Axi Select Program Withdrawal Cases English

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Withdrawal cases

Funds in the clients’ Axi Select account can be withdrawn at any time. However, the timing of fund
withdrawals could potentially impact the client’s participation in the programme and
subsequently affect any profits owed to the trader in their Allocation Account.

Withdrawal at month-end following Performance Fees pay out, Max


Once the month has ended, clients will be paid their performance fee, and the Allocation Account
will reset before the new month begins. At this stage, clients can withdraw funds without incurring
any penalties. This withdrawal essentially sets their Allocation Account funding multiplier for this
period. There is no specific deadline for this action; rather, the withdrawal window remains open
until a trade has been placed. Once a trade is executed, the funding multiplier will be set, and any
subsequent withdrawals will be considered as mid-month transactions.  


The client started the month with $1,000 in their Axi Select account and during the month the
account is up to $1,200. As the multiplier is 10x, the Allocation Account will be at $12,000.

Once the month has completed, client is paid out their percentage of profits in Allocation
Account. Assuming the client is in Incubation, they will be entitled to $800 (2,000*40%). The
client’s Axi Select account will now be at $2,000 and the Allocation Account gets reset to $20,000
and the multiplier 10x.

If a client now withdrawals the $50, we will withdraw $500 (50x10) from the Allocation Account.

Withdrawal at month-end following Performance Fees pay out, No Max


This example illustrates how the multiplier adjusts when the Axi Select account holds more funds
than the required amount.

The client started the month in the Incubation stage with $4,000 in their Axi Select account. The
maximum allowable Allocation size during this stage is $20,000, leading to a multiplier of 5x
(20,000 / 4,000). Throughout the month, the account balance grew to $5,000, resulting in balance
of $25,000 at the Allocation Account.

Once the month has completed, client is paid out their percentage of profits in the Allocation
Account. In the Incubation stage, they are entitled to $2,000 (5,000*40%). The client’s Axi Select
account balances increases to $7,000, and the Allocation Account resets to $20,000. The
multiplier decreases to 2.86x (20,000 / 7,000).

Should the client decide to withdraw $4,500, the Axi Select account will stand at $2,500. Given
that the maximum allowable Allocation size for the Incubation stage is $20,000, the multiplier
becomes 8x (20,000 / 2,500).

Mid-month withdrawal with loss of profit

Should a client withdraw funds during the month, then all profits earned in the Allocation Account
will be lost. Consequently, the Allocation Account will return to its initial amount and a new
multiplier will be created based on funds in both the Axi Select account and the Allocation


At the beginning of the month, the client’s Axi Select account contained $1,000. Over the course
of the month, the account balance increased to $1,500, resulting in an Allocation Account
balance of $15,000. If the client decides to make a withdrawal, let’s say $250 in this case, the
$5,000 profit in the Allocation Account will be lost.

As a result, the Allocation Account will reset to the $10,000 level. The client’s Axi Select account
balance will decrease to $1,250 due to the withdrawal, and the new multiplier going forward will
be 8x (10,000 / 1,250).

Please note that loss of profit also affects Profit target requirement for each stage. Profit target
will be rolled back proportionally to the profit lost in the Allocation Account. For instance, if the
client started with a 10% Profit target level, and during the month, the client achieved a 50%
profit which was added to their Profit target, the subsequent withdrawal resulting in the loss of the
profit will cause the Profit target to revert back to the initial 10% level established at the
beginning of the month.

Large withdrawal below Equity stop level resulting in Quarantine

Whenever a client decided to withdraw funds, we assess the withdrawal amount against the
multiplier to determine whether the Equity stop level will be breached. If the withdrawal would
cause the Allocation Account to fall below the Equity stop level, the client’s account will be
transitioned into Quarantine.  


The client started the month with $1,000 in their Axi Select account. With a 10x multiplier, the
Allocation Account would be at $10,000. The Equity stop level is set to –10% of Allocation Account,
amounting to $9,000 in this instance.

Throughout the month, the account balance increased to $1,500. If the client then decides to
withdraw funds, in this example let’s say $700, the Allocation account funds will be reduced in
accordance with the multiplier.

As a result, the Allocation Account balance reaches the $8,000 level, falling below the Equity stop
level, and the client’s account is moved into Quarantine for a duration of 14 days, leading to the
subsequent loss of the $5,000 USD profit in the Allocation Account.

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