Annual OVC Report, APPHASS - July, 2017

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Health, Development and Anti Malaria Association

Educational Project for HIV/AIDS Orphaned Children

2009 EFY Progress Report

Report Submitted by: HDAMA Zonal Branch Office

Debre Markos

Reported Submitted to: HDAMA Regional Branch Office

Bahir Dar

July 14, 2017

Debre Markos, Ethiopia

Project Profile

Project Title: Educational Project for HIV/AIDS Orphaned Children

Project Location: Amhara National Regional State, East Gojjam Zone

Implementing organization:Health, Development & Anti Malaria Association

Donor: Alberta People to People HIV/AIDS Support

Society (APPHASS)

Reporting Period: July 8, 2016 to July 7, 2017

Date of Submission: July 11, 2017

CONTACT PERSON: Abere Mihretie

Tel: +251-111-577455

Fax: +251-111-575367

Cell Phone: +251-911- 401295


P.O.Box: 27279

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

1. Introduction

Health, Development and Anti Malaria Association had been implementing various projects in
Ethiopia in general and in the Amhara Region in particular under the program areas of
HIV/AIDS prevention and control and reproductive health promotion; malaria prevention and
control; environmental health and sanitation; and climate and health, OVC care and support
through foster care approach (by supporting children with their guardians) and hostel based
approach i.e., providing a comprehensive support for 9-12 grader girls who are economically
vulnerable but have the capacity to learn if supported. Since its establishment, multitudes of
efforts have been made by the organization in health and development activities. It has had good
track records of implementing numerous projects effectively and efficiently through community
mobilization and coordination of pertinent stakeholders.

In Ethiopia the number of OVCs is increasing year to year as a result of HIV/AIDS pandemic.
These orphans are reluctantly forced to drop out from education at young age and become house
worker, street children and daily laborer. Recognizing this, the association started to implement
foster based care and support program for orphan children so as to prevent them from being
exposed to several problems. Owning to this, the association in collaboration with APPHASS
has been implementing care and support for OVCs to enable them to attend their education and
to improve their health status. To this end, 5 OVCs under HDAMA foster based care and support
program and two OVC girls under the hostel based care and support program were supported
with the financial support of APPHASS in the reporting period. Among the children under the
hostel based approach, both /two of them took grade 11 th exam and they pass to grade 12th.
Besides, one of the foster care supported child have passed to grade 12 th, two OVCs took grade
9th exam and pass to 10th, one pass to grade 8th and the rest one took grade 8th exit exam and
waiting for results. The detail report incorporates performances from July 08, 2016 July 7, 2017.
The detail performance of reports is presented here below.
2. Objective of the Project

2.1. Goal
 To improve quality of life of vulnerable children and orphans through facilitating
access to education, giving love and support and boost their self esteem for their
bright future
2.2. Specific Objectives
 Securing OVCs with subsistence feeding, clothing, medical and educational support;
 Make orphans productive, well behaved and hopeful;
 Provide psycho social support to develop their skills on communication, assertiveness,
values and self awareness,

3. Activities Accomplished:

3.1. Providing Subsistence Food Support

During this reporting period, with the aim of fulfilling nutritional needs of children under the
foster care program, the allocated money for children's feeding was given to their guardians in a
monthly basis. Accordingly, all the five children were getting birr 300.00 per month as
allowance for food via their care givers /guardians. Parents were taking care of nutritional status
of their child with proper follow up of HDAMA staffs and volunteers in the respective
implementation sites.
Besides, two girls under the hostel based care and support program were supported with the
necessary sustenance materials. The girls’ hostel care giver supported children and make the
proper follow-up.

3.2. Personal Hygiene and Sanitation Support for Children

One of the major priority challenge area for orphaned children is known to be lack of hygiene
and sanitation protection materials. Thus, the Health Development and Anti-Malaria
Association in collaboration with the supporter /APPHASS, was planned to provide sanitation
materials support for the OVC under the foster based care and support program. In line with the
plan, an ETB amounting 500.00 per child annually that means 41.67 birr per month was
provided for each child (totally 5) in the reporting year as sanitation materials allowance. While
providing the sanitation material financial support, their guardians were communicated to
purchase sanitation materials and advise their children to keep their personal hygiene
periodically so that children can be kept neat and healthy.
Furthermore, two girls under the girls’ holistic group home were supported with basic personal
hygiene and sanitation protection materials like menstrual pad, soap, hair oil, body lotion and
glycerin, and others based on their demand in a monthly basis. The girls care taker make weekly
follow-up of girls’ personal hygiene and environmental sanitation.

3.3. Educational Support

For the OVCs under the foster care program, it was planned to provide educational fee and
material support at the beginning of the academic year in 2009 EFY. Accordingly, birr 500.00
per child once at the beginning of the year was given for the five children for covering school
registration payment and educational material expense such as exercise book, pen, & other
educational materials. As a result, all the five children were able to attend their education with
no shortage of educational materials.
On the other hand, as supporting two girls in the group home was one of the agreements point
HDAMA took with the donor /APPHASS, they (two of the girls) were supported with
educational materials of different types and school registration payments. HDAMA zone branch
office and regional & head office staffs and woreda level committee members were make
proper follow-up of the girls’ educational status and provide advices for further improvement.

3.4. Clothing Support

School uniform, clothing and shoes support was made for each of the five foster care children
with 500.00 birr per child bi-annually /with two rounds/ in the budget year. During purchase of
clothing and shoes, it was done based on the needs of OVCs. The support was made twice in the
year so that OVCs will not be in-shortage of clothes.
In addition to foster care children, the girls in the group home were also got two rounds of
clothing, uniform, and shoes support during the reporting period.

3.5. Medical Support

Orphaned children under the care and support program were well informed to go to a health
service provider /institution when they get sick. Thus, Temesgen Yitayal and Kidist Abrham
were treated for minor health problems during the reporting period. The rest three OVCs
undertake two rounds of medical check-up in the year. In doing this, the role of guardians has
been imperative and they were told to take care of their children health condition if something
new is happened. Accordingly, during this reporting period, all the 3 OVCs were got medical
checkup twice in the year. Apart from this, there was no serious health problem faced by
orphaned children. Periodically, HDAMA zone branch office staffs ensure health and wellbeing
of children rounding house to house and arranging meeting session with them.
Besides, Atalay and Alemnesh were also made medical check-ups twice in the reporting period
and they were stayed in a good health condition.

3.6. Transport Expense

Monthly transport expense for each of the child was covered by the project during their
movement to office and local market to take their monthly allowances and procure materials.
Accordingly, all the five children got the support of birr 20 per month.

3.7. Reference Books

To improve educational achievement of children under the foster and girls group home support
program, targets obtained two rounds of reference books support in the reporting period. The
reference books were different types accordingly of their grade level. Hence, 5 children from the
foster care and two girls from hostel /girls group home were got the reference books support.

4. Documentation

In this reporting period, targets biography has been prepared and documented at office level. In
addition to this, periodic plan and reports were prepared, tracked /recorded and kept documented
at office both in soft and hard copies.

5. Psycho-social Support

Staffs at different level, i.e., from the zone branch office, regional branch office, head office and
HDAMA committee members were providing psycho-social support in the form of guidance and
counseling and advices for targets. The psycho-social supports given for OVCs mainly were
regarding educational challenges management and scheduling, reading skills, handling
mechanisms of negative peer pressure and being visionary for future better life. Parents and/or
guardians were also induced on how to make close follow-up of their children and making
psycho-social supports when deemed necessary.

The girls were also provided with psycho-social support by their care takers and other staff
members including volunteers’.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Close follow-up and support for the five OVCs were made by HDAMA staffs and volunteers
when they came to office to take their monthly regular support and by rounding house to house.
Accordingly, they were counseled and advises were given to them on how to improve their
academic result and take appropriate actions for any shortcomings. HDAMA zonal staffs round
house to house to check living condition of children. Girls were also monitored and supported in
a daily follow-up by the care taker and bi-monthly by zone coordinator and other staff members.

7. Challenges, Solutions and Recommendations

7.1. Challenges
 One beneficiary selection delay by town level CCC and not keeping screening criteria
7.2. Solution Sought
 Still one beneficiary is not selected again as the budget year has finalized

8. Lesson Learnt

 During the course of project implementation, we learnt that proper monitoring, follow-up
and support is imperative to boost proper child development.
 The support provided for both foster care and girls’ group home program contribute
towards reducing school dropout due to lack of sufficient livelihood and educational
Average Result in 2009 Remark
No Name of Orphan Woreda Sex Grade Rank
Sem-I Sem-II Average Current Status

1 Temesgen Yitayal D/M M 11 - - - - Pass to grade 12th

2 Kidist Abreham Musie D/M F 8 - - - - Took grade 8th

exam and waiting
for result

3 Tarik Tefera Belay D/M F 9 67.09 63.72 65.4 - Pass to grade 10th

4 Getie Kassa Hailu D/M F 9 - - - - Pass to grade 10th

5 Meskerem Aniley D/M F 7 55.5 62.6 59.05 16 Pass to grade 8th

Girls in the holistic group home

6 Atalay Likinaw Gozamin F 11 65.1 - - - Pass to grade 12th

7 Alemnesh Melash Enebssie F 11 79.6 - - - Pass to grade 12th

Sar Midir
Annex-1: Summary of Academic Results of Children in 2009 E.C.

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