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E Reviewer

 is required for any muscular activity to take place. All energy for cellular
activity comes from ATP

 Is a molecule that serves as a usable form of energy.
 It is a major fuel source for the body.
 Our body stores energy in the form of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
 Our cells can’t get energy directly from food

Carbohydrates Glucose
Protein Amino Acids Adenosine
Fat Fatty Acids Triphosphate

Phosphagen System
(ex. Lifting, Throwing & Walking)
 Used for explosive exercises lasting 8-10 seconds
 The most inefficient energy system
 Generates ATP very quickly but only limited supply (runs out quick)

Advantages Disadvantages
Fast Energy System Very limited duration
Can be used for very powerful movements Most inefficient energy system
Does not require oxygen

Anaerobic Glycolysis System

(ex. Basketball, Volleyball & Middle Distance Running 400-800M)
 Glycolysis - is the pathway that splits carbohydrates ( glucose or stored
glycogen ) in order to generate ATP to power cellular work.
 Anaerobic Lactic System - provides energy for medium to high intensity
bursts of activity that lasts from 10 secs to 2 minutes.

Advantages Disadvantages
Produces moderate amount of ATP Produces lactic acid (causes fatigue)
Can be used for longer than ATP-CP Can only be used for around 3 minutes
Does not require oxygen

Aerobic Energy System (The Oxidative System)

(ex. Cycling, Rowing & Marathon)
 Most efficient energy system – also slowest
 Can only generate ATP in the presence of oxygen
 Is used for long distance events or exercises lasting longer than 5 minutes

Advantages Disadvantages
Efficient Slowest Energy System
Produces a lot of ATP Can't be used for intense exercise
Can be used for a long time
 An exercise can use more than one energy system – Many exercises do
 For example a swimmer diving off the blocks to swim 1500m will initially use
the ATP-PC system to dive off the blocks quickly but then switch to the
aerobic energy system to swim 1500m
 A football player will use the ATP-PC system to have a quick run or make a
tackle, but then switch to aerobic when high intensity movement is not

Lesson 2: Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise

Physical Activity
 can be defined as any movement of the body that requires energy and
Physical Fitness
 is your ability to carry out tasks without undue fatigue.
VO2/Maximum Oxygen Consumption
 is the ability to consume oxygen for maximal work output over periods lasting
greater than one minute.
 average consumptions is 40-50 mL/Kg/min.
Aerobic Exercise
 is a physical activity performed with moderate intensity, with a lot of repetitive
movements done with a long period of time.
Benefits of Aerobic Exercise
 Increase maximal oxygen consumption (VO2)
 Improved Cardiovascular functions
 Improved Cardiorespiratory function
 Reduce of body Fats
 An increase of blood supply to the muscle and increase in the ability to use

Examples of Aerobic Exercise

 Walking/Running
 Swimming
 Jumping Rope
 Cycling/Rowing

Anerobic Exercise
 is a high-intensity workout performed over short periods of time where the
body's needs for oxygen exceeds its supply of oxygen.
 The term anaerobic means “Without air”

Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise

 Developing Stronger muscle
 Increasing your endurance and ability to fight fatigue

Examples of Anaerobic Exercise

 Heavy Weight-Lifting
 Hill Climbing
 Sprinting
 Plyometrics

Aerobic Anaerobic
Requires the presence of Does not require the presence of oxygen
Primarily works type I muscle it works the type II muscle fibers, which leads to
fibers greater and strength of muscle
Increase muscle endurance and You exercise till you gas out
capillary size
Heart muscle to pump blood You can’t sustain this activity for extended time
more efficiently
Sustain for an extended period
of time

Phases of Exercise
Warm Up
(ex. Jumping Jacks, Side leg swings & Lunges)
 A period or act of preparation for a game, performance or exercise session,
involving gentle exercise or practice

Training/Exercise Proper/Stretching
(ex. Quadriceps Strength, Triceps Strength & Push Ups)
 Training Exercise - A simulation of an activity for the purpose of
learning how to perform that activity.
 Stretching - traighten or extend one's body or a part of one's body to its
full length, typically so as to tighten one's muscles or in order to reach


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