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PARKINSON’S DISEASE Therefore, the loss of dopamine leads to more

 Is a chronic, progressive neurologic acetylcholine being able to produce more

disease affecting the brain centers excitatory affects to the neurons in the basal
responsible for control and regulation of ganglia and this leads
movement due to depletion of to overstimulation…..tremors, rigidity
dopamine. (increased cholinergic activity).
 It’s a neuro disease that gradually starts
to affect movement. Other predisposing factors
 The dopaminergic neurons in the part of  Unknown
the brain called substantia nigra have  Virus
started to die.  Drugs
 There is no intellectual impairment,  Genetic
no paralysis, no loss of sensation
 Common among 60 above, less Key Points about Parkinson’s Disease
commonly affects the younger people.
 The disease tends to occur in older age
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 60+ (however it can affect younger
 DECREASE dopamine production in people…example: Michael J. Fox was
the substancia nigra of the brain diagnosed with PD at the age of 29).
 There is currently no cure (there are
which is responsible for the symptoms
medications to relieve signs and
of Parkinsonism.
 The dopaminergic neurons in the part of  Signs and symptoms are subtle (some
the brain called substantia nigra have patients don’t notice them at first) and
started to die. they will become worse overtime.
 Signs and symptoms may present on one
DOPAMINE- is a neurotransmitter that side or one extremity and progress to the
promotes muscle relaxation others overtime.

Significance of this area? This area is part of

the basal ganglia which is part of the midbrain
that controls movements. Mainly motor symptoms: affects how the
patient is able to move

 Tremors at rest- hands, arms, legs

What is the role of these dopaminergic
(even lips and tongue) improves with
neurons? They release the
movement-Initial sign (pill rolling and
neurotransmitter dopamine, which allows us to
resting tremors- non intention tremors)
have accuracy with movement. Therefore, if
 Pill-rolling: tremors of
they are dying this will lower the amounts of
the hands and
dopamine available to our body for normal
fingers….looks like the
patient is rolling a pill
between fingers and
Why is there the signs and symptoms of
tremors, rigidity etc.? Normally in the nervous
 Resting tremors
system there is a balance
 Stiffness of extremities (arms DON’T
between acetylcholine (an excitatory
swing with gait
neurotransmitter) and dopamine (an inhibitory
this is tip toe walking
starting at a slow pace
which keep on  Altered nutrition Less than Body
increasing until the requirement due to motor difficulty in
client assumes a chewing and swallowing
running pace.  Impaired Verbal communication r/t
 COGWHEEL decrease speech volume and facial
RIGIDITY- due to muscle involvement
decrease dopamine  Constipation r/t diminished motor
production. (3rd sign). function
when moving the
patient’s arms passively
toward the body they NURSING INTERVENTIONS
jerk or push back
slightly Safety Issues:
 BRADYKINESIA-  Patient needs to wear low heel
slow muscle movement, shoes and avoid rubber soles (they
not associated with tend to stick to the floor and can
muscle weakness (2nd cause tripping). The soles should be
sign) smooth (not slick).
 difficulty swallowing  For balance: move slowly when
(drooling), Face mask- changing positions…rubber tip cane that
is single point can help.
like: expressionless
 Education on how to deal with
 AKINESIA- absence of
freezing episodes (some patients have
muscle movement, or them and they can occur randomly). For
inability to move the example, it can occur in the legs, and it
muscles feels like the shoes suddenly become
voluntarily….”freeze stuck to the ground and they can’t move.
 Impaired verbal fluency  Try to change direction of
 Flattened affect (mask like facial movement….rather then continue
expression)-without expression going to the side go forward.
 Coordination issues- Stooped posture  Use cane or walker with a laser…
 Issues with the muscles used for it provides a laser line on the
chewing food, swallowing, and floor that will help the patient
find a landmark for when
speaking: soft or slurred speech,
freezing episode happens and
problems swallowing (aspiration)
helps the patient coordinate their
 Fatigue next step.
 Soft monotonous voice  Consciously lift the legs (as in
 Shaking, small hand writing marching) with each step or
pretend they are walking over an
Non-motor Signs object.
 Depression, Constipation: digestion  DON’T push through the freeze
slows down up.
 Loss of smell  Use handrails in bathroom and shower,
NSG DX elevated toilet seat, non-slip shoes and
 Impaired physical mobility r/t to tremor, socks, removes rugs and make sure pets
slow muscle movement and rigidity are away from feet etc.
NUTRITIONAL/DIGESTION Psychosocial Issues: autonomy very
 Frequent small feedings
 Instruct the pt to chew deliberately and
slowly using both sides of the mouth Help them with locating utensils for eating,
 Maintain Low CHON at daytime, and cooking etc….. there are special types of
High CHON at night, cookware for PD like spoons, forks, bowls,
 Liquid diet to soft diet for dysphagia knives to maintain autonomy
 Increase fluid intake and fiber to prevent
constipation. isolation:
 Aspiration precaution- Upright position
when feeding  local support groups with other
 Avoid taking antiparkinson’s people who have PD
medication (Carbidopa/Levodopa)
with a high protein meal (meats, eggs,  exercise
dairy, beans) because they interfere with Don’t stress patient about activities or hurry
how the body can absorb the medication
them…stress increases symptoms….wait for
(makes medication less effective).
 At risk for weight loss because of the medication to peak so the most dopamine
struggle with swallowing, chewing, will be the most available.
depression, and hard to feed self due to
rigidity Dress patient in shirts without buttons or
 Needs foods that are soft, easy to zippers…easy to put on…replace articles of
swallow, and chew…speech therapy to clothing with Velcro and shoes that don’t
evaluate…recommend consistency of have to be tied.
 Drink plenty of fluids 2 L per day
(unless contraindicated) with high fiber Maximizing Communication
foods….example fresh fruits and  Teach pt to do facial exercises (smiling
vegetable and stool softener per MD and frowning) and breathing methods: to
order- to Prevent constipation: obtain appropriate pronunciation and
 Assess last bowel movement and bowel intonation
sounds along with palpation of  Speak in short sentences
 Daily exercise- walking, riding on DOPAMINERGICS
stationary bike, gardening, swimming.  these drugs improve muscle flexibility.
 Do stretching and postural exercises
 Levodopa
- Swing arms
- Raise the feet while walking, use
heel toe gait
 Take warm bath and massage to relax  A precursor of dopamine can cross the
the muscles blood brain barrier.
 Firm bed to prevent contractures  Low CHON in day time and High
CHON diet at night the absorption of the
drug is slows down by high CHON and
Vit B6.
SIDE EFFECTS OF LEVODOPA Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI)
 M-Mental confusion  MAOI’s enhance norepinephrine
 I-Insomnia activity
 R-Renal Damage  MAOI’s + Carbidopa Levodopa=
 O-Orthostatic HPN Hypertensive Crisis
 N-Nausea and Vomiting  PA- Parnate (tranylcypromine)
 NA- Nardil (phenelzine)
CARBIDOPA with LEVODOPA (Sinemet)  MA-Marplan (isocarboxacid)
 adds more dopamine to the brain
 Carbidopa reduces destruction of Aldomet (Methyldopa)- potentiates effects of
levodopa in the blood stream, making Carbidopa-Levodopa
more available to the brain.
 Carbidopa helps to prevent levodopa  Avoid foods when on Carbidopa-
from being broken down in the blood Levodopa therapy such as VIT B 6 rich
before it enters the brain (hence more foods and tyramine rich foods
enters the brain) and lessens the side
effect of nausea and when levodopa Vit B 6 rich foods- tuna, pork, dried beans,
enters the brain it turns into dopamine
salmon, beef liver. It blocks the effect of
 SE: Nausea and involuntary movements

Nursing Consideration in Carbidopa- TYRAMINE rich foods

Levodopa therapy  may cause Hypertensive crisis
 Cheese, Dairy Cream, Yogurt, coffee,
 takes up to 3 weeks to notice a decrease  chocolate, bananas, Raisins, Italian
in symptoms when beginning treatment green beans, Liver, Pickled herring,
Sausage, Soy sauce, Yeast, Beer, Red
 Symptoms of dyskinesia may take wine
weeks or months to be controlled.
 don’t be alarm if body fluids turn a dark DOPAMINE AGONIST
color/ Urine may turn into reddish  Acts on the dopamine receptors
brown with exposure to air  Activate dopamine receptors in the brain
 after long term usage the drug may wear helps with improving movement
off before next dose and cause signs and  Amantadine, Parlodel, Requip
symptoms. Entacapone “Comtan”: a
COMT can be prescribed to help Symmetrel (Amantadine HCL)
decrease this from happening  (antiviral: prevents influenza A…
 Monitor the VS. Orthostatic antiparkison as well): helps with
hypotension (Weakness, Dizziness) symptoms by stimulating
 Gradual change of position. To prevent dopaminergic activity in the CNS
orthostatic hypotension.  signs of skin lesions, seizures,
 Advise the clients to avoid depression
Phenothiazines, Pyridoxine, Parlodel (Bromocriptine)
Reserpine, MAOI, Aldomet- These  light headedness-
block the effects of Levodopa
Requip (Ropinizole hcl) Rasagiline “Azilect”: increases dopamine by
 stimulates dopamine receptors/ stopping the activity of MOA…improvement of
dopamine agonists: symptoms
 Side effects: drowsiness major side
effect (educate NOT to take when about Educate about limiting foods with tyramine:
to drive, cook, or operative machinery hypertensive crisis
etc.)  aged cheese
 smoked or cured meats (pepperoni,
ANTICHOLINERGIC bacon, hot dogs)
 reduce rigidity and some tremors in PD.  fermented food and beer
 blocks acetylcholine by decreasing
rigidity, saliva (drooling), improved Catechol O Methyltransperase Inhibitors
movements  increase the amount of levodopa
 Cogentin (Benztropine) concentration in the brain
 Artane (trihexyphenidyl  Tasmar (Tolcapone), Comtan
 Kemadrin (Procyclidine) (Entacapone)
 Parsidol (Ethopropazine)  Entacapone “Comtan” (catechol-O-
 Akineton (Biperiden) methyltransferase inhibitors) used with
levodopa/carbidopa to prevent the
“wearing off” of the drug before the
next dose is due….blocks COMT
enzyme that will break down the
Side Effects: levodopa in the blood to allow it to last
 Increase PR, urinary retention, and longer.
constipation. Monitor VS, UA and
bowel sounds. Advise to void before
taking the drug.
 Decrease salivation. Relieve dry mouth COMPLICATIONS
with hard candy, ice chips or sugarless  Dementia
chewing gum.  Aspiration
 Photopobia. use sunglasses  Injury from falls
 NOT for people with GLAUCOMA!!
Advise the client to have routine eye
examinations. To determine the
presence of IOP which indicates
 NO or avoid alcohol, cigarette, caffeine,
and aspirin to decrease gastric irritation.
 Education: NEVER abruptly stop
taking (increases signs and symptoms
seen in Parkinson disease),

MAO Inhibitor Type B (Monoamine

Oxidase Inhibitor Type B):

Selegiline Hcl (Eldepryl)

 inhibits breakdown of dopamine thus
prolonging action of levodopa

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