Script For Graduation and Moving Up

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I. Processional March The resilient educational
foundation of the Department of
Education has prepared our graduates for a
future filled with endless possibilities. It has
nurtured their critical thinking abilities, honed
their problem-solving skills and fostered their
creativity. It has empowered them to become
lifelong learners, ready to embark on diverse
career paths and contribute meaningfully to

Today signifies the culmination of many years

of hard work in the relentless pursuit of
knowledge. Friends welcome to
the__ th Commencement Exercises of (school).

With so much cheer, let us laud the

candidates for graduation in their processional

Ladies and gentlemen, the

candidates for graduation with
their parents.

The Faculty and staff of (school)

Brgy. Officials and Stakeholders
Division Personnel
Invited Guest Speaker
The School Head
The Schools Division
Superintendent or his authorized

Ladies and Gentlemen, on this ___th day of

May in the year of our Lord two thousand
twenty-four in the presence of [school)'s
candidates for graduation, their parents and
relatives, as well as the division and school
administrators, stakeholders, faculty,
personnel, and alumni, honored guests and
friends, with the theme
the Commencement Exercises of [school) is
hereby officially declared in session.

II. Entrance of Requesting everyone to please rise for the

Colors entrance of Colors, the singing of the
III. National Anthem Philippine National Anthem, the Invocation,
IV. Doxology Region ____ March and ______Hymn.
V. Hymn
You may now be seated.
VI. Welcome To welcome us all, let us give a resounding
Address applause to ________________ (with honors). To
VII. Presentation of be followed by the presentation of the
Candidates for candidates for graduation by the School
Graduation Principal, _______________ and the
VIII. Confirmation of confirmation of the graduates by the Schools
the Graduates Division Superintendent,

IX. Distribution of Our graduates will now receive their diplomas

Diplomas which will be distributed by our Schools
Division Superintendent ____________, to be
assisted by the School Principal ______, and
(other stakeholders present)

____________, class adviser will call the names

of the Graduates.

X. Distribution of Throughout their years of education, our

Academic graduates have faced countless obstacles.
Excellence They have witnessed the evolution of
Awards educational practices, experienced
technological paradigm shifts, and confronted
personal hurdles along the way. However,
their resilience and commitment have
remained steadfast, propelling them forward
even when faced with seemingly
insurmountable challenges. Thus, the school
recognizes their efforts in excelling in their
academics through the awards they are now
about to receive.

The academic excellence awards will be

distributed by our Schools Division
Superintendent, _____________ to be assisted
by the School Principal __________ (and other
stakeholders present)

____________, class adviser will call the names

of the Awardees.

Congratulation to all our Awardees. Let us

once again give them a round of applause.
XI. Introduction of __________________ will now introduce the
the Guest honored guest speaker.

XII. Words of _________________, (With Honors) will now

Gratitude on express his/her words of gratitude on behalf
behalf of the of the graduates and ______________, (With
graduates Honors) will lead his/her fellow graduates in
XIII. Pledge of Loyalty expressing their Pledge of Loyalty to (School).

XIV. Graduation Ladies and Gentlemen, for our finale, the

Song Graduates of 2024 will now sing their
graduation song.

XV. Acknowledgment Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for gracing

this momentous event with your presence.

Graduates, please stay behind for the picture

taking. Parents, relatives and friends who wish
to take pictures, please wait until the picture
taking by the official photographer is finished
and the recessional march of the school
officials is done.

Once again, congratulations to the parents

and the graduates of 2024.
Congratulations, graduates, on this significant
milestone. May your resilient spirits continue
to shine as you shape a better tomorrow.

XVI. Recessional At this juncture, may I request everyone to

March please stand as we join the division and school
administrators, stakeholders, guests, faculty,
and Staff for their recessional march. To God
be the Glory and Honor.


I. Processional The resilient educational foundation of the
March Department of Education has prepared our
completers for a future filled with endless
possibilities. It has nurtured their critical
thinking abilities, honed their problem-
solving skills and fostered their creativity. It
has empowered them to become lifelong
learners, ready to embark on diverse career
paths and contribute meaningfully to society.

Today is a celebration of hard work in the

relentless pursuit of knowledge and signifies
their readiness to move to the next steps of
learning. Friends welcome to the __th Moving
Up Ceremony of (school).

With so much cheer, let us laud the

candidates for Completion in their
processional march

Ladies and gentlemen, the

candidates for completion with
their parents.

The Faculty and staff of (school)

Brgy. Officials and Stakeholders
Division Personnel
Invited Guest Speaker
The School Head
The Schools Division
Superintendent or his authorized

Ladies and Gentlemen, on this ___th day of

May in the year of our Lord two thousand
twenty-four in the presence of [school)'s
candidates for graduation, their parents and
relatives, as well as the division and school
administrators, stakeholders, faculty,
personnel, and
alumni, honored guests and friends, with the
the Moving Up Ceremony of [school) is hereby
officially declared in session.

II. Entrance of Requesting everyone to please rise for the

Colors entrance of Colors, the singing of the
III. National Anthem Philippine National Anthem, the Invocation,
IV. Doxology Region ____ March and ______Hymn.
V. Hymn
You may now be seated.
VI. Welcome To welcome us all, let us give a resounding
Address applause to ________________ (with honors). To
VII. Presentation of be followed by the presentation of the
Candidates for candidates for graduation by the School
Graduation Principal, _______________ and the
VIII. Confirmation of confirmation of the graduates by the Schools
the Graduates Division Superintendent,

IX. Distribution of Our completers will now receive their

Diplomas Certificate of Completion which will be
distributed by our Schools Division
Superintendent ____________, to be assisted by
the School Principal ______, and (other
stakeholders present)

____________, class adviser will call the names

of the Graduates.

X. Distribution of Throughout their pursuit of education, our

Academic completers have faced countless obstacles.
Excellence They have witnessed the evolution of
Awards educational practices, experienced
technological paradigm shifts, and confronted
personal hurdles along the way. However,
their resilience and commitment have
remained steadfast, propelling them forward
even when faced with seemingly
insurmountable challenges. Thus, the school
recognizes their efforts in excelling in their
academics through the awards they are now
about to receive.

The academic excellence awards will be

distributed by our Schools Division
Superintendent, _____________ to be assisted
by the School Principal __________ (and other
stakeholders present)

____________, class adviser will call the names

of the Awardees.

Congratulation to all our Awardees. Let us

once again give them a round of applause.
XI. Introduction of __________________ will now introduce the
the Guest honored guest speaker.

XII. Words of _________________, (With Honors) will now

Gratitude on express his/her words of gratitude on behalf
behalf of the of the completers.

XIII. Graduation Ladies and Gentlemen, for our finale, the

Song Completers of 2023 will now sing their Moving
Up Song.

XIV. Acknowledgment Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for gracing

this momentous event with your presence.

Completers, please stay behind for the picture

taking. Parents, relatives and friends who wish
to take pictures , please wait until the picture
taking by the official photographer is finished
and the recessional march of the school
officials is done.

Once again, congratulations to the parents

and the Kindergarten Completers of 2024.
Congratulations on this significant milestone.
May your resilient spirits continue to shine as
you shape a better tomorrow.

XV. Recessional At this juncture, may I request everyone to

March please stand as we join the division and school
administrators, stakeholders, guests, faculty,
and Staff for their recessional march. To God
be the Glory and Honor.

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