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+ P(A) = 1: A is a certain event

+ P(A) = 0: A is an impossible event

+0<P(A) <1 : random event
Ex: Roll a fair dice
All the outcomes: 1,2,3,4,5 dots {1,2,….,6} : probability space
Event: 3 dots, even dots, number of dots >4
“The number of dots from 1 to 6”: certain event
The number of dots is 7: impossible event
“1 dot” random
P( even number) =1/2
1. Classical Probability
P(A) = n/m
M: is all outcomes that can happen
N: is the number of outcomes that favor for A

EX 1: We roll two fair die. Find the probability:

a. sy2 SIX: 1/36
b. At least 1 SIX: 11/36
c. SUM is more than seven: 5/12
d. The same number of dots: 1/6
EX 2: In class, there are 10 females and 8 male students in which one of
female group has the same name as one in male group. Take randomly 4
studens from female group and 3 students from male group to form a team to
play a game. Find:
a. How many number of ways to take students as the above scheme?
M= 10C4*8C3 =11760
b. Probablility of both students with the same name are chosen?
N=(1.9C3)(1.7C2)=1764 => P(B) = 0,15
c. Probability that only of students with the same name is chosen?
N=(1.9C3.7C3)+(1.7C2.9C4) =5586=> P(C) =0,475
d. Probability that at least one student with students with the same name?
P(D)=P(B)+P(C)= 0,15+0,475=0,625
e. Probability that neither of two same name students are chosen?
N= 9C4.7C3=4410 => P(E)=0,375

EX: 0,1,2,…,9
2 numbers taken to form 2 digit number. How many number can be:
a) Number form has different digits
b) Number form any
Permutation ( Chỉnh hợp)
K out of n without repeatation
nAk= ( n−k ) !

2. Using the probability RULE

Ex: By observing, 70% UEB students registered Maths this semester. 60%
registered Econ, within students register Maths, there are 50% also register
Econ. Find the probabilty when taking 1 student:
P(Maths)=70%, P(Econ)=80%;P(Econ/Maths)=50%
a. Registered both subjects?
P(both)= P(M).P(E/M)=35%
b. Registered only one subject?
P(1subject)= P(at least)- P(both)=60%
c. Registered Maths given that already registered Econs?
P(M/E)=P(both)/P(E)= nearly 60%
d. Registered at least one subject?
P(at least) = P(Maths or Econ)=P(M)+P(E)-P(both) = 95%
e. Registered neither any subject?
P( no subject) = 100%-95%=5%
Binomial formula:
Conditions to apply
n independent trial ( roll a fair coin n
P(success)= p ; P ( failure) = 1-p
We apply Binomial formula with two
values n and pL
Pn(k success) = C(n,k)*pk*(1-p)n-k
EX: Roll a coin 10 times, find the probability that we get 4 Heads ( 6 tails):
n =10, p=0,5
P(4 heads)= C(10,4)*0,54*0,56 =210/1024
IE holder Yes No Sum
Gender Fm 40 110 150
M 50 50 100
Sum 90 160 250

P(FM and Yes)= 40/250

P(FM or Yes)= P(FM)+P(Y)-P(FM and Yes) = (150+90-40)/250
Find the probability that a female student taken, then she held IE.
P(Yes/female)=40/150 conditional probability.

CHAPTER 5: Random variable and probability distribution of discrete RV

Random variable: When we carry out a random experiment, we have several
outcomes. Take randomly 3 students from class with FM proportion be 60%
( take one by one with replacement: Independent).
To quantify the outcome of this experiment, Let X be a variable: “ the
number of FM students taken”. All possible values of X are: 0, 1, 2, 3.
We find probability for each value of X happening
P(X=0)= 0,43=0,064
P(X= 1)= C(3,1)*0,61*0,42=0,288
P(X=2)= C(3,2)*0,62*0,41 = 0,432
P(X=3)= 0,63=0,216
We present all inf above in a table:
X 0 1 2 3
P 0,064 0,288 0,432 0,216
Definition: The variable X above is called a random variable
The table above is called: table pf probability distribution of X
One condition of table of distribution is the sum of probabilities equals to 1
Based on the table, find:
- Probability that there are more than 1 female students taken
- Probability that there are at least 1 female students taken
- The average number of female st taken?
- The variance and standard deviation of number of female taken?

2 values from the distribution table:

- The expectation of X ( the average or mean of X)
Assume X has the following probability distribution table:
X x1 x2 … xn
P P1 P2 .. Pn

Expectation of, denoted by E(X)= Σ xi∗Pi (mean or average)
In the ex above: the average number of Fm strudents taken is:
E(x)= 0*0,064+ 1*0,288+2*0,432+3*0,216= 1,8

+ to mesure the variation of X, we calculate the varian and standard

2 2
V(X)= Σ [ xi−E ( X ) ] =E ( X 2 )−[ E ( X ) } =Tong x 2 i∗pi−( xi∗pi )2

V(X)= Tong X2i*pi-(xi*pi)2

E(X)=x2i*pi= 02*0,064+12*0,288+22*0,432+32*0,216=3,96
 V(X)= E(X2)-[E(X)]2= 0,72 (people2)
Standard deviation of X, sd(X)=sqrt(V(X))=sqrt(0,72)= 0,84 (people)
E(c)=c; V(c)= 0,sd(c)=0
V(aX+bY)=a2V(X)+b2*V(Y) (X and Y are independent)

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