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1. CSCwj99072 - Fry: 20.15: C8530L-8S2X2Y: QoS service-policy failed and

device crashed -- Debug logs shows no sign of Port-channel PI logs. -- Moved to
Platform team.

2. CSCwj93382 - 17.15:ASR1K:Sub-interface ATM2/3/2.1 does not support user

settable MTU -- Many commits went in between pass and fail lables. Trying for Jan
12th before Image.

3. CSCwj85424 17.15.1 ACR: ConfD and IOSD out of Sync observed on Line vty
transport input -- None of the possible fixes worked. -- Yang-india-coders team
couldnt resolve the issue. -- Checking with DMI team. -- Moved the BUG to
Monal's team -- Extending support to Balaji for ramp-up

4. CSCwj84661 - 'ip address dhcp' should not be allowed for port-channel member
interface -- Addressing review comments. -- IPV6 Address , DHCPv6 cases against
"channel-group" are working. -- IPV6 Auto-config & Cellular changes done.
Verification pending.

5. CSCwk11063 -- C8530L:TwentyFiveGig intf with 10G SFP;port-cha mem-intf

add fails. -- Verified the BUG. -- Need registry from PD to confirm if the Platform
supports MultiRate Ports or not. -- Moved to PD team.

6. CSCwk09496(CSC.labtrunk)CG port channel device real time monitoring lacp

info doesn't show if is static or lacp mode -- Need OperModel enhancement to
support Protocol / Etherchannel Type. -- Started exploring the fix.

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
Add and rank your most important work. You can rank your priorities by
holding down and dragging your priority items in order.
1. CSCwj85424 17.15.1 ACR: ConfD and IOSD out of Sync observed on Line vty
transport input -- Fix made with Tailf is not working. -- Tried adding side-effects
for partial-sync to sync "transport input ssh" from IOSD to CONFD. Not working.
Side-effect being recognised, but still ConfD and IOSD are not in Sync. --
Escalated the issue to XE-India-Yang-Coders team. -- Will be discussing the issue
in YANG OpenHouse.

2. CSCwj84661 - 'ip address dhcp' should not be allowed for port-channel member
interface -- In PR -- Addressing the review comments

3. TFT: Sb409080s_integration - -- Working with Pratap's team for TFT integration

4. CSCwj99072 - Fry: 20.15: C8530L-8S2X2Y: QoS service-policy failed and

device crashed -- Looking into the issue.

5. CSCwk01810 - Packet counts and bytes overflow with huge numbers for Port-
channel interface on C8300 platform -- Pinged submitter for the Testbed and steps
to repro the issue. Did code walk though.

6. CSCwj93382 - 17.15:ASR1K:Sub-interface ATM2/3/2.1 does not support user

settable MTU -- Tried on the testbed. Whatever tried through script and IOS CLI
are not same behaviour. Checking with submitter.

7. Hardened xpath list -- Provided required info on the Xpaths Hardening info.
Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
Coaching Intelligence
CSCwj84661 - 'ip address dhcp' should not be allowed for port-channel member
interface -- Fix in place. Verification done. -- Will raise PR.

CSCwj85424 17.15.1 ACR: ConfD and IOSD out of Sync observed on Line vty
transport input -- Fix made, not working. reworked on the fix. -- Build in progress.

CSCwj93382 - 17.15:ASR1K:Sub-interface ATM2/3/2.1 does not support user

settable MTU -- Regression. Latest pass label and fail label are months part. --
Need to narrow down what is causing the issue.

NetApp | SR 697151373 (696710022 old): Input errors are seen on Port Channel
interface and on Physical Interfaces -- Providing support whenever required.

DEI Presentation - presented DEI session to the team. QOS TOI - Exploring QOS
TOI sessions. Regression scripts - Going through the regression scripts. Have to
create a set of scripts for Port-channel.
Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.

1. CSCwj38382 - Amazon ACR: IOS-two-stage 'transport input ssh' config issue --
Addressed review comments by adding teh Deviation file. -- Committed the
changes. Resolved.

2. CSCwj85424 17.15.1 ACR: ConfD and IOSD out of Sync observed on Line vty
transport input -- Made probable fix. Build in progress

3. CSCwj84661 - 'ip address dhcp' should not be allowed for port-channel member
interface -- Made probable fix. Build in progress

4. CSCwj83901 - Ux2.0 : Proper error need to be displayed it Poch range is more --

Error msg is specific to vManage. Moved to vManage team.
Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. CSCwj73055 — PO member interfaces became standalone on 9300L 2M stack
post upgrade to 17.15.1 04/05 image -- debugged and moved asked the submitter to
move to respective PD team.

2. CSCwj38382 - Amazon ACR: IOS-two-stage 'transport input ssh' config issue --

Made probable fix . S2C passing. -- After adding Deviation file "NSO build" is
failing. -- Need YANG expert help

3. Double committing to 1712_throttle: - CSCwf54738. -- Build failing for CAT9k.

Contacted the team and got override. -- SDWAN CAT test failing. Checking with
the team.

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
Coaching Intelligence
1. Double committing to 1712_throttle: - CSCwe11535. — Not required -
CSCwf54738 - Have YANG changes. Preparing image.

2. CSCwj57331- Getting syntax error when configured with "no keepalive"

in FR Router serial interface -- Verified and moved to IDB Infra YANG team.

3. CSCwj38382 - Amazon ACR: IOS-two-stage 'transport input ssh' config

issue -- Able to repro the issue. -- Added probable fix. Building image.

4. NetApp | SR 697151373 (696710022 old): Input errors and giants on Port

Channel interface but not on Physical Interface -- Analysed the Admintech
attached to the SR. -- Not a Port-channel issue. -- Involved IDB team.

5. CSCwi07771 - Bender: iomd helddown and BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD

observed in mac-filter scale test - Couldnt spend much time on this.
Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwj48203 Programmability: Unable to associate interface to

PortChannel when interface is shut and no PO int CSCvu73135 --
Not Port-channel issue. -- L2 Team need to take decision on this.
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwj52392 17.15.1 ACR - Cisco-IOS-XE-interfaces Storm control

configs IOSd and CDB not in sync -- Not port-channel issue. But
looking for more inputs to handover to the right owner
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Double committing to 1712_throttle: - CSCwf54738. -- Complete the

build and commit to 1712 throttle
4. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwj38382 - Amazon ACR: IOS-two-stage 'transport input ssh'

config issue -- Made probable fix -- Build in progress.
1. CSCwi07771 - Bender: iomd helddown and BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD
observed in mac-filter scale test - Debugging the issue. Tried for UNDO.
facing issues with copying the recorded file. Trying with debug image.

2. LACP Show2Get - - PR Committed.

3. PyATS training -- Could able to build testbed and script.

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Double committing to 1712_throttle: - CSCwe11535 - CSCwf54738

2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwj57331- Getting syntax error when configured with "no

keepalive" in FR Router serial interface -- Not Framerelay specific. --
Finding the right owner
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwj38382 - Amazon ACR: IOS-two-stage 'transport input ssh'

config issue -- Able to repro the issue. -- Debugging DMI logs.
4. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07771 - Bender: iomd helddown and

BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD observed in mac-filter scale test - Its a
day1 issue. One more bug has been raised on the same lines. -
Issue is seen during Scale testing. - Need deep understanding of
HSRP & Etherchannel flow, to fix the issue. - Working on the debug
5. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Completing PyATS Training,

1. CSCwj25391 - [programmabiltiy] get-config and CLI output are not in
sync after performing delete operation - Committed to Polaris_Dev

2. Implementation of LACP OperModel Show2Get - In PR - Addressing

review comments. - Waiting for Regression testbed for testing the scripts as
per Review comments.

3. CSCwf54738 - Index limitation on the yang module for the CEM interface
- In PR. - All checks done. - Waiting for the approvals.
Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Implementation of LACP OperModel Show2Get - In PR. - As per

review comments, testing teh scripts on Regression Testbed. -
Complete testing and Close on PR.
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07771 - Bender: iomd helddown and

BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD observed in mac-filter scale test - Its a
day1 issue. One more bug has been raised on the same lines. -
Issue is seen during Scale testing. - Need deep understanding of
HSRP & Etherchannel flow, to fix the issue. - Working on the debug
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Completing PyATS Training,

Coaching Intelligence
1. MCG LACP crash - CSCwj08975 -- WLC platform -- Helped WLC team,
with debug/ narrow-down and find RCA of the Crash. -- Review the PR and

2. Implementation of LACP OperModel Show2Get -- Created TFT entries. --

Retested all the XPath YAML files on latest ABS Polaris_Dev Image, as
expected by CMT team. -- Raised PR, added entry to the CMT PR

3. CSCwf54738 - Index limitation on the yang module for the CEM interface
-- Basic UT done on RSP3 device -- In PR. Waiting for approvals

4. CSCwj25391 [programmabiltiy] get-config and CLI output are not in sync

after performing delete operation -- Made probable fix. -- AUT done in
Autonomous mode. -- Run AUT for Controller mode to replicate the Bug test
scenario. -Pending

5. Etherchannel load-balancing on ISR4k -- Tried verifying DPI load-

balancing on ISR4k with multiple IXIA flows. No success. -- Informed the
same to the Custoer-Support team
Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwj25391 - [programmabiltiy] get-config and CLI output are not in

sync after performing delete operation - AUT for Autonomous mode-
Done - AUT for Controller mode -Pending
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Implementation of LACP OperModel Show2Get - In PR.

3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwf54738 - Index limitation on the yang module for the CEM

interface - In PR. - Waiting for the approvals.
1. CSCwf54738 - Index limitation on the yang module for the CEM interface
- Addressed review comments. Waiting for approvals from YANG teams.

2. Implementation of LACP OperModel Show2Get - Tested all the possible

LACP Opermodel Xpaths. - Working fine. - Will Raise PR today.

3. CSCwi40541 - L3 interface MTU: CLI/NETCONF configs not in sync -

Debugged the issue. Observed no sync between the databases. - Installing
standalone Confd for verification.

4. CSCwj08975 - MCG - Crash observed on Kopesh with MCG target while

LACP bringup - Debugged the issue. - Both WLC and MCG platform are
having lacp_shim sysb-sytem included in the packaging. But Crash is
observed only with MCG. - Platform team should debug and take care of
adding Platform support whereever required.

Learning: 1. PyATS training - Started going through PyATS training

modules. Review:

1. Reviewed and provided comments for LACP SNMP OID to Oper Model
XPath SFS document, URC / RG Scrub:

1. Taking care of URC and RG scrub for 17.14.1

Nothing entered this week.
Hi Shailesh, Would like to give a session on Show2GetTesting for
Opermodels, for our team. thanks Sowjanya
1. Mark Priority 0 Incomplete

CSCwj25391 - [programmabiltiy] get-config and CLI output are not in

sync after performing delete operation - Find RCA for the
inconsistency between the Confd and IOS database and fix the
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Implementation of LACP OperModel Show2Get - Testing done for all

the Xpaths of LACP Oper model. - Raise PR and commit.
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwf54738 - Index limitation on the yang module for the CEM

interface - Waiting for the approvals.
4. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi62284 - 17.14 SDWAN MGD crash traceback point to

endpoint tracker -- Helping the WLC team to debug and narrow-down
the issue.
5. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Complete PyATS training..

1. SR 696833100 : HRSP in Active/Active state -- Debugging the issue. -
Debugged on ISR4k. Issue not seen. Issue is only seen with C8300. Moved
to c8300 PD team.

2. CSCwi62284 - 17.14 SDWAN MGD crash traceback point to endpoint

tracker - Asked submitter to remove IPv6 configuration from Dialer Interface
and try. Still Crash is observed. - Submitter provided Admin Tech and other
logs. Need to analyse the DMI logs and see why crash is observed.

3. LACP opermodel issue on CAT9k. - - Committed to Polaris_dev.

4. Implementation of LACP OperModel Show2Get - - Basic YAML files

working fine. Adding Validation criteria.

5. CSCwf54738 - Index limitation on the yang module for the CEM interface
- Raised PR with revision version. - Got review comments - Addressing the
review comments.

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi62284 - 17.14 SDWAN MGD crash traceback point to

endpoint tracker -- Analyse the received debugs and conclude on
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwf54738 - Index limitation on the yang module for the CEM

interface - Address review comments and work towards closing on
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Implementation of LACP OperModel Show2Get - Complete all the

Xpaths testing with criteria validations - Raise PR
Coaching Intelligence
1. CSCwi98757 - Fix opermodel issue on CAT9k - Addressed review
comments. In PR.

2. CSCwi94832 - L3 Port channels with 40Gig member ports takes more

than 30s to come up after a toggle - Analysed. Issue is with HSRP MAC
Filter addition delay. Duped to other Sev4 bug. Will work on this.

3. CSCwi62284 - 17.14 SDWAN MGD crash traceback point to endpoint

tracker - Asked the submitter to remove " ipv6 address autoconfig default"
from the Dialer interface and try upgrading to the 17.14 version and see if
the issue iss seen or not.

4. Show2Get - LACP OperModel - Scripts are ready. Verified few Xpaths.

Working fine. Trying to complete other XPaths and raise PR.

5. SR 696846038 || Port-channel load balancing. - Expected behaviour. -

Trying to test Port-channel load-balancing with DPI - GRE tunnelling
configuration. - Looking for support from DT for proper configuration

6. CSCwf54738 - Index limitation on the yang module for the CEM interface
- Fix in place. Cant verify due to testbed issues. - Raising PR.

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

SR 696833100 : HRSP in Active/Active state -- Debugging the issue.

2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi62284 - 17.14 SDWAN MGD crash traceback point to

endpoint tracker -- Next action plan is based on inputs from
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwf54738 - Index limitation on the yang module for the CEM

interface - Raise PR and commit changes.
4. Mark Priority 0 Complete

LACP opermodel issue on CAT9k. - Addressed review comments. -

Waiting for L2 team approval.
5. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Implementation of LACP OperModel Show2Get - Complete all the

Xpaths testing - Raise PR
6. Mark Priority 0 Complete

SR 696846038 || Port-channel load balancing. -- Trying for Port-

channel LB with DPI GRE config on latest Image.

1. CSCwf98057 - Huge counters on port-channel when show interface stats

after clear counters — Committed to polaris_dev and resolved.

2. BEMS01702614 | 696710022 | CSCwe37016 | The output rate on port

channel does not match with the total physical interface output rate -
Committed CSCwe37016 fix to ES branch. - Customer update - No issues
observed till now.

3. Regarding Meraki-Programmability-Ph2 (Mgmt): show etherchannel

summary | inc LACP - Sent email response for the queries.

4. LACP opermodel issue on CAT9k. - Issue observed with Port-channel

LACP opermodel when there is no Port-channel with ID 1. - Fix in place. -
UT done. - Will raise PR and commit.

5. Show2get - Working on LACP Opermodel Show2Get yaml files.

Analysed and moved:


1. CSCwi85934 C8300: C-NIM-1M with 1G; Memb-intf add to portchannel

fails with -- Testing Multi-rate Port configuration on new platform. -- No
changed required from Port-channel PI. -- Platform has to provide registry
which is already called by PI. -- Moved to PD

2. CSCwi87868 - ISR4321-AX/K9//SDWAN in controller mode//its not taking

MTU setting. -- Customer trying invalid configuration -- Moved to J

---------------------------------------------------------------------- * URC / RG tracking. *

Resolved ADS build issue.
Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

LACP opermodel issue on CAT9k. - Issue observed with Port-

channel LACP opermodel when there is no Port-channel with ID 1. -
Fix in place. - UT done. - File BUG, raise PR and commit.
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Implementation of LACP OperModel Show2Get

3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi94832 - L3 Port channels with 40Gig member ports takes

more than 30s to come up after a toggle - Need testbed to verify.
Checking with submitter. - Delayed due to Timezone.
4. Mark Priority 0 Complete

696846038 || Port-channel load balancing. -- Mostly expected
behaviour. -- Need CALO repro to try the latest Polaris_dev where
other LB algorithms were introduced on 17.14.

1. CSCwf98057 - Huge counters on port-channel when show interface stats

after clear counters - Fix in place. UT Done. - In PR


logging overrun - Fix committed to Polaris_dev

3. BEMS01702614 | 696710022 | CSCwe37016 | The output rate on port

channel does not match with the total physical interface output rate -- Tried
for SMU. Cant provide SMU on ES throttle. -- Committed fix for
CSCwe37016 to ES branch

4. CSCwi85934 C8300: C-NIM-1M with 1G; Memb-intf add to portchannel

fails with 'Error: Interface type mismatch -- Enough info not provided. Will
check with submitter and close on this. 5. Show2Get - Started working on
Show2Get for LACP Oper model. RG & URC follow-up

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

Implementation of LACP OperModel Show2Get

2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwf98057 - Huge counters on port-channel when show interface

stats after clear counters - In PR
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

BEMS01702614 | 696710022 | CSCwe37016 | The output rate on

port channel does not match with the total physical interface output
rate - Committed CSCwe37016 fix to ES branch.
4. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07771(CSC.labtrunk)Bender: iomd helddown and

BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD observed in mac-filter scale test. - Sev4 -
Working on it.


logging overrun - Addressed review comments - In PR.

2. CSCwf98057 - Huge counters on port-channel when show interface stats

after clear counters - - There is a conflict in understanding "clear counters"
for physical interface and Port-channel. - Discussing with IDB team. -
Moved bug to IDB team. If needed will try fix from Port-channel side.

3. BEMS01702614 | 696710022 | CSCwe37016 | The output rate on port

channel does not match with the total physical interface output rate - No
CALO repro available. - Had debugging session in Customer environment.
Issue is seen with device in production. - Asked for repro on a Isolated
testbed. - Fix for CSCwe37016 needs to be committed to v17_9_3a throttle.
- WIll finalise once meeting is done with customer.

4. CSCwi62695(CSC.labtrunk)Fry: HSRP BFD session not UP on Port-

Channel interface. — Analysed and moved the bug to BFD team as its
using Hardware BFD , not Micro BFD.

5. CSCwi07771(CSC.labtrunk)Bender: iomd helddown and

BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD observed in mac-filter scale test - Working with
HSRP team. - During addition of Mac-filters, the HSRP grp resetting
happening and millions of calls were made proportionately based on the
scale of address. - This is resulting in 15-20mins delay - IOMD is effecting.
Subslot 0/0 is removed and readded. - Might be a Sev6 candidate.
Changes are expected form Port-channel side too. Need to change the
day1 code.

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07771(CSC.labtrunk)Bender: iomd helddown and

BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD observed in mac-filter scale test -
Verifying old CDETs and Will conclude on fix.
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwf98057 - Huge counters on port-channel when show interface

stats after clear counters - Discuss with IDB team and come-up with
potential fix.
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

BEMS01702614 | 696710022 | CSCwe37016 | The output rate on

port channel does not match with the total physical interface output
rate - Will conclude whether to go with SMU, once discussed with
4. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07615 - Bender: PLATFORM_INFRA-5-

IOS_INTR_OVER_LIMIT logging overrun - In PR. Commit PR.


logging overrun - In PR. Working on review comments. UT in progress.

2. CSCwf98057 - Huge counters on port-channel when show interface stats

after clear counters - RCA known. the IDB code causing the issue. Its a
day1 issue and applicable for all kind of Interfaces. Looking for graceful fix.

3. CSCwh44981 - Working MLACP shows failed state with Flags 0x2 on a

PoA - Committed to Polaris_dev.

4. BEMS01702614 | 696710022 | CSCwe37016 | The output rate on port

channel does not match with the total physical interface output rate -
Looking into the issue. Earlier issues were seen with Output_Drops. This
SR is w.r.t. Braodcast Pkts. Will check the code and update accordingly.

5. CSCwi62818 - 14er/Bender: Maximum HSRP Groups on port-channel

not match the HW capability - Analysed. Not Port-channel issue. Platform
need to provide the registry. Mov
ed to the respective team.

6. Queries reg "No negotiation Auto" CLI o/p for Port-channel. Following
upon RG and URC Bugs.

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07615 - Bender: PLATFORM_INFRA-5-

IOS_INTR_OVER_LIMIT logging overrun - In PR. Working on review
comments. UT in progress. - Complete UT and commit.
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwf98057 - Huge counters on port-channel when show interface

stats after clear counters - RCA known. the IDB code causing the
issue. Its a day1 issue and applicable for all kind of Interfaces.
Looking for graceful fix.
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete
CSCwh44981 - Working MLACP shows failed state with Flags 0x2
on a PoA - Committed to Polaris_dev. - Committing to v1714 throttle.
4. Mark Priority 0 Complete

BEMS01702614 | 696710022 | CSCwe37016 | The output rate on

port channel does not match with the total physical interface output
rate - Looking into the issue. Earlier issues were seen with
Output_Drops. This SR is w.r.t. Braodcast Pkts. Will check the code
and update accordingly. -- Go through the code and Close on this.


overrun UT Done. In PR.

2. SR 696634620: Regarding L3Etherchannel & L2Etherchannel LAG -

Provided necessary inputs. SR Closed.

3. RJIL RSP3 feature list - Provide info w.r.t. Port-channel convergence

during Link down with LACP / MBFD - Waiting for the testbed. No activity.

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Incomplete

CSCwi07615 - Bender: PLATFORM_INFRA-5-

IOS_INTR_OVER_LIMIT logging overrun - Reworking on the fix as in
interrupt context taking more time to delete the MAC filters, due to
which seeing IOMD issues.

1. CSCwi07615 - Bender: PLATFORM_INFRA-5-

IOS_INTR_OVER_LIMIT logging overrun - Reworking on the fix as in
interrupt context taking more time to delete the MAC filters, due to
which seeing IOMD issues.
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

F59509/FEAT-4398: Port-channel on transport side - -- Once Amulya

raises PR, need to review the changes w.r.t Port-channel.
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

RJIL RSP3 feature list - Provide info w.r.t. Port-channel convergence

during Link down with LACP / MBFD - Need to verify Port-channel
convergence on RSP3 testbed with switch inbetween Topology
Coaching Intelligence
1. CSCwi21478- Kaziranga: traceback and crash during config isdn and
dialer - Fix in place. verification done. Issue resolved on ISDN use case. -
Need verification from Cellular testcase as fix is in common place.


logging overrun - Fix working. UT done. - Will raise PR

3. CSCwi07771 - Bender: iomd helddown and BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD

observed in mac-filter scale test - Fix working. UT in progress - Observing
issue of MACFilters not cleared when "no channel-group" issued for an
Interface Range. - Rewoking on the fix.

4. Working on port-channel acceleration POC update.

Discussions: 1. UseCase of port-channel - ACR - Suggested to try out

testcases w.r.t Port-channel dependencies with other CLIs.

2. G8032 Feature discussion - Joining the feature discussion, w.r.t Port-

channel support for G8032. Analysing Port-channel convergence during
Link drop / LACP unbundling.

3. CSCwi31892 17.14: Unable to add port back to PC and gives download

to DP failed error after config commit - Analysed and provided input w.r.t

4. CSCwi31096 : Need support for 'port-channel load-balance-hash-algo'

cli for c1100 - Provided inputs w.r.t Port-channel.

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

RJIL RSP3 feature list - Provide info w.r.t. Port-channel convergence

during Link down with LACP / MBFD
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07615 - Bender: PLATFORM_INFRA-5-

IOS_INTR_OVER_LIMIT logging overrun - Raise PR and commit.
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi21478- Kaziranga: traceback and crash during config isdn and

dialer - Raise PR and commit. - Meanwhile verify Cellular testcases.
4. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07771 - Bender: iomd helddown and

BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD observed in mac-filter scale test - UT in
1. CSCwi07771 - Bender: iomd helddown and BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD
observed in mac-filter scale test - Fix in place. Verification done. UT in


logging overrun - Fix in place. Verification done. UT in progress.

3. CSCwi21478- Kaziranga: traceback and crash during config isdn and

dialer - Probable fix not working. Revisiting the code. Working on debug

4. CSCwi34152(CSC.labtrunk)Without Port-channel 1, lacp/lag oper

command not working for lag-info. - Fixed. Committed to Polaris_dev.

5. CSCwh81015 - Need support of dpi (inner ip packet) load-balancing for

tunnel over portchannel on service side - Extending existing model to
support the DPI algorithms. In progress.

6. G8032 Feature discussion - Supporting G8032 with Port-channel -

Attending feature discussions. Verified the convergence and LB time during
Member interface detach from Port-channel. - G8032 works on MS. Port-
channel LB taking place within the time range of G8032. Still more
evaluation is needed.

7. CSCwh81015 - Need support of dpi (inner ip packet) load-balancing for

tunnel over portchannel on service side - Extending existing model to
support the DPI algorithms. In progress. - Currently not of high priority but
required for 17.15 as this can be seen as a caveat from Port-channel side.

Double commits: 1. CSCwh58252 IPv6 SPD min/max defaulting to values 1

and 2 - Committed to 179_throttle - In PR for 1712_throttle. Tracking URC.
Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07771 - Bender: iomd helddown and

BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD observed in mac-filter scale test - Fix
working. - UT in progress
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07615 - Bender: PLATFORM_INFRA-5-

IOS_INTR_OVER_LIMIT logging overrun - Fix working. - UT in
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete
CSCwi21478- Kaziranga: traceback and crash during config isdn and
dialer - Working on debug image.
4. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwh81015 - Need support of dpi (inner ip packet) load-balancing

for tunnel over portchannel on service side - Extending existing
model to support the DPI algorithms. In progress. - Need to complete
model this week.
1. CSCwh58252 - IPv6 SPD min/max defaulting to values 1 and 2. -
Commited to latest Polaris_dev. Resolved.

2. Port-channel LACP Opermodel issue. - Fix is working. Verified on

Routing and Switching platforms. - Will raise PR.

3. CSCwi21478 - Kaziranga: traceback and crash during config isdn and

dialer - - Provided debug image but backing out Dialer memleak changes.
Issue not seen. - Seems regression caused with Dialer memleak. Revisiting
the fix.


logging overrun - Initial triage was excess HSRP logs. But after disabling
also seeing the issue. Moved to Port-channel. - Port-channel making call to
HSRP for clearing MAC Filters. - In Scale testing seeing the issue as this
call is made in Interrupt context. Moved the code out of interrupt context.
Building image is in progress.

5. RJIL RSP3 feature list - Going through the PRD and mails. 6. Port-
channel with HSRP - Observing issue in Scale testing. Looking into them.

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07771 - Bender: iomd helddown and

BIPC_TX_Q_THRESHOLD observed in mac-filter scale test - Need
to Debug .
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi07615 - Bender: PLATFORM_INFRA-5-

IOS_INTR_OVER_LIMIT logging overrun - Fix in place. ONce image
is ready will proceed with UT.
3. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwi21478- Kaziranga: traceback and crash during config isdn and

dialer - Probable fix in place. Once build is ready will test the image
for the crash and memleak.
4. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwh44981 - Working MLACP shows failed state with Flags 0x2

on a PoA - Raise PR and commit
5. Mark Priority 0 Complete
Port-channel LACP Opermodel issue. - Fix is working. Verified on
Routing and Switching platforms. - Will raise PR.
6. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwh81015 - Need support of dpi (inner ip packet) load-balancing

for tunnel over portchannel on service side - Extending existing
model to support the DPI algorithms. In progress.
Coaching Intelligence
1. Bender Derisk: mac entry is not deleted after related HSRP configuration
removed from interface * Able to repro the issue. * Seems issue with HSRP
logs. Moved to HSRP.

2. CSCwh58252 - IPv6 SPD min/max defaulting to values 1 and 2 * Raised

PR. * Addressing review comments. Made fix w.r.t hold-queue CLI. *
Provided RPx86 Image to ASR1k PD team, for running Sanity and issue
verification for CSCwh92627.

3. Port-channel LACP Opermodel issue. - Fix is working. Verified on

Routing and Switching platforms. - Will Raise PR. - Observed the below
issues: * LACP Counters are not working * On Routing platforms container
is working is working when we query at Global level * On Switching
platforms container is working when we query at Global level These issues
are being taken as seperate bug and Anand started working on it.

4. CSCwh81015 - Need support of dpi (inner ip packet) load-balancing for

tunnel over portchannel on service side * Added new container code for
supporting DPI algorithms. * Verification not done.

5. CSCwh44981 - Working MLACP shows failed state with Flags 0x2 on a

PoA * Looking for Sanity / regression test scripts for verification of any
collateral with the fix.

6. P3-SR 695873584, SAP SE, Accelerate the process of bundling port-

channels on the C8500-12X4QC, BEMS0163085 * Had discussion with HT
Mgr, reg the feasibility of fixing the Periodic timer timeout. Need to send
reply with analysis.

Nothing entered this week.
Nothing entered this week.
1. Mark Priority 0 Incomplete

CSCwh44981 - Working MLACP shows failed state with Flags 0x2

on a PoA - Looking for Sanity / regression test scripts.
2. Mark Priority 0 Complete

CSCwh58252 - IPv6 SPD min/max defaulting to values 1 and 2. - Fix

in place. Raised PR. - Addressed review comments. Testing
pending. Once done, will commit.
3. Mark Priority 0 Incomplete

Port-channel LACP Opermodel issue. - Fix is working. Verified on

Routing and Switching platforms. - Will raise PR.
4. Mark Priority 0 Incomplete

CSCwh81015 - Need support of dpi (inner ip packet) load-balancing

for tunnel over portchannel on service side - Extending existing
model to support the DPI algorithms. In progress.

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