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Name: Roy John-Keith Job Title: Principal School Department: N/A

Supervisor/Team Leader: Rev. Valerie Blake Job Title: Board Chairman Period: 2021-2022 Academic Year: 2021-2022

(ADMINITRATIVE) Individual Objectives: 1. To improve record keeping standards at Belmont Park Primary School in comparison to NEI Report

Major Tasks: Outputs Resources Achievement Date Actual Results Evaluation Ratings Remarks
At least three sittings of
middle managers with December 2021,
the purpose of incesive April 2022,
1. Review NEI Report school self evaluation exercise. Stationery July 2022
2. Organize Storage facilities material, filing
for admininstrative Establish adequate file storage cabinets, security
documents space for administrative files features July 2022

3. Audit the records that Establish filing system for all

currently exists administrative documents Stationery July 2022

(LITERACY) Individual Objectives: 2. Increase Belmont Park Primary School's Literacy Rate from 92% to 95%.

Major Tasks: Outputs Resources Achievement Date Actual Results Evaluation Ratings Remarks

1. Re-establish the Literacy Fully functional Literacy Stationery,

Committee Committee Personnel July 2022
2. Literacy competitions at Increased student performance
grade levels in literacy Stationery, tokens July 2022
Improvement in the delivery of Resource persons,
3. Staff Development Literacy related concepts by Stationery,
activities in Literacy teachers Literature July 2022
Hightened awareness in staff for
4. Establishing on internal the roles and responsibility in
accountability matrix Literacy return to Literacy Stationery July 2022

(NUMERACY) Individual Objectives: 3. Increase Belmont Park Primary School's Numeracy Rate to 85%.

Major Tasks: Outputs Resources Achievement Date Actual Results Evaluation Ratings Remarks

Variety of
1. Set up Mathematics Fully functional Math Resource Mathematics
Resource Centre Room paraphernelia July 2022

Improvement in the delivery of Resource persons,

2. Staff Development Numeracy related concepts by Stationery,
activities in Numeracy teachers Numeracy July 2022

Improve performance in
3. House Based Mathematics mathematics in an enjoyable Buzzers, Projection
Quiz fashion Screen July 2022

Hightened awareness in staff for

4. Internal Accountability the roles and responsibility in
Matrix on Numeracy return to Numeracy Stationery July 2022

Intensive programme, Grade 3 & Variety of

5 Improve average by at least Mathematics
5. Mathematics Boot Camp 10% paraphernelia July 2022
(SAFETY & SECURITY) Individual Objectives: 4. Have a critical accident free school environment at Belmont Park Primary School in comparison to previous year.

Major Tasks: Outputs Resources Achievement Date Actual Results Evaluation Ratings Remarks

1. Retrofit compound for

safety Covering of drainage water ways Workmen, financial July 2022

2. Establish a safety record

meter Real time display of safety record Signage July 2022

3. Improve monitoring of Orderly use of corridors during Signage, Stationery,

lunch time/break time traffic use of breaks P.A. system July 2022

4. Establish policies governing

safety and security related Structured approach to safety &
matters security by the school Stationery July 2022

(ADMINISTRATIVE) Individual Objectives: 5. To improve corporate image of the school.

Major Tasks: Outputs Resources Achievement Date Actual Results Evaluation Ratings Remarks

1. Establish a Public Relation Improve marketing of students' Stationery,

Committee potential and achievements personnel July 2022

A space dedicated to parental Secured room,

development, skill training and stationery,
2. Re-establish a Parent Place the P.T.A Resource personnel July 2022

3. Re-establish a Re-ignite the spirit of Stationery,

comprehensive volunteerism & service among financial, resource
Clubs/Societies Programme the student body persons July 2022

(STAFF CAPACITY BUILDING) Individual Objectives: 6. To build the capacity of middle managers in effectively coordinating a grade.

Major Tasks: Outputs Resources Achievement Date Actual Results Evaluation Ratings Remarks

Re-establish the reporting Consistent and systematic computer devices,

mechanism for grades reporting from middle managers internet access December 2022
monitored termly
Improved performance in the December 2021,
Middle managers workshops fulfilment of duties by middle April 2022,
for capacity building managers stationery July 2022

(PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT) Individual Objectives: 7. To engage myself more in national social development.

Major Tasks: Outputs Resources Achievement Date Actual Results Evaluation Ratings Remarks

1. Apply to the lay Stationery, police

magistratge association of St. Enhanced involvement in social record, personal
Catherine development time July 2022
2. To become a member of at
least one entity that Be more active in social
professional or social development outside of
development functions Belmont Park Primary Time management July 2022
At least registration
3. Embark on further studies Financial July 2022
into a course of further studies
(MOEYI STRATEGIC PLAN) Individual Objective 8: Retrofit school plant to facilitate at least one inclusive education classroom in each grade

Major Tasks: Outputs Resources Achievement Date Actual Results Evaluation Ratings Remarks
Plant Assessment Plant evaluation walkthrough Human July 2022
Procurement of services and Collection and selection of work
material services and estimates July 2022
Purchasing Construction Human/Constructio
Selection of material provider
material n Materials July 2022
Retrofitting of school plant Sequential construction activities Workcrew July 2022
Assessment of retrofitted
Plant evaluation walkthrough Human
School plant July 2022

(MOEYI STRATEGIC PLAN--SWPBIS) Individual Objectives: 9. To have students display positive social practices

Major Tasks: Outputs Resources Achievement Date Actual Results Evaluation Ratings Remarks
Have framework for a mentorship
Brainstorming Session Human
programme developed
Enlistment of mentors and Vetting sessions for mentors and Human
mentees mentees
Monitoring of programme Three monitoring sessions

Acknowledgment of mentors and human, celebratory

Celebration ceremony
mentees tokens

(MOEYI STRATEGIC PLAN) Individual Objectives: 10. To increase internet access for students and staff on campus
Major Tasks: Outputs Resources Achievement Date Actual Results Evaluation Ratings Remarks
Submission of Scope of work
and other relevant documents Formal School Board decision to
to School Board for undertake internet access
consideration improvements Stationery January 2022
Procurement activities for
goods and services for Acquire workmen, material and
internet infrastructure equipment to establish necessary
improvements infrastructure Funding December 2022
Establishing neccesary
infrastructure for full internet
access for students and staff A stable internet service for
on campus students and staff Funding January 2022

(PLANT MANAGEMENT) Individual Objectives: 10. To improve the aethetics of the school compound
Major Tasks: Outputs Resources Achievement Date Actual Results Evaluation Ratings Remarks
Repair/refurbishing/replacem refurbishing of all doors and
ent of doors and windows on windows on the school
the school compound compound Human. Funding July 2022
Procurement activities for Acquire workmen, material and
goods and services for equipment to establish necessary
infrastructure improvements infrastructure Funding July 2022
Repainting of murals on 25%
of school compound Contracting artisan funding july 2022

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