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Ajem Adriano, Jayson Napadawan, Romeo Ramos,
Technical Vocational Livelihood - Information and Communications Technology


The study focused on the Equipment Quality and learning Efficiency in ICT Computer System Servicing. The primary
aim of this study is to assess the the equipment quality and the learning efficiency of the ICT students. Specifically, it
sought to determine; (1) The status of the equipment quality in Computer System Servicing laboratory in terms of; (a)
Handling equipment and tools: (b) Assembling and Disassembling; and (c) Maintenance and repair of equipment.
(2) . What is the level of learning efficiency of the respondents in terms of: (a) Knowledge and skills (b) Equipment
familiarity. The study was conducted last October 2023 to April 2024. The study respondents were grade 12 ICT
students of the CVCITC who were enrolled in S.Y 2023 – 2024. There were a total of fourteen respondents involved in
this study. The researchers Survey Questionnaire in assessing the Equipment Quality and Learning Efficiency in ICT
Computer Systems Servicing. The said instrument underwent validation and was subjected to a data analysis


Computer System Servicing (CSS) is a specialized field of information technology that focuses on the
maintenance, repair, and optimization of computer systems. Professionals in this field, often referred to as computer
technicians or system administrators, has a role in ensuring the smooth functioning of computer hardware and
software components. Computer systems servicing involves taking complete care of computer systems and
accessories. This encompasses tasks like setting up, identifying and fixing issues, repairing, and ensuring the ongoing
maintenance of computers and other smart devices. In this field, the research team will explore the experiences of ICT
students with equipment honing their skills on Computer System Servicing (Ibrahim, 2023). Acknowledging the
nature of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) students, their practical knowledge matches the demand
skills for Computer System Servicing.

Karunaratne, Peiris, and Hansson (2018) brought attention to the negative impact that a shortage of resources
can have on effectively using information and communication technology (ICT) in specific classrooms. They found
that not having enough resources could be a barrier to using technology well. However, Munje Paul (2020) argued that
we shouldn't judge how well students are doing in their studies based solely on the lack of or limited use of ICT
resources. According to him, using this as a measure for student academic performance is not accurate. Additionally,
Padayachee (2017) further contended that the scarcity of ICT resources could potentially hinder the quality of
education that students receive. This, in turn, might impact their overall academic performance. In essence,
Padayachee emphasized that the availability of ICT resources plays a crucial role in shaping the educational
experience and outcomes of students.

Khan (2020) stated that the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education
holds the promise of enhancing learner achievement, particularly in regions with low socioeconomic status, where
learner performance tends to fall below expectations. The positive attitudes exhibited by both educators and learners
toward the impact of ICT resources on teaching and learning support the assertion that maintaining a functional
computer laboratory could have the potential to elevate learner educational aspirations, motivation, and the overall
desire to learn. This perspective is corroborated by studies conducted by Denoon-Stevens and Ramaila (2018), Hilton
(2018), and Santos et al. (2019). Additionally, Munje Paul highlighted that the presence of computers can potentially
ignite and amplify learners' passion for learning.

Hence, the researchers would like to assess whether the presence of proper equipment enhances the skills of
fellow ICT students. The goal of the study is to identify the specific equipment needs that significantly enhance
students' ability to troubleshoot, develop practical skills, and become competent computer system services overall.
According to Roecker A (2021) employees possessing enhanced skills are assigned to positions that demand
proficiency in computer-related abilities. By understanding the relationship between equipment availability and the
ICT students’ performances, teachers can modify their teaching methods to enhance the overall education experience
for ICT students. In pursuing this research, the focus lies on the dynamics between the availability of adequate
equipment and the skill development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) students specializing in
Computer System Servicing. This research aims to provide valuable insights into the symbiotic relationship between
the quality and accessibility of equipment and the educational outcomes of ICT students. The findings of this study
holds the potential to uncover the connection between a properly equipped learning environment and the skills of the

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

-Knowledge and Understanding the

skills of ICT students relationship between
the skills of ICT
-Performance of students and
student equipment quality

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

The independent variables are factors that are expected to influence the dependent variable in the study. By analyzing
the relationship between these variables, the researchers aim to uncover insights into how equipment quality impacts the skills
and performance of ICT students in CSS.

Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on evaluating the equipment quality and the skills of the ICT students. The goal is to gain a
clear understanding of the relationship between the skills of the ICT students and the equipment quality.

1. What is the status of the equipment quality in Computer System Servicing laboratory in terms of;
a) Handling equipment and tools:
b) Assembling and Disassembling; and
c) Maintenance and repair of equipment?

2. What is the level of learning efficiency of the respondents in terms of:

a) Knowledge and skills
b) Equipment familiarity

3. Actual performance

4. Is there a significance relationship between equipment quality and learning efficiency?


To achieve the objective of understanding the relationship between the availability of equipment and the
proficiency of ICT students in Computer System Servicing, the team will survey questionnaire and use total
enumeration sampling.

Status of equipment quality in Computer

System Serving

Level learning Efficiency of the respondents

Significance Relationship between equipment

quality and learning efficiency
Research Design

This study employs a quantitative-descriptive research method to assess the learning efficiency of ICT
students to the Computer System Servicing. A descriptive survey research aims to know the extent of which different
conditions can be obtained among these subjects (Porluca, 2023)

Research Environment

The researchers chose the Cagayan Valley Computer Information and Technology College Senior High
Department to be the location of the study. It is the most accessible area to source information.

Respondents of the study

A total of fourteen (14) respondents agreed to participate in the study. The number of respondents was
determined using purposive sampling. Complete enumeraton sampling is a method used in surveys and data analysis
to examine all possible elements in a finite set. It involves the selection, acquisition, and quantification of a part of the
population, with the aim of providing a representative sample based on the specific criteria. (Welsh A)

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Grade Strand/Section Sample

12 ICT Integrity 14
Total 14

Table 1 shows the distribution of of respondents. All respondents are Grade 12 ICT

Research Instrument

The study utilized a research made questionnaire which subdivided into two (2) parts. Part 1 include the is the
status of the equipment quality in Computer System Servicing laboratory laboratory in terms of; a) Handling
equipment and tools: b) Assembling and Disassembling; and c) Maintenance and repair of equipment. Part 2 include
the level of learning efficiency of the respondents in terms of: a) Knowledge and skills, and b) Equipment familiarity.
Experts were tapped and evaluated the relevance of the questionnaire as the purpose of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers requested a permission letter from the office of the principal of CVCITC Senior High
Department. Once approved, the researchers distributed the questionnaire to the selected respondents. Once the
necessary data had been gathered, a consultation with the research adviser and statistician was held to obtain
assistance in interpreting and analyzing the data.

Data Analysis

The data gathered from the study is organized and analyzed using frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and
pearson ®. The responses to the given questions were scaled Likert Scale and given weight as it follows

Table 2. 4-point Likert Scale and its Descriptive Interpretation as used in the study

Scale Range Descriptive Interpretation

1 1.00 - 1.75 Strongly Disagree
2 1.76 - 2.50 Disagree
3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree
4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

Result and Discussion

Table 3. Mean and Descriptive Interpretation on the status of equipment quality in CSS
among the respondents in terms of Handling Equipment and tools.

A. Handling equipment and tools Mean Descriptive interpretation

I wear a proper apparel in 3 Agree
I organize the cords properly 2.93 Agree
I keep the workstation tidy 3 Agree
I organize the computer main 3 Agree
components (i.e. cpu, ram, hdd,
ssd, gpu, etc.)
I keep foods away from the 3.07 Agree
Grand Mean ** Expression is faulty ** Agree

The respondents maintain the equipment and tools by wearing proper clothes, tidying cords, organizing the
workspace, arranging the computer parts, keeping the food away from the tools

Table 4. Mean and Descriptive Interpretation on the status of equipment quality in CSS
among the respondents in terms of Assembling and Disassembling.

B. Assembling and Disassembling Mean Descriptive interpretation

I unplug all computer equipment 3.29 Agree
before opening any cases
I clean the workstation table 3.07 Agree
before assembling or
disassembling a computer
I memorize where the components 3.43 Agree
should go before disassembling
I use proper tools for 3.29 Agree
disassembling a computer
I wear anti-static gloves when 2.5 Agree
disassembling a computer
Grand Mean 3.12 Agree

The respondents ensure safety and efficiency by unplugging all the equipment, cleaning the table, memorizing the
the component placements, using the proper tools, and wearing anti-static gloves for computer work.

Table 5. Mean and Descriptive Interpretation on the status of equipment quality in CSS
among the respondents in terms of Maintenance and Repair

C. Maintenance and Repair Mean Descriptive interpretation

I check for damaged parts 3.36 Agree
I clean the keyboard and case 3.36 Agree
I remove unnecessary files (e.g. 2.93 Agree
temp files, recycle bin, etc) from
the computer to save up storage
I give the computer a proper 3.14 Agree
I separate the working and broken 3 Agree
computer components
Grand Mean 3.16 Agree

To maintain computer health, the respondents check for damaged parts, regularly cleans the keyboard and case,
remove unnecessary files, ensure proper ventilation, and separate working and broken components.

Table 6. Mean and Descriptive Interpretation on the level of learning efficiency

of the respondents in terms of Knowledge and Skills

A. Knowledge and Skills Mean Descriptive interpretation

Concepts and underlying 3.14 Agree
principles in applying quality
standard in computer system
Concepts and underlying 3.14 Agree
principles in performing
measurements and calculations
Concepts and underlying 2.92 Agree
principles in performing computer
Concepts and underlying 2.92 Agree
principles in preparing in
interpreting technical drawings
and work plans for computer
system servicing
The use of hand tools and 3.14 Agree
equipment for computer system
Concepts and underlying 3.14 Agree
principles in terminating and
connecting electrical wiring and
electronic circuits
Concepts and underlying 3.14 Agree
principles in testing electronic
Concepts and underlying 3.07 Agree
principles in installing configuring
computer systems
Concepts and underlying 3.36 Agree
principles in setting up computer
Concepts and underlying 3.07 Agree
principles in setting up servers
Grand Mean 3.10 Agree

A through comprehension of these ideas and tenets enables respondents to manage a lot of computer technology
will skill, from getting servers and networks ready to looking after system, making sure everything works well all the time.

Table 7. Mean and Descriptive Interpretation on level of learning efficiency

of the respondents in terms of Equipment Quality

B. Equipment Familiarity Mean Descriptive interpretation

I can identify the define the 3.21 Agree
functions of main components
(i.e. monitor, system unit,
keyboard, mouse) of the computer
I can identify and define the 3.5 Strongly Agree
functions of computer peripherals
(i.e. printer, scanner, modem,
digital camera, speaker, etc)
I can identify the computer related 3.29 Agree
tools and use it properly (i.e.
screwdriver, crimper, pliers,
wirecutter, etc)
I can tell the difference between 3.14 Agree
input devices and output devices.
Grand Mean 3.29 Agree

The respondents can identify and define the functions of main computer components and peripherals, recognize
and use computer-related tools properly, and differentiate between input and output devices

The following are the conclusions for the study that are based on the previously presented findings and their

1. In terms of the status of equipment quality in CSS among the respondents, the respondents practices proper
maintenance for computer equipment, including wearing proper attire, organizing workspace, and keeping food away.
They prioritize safety and efficiency by unplugging equipment, cleaning surfaces, memorizing component placement,
using appropriate tools, and wearing protective gloves. They focus on computer health by inspecting for damages,
cleaning regularly, removing unnecessary files, ensuring ventilation, and separating working and broken components.

2. In terms of the level of learning efficiency of the respondents, they emphasize the importance of
understanding computer technology concepts to effectively manage servers, networks, and systems, ensuring they
operate smoothly. It also highlights the ability to identify computer components, peripherals, tools, and distinguish
between input and output devices are essential skills for respondents.


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4-Strongly Agree 3- Agree 2- Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree
What is the learning efficiency of the respondents in terms of 4 3 2 1
Knowledge and skills (I can identify the…)
Concepts and underlying principles in applying quality standard in computer system
Concepts and underlying principles in performing measurements and calculations

Concepts and underlying principles in performing computer operations

Concepts and underlying principles in preparing in interpreting technical drawings

and work plans for computer system servicing

The use of hand tools and equipment for computer system servicing

Concepts and underlying principles in terminating and connecting electrical wiring

and electronic circuits
Concepts and underlying principles in testing electronic components

Concepts and underlying principles in installing configuring computer systems

Concepts and underlying principles in setting up computer networks

Concepts and underlying principles in setting up servers

Equipment Familiarity
I can identify the define the functions of main components (i.e. monitor, system unit,
keyboard, mouse) of the computer
I can identify and define the functions of computer peripherals (i.e. printer, scanner,
modem, digital camera, speaker, etc)
I can identify the computer related tools and use it properly (i.e. screwdriver,
crimper, pliers, wirecutter, etc)
I can tell the difference between input devices and output devices.

Actual Performance (I can…)

Apply quality standards in computer systems servicing
Perform computer operations based on a given tasks
Accurately measure and calculate based on a given tasks
Prepare and interpret technical drawings and work plans accurately

Use hand tools and equipment for computer systems servicing

Demonstrate proper termination and connection of electrical wiring and electronic
Test electronic components
Install ocnfigure computer system based on established procedures and system
Set up computer network based established procedures and system requirements for
Set up server based on acceptable standards and hardware
Santosh Kumar, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 10, Issue, 07(H), pp. 33857-33862, July, 2019,

S. Tak, P. Westendorp and I. van Rooij, "Satisficing and the Use of Keyboard Shortcuts: Being Good Enough Is Enough?," in
Interacting with Computers, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 404-416, Sept. 2013, doi: 10.1093/iwc/iwt016.

Santosh Kumar, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 10, Issue, 07(H), pp. 33857-33862, July, 2019,

What is the status of equipment quality in computer system servicing? 4 3 2 1

a) Handling equipment and tools

I wear a proper apparel
I organize the cords properly
I keep the workstation tidy
I organize the computer main components (i.e. cpu, ram, hdd, ssd, gpu, etc.)

I keep foods away from the workstation

b) Assembling and disassembling
I unplug all computer equipment before opening any cases
I clean the workstation table before assembling or disassembling a computer

I memorize where the components should go before disassembling

I use proper tools for disassembling a computer

I wear anti-static gloves when disassembling a computer
c) Maintenance and repair equipment
I check for damaged parts
I clean the keyboard and case regularly
I remove unnecessary files (e.g. temp files, recycle bin, etc) from the computer to
save up storage space
I give the computer a proper ventilation
I separate the working and broken computer components
Ng PK, Jee KS, Saptari A, Leau JX. The Effects of Office Equipment Familiarity in Reducing Human Errors and Accidents. AMM

Peter Telek, “Computer design of materials handling equipment”, pp 2-6, 2015,

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