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Ce document est un graphique nous renseigne sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, par

secteur, qui se compte en tonne de dioxyde de carbone. Ce document est un document de

our world in data. On peut voir que les quatre plus gros émetteur de gaz à effet de serre sont
dans l’ordre : elctricity and heat, transport, manufacturing and construction and agriculture.
Pour les trois premier on peut trouver ça normal car ce sont des domaines que l’on sait
consommateur mais par contre l’agriculture semble ne pas être à sa place car quand l’on
pense à l’agriculture on pense plutôt à la nature. Déjà c’est plutôt connu que la production
de viande consomme beaucoup d’eau. Mais et là c’est moins connu elle consomme aussi
beaucoup de dioxyde de carbone. En effet les ruminant comme les bovins sont très pollueur
à cause de leurs flatulences qui émettent des gaz comme du méthane qui est 28 fois plus
efficace pour ce qui est de l’effet de serre.

This document is a graph that tells us about the greenhouse gas emissions, by sector, which
is counted in tons of carbon dioxide. This document is a document from our world in data.
We can see that the four biggest emitters of greenhouse gases are in order: electricity and
heat, transport, manufacturing and construction and agriculture. For the first three we can
find it normal because they are areas that we know are consuming but on the other hand
agriculture seems to be out of place because when we think of agriculture we think rather of
nature. It is already well known that the production of meat consumes a lot of water. But it's
less known that it also consumes a lot of carbon dioxide. Indeed, ruminants like cattle are
very polluting because of their flatulence which emits gases like methane which is 28 times
more effective for the greenhouse effect.

For me, you shouldn't eat so much meat, I find it really excessive to eat it at every meal. To
begin with, it takes up a lot of the planet's resources because cattle farming, for example,
consumes a lot of water and space. We even have to cut down hectares of forest just to be
able to raise some animals, not to mention the space that the farms take up just to feed
them. For example, in Brazil they are obliged to cut down hectares of Amazonian forest to
produce beef in order to satisfy the world demand for meat. In addition, to produce one kilo
of beef we emit about sixty kilos of carbon dioxide because of the whole value chain added
which takes into account the breeding of the animals their contribution in food the transport
until the consumer of the intercontinental times as well as the emission of greenhouse gases
emitted directly by the animals, which increases the greenhouse effect. And eating too much
meat is not good for your health, it increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease and even
cancer. Finally, I would advise you to reduce your meat consumption because it's not good
for you or for the planet. On the other hand, you should not stop completely but just reduce
your consumption by eating meat once a week or even once every two weeks and
accompany it with vegetable proteins as can be found in soy and also simply eat balanced
and varied. You might think that this food lacks taste, which is not true, there are plenty of
delicious fruits and vegetables and even if that were the case you would still have to stop
eating meat because of all the bad things I described to you earlier.

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