Summative Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region Office No. VIII
Division of Northern Samar


Name:__________________________________________________________ Grade &

Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The word "bibliography" originates from the Greek words ‘biblion’, meaning a book and ‘graphia’,
meaning to _______.
A. copy B. listen C. read D. write
2. Which of the following print materials that refers to a publication with stories, essays, pictures, and is
usually published every week or month? A. books B. journals C. magazines D.
3. Which of the following refers to any materials or information taken from the internet?
A. broadcast media B. online source C. print source D. social media
4. What punctuation is used to separate the information in a bibliography entry?
A. comma B. exclamation point C. period D. quotation mark
5. What Latin phrase must be used when an article cited has 10 authors?
A. etc. B. C. e.g. D. i.e.
6. Which of the following statements is TRUE about bibliography? It is a ________.
A. sample of books to read later B. list of sources used in a research
C. place to go and check out books D. list of books students need to buy
7. Which should NOT be a purpose for creating an annotated bibliography? It should not be created to
A. avoid plagiarism B. help other researchers
C. burden writers in doing their research D. show respect to the author of the source used
8. Why is it important to cite the sources of information that you used in your research? It is
important because it ___________.
A. gives credit to the author B. is required by the teacher
C. is generally a part of an essay D. shows you made an effort in doing your assignment
9. One of the reasons why a learner needs to cite sources of information used in his/her research is to show
his/her credibility as a writer. This means that the learner_______.
A. made his/her own research B. used reliable information in his/her research
C. copied his/her work from his/her classmates D. read a lot of books to include in his/her
10-11. Identify what bibliographic information is being underlined in the bibliographic entries
of each item.
10. Janiola, Bernard. “Improving Critical Thinking Skills Through Multi-Media.” Research Journal of
Filipino Educators 10, no. 2 (2017): 21-28.
A. Article title B. Name of author C. Journal Title D. Year of
11. Bautista, Dessy and Lopez, Melissa. “TIMELINE: How Philippines is Handling COVID-19.” Butil ng
Pilipinas, Apr 21, 2020.
A. Author’s name B. Date published C. Title of Newspaper D. URL
12. What is the correct bibliography entry based on the information below?
Aglaonema Publishing Inc.
Modern Heroes of Today
Alber F. Teodoro

A. Aglaonema Publishing, Inc. MODERN HEROES OF TODAY. Palawan: 2018 Alber F. Teodoro
B. Alber F. Teodoro. Modern Heroes of Today. Aglaonema Publishing Inc.: Palawan. 2018
C. Modern Heroes of Today. Palawan: Aglaonema Publishing Inc. 2018. Alber F. Teodoro
D. Teodoro, Alber. Modern Heroes of Today. Palawan: Aglaonema Publishing Inc., 2018.
13. Which makes the bibliography entry incorrect?
Ferrer, Loisa. “Women in the Philippines: Inspiring and Empowered.” Filipina Society. Accessed
July 8, 2011.
14. Which of the following bibliography entries contains a complete information of the source?
A. Amparo, Elmer. The Government of Early Philippine Society. Lipad Publishing Group.
B. Pamano, Alma, and Burdeos, Kris. “The Beautiful Islands of Dinagat.” One Mindanao.
C. Yagong, Michelle and Pineda Alfonso. “Festivals in the Philippines.”
D. Zapico, Leo. “First Filipino Bags Gold in Olympics.” National Press, August 17, 2018.
15. Which of the following is an example of a correct bibliography entry?
A. DESOLO, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau.
July 17, 2020.
B. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July
17, 2020.
C. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July
17, 2020.
D. Desolo, Christian. “Preventing COVID-19 in Your Household”. Philippine Health Bureau. July
17, 2020.

Determine the function of the underlined modal verb as used in the sentence.
16. Could you open the door for me? A. offer B. permission C. promise D. request
17. I will eat now. A. ability B. decision C. permission D. promise
18. May I go now? A. decision B. offer C. permission D. request
19. I can play any musical instrument. A. ability B. general truth C. offer D. promise
20. You must follow the doctor’s advice. A. no obligation C. strong obligation B. permission D.
weak obligation

Complete the description of each picture below by writing the correct modal nouns. Choose your
answers from the word box.
obligation ability promise chance necessity likelihood
21. It is a ______________ that we avoid wet floors to avoid accident.
22. Every parent has an ______________ to take care of their children especially when they are sick.
23. Many love Anna because of her ______________ to sing.
24. I hope I will have the ______________ to ride my bicycle again.
25. I was so happy on my birthday because my mother kept her ______________ that she would buy me a

Match the modal adverb in Column A to its correct meaning in Column B. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
Column A Column B
26. permissively A. used to state something that is essential or important
for a particular purpose
27. requisitely B. used to state that something is possible to happen
28. necessarily C. used to state something that is granted or given permission
29. likely D. used to state that something is necessary or needed
30. possibly E. in an obligate or necessary manner
F. used to state that something good might happen

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition signals in each of the sentences below.
31. _____ most people are primarily concerned about COVID-19, they hope for a vaccine.
A. Because B. Still C. As a result D. Even though
32. _____ the home quarantine period, military and police forces are visible to monitor strict compliance of
the policies.
A. Because B. During C. Consequently D. As a result
33. There are many things one can do at home to be productive. _____, one can listen to music while doing
household chores, do gardening, read books, watch TV shows, and the like.
A. Because B. In fact C. In addition D. For example
34. Grocery stores and wet markets require a quarantine pass to control the number of shoppers. _____,
wearing of face mask is enforced.
A. Because B. In fact C. In addition D. For example
35. The Department of Education came up with a plan on how to continue the education of the learners
_____ from the different modalities proposed for this school year.
A. at this point B. in this regard C. as can be seen D. as a matter of fact
36. _____, the Department of Education in partnership with different stakeholders conducted a series of
Webinars for the teachers in preparation for the online classes.
A. At this point B. In this regard C. As can be seen D. With this in mind
37. _____ problems with the Internet connectivity, these did not stop the teachers from participating on the
series of Webinars given.
A. And B. Despite C. However D. Moreover
38. The month of June marks the enrolment for the school year. It was speculated that only a few would
enroll due to fear of the virus. ____________, it turned out to be the other way around.
A. Frequently B. Furthermore C. In addition D. On the contrary
39. As education faces the ‘new normal’, learners are very eager to start the school year. _____, they are
also excited to learn.
A. Although B. Despite C. Furthermore D. Yet
40. Some city folks choose to live on a farmland. _____, they have to adjust to its slow pace, quietness, and
the absence of cable and internet connectivity.
A. Because B. Consequently C. Despite D. Such as
41. Walking can make people become more aware of their surroundings, _____ the cleanliness of the
environment, and the friendliness of the neighborhood.
A. consequently B. despite C. unfortunately D. such as
42. Residents complain bitterly about the trash thrown anywhere, _____ these same people are the ones
doing it.
A. although B. and C. moreover D. yet
43. Teleconferencing is widely used nowadays to establish communication to those who are in the work
from home modality. _____, this allows the participants to hear or see each other in a meeting.
A. After B. Although C. During D. Moreover
44. The plan of a city-wide lockdown gained many reactions from the people, _____ positive and negative
opinions were expressed.
A. despite B. however C. that is D. in addition
45. A lot of people ignored the reminder of the government to stay at home to avoid exposure to the disease.
_____, number of cases increased.
A. In fact B. Such as C. As a result D. In addition

Choose the letter of the best answer in each item below.

46. Which of the following verbs can be used to give formal recommendation?
A. agree B. dislike C. must D. ought to
47. You ________________ work on your assignment now, or you will not have time doing it later.
A. could B. had better C. must D. should
48. If you have concerns, you ____________ message me on Facebook or text me my number.
A. could B. must C. would D. had better
49. Along with nutritious food, we should take vitamins so boost our immune system to fight against
diseases. In the sentence, the word should is an example of a/an _______ verb. A. action B.
auxiliary C. emotional response verb D. modal
50. Which among the sentences uses an emotional response verb tort helps express an emotion?
A. I admire you for telling the truth to everyone. B. One must follow health protocols at all times.
C. It seems that you have a problem doing your assignment. D. We should be thankful for the
blessing we receive every day.

Prepared by:

English Teacher

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