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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name: _______________________________________ Grade and Section: _______________

Teacher: _________________________________ Date: ______________Score: _______

I. Directions: Read the selection inside the box and answer the questions that
follow. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space before the number.

___ 1. It is a tense that shows you are talking about something that has already
A. past tense B. present tense C. future tense D. perfect tense

___ 2. The boys played football last weekend. What tense is the verb in the
A. past tense B. present tense C. future tense D. perfect tense

___ 3. After the chemical spill last month, we ________ bottled water until the city
declared the tap water safe.
A. are drinking B. will drink C. drank D. drink

___ 4. Every day, Daniel __________ a hot dog for lunch.

A. eats B. ate C. is eating D. was eating

___ 5. Tomorrow, I will go to the store around 4:00 PM. Identify the tense of the
underlined verb phrase:
A. past tense B. present tense C. future tense D. perfect tense

___ 6. Which of the sentences is correct?

A. Next week I am going to the cinema.
B. Next week I will going to the cinema.
C. Next week I is going to the cinema.
D. Next week I went to the cinema.

___ 7. Write a sentence using the past tense form of the verb DRIVE. Use time signal
indicating past.__________________________________________________________________

___ 8. These are conjunctions which coordinate or join two words or groups of words
of similar importance.
A. subordinating conjunctions C. coordinating conjunctions
B. correlative conjunctions D. conjunctive adverbs

___ 9. What is the definition of the conjunction "but"?

A. as a result
B. adds information
C. contradicts, offers a contrast, or introduces something unexpected
D. means "because" and introduces the effect of a cause-effect
___ 10. My dad told me I could go to Grandma's house, __________ I could go to my
uncle Fred's cabin in the woods.
A. or B. yet C. so D. nor

___ 11. __________ my cats are lazy, they are affectionate.

A. Although B. Unless C. If D. Until

___ 12. Few activities are important yet easily ignored. Identify the conjunction in
the following sentence.
A. few B. are C. so D. yet

___ 13. I have watched the movie, but I have not read the book yet. What kind of
conjunction is underlined in the sentence?
A. coordinating conjunction C. subordinating conjunction
B. correlative conjunction D. conjunctive adverb

___ 14. Write a sentence using any of the following coordinating conjunctions
(FANBOYS) _______________________________________________________________________

___ 15. What is an adverb of degree?

A. It tells us about the intensity of something
B. It tells us about the frequency of something
C. It tells us how often the verb occur.
D. It tells us about the place

___ 16. Danny's new hairstyle looks really good. Which is the adverb of degree?
A. looks B. really C. new D. good

___ 17. Mariam _________________ goes to Jardin Plaza. She goes there every
A. usually B. sometimes C. never D. always

___ 18. Agnes ____________ uses Snapchat. She prefers to use whatsapp to
communicate with her friends.
A. sometimes B. never C. usually D. always

___ 19. Which of the following sentences uses an example of adverb of intensity?
A. It's very cold in winter.
B. He rarely writes a letter.
C. Miguel never watches a film.
D. We usually take eggs in our breakfasts.

___ 20. Which sentence is correct?

A. They are pretty happy. C. They pretty happy are.
B. They are happy pretty. D. They happy prretty are.

___ 21. Write a sentence using and adverb of frequency. Underline the adverb being

___ 22. What is an adverb of frequency?

A. Words that describe how an action is done.
B. Words that explain how often the verb occur
C. Words that tells us the intensity of an action.
D. Words that tell us where the action is done

___ 23. Which is not an example of frequency adverb?

A. again B. always C. rarely D. seldom
___ 24. I _____ go jogging in the morning. (100%)
A. never B. sometimes C. occasionally D. always

___ 25. We _____ go to the gym. Two or three days in a week.

A. sometimes B. rarely C. never D. almost never

___ 26. Arrange the words into a correct sentence. sometimes / sleeps / my cat / on
the sofa
A. My cat sleeps sometimes on the sofa.
B. My cat sometimes sleeps on the sofa.
C. My cat sleeps on the sofa sometimes.
D. My sometimes cat sleeps on the sofa.

___ 27. An Adverb of Manner modifies ____________.

A. a noun B. a verb C. a pronoun D. a

___ 28. What is the adverb form of the adjective enthusiastic?

A. enthusiasticly C. enthusiasm
B. enthusiastical D. enthusiastically

___ 29.Aidil is waiting ______________ for his friends to come to his house.
A. loudly B. neatly C. bravely D. patiently

___ 30. The girl ran quickly through the rain. Identify the adverb of manner:
A. ran B. quickly C. rain D. through

___ 31. The dog howled sadly in the rain. Identify the adverb of manner.
A. howled B. dog C. sadly D. rain

___ 32. Adverbs of time modify verbs and answer the question _________.
A. where B. when C. in what way D. to what

___ 33. Adverbs can describe_____, ______, & ______.

A. nouns, verbs, adjectives C. verbs, adjectives, adverbs
B. pronouns, verbs, adjectives D. verbs, adverbs, nouns

___ 34. I looked everywhere for my lost book. Identify the adverb of place.
A. everywhere B. lost C. looked D. book

___ 35. I am going to visit granny this morning. Identify the adverb of time:
A. this morning B. going C. to D. granny

___ 36. The legends of Johnny Appleseed continue to delight people today. Tell what
type of adverb is the underlined word.
A. time B. place C. manner D. frequency

FOR ITEMS 37-39- Read the selection and answer the questions that follow.


The pieces of rocks that come from outer space have three names: meteor,
meteorite, and meteoroid.
A meteoroid is a piece of matter moving in space. It moves as fast as 40
miles a second. It may be large or small. Most meteoroids are smaller than a
grain of sand.
As a meteoroid comes into the air near the earth, it catches fire. Most
meteoroids burn up before they hit the earth. The flash of light from the burning
meteoroid is called a meteor. If a piece of meteoroid falls to the ground, it is
called a meteorite.
People have studied these rocks for many years. They wanted to research
ways to keep meteoroids from making holes in space crafts. Thick walls may
help. Or perhaps space crafts can be covered with a metal skin that will seal
___ 37. Where do the meteoroids originate?
A. from the outer layer of the earth C. from the other planets
B. from the outer space D. from the moon

___ 38. When is a meteoroid dangerous?

A. when it falls to earth and burns down houses
B. when it makes holes in a spacecraft
C. when it hits the airplanes
D. when it catches fire

___ 39. Which is the best definition of a meteorite?

A. a flash of light from a burning meteoroid
B. a piece of meteoroid that falls to the ground
C. a piece of rock from outer space that hit a spacecraft
D. a piece of rock from outer space that burn up before hitting the

___ 40. The meaning of accuracy is __________.

A. related to archery.
B. up to date and current.
C. truthful and correct in all details.
D. a person, book, website, etc., that gives information.

___ 41. When evaluating a website, the word currency means:

A. up to date
B. down to earth
C. electrically charged
D. outmoded and obsolete

___ 42. What does the word relevant mean when you are evaluating a source?
A. Related to the topic that is being researched.
B. Not a trustworthy source for research
C. Something that is true and valid
D. Up-to-date and accurate

___ 43. What is an outline?

A. an outline is the backbone for the essay and you should always use
one because it will help you write your final essay later
B. the outline is what you fill out after you finish the final essay to
make sure you included everything
C. the outline is what you use to hook your reader
D. the outline is what the essay is about

___ 44. What is the best reason that you should write an outline?
A. to make sure all your sentences start with the same letter
B. to make sure you have enough descriptive words
C. to make sure you have all the ideas you need
D. you don't need to write an outline

___ 45. Identify the type of organization that uses this

A. Cause/effect
B. problem/solution
C. Compare/contrast
D. argument/support

FOR ITEMS 46-50-Write a one persuasive paragraph on how to fight CoVid-19.

Content The paragraph is The paragraph is limited The paragraph The paragraph
(Similarities extremely limited in in communicating the communicates the comprehensively
and communicating the similarities similarities and and clearly
Differences) similarities and and differences. Length differences.. communicates the
differences, is not adequate for similarities
with no central development. and differences.
Mechanics Spelling, punctuation, The paragraph has a The text is still The paragraph is
and grammatical number of errors in quite understandable. free from
errors create spelling, punctuation, The paragraph has Distracting spelling,
distraction, making it and grammar. few spelling, punctuation, and
difficult punctuation, grammatical errors
to read. and grammatical
allowing the reader to
clearly follow the


Prepared by:

Teacher III

Checked by:


Master Teacher II



Principal IV

ead the article and answer the

question in each number.
Write the letter of your answer
on a sheet
of paper.
Reasons Why Education is
Extremely Important
By Mohamed Reda
For a happy and stable life
If you want to lead a happy
life and enjoy the good things
the world has to offer, you
certainly need to
get educated. A great job and
a good social reputation are
just two of the many benefits
of being an
educated person. Education is
a must for a promising and
secure future and a stable life.
1. All are benefits of being an
educated person except for
A. Good social reputation
C. Popularity and wealth
B. Great job D. Stable life
An educated person has more
chances of landing up a good
high paying job. Everybody wants
nothing but a good
life! It may be called as the “root
of all evil” but most people will
agree that money is important for
survival in
today’s world. The more educated
they are, the better career
options they have!
2. What is called the “root of
all evil”?
A. Education C.
High paying job
B. Good life D. Money
Makes you confident
Your educational degree is
considered as a proof of your
knowledge by many. If you are
educated you
have more chances of being
heard and taken seriously.
Generally, an uneducated
man will find it harder
to express his views and
opinions owning to lack of
confidence. Even if he does so,
people may not take
him seriously. Education gives
him the confidence to express
his views and opinions.
3. What happen when a
person lacks confidence?
A. He/She finds it hard to
express his/her opinions
B. He/She can easily share
his/her thoughts
C. He will have chance of
being heard
D. People will take him

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