route factors in promoting customer engagement and impulsive
buying, with the effect of customer engagement on impulsive buying being contingent on deal proneness-based
differences among millennial shoppers.

1. Introduction revenue by 2024. In China, 526 million customers use LSC, as of June
2023, accounting for 48.8% of Internet users (Statista, 2023a). Notably,
Given ongoing technological advances, the e-commerce sector is almost 80% of LSC users are Millennials (McKinsey, 2023). The rapid
witnessing a rapid influx of innovative developments (Cai and Wohn, growth of the LSC market is exemplified by its gross merchandise value,
2019). These innovations range from conventional textual or graphical which, while accounting for 10.6% of total online shopping gross
product descriptions to the integration of real-time videos and merchandise value in 2020, grew to 25.3% in 2022 (Statista, 2023b).
live-streaming experiences. By providing customers with live videos Given this exponential growth, LSC represents a promising blue ocean
(Wongkitrungrueng and Assarut, 2020), live-streaming places a strong marketing opportunity, leading many e-tailers to adopt live-streaming to
emphasis on experiential consumption (Sun et al., 2019). Consequently, grow their sales and to boost their competitive advantage (Wongki­
live-streaming commerce (LSC) has been identified to offer a more trungrueng and Assarut, 2020). However, despite these benefits, not all
engaging, user-centric experience (Ming et al., 2021). streamers generate LSC-based profits, or even sales. For example,
In recent years, LSC has risen in popularity globally. According to approximately 1.23 million streamers, reportedly, struggle with poor
Statista (2022), the U.S. LSC market is forecast to generate $35 billion in traffic and low sales conversion rates (National Institution of Metrology

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.-H. Cheah).
Received 15 September 2023; Received in revised form 21 October 2023; Accepted 14 November 2023
Available online 25 November 2023
0969-6989/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

of China, 2022). Moreover, streamers’ content is likely to impact con­ potentially affecting their impulse buying tendencies, as applied to the
sumers’ impulsive purchase behavior. Specifically, over 60% of shop­ LSC in this article. Relatedly, we explore the moderating role of
pers engage in impulsive buying after listening to streamers’ product customer deal proneness in the association of their engagement and
recommendations (Chen, 2020). Consequently, streamers face a formi­ their ensuing impulse buying tendency. The development of enhanced
dable challenge: understanding the ways in which persuasive LSC im­ acumen of LSC-based deal proneness matters, given the proliferation of
pacts customers’ impulse purchase decision-making. deals in this context (e.g., through coupons/flash sales; Huang and Suo,
Despite LSC-based technological advances, empirical research 2021), which are commonly targeted at Millennials (Palazon and
addressing how individuals are persuaded to make impulse buying de­ Delgado-Ballester, 2011).
cisions on live-streaming platforms remains scant to date (Lo et al., The article unfolds as follows. We next review the key literature in
2022). We argue that, given the experiential, engaging nature of LSC, Section 2, followed by the development of the conceptual model and an
this is expected to be particularly conducive to customers’ impulse associated set of hypotheses in Section 3. Next, the methodology and
purchasing. Using the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) of persua­ results are presented in Sections 4 and 5, respectively. We conclude by
sion, this study, therefore, investigates customers’ processing of specific discussing the main findings and their implications in Section 6.
live-streaming-based informational cues to make unplanned purchase
decisions. While prior research has addressed how customers’ 2. Theoretical background
live-streaming usage is affected by motivation-based variables, like
intrinsic motivation (Guo et al., 2021; Ma, 2021) or perceived value 2.1. Overview: the elaboration likelihood model (ELM)
(Wongkitrungrueng and Assarut, 2020; Chen et al., 2021), or
platform-related factors, like IT affordance (Sun et al., 2019; Ming et al., The ELM is a dual-route theoretical perspective that explains or
2021) or technical characteristics (Li et al., 2021b), little remains known predicts individuals’ reception and processing of content disseminated
regarding the role of informational tenets characterizing live-streaming through communication media, in turn influencing their attitude (Petty
content (e.g., argument quality; heuristic cues) and their respective ef­ and Cacioppo, 1986). The ELM suggests the existence of two routes (i.e.,
fects on customer attitudes and (e.g., decision-making) behavior, the central vs. peripheral route) to persuasion. The central route to
revealing a pertinent literature-based gap. persuasion reflects individuals’ tendency to process issue-relevant in­
Addressing this gap, we explore how individuals process different formation through extensive cognitive processing and elaboration,
informational, or persuasive, cues when they engage in live-streaming- which is primarily observed in high-involvement decision-making, in
based shopping, which we argue are conducive to their unplanned (vs. which individuals display elevated levels of interest (e.g., by extensively
planned) purchase behavior. To frame our analyses, we deploy the ELM, assessing content credibility). Conversely, the peripheral route to
which proposes a dual-route process of customer information processing persuasion implies individuals’ relatively shallow cognitive processing
to persuade individuals (Petty et al., 1983; Petty and Cacioppo, 1986). and elaboration, as typically observed in low-involvement (e.g., more
While the ELM is traditionally used to predict customers’ involvement, emotive) decision-making, in which individuals are not prepared to
authors including Hollebeek and Srivastava (2022), Levy and Gvili invest extensive time or resources. Here, people rely on mental shortcuts
(2020), and Jessen et al. (2020) point to its additional applicability to (i.e., heuristics) to make decisions (Shahab et al., 2021; Zhou et al.,
customers’ engagement-based dynamics. Specifically, while a customer’s 2023). While attitudinal changes fostered by the central route are often
processing of informational brand-related (e.g., live-streaming) content enduring, consistent, and predictive of behavior, those fashioned
is contingent on their level of brand-related involvement (i.e., interest), through the peripheral route tend to be more momentary, inconsistent,
it will also transcend to impact their resource investment in their and unpredictable of future behavior (Srivastava and Saini, 2022).
brand-related interactions (i.e., engagement; Hollebeek et al., 2019), Given its theoretical versatility (Petty and Cacioppo, 1986), the ELM has
revealing the ELM’s parallel applicability to also explore engagement been applied to a range of contexts, including health communication
dynamics (Levy and Gvili, 2020), as conducted in this study. Overall, we (Cao et al., 2017), information technology (Bhattacherjee and Sanford,
use the ELM to consider possible persuasive communication cues and 2006), marketing (Srivastava and Sivaramakrishnan, 2020), and
their respective effects on customers’ information processing, engage­ advertising (Lee and Koo, 2016), to name a few. Overall, it represents
ment, and impulse purchase-based decision-making in the LSC context one of the most popular customer behavior and decision-making the­
(Zhou et al., 2023; Chen et al., 2022). ories (e.g., Zhou et al., 2023), leading us to adopt the ELM in our
This research makes the following contributions to the live- LSC-based analyses.
streaming and engagement literature. First, we apply the ELM to
explore different informational cues in persuading, and shaping, cus­ 2.2. The ELM’s central route
tomers’ impulsive buying tendency under differing informational con­
ditions (Petty et al., 1999), exposing novel insight into the The central route is adopted when individuals are motivated and able
live-streaming/engagement interface. In the LSC context, streamers and to process and analyze a message (Petty and Cacioppo, 1986). This route
customers take different informational roles (Ming et al., 2021). Spe­ is taken when informational recipients spend significant cognitive effort
cifically, streamers deliver issue-relevant arguments to customers (Lee evaluating content (e.g., by determining its reliability) before making a
and Koo, 2016; EI Hedhli et al., 2021), emphasizing the importance of decision (Bhattacherjee and Sanford, 2006). Here, an argument’s
their recommendations, interactions, and credibility in central route persuasive power depends on the perceived quality of information
persuasion (Guo et al., 2022; Xue et al., 2020). Moreover, customers’ offered (Kang and Namkung, 2019). We, therefore, we employ product
information co-creation and arousal may provide rich heuristic cues (Li information quality as a central route factor in facilitating customers’
et al., 2021a; Geng et al., 2021). Addressing these issues, we explore the LSC-based decision-making. Given LSC’s unique hallmarks (e.g.,
effects of LSC-based product information quality, streamer interaction real-time interaction), users are required to proactively recognize their
quality, streamer credibility (i.e., central factors), and consistency and purchase needs and identify product information accordingly. Streamer
resonant contagion (i.e., peripheral factors), thus linking LSC’s hall­ interaction quality, likewise, plays an important role in communications
marks to the ELM to understand consumers’ engagement and impulse activating the central route to persuasion (Cao et al., 2017; Chen et al.,
buying in this context. Second, we assess customer engagement’s effect 2018), given highly (vs. low)-involved consumers’ motivation to eval­
on individuals’ impulse buying behavior. Engagement has been shown uate streamer characteristics. Moreover, through their content,
to exert a significant effect on customers’ processing of informational streamers may influence consumption patterns based on their credibility
cues and their ensuing online purchase decision-making (Hollebeek over time (Park and Lin, 2020; Gong and Li, 2017). Correspondingly,
et al., 2014; Hollebeek and Macky, 2019; Jessen et al., 2020), in turn streamer credibility has been argued to serve as an issue-relevant issue

X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

that is predominantly activated under high-elaboration conditions 2.4. Customer engagement

(Kapitan and Silvera, 2016; EI Hedhli et al., 2021). Pairing product in­
formation with a streamer’s image may yield customers’ more effortful Customer engagement is commonly viewed as a three-dimensional
information processing, motivating them to carefully examine the con­ concept comprising cognitive, emotional, and behavioral facets (Bro­
tent, and in turn, fostering more enduring attitudinal and behavioral die et al., 2011; Hollebeek, 2018). LSC offers a social-relationship-based
changes (Kang and Namkung, 2019; Ma, 2021). We, thus, adopt product online community, supporting multilateral relationships between cus­
information quality, streamer interaction quality, and streamer credi­ tomers and streamers (Dessart et al., 2016; Ming et al., 2021), raising the
bility as key ELM-based central route elements. potential additional importance of a social customer engagement
dimension (Hollebeek et al., 2019; Vivek et al., 2014; Brodie et al., 2013;
2.3. The ELM’s peripheral route Behnam et al., 2021).
While cognitive engagement denotes a customer’s cognitive processing
The peripheral route to persuasion transpires when people are un­ and mental elaboration of brand-related information (e.g., through LSC-
motivated or lack the ability to thoroughly process a message, yielding based product-related learning), emotional engagement reflects the extent
their low-elaboration processing. When processing information through of a customer’s affect invested in their brand-related interactions (e.g.,
the peripheral route, people follow cue-based judgements (e.g., through positive LSC-based sentiment). Behavioral engagement repre­
emotional appeals), rather than actively considering issue-related ar­ sents the customer’s level of time, effort and energy invested in their
guments, yielding more impulsive decision-making driven by heuristic brand interactions (e.g., through LSC-based liking/sharing information;
cues (vs. careful consideration of product information; Geng et al., 2021; Hollebeek et al., 2014), and social engagement highlights the extent of a
Zhou et al., 2023). customer’s investment in social LSC-related dynamics (e.g., by sharing
In LSC, customers are indispensable in providing rich heuristic cues product-related experiences; Vivek et al., 2014; Hollebeek et al., 2019).
(Zhou et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2021) and in creating enthusiasm (Chen
and Lin, 2018). Specifically, customers are able to influence, and be 3. Conceptual model and hypothesis development
influenced by, others’ experiences, yielding their typically converging
opinions (e.g., through customer-to-customer-based bullet-screen com­ Deploying the ELM, we examine the factors affecting LSC users’
ments; Hu et al., 2017; Zeng et al., 2022). These fast-paced, potentially adoption of central (vs. peripheral) routes to persuasion and the ensuing
emotionally charged bullet-screen comments contribute to inducing effect on their engagement and behavior. We also examine the poten­
consumers’ emotional engagement and impulsive (e.g., impulse buying) tially moderating role of deal proneness in the association of customers’
behavior (Zeng et al., 2022). We, thus, explore the peripheral cues engagement and their impulse buying tendency (see Fig. 1).
offered by bullet-screen comments, including repetitive reviews (Zhou
et al., 2019) and resonant contagion created by co-viewers (Hu et al., 3.1. Central route factors and customer engagement
2017), which serve as heuristic cues arousing consumer emotions and
seeing them rely on these signals as informational substitutes. Based on Product information quality, one of the central route factors, may
this rationale, we adopt review consistency and resonant contagion as manifest as argument reliability and/or persuasiveness (Bhattacherjee
key ELM-based peripheral cues. and Sanford, 2006). It is considered a multidimensional construct
comprising information completeness, timeliness, accuracy, relevance,
understandability, and value addition (Rajaguru et al., 2023). Product

Fig. 1. Conceptual Framework. Notes: Dashed-line boxes represent lower-order constructs/dimensions; USE (Usefulness); BEL (Believability); VIV (Vividness); RTI
(Real-Time Interaction); RES (Responsiveness); EMP (Empathy); TRU (Trustworthiness); EXP (Expertise); AFE (Affective Engagement); BEE (Behavioral Engage­
ment); COE (Cognitive Engagement); SOE (Social Engagement).

X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

information quality typically pertains to users’ perception of online (e. When customers perceive endorsers to be credible, they will have more
g., textual) information quality (McKinney et al., 2002). However, as confidence in the message, raising their likelihood of being persuaded by
LSC mainly presents video-based (vs. textual) information, we empha­ it and deepening their message processing (Lee and Koo, 2016; Ma,
size content usefulness, vividness, and believability as key product in­ 2021). Similarly, perceived credible streamers are often considered to be
formation quality dimensions in our selected context (Zhang et al., “experienced” in making shopping recommendations, raising cus­
2020). tomers’ willingness to engage with them (Qiu et al., 2021). We
Prior studies identify product information quality as an important postulate:
predictor of customer engagement (Kang and Namkung, 2019; Srivas­
H3. Streamer credibility positively affects customer engagement.
tava and Sivaramakrishnan, 2020). In LSC, high-quality information
tends to enhance the shopping experience (e.g., by boosting brand
attitudes/engagement; Yusuf et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020). Moreover, 3.2. Peripheral route factors and customer engagement
streamers tend to efficiently provide customers with relevant informa­
tion to raise their engagement (Wongkitrungrueng and Assarut, 2020). Unlike individuals’ high motivation in central route information
For example, streamers’ product-related attention and examination may processing, they may rely on mental shortcuts (heuristics) to simplify or
substitute physically viewing or touching the product, raising the guide their peripheral route decision-making (Castañeda et al., 2020).
perceived reliability of product information (Cai and Wohn, 2019; Lo Prior research suggests that social interaction, typically, involves
et al., 2022). High-fidelity, vivid presentations may also serve to different sources (e.g., brand communities, reviews, and recommenda­
immerse customers in the product (Sun et al., 2019), attracting them to tions) that may boost customers’ engagement (Behnam et al., 2021;
live content and emotionally engaging them with streamers (Hollebeek Cabeza-Ramírez et al., 2022). Social bullet-screen-based interactions
and Macky, 2019; Devino and Engriani, 2023). Furthermore, streamers’ allow consumers to communicate and interact with other LSC users
provision of perceived helpful, or relevant, product-related information (Zeng et al., 2022). Prior research shows that consistent (vs. inconsis­
is likely to stimulate customer learning (Lo et al., 2022; Dessart et al., tent) bullet-screen reviews tend to be perceived as more reliable and
2016). We propose. persuasive (Zhou et al., 2019), because informational repetition lowers
their need-for-cognition (Wu et al., 2019), in turn yielding improved
H1. Product information quality positively affects customer decision-making and social integration (Molinillo et al., 2020).
engagement. Bullet-screen interactions also allow viewers to process co-viewers’
Second, streamer interaction quality, likewise, represents an comments, facilitating comment-based assessments (Gao et al., 2021). If
important central route factor (Cao et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2018). customers perceive the existence of bullet-screen comment-based
Streamer interaction quality refers to customers’ perceived quality of consensus (e.g., by their thoughts/feelings aligning across most
their interaction with streamers during service delivery on LSC plat­ bullet-screen reviews), their bullet-screen-based confidence tends to
forms (Kang et al., 2021). It includes three dimensions: real-time rise, in turn boosting their engagement (Guo et al., 2021; Zhang et al.,
interaction, responsiveness, and empathy (Zhang et al., 2020). 2020). We propose:
Streamer interaction quality acts as an essential ambient cue that in­
fluences customers’ cognitive and emotional states (Gulfraz et al., H4. Review consistency positively affects customer engagement.
2022). In LSC, customers commonly ask questions via Resonant contagion, which occurs when customers’ perception and
bullet-screen-based interactions to obtain information that meets their behavior are influenced by others, is particularly prevalent under high
needs (Zhou et al., 2019). Thus, streamers’ responsiveness is likely to compatibility of values (Hu et al., 2017). That is, resonant contagion
yield customers’ more positive comments, likes, and subscriptions (Xue suggests that individuals’ harmonious motivations and norms will see
et al., 2020; Chen and Lin, 2018). Moreover, empathy, the ability to feel them be more influenceable by others (Bründl et al., 2017; Hollebeek
or sense others’ emotional experience, serves as informational and et al., 2022a), in turn boosting their group identification (Hu et al.,
emotional support, providing customers with caring, personalized con­ 2017; Guo et al., 2021) and engagement (Dholakia et al., 2004; Alge­
tent (Zhang et al., 2020). When individuals feel valued or cared for, they sheimer et al., 2005).
will tend to exhibit higher emotional engagement (Chebat et al., 2003). LSC-based resonant contagion occurs when viewers perceive a strong
Streamers’ individualized attention also offers customers more relevant connection to the content, the streamer, or co-viewers, and perceive
information, typically enhancing the depth of their information pro­ these elements to align with their personality and values. When such
cessing (Kang et al., 2021). Customers, in turn, will be more likely to alignment occurs, viewers are more inclined to engage in live-streaming
offer positive reactions (e.g., by giving thumbs-up, sending gifts, or shopping (e.g., by helping fellow members/creating content; Molinillo
leaving bullet-screen comments). We propose: et al., 2020). That is, customers are likely to co-create value in this
context, boosting their engagement (Nadeem et al., 2021). As viewers
H2. Streamer interaction quality positively affects customer resonate with the content and the community, their sense of
engagement. community-based belonging and identification grows (Dholakia et al.,
We adopt Kelman’s (1961) internalization dimensions to conceptu­ 2004), cultivating higher LSC-based emotional engagement (Hu et al.,
alize streamer credibility, which requires relatively deep processing of 2017; Guo et al., 2021). We propose:
message content. Internalized persuasive content implies that informa­
tion recipients evaluate streamer credibility based on their expertise and H5. Resonant contagion positively affects customer engagement.
trustworthiness (Kapitan and Silvera, 2016). First, in LSC, customers
tend to perceive streamers’ expertise based on their live-streaming 3.3. Customer engagement and impulsive buying tendency
experience (e.g., in providing shopping recommendations; Guo et al.,
2022). Second, trustworthiness reflects the streamer’s perceived Customer engagement, a customer’s resource investment in their
honesty, reliability, and integrity (Ohanian, 1990). Prior research shows brand interactions (Hollebeek et al., 2019), can foster impulsive buying
that when customers process a message endorsed by a perceived credible (e.g., as driven by emotions/social dynamics; Ou et al., 2020; Zuo and
source, they are more likely to accept the message (Wang and Schein­ Xiao, 2021). Engagement may transpire at differing intentionality levels
baum, 2018). In advertising/celebrity endorsement research, scholars (i.e., ranging from conscious/purposeful engagement to more subcon­
have found that an endorser’s credibility acts as a central cue, in turn scious/unintentional engagement; Hollebeek et al., 2022b), implying
positively influencing individuals’ responses (Lee and Koo, 2016; EI that customers may engage with content either subconsciously or
Hedhli et al., 2021). For example, expert (vs. non-expert) arguments are unintentionally.
typically perceived as being more persuasive (Park and Lin, 2020). In LSC, streamers’ exaggerated tone can stimulate customers’

X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

excitement, raising their (e.g., emotional) engagement and impulsive the customer’s purchase experience and its consequences (Flacandji and
buying tendency (Luo et al., 2021). Under rising customer engagement, Vlad, 2022; Bandyopadhyay et al., 2021). In online shopping, customer
individuals are likely to make rising cognitive (e.g., by processing con­ engagement often involves emotional arousal (e.g., excitement/enthu­
tent), emotional (e.g., by arousing affect), behavioral (e.g., liking/­ siasm; Devino and Engriani, 2023). For deal-prone individuals, this
sharing), and/or social (e.g., by collaboratively creating content) emotional arousal may reinforce their predisposition to seek out deals,
resource investments (Hollebeek et al., 2014, 2019), in turn raising their intensifying their impulsive buying tendency (Pradhan, 2016; Bandyo­
immersion and sense of community and exerting a likely effect on their padhyay et al., 2021). Likewise, deal-prone shoppers’ high engagement
impulsive buying behavior (Gulfraz et al., 2022; Yi et al., 2023). In­ may create immediate fulfilment and instant gratification, thus stimu­
dividuals’ emotional engagement with streamers and co-viewers may lating impulse buying behavior (Iranmanesh et al., 2017). Deal-prone
also trigger a flow state, in which they forget everything else around customers are also likely to invest time/effort in seeking deals and
them and are completely absorbed by the content (Hollebeek et al., derive satisfaction from bargains and savings. In LSC, behavioral
2020). That is, engaged customers are more likely to experience im­ engagement (e.g., by liking streamers/subscribing to channels) is a
mersion, facilitating their unplanned purchases (Zuo and Xiao, 2021; Lin means to access deals (Huang and Suo, 2021). Consequently, deal-prone
et al., 2022). We propose: individuals are more likely to engage with and process deal-related in­
formation to secure the best LSC deals. This heightened engagement can
H6. Customer engagement positively affects the individual’s impulse
create a sense of urgency, further fueling customers’ impulse buying
buying tendency.
tendency (Pradhan, 2016). We propose.

3.4. Customer engagement’s mediating role H8. When customers are more receptive to deal proneness, the rela­
tionship between customer engagement and impulsive buying tendency
Engagement has been shown to mediate a range of theoretical re­ is stronger.
lationships in online settings (Hollebeek et al., 2014). For example, prior
research reveals a positive relationship between online environmental 4. Methodology
cues, engagement, and purchase decisions (Lim et al., 2023; McClure
and Seock, 2020; Ou et al., 2020). 4.1. Data collection
When customers interact with streamers and view co-viewers’ re­
views, the attained information will tend to stimulate their perceived We collected the data from China using an online survey developed
sense of community and involvement, in turn raising their impulse via Wenjuanxing (, a Chinese platform similar to
buying tendency (Gulfraz et al., 2022). Relatedly, given their heightened Qualtrics, offering survey creation and data collection services (Gao
resource investment in their LSC-based interactions, engaged (vs. less et al., 2023). The survey link was distributed to potential participants via
engaged) customers are likely to reciprocate to streamers with positive leading Chinese social media channels, including WeChat and Weibo,
emotions and behaviors when they obtain valuable product information from May to July 2023. Millennials, comprising almost 80% of
(Hollebeek and Chen, 2014; Devino and Engriani, 2023). live-stream shoppers (McKinsey, 2023), tend to be highly engaged in
As live-streaming shopping is designed to engage customers and digital platforms and exhibit unique consumer behavior patterns (Lim
facilitate the immediacy of making real-time purchases, more engaged et al., 2021), revealing their applicability in the LSC-based engage­
users are expected to make higher levels of unplanned (impulse) buying ment/impulse buying context. Correspondingly, purposive sampling
decisions (Lin et al., 2022), given their greater processing of streamers’ was employed to examine Millennial shoppers (i.e., those born between
product-related information (Mathews and Lhamo, 2022) and greater 1981 and 2000) engaging in live-streaming shopping in the last two
social live-streaming interactions (Li et al., 2021b). We hypothesize. months. Participants, who failed to meet the eligibility criteria were
excluded from further analysis. The remaining respondents were
H7a. Customer engagement mediates the relationship between prod­
requested for their consent to participate and were also provided with
uct information quality and impulse buying tendency.
information regarding the survey.
H7b. Customer engagement mediates the relationship between A total of 1000 questionnaires was distributed, from which we
streamer interaction quality and impulse buying tendency. attained 960 completed responses (response rate of 96%). We achieved
this elevated response rate through a concerted effort to ensure the re­
H7c. Customer engagement mediates the relationship between
spondents’ participation (e.g., by the survey company’s offering of
streamer credibility and impulse buying tendency.
financial incentives to the respondents). However, 225 incomplete
H7d. Customer engagement mediates the relationship between review questionnaires were removed, yielding a sample of 735 valid question­
consistency and impulse buying tendency. naires for further analysis. It is recommended to have 10–15 participants
for each variable and its items (Hair et al., 2019a). Based on this ratio­
H7e. Customer engagement mediates the relationship between reso­
nale, our model (60 items across 8 constructs) requires a minimum
nant contagion and impulse buying tendency.
sample size of 600 (60*10). In addition, Tabachnick et al. (2013) offer a
different formula for determining sample size (N ≥ 50 + 8 m, where N =
3.5. Moderating role of deal proneness
minimum sample size required, and m = number of items included).
Considering this formula, the minimum needed sample size for this
Deal proneness refers to a customer’s inclination to pursue special
study must be bigger than 530 (N ≥ 50 + 8*60 = 530). Furthermore, the
offers and promotions (Lichtenstein et al., 1997; Flacandji and Vlad,
criteria of the G*Power Analysis (Green, 1991) reveals that the recom­
2022). Customers, who display different deal proneness levels are likely
mended sample size for data collection is around 271 (99% power; effect
to see differences in their purchase behavior (Martínez and Montaner,
size of 0.15; 1% margin of error), thereby indicating that our sample size
2006). In LSC, product prices can change rapidly (e.g., due to
of 735 respondents meets the ideal benchmark of the required sample
limited-time offers; Huang and Suo, 2021). Millennials, in particular, are
size. Therefore, our sample of 735 participants suffices to test the pro­
known to be deal-prone, therefore, they may be motivated by the
posed model.
prospect of a good deal (e.g., discounts/flash sales; Antunes et al., 2022).
The majority of respondents were female (54.15%), married
Here, deal proneness represents an important element in triggering and
(86.80%), held a Bachelor’s degree (40.82%), were employed in the
converting customers’ excitement and engagement into impulsive
private sector (45.03%), earned a monthly income of RMB5,001 to
buying (Palazon and Delgado-Ballester, 2011).
RMB8,000 (39.46%), and had made three purchases on LSC platforms in
Studies show that deal proneness may moderate the association of

X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

the past two months (32.79%). Most stated using LSC platforms to buy is honest (TRU2).” Review consistency items were sourced from Luo
apparel (57.82%). Their preferred live-streaming shopping platform was et al.’s (2015) 3-item scale, with a sample item reading: “The comments
Taobao (26.12%), while they described their preferred streamer type as match other reviews on the bullet-screen (RCN3).” Resonant contagion
a professional streamer (28.16%) (see Table 1). was gauged by drawing on Lim et al.’s (2012) 3-item scale. A sample
item includes: “My behavior influenced other viewers in the broad­
casting room (RCT2).” We measured second-order customer engagement
4.2. Measures and instrument development
by utilizing Dessart et al.’s (2016) scale (i.e., affective, cognitive,
behavioral) and Vivek et al.’s (2014) scale (i.e., social). A sample item
The deployed items were adapted from prior research (see Appendix
includes: “I find live-streaming shopping is interesting (AFE1).” Finally,
A). In particular, the scales gauging information- and streamer interaction
deal proneness was measured by adopting Flacandji and Vlad’s (2022)
quality were adapted from Zhang et al. (2020). A sample item for
4-item scale, while impulse buying tendency was measured with Beatty
product information quality reads: “The information on the
and Ferrell (1998)’ 3-item instrument.
live-streaming platform is valuable (USE1).” A sample item for streamer
We also took steps to minimize common method variance (CMV), or
interaction quality includes: “Streamers are always happy to talk with
common method bias, in the data. Specifically, the survey used clear,
me (RES1).” Streamer credibility was measured by deploying Ohanian’s
unambiguous instructions and language, an introductory message to
(1990) measurement instrument. A sample item includes: “The streamer
respondents, and detailed explanations (e.g., of focal constructs used) to
ensure the participants’ accurate understanding of the questionnaire
Table 1 (Podsakoff et al., 2012). Moreover, respondents were guaranteed ano­
Demographic profile. nymity and confidentiality (MacKenzie and Podsakoff, 2012). To ensure
Variable Characteristics N= % survey quality, a panel comprising three marketing Professors and five
735 experienced Millennial shoppers were recruited to pretest the survey
Gender Male 337 45.85 instrument. As the survey data was collected in China, we prepared two
Female 398 54.15 versions of the questionnaire (i.e., Chinese and English). To ensure
Marital status Single 31 4.22
translation accuracy, a back-translation was also employed by Chine­
Married 638 86.80
Divorced 66 8.98 se–English bilingual assistants (Brislin, 1970). We next conducted a pilot
Highest Level of Education Below secondary 58 7.89 test to further assess the questionnaire’s applicability (50 responses),
Secondary 122 16.60 primarily to examine construct reliability. Specifically, the items’ com­
Diploma or Associate Degree 125 17.01 posite reliability exceeded the value of 0.70 (Hair et al., 2022), sug­
Bachelor’s Degree 300 40.82
gesting their internal consistency.
Master’s degree 110 14.97
PhD or higher 20 2.72
Monthly Income Less than RMB5,000 156 21.22 4.3. Control variables
RMB5,001-RMB8,000 290 39.46
RMB8,001-RMB11,000 121 16.46
Prior research suggests that customers’ behavioral intentions may
RMB11,001-RMB14,000 121 16.46
RMB14,001 and above 47 6.39 vary based on their demographic (e.g., gender, education, income,
Occupation Student 19 2.59 occupation, or marital status) profile (Guo et al., 2016). Relatedly,
Privately-owned enterprise 331 45.03 research shows that customers’ online shopping behavior is significantly
employees influenced by their past shopping frequency (Park and Jun 2003). We,
SOE/Government officers 208 28.30
Self-employed 153 20.82
therefore, control for demographic profile (e.g., gender, education level,
Freelance 24 3.27 monthly income, occupation, and marital status) and purchase
Purchase Frequency Once in past 2 months 137 18.64 frequency.
Twice in past 2 months 210 28.57
3 times in past 2 months 241 32.79
5. Results
4 times and above in past 2 147 20.00
Frequently Purchased Apparel 425 57.82 5.1. Data estimation technique
Product* Food 402 54.69
Jewelry 327 44.49 The data was first analyzed by using SPSS (version 29) to assess the
Beauty 278 37.82
Kids and Baby 237 32.24
respondents’ demographic data and to test for potential common
Digital Products 124 16.87 method variance. We next conducted partial least squares structural
Sport and Travel 75 10.20 equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using SmartPLS version 4 to test the hy­
Bag and Accessories 48 6.53 pothesized relationships (Ringle et al., 2022). PLS-SEM is an authori­
Electrical Appliances 39 5.31
tative, widely-used approach to handle complex research models (e.g.,
Home Textile 35 4.76
Others 3 0.41 those containing both formative/reflective constructs, higher-order
Preferred Platform Taobao 192 26.12 constructs, mediators, and/or moderators; Becker et al., 2023; Cheah 178 24.22 et al., 2018; Hair et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2023). Another rationale for
Mogujie 4 0.54 opting for PLS-SEM is its character as an explorative-predictive
Douyin 149 20.27
approach (Cheah et al., 2023; Chin et al., 2020), aligning with the na­
Kuaishou 40 5.44
Pinduoduo 97 13.20 ture of our research. While our hypotheses and resulting path model are
Little Red Book 44 5.99 rooted in causal explanations, we expect our model to demonstrate
Weibo 31 4.22 strong predictive capabilities while also offering practical insight.
Preferred Streamer Celebrity 136 18.50
Professional streamer 207 28.16
Self-media KOL 138 18.78 5.2. Common method variance assessment
Entrepreneur/CEO 155 21.09
Government officer 46 6.26 Given this study’s cross-sectional design, two statistical remedies for
Online/offline retailers 53 7.21 evaluating common method variance (CMV) were employed. First,
Note(s): *Respondents were allowed to respond to more than one option from Harman’s single-factor test revealed that the variance accounted for by
the list of characteristics. the first factor amounted to 25.598% (<50%), indicating that CMV is

X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

not a significant issue in our data (Podsakoff et al., 2012). Second, the required 0.70 threshold, confirming their reliability (Hair et al., 2022).
full collinearity testing results (see Table 2) demonstrate that the vari­ The construct loadings were also above the 0.708 threshold, and were
ance inflation factor (VIF) values ranged from 1.035 to 1.392 (<3.33; significant at p < 0.01 (Hair et al., 2022). Moreover, the average vari­
Kock, 2015), corroborating that CMV is not a concern in our data. ance extracted (AVE) for each construct exceeded the value of 0.5 (Hair
et al., 2019b), suggesting convergent validity. Discriminant validity was
evaluated by using the heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations
5.3. Measurement model analysis (HTMT). As shown in Table 3, none of the HTMT values exceeded the
conservative 0.85 threshold (Henseler et al., 2015), establishing the
To evaluate the measurement model, the reflective measures were constructs’ discriminant validity.
examined for their reliability and convergent validity. All internal con­ We next deployed a disjoint two-stage approach to examine the four
sistency measures (CA, rho A, and CR; see Table 2) exceeded the

Table 2
Assessment of measurement model on reliability, convergent validity, and full collinearity.
Construct Item Loadings T-values Full Collinearity Cronbach’s alpha rho_A Composite reliability Average variance extracted

Affective engagement AFE1 0.898 105.759** 1.048 0.882 0.882 0.927 0.809
AFE2 0.901 107.455**
AFE3 0.899 112.283**
Behavioral engagement BEE1 0.854 68.318** 1.366 0.915 0.916 0.937 0.747
BEE2 0.864 79.225**
BEE3 0.868 77.197**
BEE4 0.875 85.184**
BEE5 0.861 70.508**
Believability BEL1 0.885 97.134** 1.325 0.894 0.899 0.926 0.758
BEL2 0.853 67.562**
BEL3 0.866 70.308**
BEL4 0.878 84.611**
Cognitive engagement COE1 0.911 83.464** 1.116 0.833 0.854 0.922 0.856
COE2 0.939 125.61**
Deal proneness DP1 0.908 5.676** 1.035 0.920 0.950 0.943 0.804
DP2 0.892 5.663**
DP3 0.873 5.525**
DP4 0.913 5.932**
Empathy EMP1 0.869 77.377** 1.303 0.891 0.895 0.924 0.754
EMP2 0.875 83.411**
EMP3 0.851 61.133**
EMP4 0.878 79.891**
Expertise EXP1 0.837 60.254** 1.074 0.906 0.911 0.930 0.728
EXP2 0.895 95.474**
EXP3 0.849 68.166**
EXP4 0.840 58.651**
EXP5 0.844 61.446**
Impulsive buying tendency IBT1 0.870 65.423** 1.307 0.837 0.838 0.902 0.754
IBT2 0.859 66.982**
IBT3 0.876 72.688**
Resonant contagion RCT1 0.908 110.747** 1.369 0.847 0.859 0.907 0.765
RCT2 0.885 85.242**
RCT3 0.883 82.317**
Review consistency RCN1 0.875 66.918** 1.370 0.872 0.872 0.921 0.796
RCN2 0.901 90.932**
RCN3 0.848 49.922**
Responsiveness RES1 0.858 78.261** 1.244 0.879 0.880 0.917 0.734
RES2 0.877 80.922**
RES3 0.840 61.199**
RES4 0.852 65.253**
Real time interaction RTI1 0.883 80.133** 1.350 0.855 0.856 0.912 0.775
RTI2 0.880 76.417**
RTI3 0.878 72.302**
Social engagement SOE1 0.844 52.479** 1.279 0.810 0.814 0.887 0.724
SOE2 0.865 65.321**
SOE3 0.843 52.845**
Trustworthiness TRU1 0.850 64.603** 1.392 0.905 0.906 0.929 0.725
TRU2 0.861 65.203**
TRU3 0.836 61.082**
TRU4 0.855 69.111**
TRU5 0.854 69.129**
Usefulness USE1 0.861 70.154** 1.280 0.888 0.891 0.923 0.749
USE2 0.864 66.831**
USE3 0.856 64.679**
USE4 0.880 84.586**
Vividness VIV1 0.871 82.369** 1.343 0.911 0.912 0.934 0.738
VIV2 0.874 78.709**
VIV3 0.849 66.500**
VIV4 0.849 67.431**
VIV5 0.851 67.070**

Note(s): CI means 95% confidence interval bias corrected; **p < 0.01.

X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

Table 3
Assessment of the Discriminant Validity using HTMT.
Construct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1) Affective Engagement
2) Behavioral Engagement 0.296
3) Believability 0.374 0.289
4) Cognitive Engagement 0.175 0.134 0.157
5) Deal proneness 0.125 0.031 0.079 0.110
6) Empathy 0.241 0.308 0.338 0.212 0.064
7) Expertise 0.284 0.295 0.326 0.193 0.115 0.359
8) Impulsive buying 0.457 0.496 0.419 0.224 0.053 0.343 0.426
9) Responsiveness 0.437 0.449 0.333 0.245 0.096 0.291 0.347 0.380
10) Real-Time Interaction 0.297 0.327 0.406 0.224 0.068 0.268 0.272 0.332 0.376
11) Resonant contagion 0.269 0.253 0.259 0.258 0.088 0.420 0.393 0.308 0.295 0.325
12) Review consistency 0.462 0.420 0.334 0.265 0.064 0.341 0.262 0.460 0.334 0.419 0.259
13) Social Engagement 0.302 0.285 0.310 0.288 0.487 0.311 0.294 0.425 0.329 0.326 0.225 0.273
14) Trustworthiness 0.349 0.340 0.397 0.144 0.169 0.343 0.268 0.320 0.392 0.322 0.342 0.395 0.312
15) Usefulness 0.336 0.285 0.298 0.138 0.069 0.303 0.316 0.408 0.281 0.328 0.275 0.270 0.308 0.335
16) Vividness 0.359 0.350 0.276 0.189 0.052 0.393 0.414 0.362 0.336 0.271 0.309 0.371 0.297 0.263 0.421

Note(s): HTMT<0.85 (Henseler et al., 2015).

higher-order constructs (HOCs) of product information quality, streamer income, occupation, and live-stream shopping purchase frequency (see
interaction quality, streamer credibility, and customer engagement Table 5). The R2 for H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5 was approximately 49.7%.
(Becker et al., 2023; Sarstedt et al., 2019). Using redundancy analysis For H6, it was approximately 31.6%.
(Cheah et al., 2018), the global single-item measure of the four HOCs To evaluate each path’s significance, we examined the effect sizes (f2;
reported path coefficients of 0.704, 0.768, 0.738, and 0.886, respec­ see Table 5). Based on the results, only the hypothesized path of H5 (f2
tively, suggesting that the lower-order constructs (LOCs) comprising = 0.449) had a large effect size. The paths hypothesized in H1 (f2 =
those HOCs explained over 50% of the criterion construct’s variance (see 0.059), H2 (f2 = 0.112) and H4 (f2 = 0.082) revealed small, but
Table 4). Moreover, the VIF values of the LOCs were between 1.063 and meaningful effect sizes (Hair et al., 2022). Finally, the PLSpredict pro­
1.215 (<3.33; Becker et al., 2023). Thus, collinearity was not a signifi­ cedure was used to assess the model’s predictive relevance (Chin et al.,
cant issue in the data. Finally, the LOCs were statistically significant, 2020). The Q2predict values for the endogenous constructs in Table 5
with weight values ranging from 0.180 to 0.692. exceeded zero, demonstrating the model’s predictive relevance. Based
on this result, we extended our prediction technique by estimating the
5.4. Structural model assessment endogenous items for impulse buying tendency (Shmueli et al., 2019),
which exposed strong predictive relevance (see Table 6). Therefore, the
We assessed the structural model by evaluating potential collinearity proposed model has predictive validity to represent a prognosis obser­
among the predictors. The VIF values for all combination paths ranged vation of the target population based on the key target construct, which
from 1.096 to 1.749 (<3.33; see Table 5; Hair et al., 2022). Therefore, the impulse buying tendency in live-streaming shopping would likely
collinearity was not an issue in the data. Next, to assess the significance occur when predicted with new observations.
of the inter-construct relationships, we used bootstrapping with 10,000
resamples (Becker et al., 2023; Hair et al., 2019b). As shown in Table 5, 5.5. Mediating and moderating effects
the association of product information quality (β = 0.222; p < 0.01),
streamer interaction quality (β = 0.312; p < 0.01), and streamer cred­ To analyze the mediating effects, we applied Hair et al.’s (2022)
ibility (β = 0.120; p < 0.01) and customer engagement was positive and approach. Table 5 summarizes the results of the mediating effects
significant, supporting H1, H2, and H3. For the peripheral elements, the assessment. Customer engagement was, indeed, found to significantly
results showed that review consistency (β = 0.231; p < 0.01) positively mediate the effect of product information quality (β = 0.129, p < 0.01),
affected engagement, supporting H4. Conversely, the relationship of streamer interaction quality (β = 0.181, p < 0.01), streamer credibility
resonant contagion and engagement was non-significant (β = 0.031; p = (β = 0.069, p < 0.01), and review consistency (β = 0.134, p < 0.01) on
0.170 > 0.05), leading us to reject H5. Finally, H6 was supported, as impulsive buying tendency, but not for resonant contagion (β = 0.018, p
customer engagement (β = 0.579; p < 0.01) positively affected impulse = 0.171). Thus, H7a to H7d were supported but not for H7e. That is,
buying tendency, after controlling for education, gender, marital status, higher live-streaming-based product information quality, streamer

Table 4
Assessment of higher-order construct.
Higher-order construct (HOCs) Lower-order construct (LOCs) VIF CI Weights T-values Convergent validity

Customer engagement Affective 1.131 [0.401; 0.561] 0.480 11.901** 0.886

Behavioral 1.119 [0.450; 0.607] 0.528 13.138**
Cognitive 1.072 [0.099; 0.258] 0.180 4.461**
Social 1.157 [0.227; 0.380] 0.306 7.861**
Information quality Believability 1.110 [0.387; 0.605] 0.500 9.039** 0.704
Usefulness 1.215 [0.240; 0.464] 0.353 6.293**
Vividness 1.204 [0.406; 0.623] 0.513 9.196**
Interaction quality Empathy 1.101 [0.246; 0.443] 0.351 6.968** 0.768
Real time interaction 1.150 [0.242; 0.464] 0.355 6.228**
Responsiveness 1.165 [0.544; 0.749] 0.651 12.457**
Streamer credibility Expertise 1.063 [0.467; 0.674] 0.572 10.809** 0.738
Trustworthiness 1.063 [0.593; 0.783] 0.692 14.280**

Note(s): *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001; VIF (Variance Inflation Factor); CI means 95% confidence interval bias corrected.

X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

Table 5
Assessment of structural model.
Hypothesis and relationship Std beta Std error t-value 95% BCa CI VIF f2 R2 Q2predict

H1: IFQ → CE 0.222 0.039 5.740** [0.159; 0.286] 1.679 0.059 0.497 0.487
H2: ITQ → CE 0.312 0.042 7.517** [0.244; 0.380] 1.749 0.112
H3: SC → CE 0.120 0.038 3.174** [0.047; 0.193] 1.688 0.017
H4: RCN → CE 0.231 0.036 6.428** [0.171; 0.289] 1.306 0.082
H5: RCT → CE 0.031 0.032 0.956 [− 0.032; 0.084] 1.273 0.001
H6: CE → IBT 0.579 0.043 13.383** [0.504; 0.646] 1.096 0.449 0.316 0.253
H7a: IFQ → CE → IBT 0.129 0.026 4.981** [0.087; 0.172]
H7b: ITQ → CE → IBT 0.181 0.026 6.912** [0.137; 0.223]
H7c: SC → CE → IBT 0.069 0.023 2.993** [0.032; 0.108]
H7d: RCN → CE → IBT 0.134 0.024 5.697** [0.095; 0.172]
H7e: RCT → CE → IBT 0.018 0.019 0.955 [− 0.013; 0.049]
H8: CE*DP → IBT 0.107 0.049 2.184** [0.024; 0.215] 0.021
Control variable
i) Education level → IBT − 0.003 0.029 0.091 [− 0.052; 0.045]
ii) Gender → IBT 0.005 0.062 0.087 [− 0.098; 0.107]
iv) Marital status → IBT − 0.033 0.029 1.114 [− 0.080; 0.017]
iii) Monthly income → IBT 0.013 0.031 0.413 [− 0.038; 0.064]
v) Occupation → IBT − 0.031 0.034 0.912 [− 0.086; 0.024]
vi) Purchase frequency → IBT 0.003 0.029 0.086 [− 0.045; 0.050]

Note(s): NA means not applicable for the situation when a single exogenous construct is used to predict an endogenous construct (Hair et al., 2019b); *p < 0.05; **p <
0.01; VIF = Variance Inflation Factor; IFQ (Product Information Quality); ITQ (Streamer Interaction Quality); SC (Streamer Credibility); CE (Customer Engagement);
RCN (Review Consistency); RCT (Resonant Contagion); IBT (Impulse Buying Tendency); DP (Deal Proneness).

customers displaying high (vs. low) deal proneness (DP) see a steeper
Table 6
gradient of their respective line, indicating that for more deal-prone
Assessment of PLSpredict.
customers, customer engagement’s positive effect on impulse buying
Item Q2predict PLS- LM_RMSE PLS- Decision tendency is stronger. Therefore, H8 was supported.
6. Discussion, implications, and limitations
IBT1 0.186 1.347 1.358 − 0.011 Strong
IBT2 0.191 1.340 1.357 − 0.017 Predictive
IBT3 0.194 1.324 1.339 − 0.015 Power
6.1. Discussion

Note(s): RMSE means Root Mean Square Error; LM means linear model. Drawing on the ELM, this study examined the dual (i.e., central/
peripheral) route information processing and behavioral intentions of
interaction quality, streamer credibility, and review consistency will Millennial shoppers in the LSC context. The results offer empirical
tend to see customers’ elevated streamer engagement, in turn boosting support for 10 of our 12 hypotheses, providing important implications
their purchase behavior. Meanwhile, higher resonant contagion is un­ for LSC research and practice.
likely to enhance customer engagement and impulsive buying tendency We first identified three central route factors that are key in influ­
(see Table 5). encing customers’ LSC-based information processing. Specifically, we
A two-stage approach was employed to conduct the moderation found that product information quality, streamer interaction quality,
analysis (Becker et al., 2023). Deal proneness was found to successfully and streamer credibility impact customer engagement (H1-H3). These
moderate the association of customer engagement and impulse buying results align with prior studies that highlight the role played by central
tendency (β = 0.107, p < 0.01; see Table 5), despite its relatively small route factors in influencing customers’ purchase decision-making (Chen
effect (f2 = 0.021). The interaction plot (Fig. 2) also suggests that those

Fig. 2. Interaction plot of Customer Engagement (CE) * Deal Proneness (DP) on Impulsive Buying Tendency (IBT).

X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

et al., 2018; Kapitan and Silvera, 2016; Bhattacherjee and Sanford, (vs. low) deal-prone customers (H8), such that more deal-prone cus­
2006). Specifically, of the modeled antecedents, streamer interaction tomers see a stronger association of their engagement on their impulse
quality was found to have the strongest effect on customer engagement buying tendency and raising pertinent implications, as discussed in the
in the LSC. Prior studies suggest that customers’ high perceived streamer following sub-sections.
interaction quality (e.g., through timely, empathetic, and/or personal­
ized responses) is conducive to boosting customer-perceived informa­ 6.2. Theoretical implications
tional and emotional value (Xue et al., 2020; Chebat et al., 2003; Kang
et al., 2021). This result implies that streamers’ provision of timely Our ELM-informed study confirms the majority of the proposed hy­
product-related information and responses may not only be helpful to potheses, offering an important contribution and promising implications
customers through their purchase journey (Yusuf et al., 2018; Kang for future LSC research.
et al., 2021), but can also raise customers’ processing, and liking, of the First, we applied the ELM to identify the effect of central (vs.
streamers’ information. High-quality information offers customers a peripheral)-route persuasive cues on LSC customers’ engagement and
wealth of knowledge that unlocks interactive learning and positive impulse buying tendency. While prior research has assessed the role of
engagement (Hollebeek et al., 2014; Kang and Namkung, 2019). motivational or platform-related variables (e.g., Ming et al., 2021; Li
Moreover, streamer credibility has been found to boost an argument’s et al., 2021b), our findings highlight the importance of informational
persuasive power, fostering deeper information processing and more LSC-based elements and their effect on customer attitudes and behavior.
positive customer engagement (EI Hedhli et al., 2021; Hollebeek and This finding raises key implications for further theory development. For
Chen, 2014). example, empathetic, real-time streamer interactions are more likely to
Regarding peripheral route factors, we found that review consistency trigger customer engagement and persuade customers to make imme­
boosts customer engagement (H4). Consistent bullet-screen reviews not diate purchases in the central route, while consistent bullet-screen
only reduce cognitive effort (Wu et al., 2019), but also facilitate social comments from co-viewers serve to simplify decision-making and
integration (Molinillo et al., 2020), raising customers’ positive attitudes facilitate impulsive buying, predominantly through peripheral
toward the endorsed products (Qiu et al., 2021). However, the periph­ processing.
eral route factor of resonant contagion was found to not significantly Besides, we explore the potentially moderating role of deal prone­
drive customer engagement (H5), which can be explained as follows. ness in the relationship between customer engagement and the in­
First, customers may not perceive resonant contagion from bullet-screen dividual’s impulse buying tendency. The results corroborate the role of
communication. Due to the fast-moving nature of bullet-screen com­ deal-seeking behavior in this regard, with more (vs. less) deal-prone
ments (Zeng et al., 2022), customers may be unmotivated to support individuals seeing a stronger effect of their engagement on their im­
others because their comments could either be ignored or overlap with pulse buying behavior. This finding also raises pertinent implications for
subsequent comments. Second, compared with direct streamer support further exploration, including: Does the moderating role of deal prone­
in the live-broadcasting room, customers may feel inadequate support is ness hold to the same extent for non-Millennial (e.g., Baby Boomer)
given by co-viewers, leading them to fail to reciprocate with engage­ customers? How do e-tailers best leverage customers’ deal proneness in
ment behavior. For example, some customers may not actively partici­ this regard, both in- and outside of the LSC context?
pate (e.g., lurkers) or distrust others’ comments. Consequently, they are
less likely to be influenced by co-viewers’ comments and may only 6.3. Practical implications
passively follow streamers’ instructions.
Furthermore, consistent with the assertion of engagement’s role in The results reveal the key role of three central route factors (product
shaping customer behavior (Hollebeek et al., 2019; Devino and information quality, streamer interaction quality, and streamer credi­
Engriani, 2023), our results identify engagement as a strong predictor of bility) and one peripheral route factor (review consistency) in boosting
customers’ impulse buying tendency (H6). Earlier studies provide LSC customers’ engagement and impulse buying tendency, thus offering
anecdotal evidence that engagement is particularly important in con­ pertinent implications for streamers.
necting customers, brands, and fellow customers, including in LSC First, among the examined ELM factors, central route-based streamer
contexts (Yang et al., 2022; Yi et al., 2023). This finding implies that interaction quality exerted the greatest effect on customer engagement.
retailers should shift away from traditional one-way communication, To enhance engagement, we recommend that streamers invest sub­
toward collaborative, bilateral (or multilateral) interactions with their stantial effort in improving customer perceptions of streamers’ inter­
target customers (e.g., through high responsiveness to their questions). action quality. To this end, streamers are advised to be highly responsive
We, then, examined engagement’s mediating role in the relationship to customers’ product-related questions, thus enhancing the overall
of key ELM-based aspects (i.e., product information quality, streamer streaming experience. Content and response personalization can further
interaction quality, streamer credibility, review consistency and reso­ boost customer engagement, and streamers may wish to build a fanbase
nant contagion) and impulse buying tendency. The findings show that or invite users to join relevant interest groups (e.g., WeChat/Taobao
engagement, indeed, mediates the majority of these associations except fanbases), thereby increasing the number of active fans and deepening
H7e. Although resonant contagion fosters emotional connections and customer/streamer and customer-to-customer interactions (Hu and
shapes community behavior, it may not indirectly lead to impulsive Chaudhry, 2020). Product information quality and streamer credibility
buying. The presence of other factors, such as individual characteristics also play key determinants of customer engagement. Customers often
and situational factors, might intervene in the relationship between link the streamer’s image to the quality of the information provided. We,
resonant contagion and impulsive buying (Zeng et al., 2022). Engage­ therefore, advise streamers to draw on their expertise to offer customers
ment, thus, plays a critical role in facilitating customers’ helpful, accurate, and emotionally satisfying product-related informa­
decision-making and purchase processes (e.g., Brodie et al., 2011; tion. Moreover, streamers may consider evaluating product specifica­
Mathews and Lhamo, 2022; Ou et al., 2020). Therefore, this finding tions or attributes and using the product before recommending it during
implies that customers’ dual-route information process should be live-streaming sessions, thus raising their perceived credibility and
nurtured to facilitate their engagement, thus offering novel LSC-based strengthening their customer relationships (Cheah et al., 2020). Besides,
insight. Engagement was, likewise, found to drive customers’ impul­ peripheral route-based review consistency was found to play an
sive buying tendency. important role in driving customer engagement and impulse buying
Third, we also examined the potentially moderating effect of deal tendency. Though streamers are unable to control bullet-screen com­
proneness. Interaction analysis indicated that the association of ments, they can develop experiential, entertaining activities (e.g., by
customer engagement and impulse buying tendency differs across highly using gamified elements) to attract new followers and raise positive

X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

word-of-mouth. knowledge, platform credibility, or streamer attractiveness; EI Hedhli

Second, the mediation results show that the effectiveness of ELM- et al., 2021; Shahab et al., 2021) in impacting the modeled associations.
based elements on impulse buying tendency primarily depend on the While this study has examined key central/peripheral route factors,
streamer’s effectiveness in engaging with its audiences. Therefore, we future research may address additional influential factors that impact
recommend streamers to monitor their emotions, which are predicted to LSC customers’ impulse buying tendency. For example, different
directly influence users’ purchase behavior. Moreover, streamers may streamer types may influence streamers’ perceived expertise, product
remind customers to collect limited coupons, or check out product links, quality, and purchase decisions. Therefore, future studies could compare
in turn boosting their engagement (e.g., by liking/sharing promotional the effects of different streamer types on customer behavior. Further­
or product links). To further enhance customers’ social engagement, more, scholars may explore how different product categories (e.g.,
streamers may wish to encourage live-stream users to express their search/experience goods, utilitarian/hedonic goods) affect consumer
thoughts and feelings via the bullet-screen (e.g., by requesting users to behavior. The endorser/endorsed product fit may, likewise, affect the
send emoji (e.g., thumbs up) or to express their approval), and by keeping modeled associations, which may be of interest to further researchers
up with users’ bullet-screen posts. (Park and Lin, 2020).
Finally, the positive moderating effect of deal proneness indicates Moreover, streamer credibility (i.e., expertise/trustworthiness) plays
that deal-prone LSC customers are more likely to display impulse pur­ a pivotal role in the ELM, and may potentially exert effects on central
chase intentions (Iranmanesh et al., 2017; Flacandji and Vlad, 2022). and peripheral routes to persuasion (Kang and Herr, 2006; EI Hedhli
Streamers, or sellers, may, thus, wish to offer exclusive promotions in et al., 2021). Prior research suggests that streamer attractiveness (Petty
the broadcast room to attract these customers. Further, streamers may and Wegener, 1998) can influence streamer credibility. Drawing on
wish to distribute gifts or use lucky draws to attract customers to sub­ McCracken’s (1989) meaning transfer model, streamer credibility may
scribe to their channel or join their fan group, in turn, building closer mediate the connection between source attractiveness and persuasive
customer relationships and increasing broadcast room-based sales. outcomes, which also merits further scrutiny. Thus, future research
could explore the factors influencing streamer credibility and its impact
6.4. Limitations and further research on persuasive outcomes. Finally, the findings suggest that resonant
contagion does not have a statistically significant effect on customer
Despite its contributions, this study also has limitations that provide engagement. As Hu et al. (2017) note, resonant contagion can, however,
additional opportunities for research. First, the data was collected in trigger group identification given the compatibility of an individual’s,
China, incurring limited potential (e.g., cross-cultural) generalizability. and the group’s, values. Therefore, future studies could further explore
Future research may, therefore, wish to deploy the proposed model in LSC-based resonant contagion and its drivers and outcomes.
other, or cross, cultural settings (Hollebeek, 2018). Given that our study
employed a purposive sampling method, it’s important to acknowledge Declaration of competing interest
the potential limitation of generalizability in our findings. To address
this limitation, future research endeavors could consider the exploration The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
of alternative sampling methods. Replicating this study with different interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
sampling approaches allows for a comparative analysis of outcomes, the work reported in this paper.
which, in turn, can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding
of the topic. Data availability
Second, we examined several LSC-based ELM elements, future
studies may explore the role of additional factors (e.g., customers’ brand Data will be made available on request.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

Appendix A

List of measurement items.

Product Information Quality (Zhang et al., 2020)

(i) Usefulness
USE1 The product information on the live-streaming platform is valuable.
USE2 The product information on the live-streaming platform is informative.
USE3 The product information on the live-streaming platform is helpful.
USE4 The product information on the live-streaming platform is useful.
(ii) Believability
BEL1 The product information on the live-streaming platform is reliable.
BEL2 The product information on the live-streaming platform is believable.
BEL3 The product information on the live-streaming platform is trustworthy.
BEL4 The product information on the live-streaming platform is sincere.
(iii) Vividness
VIV 1 The product information on the live-streaming platform has stimulated my senses.
VIV 2 The product information on the live-streaming platform is clear.
VIV 3 The product information on the live-streaming platform is concrete.
VIV 4 The product information on the live-streaming platform is realistic.
VIV 5 The product information on the live-streaming platform is colorful.
(continued on next page)

X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

(continued )
Product Information Quality (Zhang et al., 2020)

Streamer Interaction Quality (Zhang et al., 2020)

(i) Real-time Interaction
RTI1 The interaction with streamers and receiving information in real-time.
RTI2 The interaction with streamers meets my needs.
RTI3 The interaction with streamers is efficient.
(ii) Responsiveness
RES1 Streamers are always happy to talk with me.
RES2 Streamers always answer my question and requests in time.
RES3 Streamers’ response is closely related to my problem and requests.
RES4 Streamers can provide relevant information for my inquiry in time.
(iii) Empathy
EMP1 Streamers give me individual attention.
EMP2 Streamers understand my specific needs.
EMP3 Streamers have my best interests in mind.
EMP4 Streamers offer personalized service to me.
Streamer Credibility (Ohanian, 1990)
(i) Trustworthiness
TRU1 The streamer is dependable.
TRU2 The streamer is honest.
TRU3 The streamer is sincere.
TRU4 The streamer is reliable.
TRU5 The streamer is trustworthy.
(ii) Expertise
EXP1 The streamer is an expert.
EXP2 The streamer is experienced.
EXP3 The streamer is knowledgeable.
EXP4 The streamer is qualified.
EXP5 The streamer is skilled.
Review Consistency (Luo et al., 2015)
RCN1 The comments are consistent with other reviews on the bullet-screen.
RCN2 The comments are similar to other reviews on the bullet-screen.
RCN3 The comments match other reviews on the bullet-screen.
Resonant Contagion (Lim et al., 2012)
RCT1 My behavior was influenced by other viewers in the broadcasting room.
RCT2 My behavior influenced other viewers in the broadcasting room.
RCT3 Our group agreed upon similar opinions.
Customer Engagement (Vivek et al., 2014; Dessart et al., 2016)
(i) Affective engagement
AFE1 I find live-streaming shopping is interesting.
AFE2 I am interested in anything about live-streaming shopping.
AFE3 When interacting with people during live-streaming shopping, I feel happy.
(ii) Cognitive engagement
COE1 I spend more time on the live-streaming platform.
COE2 Time flies when I am interacting with people on the live-streaming platform.
(ii) Behavioral engagement
BEE1 I share my ideas with others in the live-streaming platform.
BEE2 I seek ideas or information from others in the live-streaming platform.
BEE3 I am likely to recommend sellers that use live-streaming to my friends.
BEE4 I am likely to become a fan and a follower of the streamer.
BEE5 I am likely to keep track of the activities of a seller that uses live-streaming.
(iv) Social engagement
SOE1 I like sharing my personal shopping experience with other viewers.
SOE2 I enjoy live-streaming shopping more when I am with other viewers.
SOE3 Live-streaming shopping is more fun when other people around me do it too.
Deal Proneness (Flacandji and Vlad, 2022)
DP1 Beyond the money I save, buying products on a deal makes me happy.
DP2 I feel the product is a good buy when it offers a special promotion.
DP3 I feel like a smart shopper when I purchase products that offer special promotions.
DP4 I love special promotional offers for products
Impulse Buying Tendency (Beatty and Ferrell, 1998)
IBT1 When I watch live-streaming, I buy things that I had not intended to purchase.
IBT2 I am a person who makes unplanned purchases.
IBT3 It is fun to buy spontaneously.

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marketing, and consumer behavior. She also has research working experience in the areas
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of social policy and environmental sustainability with the Academy for Global Develop­
science research and recommendations on how to control it. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 63
ment, Beijing Normal University. Her publications appeared in Science, Journal of Mar­
(1), 539–569.
keting Advances and Practices, and Social Governance Review.
Pradhan, V., 2016. Study on impulsive buying behavior among consumers in
supermarket in kathmandu valley. J. Business Social Sci. Res. 1 (2). Article 2.

X. Luo et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 77 (2024) 103644

Jun-Hwa Cheah (Jacky) is an Associate Professor at Norwich Business School, the Uni­ Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg. Her research on customer/stake­
versity of East Anglia. His areas of interest include consumer behavior, quantitative holder engagement has published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,
research, and methodological issues. His publications appear in journals such as the Journal of Service Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, and Tourism
Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Management, among others. She has been named a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher
Consumer Services, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Asia Pacific Journal of Market­ (2020–2022), serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Service Research, and is co-editor
ing and Logistics, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Total Quality Manage­ of The Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement.
ment and Business Excellent, Management Decision, Internet Research, Information
Systems Management, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Journal of Travel
Xin-Jean Lim working as a senior lecturer in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She
Research, Tourism Management, Tourism Economics, International Journal of Contem­
earned her doctorate degree from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Her research interests include
porary Hospitality Management, and etc. He has also received several research awards (i.
consumer behavior, social media marketing, online marketing, and customer relationship
e., Emerald Young Researcher Award 2021).
management. Her papers have been published in Technological Forecasting and Social
Change, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Industrial Management and Data
Linda D. Hollebeek, Ph.D., is the Teng Yew Huat Endowed Chair of Marketing at Sunway Systems, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Young Consumers and Asia Pacific Journal
University, Professor of Marketing at Vilnius University and Tallinn University of Tech­ of Marketing and Logistics, etc.
nology, Guest Professor at Umea University and Lund University, and Distinguished


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