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Date: 22.05.2024
Version: 1.1
Author: Iuliia Taskina, CEO
Company: Taskina Pty Ltd
Department: Ellty
Language: English
For the position: Tech Assistant / PM

Creation reason: The primary objective is to evaluate pro ciency in

organizing information and handling PM tasks ef ciently.
Objective: This aims to showcase versatility in executing tasks through
multiple methodologies.

Test Assignment

You need to complete 2 small tasks that are close to reality.

Assignment 1

The test assignment is to prepare a strategy to achieve the company's goal.

Goal: Make it possible to sell Ellty to sales teams

1. Make the pricing plan $50/user;
2. Plan a smooth transition from the current version of Ellty to the new
version so that current customers are not affected (current customers
are marketing teams).

Team: developer, designer, SEO specialist, copywriter, customizer supporter.

Implementation Timeline: 1 month

Describe all stages of implementation and build a release roadmap. Plan

tasks for the members of the team .

Provide a response in the form as if you were sending it to the manager for

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Assignment 2

Imagine a situation where today is May 28.

We need to submit the Australian company's accounts for the year on time.
To do this, as usual, we need to give the accountant several les mentioned by
him, downloaded from different services (for example, Service 1 and Service 2).
The accountant usually prepares the documents in 4-5 days. You have access
to chat with the accountant.

Write down how you will achieve this and what you will do.

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Submission Guidelines
Send the Google document as a link with all answers to with
your name and the phrase "PM" in the subject line.

If you have submitted answers generated by chatGPT we will not be able to

accept your work, please do not waste your time.

To ensure you have read and understood the requirements and agree to the
deadline, please send a con rmation message stating that you have started
working on the test assignment. From the moment we receive your
con rmation, the 48-hour period will begin.

Wishing you the best of luck!

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