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Student of

Your Portal to Serious
Islamic Knowledge

Table of Contents

02 About AMAU

03 What makes AMAU Special?

04 Why is there a need for AMAU Academy?

05 AMAU Faculty

09 AMAU Syllabus

11 Exams and Assessments

12 How will I learn Arabic?

13 Who is this program for?

14 Where Next?

15 The AMAU Student Journey

67 Sign up now

What is AMAU?

A new virtual hub providing easy access to

classical Islamic knowledge.
With over 500 hours of free Islamic content already published, Al Madrasatu
Al Umarriyyah (AMAU) is one of the world’s leading online Islamic knowledge

Spearheaded by household names such as Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan &

Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble, AMAU is making detailed Islamic
knowledge more accessible for thousands of gifted and ambitious students
across the globe.

Now, AMAU is finally launching its online academy, an online portal to both
Islamic knowledge and tarbiyyah for English-speaking students around the
world. This is your opportunity to study Islam in a structured, progressive and
detailed manner.

Start your journey now and become an official AMAU Student of


“The dilution of Islamic Why is there a need for AMAU Academy?

scholarship in the 21st Century
is a painful yet undisputed reality.
Today’s graduate would struggle To pave a pathway for thousands of aspiring
to sit in the same classroom as seekers of knowledge to join the ranks of
yesterday’s student”.
scholars in Islam.

Opportunities for a formal Islamic education in a recognised institution which produces students of
knowledge, grounded in the principles of following The Qur’an and Sunnah, are few and far
between. Traditional institutes have a high barrier to entry, with only a few students being selected.
Thousands of potential scholars and students of knowledge miss out, often because they cannot
commit to spending several years in a foreign country, or because they do not fit a very narrow set
of criteria for acceptance.

Even for the few who manage to overcome these obstacles, the dilution of Islamic scholarship in the
21st Century is a painful yet undisputed reality. Feedback gathered from formally-educated students
of knowledge is increasingly alarming; Islamic knowledge is being watered down and we are no
longer producing the calibre of students dictated by the high standards of Islam. Today’s graduate
would struggle to sit in the same classroom as yesterday’s student. The result? Our students of
knowledge are unable to serve their communities in an effective manner.

These problems have had a knock-on impact on millions of Muslims across the world and have
directly contributed to the weakening of the Ummah. Something needs to change.

Queue, AMAU Academy.


As an online academy, we are able to open the doors to

seeking knowledge for thousands of gifted students
“We have structured our who would otherwise miss out. Our Unique Selling
syllabus in a progressive Point (USP) primarily revolves around two important
and intelligent manner,
but we refuse to develop Our entire syllabus consists of teaching and explaining
yet another curriculum.” classical books, word for word, beginning to end. We
have structured our syllabus in a progressive and
intelligent manner, but we refuse to develop yet
another curriculum. Instead, we are taking the pure
unfiltered knowledge contained in the books written by
the early generations of Muslims, and are connecting
What makes our students to studying Islam the traditional way. It’s a
tried and tested approach that has produced some of
AMAU Special? the best scholars in the world.

A different approach will naturally result in a different

outcome, and that’s the second thing that makes us
We cater to modern-day unique. Many of the existing online institutes are doing
an excellent job at educating the average Muslim who
Muslims while retaining wants to seek a little bit of knowledge on the side.
However, there is a huge gap in the online market for a
a classical approach in serious student of knowledge who wants to become
the next scholar of his country. This requires an
teaching Islamic additional investment of our time and resources, but
knowledge. the rewards are exponentially greater. By equipping our
students with enough knowledge to change their
entire community, we’re setting up a system of long-
term education with every student that Allah allows us
to produce.

AMAU Faculty
With a line of highly qualified teachers, we seek to uphold the pure teachings
of the Qur'an and Sunnah as taught and learnt upon the understanding
of the earliest generations of Islam.

Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan

United Kingdom

Ustadh Abdulrahman is uniquely positioned as an individual who combines

the experience of traditional Islamic scholarship from the East, as well as the
knowledge and understanding of the West.

By the tender age of 10, Allah allowed him to memorise The Qur’an and
Buloogh Al Maraam – a book that contains more than 1,300 hadith. He then
went on to formally study Islam in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Somalia, before
returning to the UK as an Imaam and a da’ee. He has delivered hundreds of
hours of Islamic content on YouTube and has fast become a popular name
amongst the English-speaking Muslim audience.

Known for his ability to conduct detailed research across various different
Islamic issues, Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan has the ability to push aspiring
students of knowledge to their limits and maximise their academic

Ustadh Muhammad
Tim Humble
United Kingdom
As a revert to Islam, Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble completed all of his
formal Islamic studies as an adult, providing him with the necessary
experience to support new students who may have limited time available.
With Allah’s permission, he excelled in his pursuit of knowledge, most
notably graduating from the University of Madinah in Hadith and Islamic

He is passionate about teaching the Arabic language – and has developed

his own courses and material for doing so – after having worked as a
professional translator for a number of major publishing companies.

He has also completed several hundred hours of TV recording for well-known

Islamic channels, and regularly delivers lectures in different parts of the

AMAU Syllabus
Discover an in-depth curriculum designed for those who are interested
to venture into the world of serious Islamic scholarship.

The AMAU Syllabus

“We’ve been working on a comprehensive, well-structured syllabus,
relying on the decades of experience held by our Head of Islamic Studies”

The AMAU syllabus is thorough, making it the ultimate solution for serious students of knowledge looking to get closer to Allah. Get ready to learn
subjects that have never been taught before in the English language.

This is not a 1-year program, or a 5-year program, or a 10-year program. This is a life-long journey where we want to develop our students into the next
generation of scholars, with Allah’s permission.

We aim to take our students from an introduction into each of the different Islamic sciences, all the way to the tafseer of every ayah in The Qur’an, and
an explanation of every hadith in the six mother books of hadith. A complete journey from beginning to end, with the permission of Allah.

Course Name AMAU Student of Knowledge Program

Number of Study Pathways 7

Duration Until you meet Allah [life-long program]

This program is for anybody who wants to start their journey of seeking knowledge
with the intention of becoming a well-grounded student of knowledge or scholar in Islam.

Structure of the Program

How Does it Work?

This is an online program for serious How Much Time Does it Require?
students of knowledge who strive for
excellence in each and every branch
of Islamic knowledge. It doesn't Videos become available throughout Each pathway, along with the Arabic
require any prior study experience, the week in each of the various study language course, will offer around 2
but it does require dedication and pathways. You can watch them at a teaching hours per week. When you
commitment. There are no specific time that suits you. There are regular add revision and memorisation, this is
limitations with regard to age, live Q&A sessions, in which you can likely to take 4-5 hours of your time
however the student should be ask your teacher any questions, each week.
mature enough to be serious about regardless of where you are in the
their study and have a sufficient level curriculum. If you take all pathways at the same
of understanding. It’s a long-term time, this is 12 hours of teaching time
commitment for someone who wants Each pathway also has an optional per week, and in the region of 30-35
to seek knowledge from the cradle to memorisation program. While some hours of your time each week.
the grave. memorisation is required to pass However, you are free to choose how
exams, this programme is an optional many pathways you want to study,
programme and it provides multiple according to your time and
options, according to ability and time, commitment. You can choose to
to memorise classical texts, in study only one or two pathways if you
addition to memorising the Qur’ān. wish, and then adjust to your own
time and speed of study. The only
condition we mandate is that you
must begin with the ‘Aqeedah

We want to take an active role in ensuring our students are progressing in the correct manner. Our
Student Support Team will be in regular contact with students who may be falling behind in the
Exams and
program, in order to provide the required assistance.
Additionally, one of the advantages from learning via an online academy - as opposed to self-learning
via YouTube - is that we will be able to regularly check whether our students are understanding the
knowledge properly. At the end of each module, students will be required to pass a multiple choice
exam before moving on to the next module. A progressive evaluation to
guarantee intellectual growth
of each student.

How will English is widely recognised as one of the most popular languages in the world, and it is imperative
for us to make Islamic knowledge as accessible as possible. Therefore, all of our lessons will be

I learn Arabic? delivered in English. However, we also recognise the necessity of the Arabic language for any serious
student of knowledge.

All of our students will therefore have access to a dedicated Arabic language course, separate from
With the deliberate yet constant
the 7 pathways that make up our core curriculum. This comprehensive course includes vocabulary,
use of Arabic in our lessons,
language lessons, corpus material and tools & tests, offering a complete Arabic language program,
development of fluency
with an emphasis on making the language as easy as possible to learn.
can be ensured.
Furthermore, the use of Arabic in our lessons will also slowly increase as the student progresses
through their studies. We also ensure that all of the evidences and key quotes are mentioned in
Arabic, whilst simultaneously being translated and explained in English. This kind of hybrid approach
will ensure the student slowly gains confidence in the Arabic language, priming himself to use it
more and more as he progresses to the more advanced stages of our comprehensive curriculum.

Who is this program for?

It’s actually the perfect
fit for you.

Anyone who wants to seek knowledge in

a structured manner.

Anyone who wants to become a student of

knowledge, teacher or scholar.

3 Anyone who wants to study Islam online.

4 Anyone who wants to improve their

connection with Allah by studying His
religion in detail.

Where Next?
Curious to know what’s waiting beyond the starting point for you?
Here’s a comprehensive academic outline mapping out your future
journey with AMAU Academy.

The AMAU Student Journey



‘Aqeedah and The 01 Introductory view

details Intermediate view details Memorization
Level/‫املداخل‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬ Program/‫حفظ‬
Foundations of The Beginner’s Advanced
‫املتوسطني‬ ‫متون الفقه وأصوله‬
Religion / ‫العقيدة وأصول‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬
‫املبتدئني‬ ‫املنتهني‬
‫الدين‬ view details view details view details

02 Introductory Intermediate Memorization

view details view details

Level/‫املداخل‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬ Program/‫حفظ‬

Beginner’s Advanced
Fiqh & Its Principles Level/‫مرحلة‬
Level/‫مرحلة‬ ‫متون الفقه وأصوله‬
/ ‫الفقه وأصوله‬ view details ‫املبتدئني‬ view details ‫املنتهني‬ view details

03 Introductory view
details Intermediate view details Memorization
Tafseer & The Level/‫املداخل‬
Sciences of the Qur’ān ‫املتوسطني‬ ‫متون الفقه وأصوله‬
Level/‫مرحلة‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬
/ ‫التفسير وعلوم القرآن‬ view details ‫املبتدئني‬ view details ‫املنتهني‬ view details

view more pathways


04 The AMAU Student

Introductory Journey
Intermediate view
details view details Memorization
Level/‫املداخل‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬ Program/‫حفظ‬
Beginner’s Advanced
‫املتوسطني‬ ‫متون الفقه وأصوله‬
Hadeeth & Its Sciences Level/‫مرحلة‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬
‫املبتدئني‬ ‫املنتهني‬
/ ‫الحديث وعلومه‬ view details view details view details

05 Introductory Intermediate Memorization

view details view details

Level/‫املداخل‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬ Program/‫حفظ‬

Beginner’s Advanced
Seerah & History ‫املتوسطني‬ ‫متون الفقه وأصوله‬
Level/‫مرحلة‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬
/ ‫السيرة والتاريخ‬ view details ‫املبتدئني‬ view details ‫املنتهني‬ view details

06 Introductory view
details Intermediate view details Memorization
Sciences of Language Level/‫املداخل‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬
& Logic / ‫علوم اللغة‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬
Level/‫مرحلة‬ ‫متون الفقه وأصوله‬
‫واملنطق‬ view details ‫املبتدئني‬ view details ‫املنتهني‬ view details

07 Introductory Intermediate Memorization

view details view details

Islamic Etiquette & Level/‫املداخل‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬ Program/‫حفظ‬

Beginner’s Advanced
Personal Development ‫املتوسطني‬ ‫متون الفقه وأصوله‬
Level/‫مرحلة‬ Level/‫مرحلة‬
/ ‫التربية اإلسالمية‬ view details ‫املبتدئني‬ view details ‫املنتهني‬ view details

‘Aqeedah & The Foundations of The Religion

‫العقيدة وأصول الدين‬

Introductory Level
An Introduction to the Science of ‘Aqeedah
1 ‫املدخل إلى علم العقيدة‬
At this level, you gain a basic understanding of the sciences
that make up ‘Aqeedah and the Foundations of the Religion.
These introductory courses provide essential background to
the sciences, so that once you begin studying a text, you
An Introduction to Sects and Sectarianism already have a grasp of the basics. Each introduction has an
2 ‫املدخل إلى الفرق واالفتراق‬ exam, as well as a final exam for this introductory level.

The only requirement for this level is that you have

successfully completed your introduction to studying at
Final Exam: Introductory Level ‘Aqeedah AMAU exam.
3 ‫االختبار النهائي‬
There is no specific text to memorise at this level.

After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to

the beginner's level texts.

‘Aqeedah & The Foundations of The Religion

‫العقيدة وأصول الدين‬

Beginner's Level
Tawḥeed: Thalāthat-ul-Uṣool ‫مرحلة املبتدئني‬
1 By Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhāb
‫ثالثة األصول للشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب‬ At this level, you begin your study of classical texts in ‘Aqeedah
and the Foundations of the Religion, using the knowledge that
you have gained at the introductory level. Each book has an
Tawḥeed: al-Qawā‘id al-Arba‘ exam, as well as a final exam for the level.
2 By Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhāb
‫القواعد األربع للشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب‬
The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
completed your introductory level exam in ‘Aqeedah and the
Tawḥeed: Kashf ash-Shubuhāt Foundations of the Religion.
3 By Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhāb
‫كشف الشبهات للشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب‬
At this level, you should begin the memorisation programme,
which is detailed separately.
Final Exam: Beginner's Level ‘Aqeedah
4 ‫االختبار النهائي‬ After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
the intermediate level texts.

‘Aqeedah & The Foundations of The Religion

‫العقيدة وأصول الدين‬

Intermediate Level
Tawḥeed: Kitāb at-Tawḥeed
‫مرحلة املتوسطني‬
1 By Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhāb
At this level, you begin your study of classical texts in
‫كتاب التوحيد للشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب‬
‘Aqeedah and the Foundations of the Religion, using the
knowledge that you have gained at the introductory level.
General ‘Aqeedah: al-‘Aqeedah al-Wāsiṭiyyah Each book has an exam, as well as a final exam for the level.
2 By Shaykh-ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah
‫العقيدة الواسطية لشيخ اإلسالم ابن تيمية‬ The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
completed your introductory level exam in ‘Aqeedah and the
Foundations of the Religion.
General ‘Aqeedah: al-’Aqeedah al-Ḥamawiyyah
3 By Shaykh-ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah At this level, you should begin the memorisation programme,
‫العقيدة الحموية لشيخ اإلسالم ابن تيمية‬ which is detailed separately.

After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to

Final Exam: Intermediate Level ‘Aqeedah the intermediate level texts.
4 ‫االختبار النهائي‬

‘Aqeedah & The Foundations of The Religion

‫العقيدة وأصول الدين‬

Advanced Level (Non-Specialised)

(‫مرحلة املنتهني )غير املتخصصني‬
General ‘Aqeedah: ar-Risālah at-Tadmuriyyah At this level, you progress to the most advanced level in your
1 By Shaykh-ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah study of classical texts in ‘Aqeedah and the Foundations of
‫الرسالة التدمرية لشيخ اإلسالم ابن تيمية‬ the Religion, with the exception of those who will later go on
to specialise. Each book has an exam, as well as a final exam
for the level.
General ‘Aqeedah: al-‘Aqeedah aṭ-Ṭaḥāwiyyah
2 By al-Imām aṭ-Ṭaḥāwī The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
‫العقيدة الطحاوية لإلمام الطحاوي‬ completed your intermediate level exam in ‘Aqeedah and the
Foundations of the Religion, as well as having successfully
completed bginner's level exams in all other pathways.
Final Exam: Advanced Level ‘Aqeedah
3 ‫االختبار النهائي‬ At this level, you should aim to finish the memorisation
programme, which is detailed separately.

After successfully completing your final exam, you will be

certified in the sciences of ‘Aqeedah and the Foundations
of the Religion.

‘Aqeedah & The Foundations of The Religion

‫العقيدة وأصول الدين‬

Memorisation Programme
‫حفظ متون العقيدة وأصول الدين‬


Al-Qawā‘id al-Arba‘ Kitāb at-Tawḥeed

1 By Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhāb 1 By Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhāb
‫القواعد األربع للشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب‬ ‫كتاب التوحيد للشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب‬

Thalāthat-ul-Uṣool Sullam al-Wuṣool ilā ‘Ilm al-Uṣool

2 By Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhāb or 2 By Shaykh Ḥāfiđh al-Ḥakamī
‫ثالثة األصول للشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب‬ ‫سلم الوصول إلى علم األصول للشيخ حافظ الحكمي‬

Kashf ash-Shubuhāt Al-‘Aqeedah aṭ-Ṭaḥāwiyyah

3 By Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhāb 3 By Al-Imām aṭ-Ṭaḥāwī
‫كشف الشبهات للشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب‬ ‫العقيدة الطحاوية لإلمام الطحاوي‬

Fiqh & Its Principles

‫الفقه وأصوله‬

1 An Introduction to the Science of Fiqh

‫املدخل إلى علم الفقه‬
Introductory Level
2 An Introduction to the Science of Uṣool al-Fiqh
‫املدخل إلى علم أصول الفقه‬
At this level, you gain a basic understanding of the sciences
3 An Introduction to al-Qawā‘id al-Fiqhiyyah that make up Fiqh and Its Principles. These introductory
‫املدخل إلى علم القواعد الفقهية‬ courses provide essential background to the sciences, so that
once you begin studying a text, you already have a grasp of
4 An Introduction to the Science of Maqāṣid the basics. Each introduction has an exam, as well as a final
‫املدخل إلى علم مقاصد الشريعة‬ exam for this introductory level.

5 An Introduction to the Science of Takhreej al-Furoo‘ The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
‫املدخل إلى علم تخريج الفروع على األصول‬ completed your introduction to studying at AMAU exam and
that you have at least started studying the pathway of
6 An Introduction to al-Furooq al-Fiqhiyyah ‘Aqeedah and the Foundations of the Religion.
‫املدخل إلى الفــروق الفقهيــة‬
There is no specific text to memorise at this level.
7 An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Debate
‫املدخل في علم الجدل واملناظرة‬ After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
the beginner's level texts.
8 Final Exam: Introductory Level Fiqh & Its Principles
‫االختبار النهائي‬

Fiqh & Its Principles

‫الفقه وأصوله‬

1 Al-Furoo‘ al-Fiqhiyyah: Matn Abī Shujā‘

By Aḥmad ibn al-Hussayn al-Aṣfahānī
‫منت أبي شجاع ألحمد بن الحسني األصفهاني‬ Beginner's Level
2 Uṣool al-Fiqh: al-Waraqāt by Abūl-Ma‘ālī al-Juwaynī ‫مرحلة املبتدئني‬
‫الورقات ألبي املعالي الجويني‬
At this level, you begin your study of classical texts in Fiqh and
3 Al-Qawā‘id: Īḍaaḥ al-Qawā’id al-Fiqhiyyah Its Principles, using the knowledge that you have gained at
By ‘Abdullāh ibn Sa‘eed al-Laḥijī the introductory level. Each book has an exam, as well as a
‫إيضاح القواعد الفقهية لعبد اهلل بن سعيد اللحجي‬ final exam for the entire level.

4 Al-Furooq al-Fiqhiyyah: al-Jam‘ wal-Farq (I) by Abūl-Ma‘ālī al-Juwaynī The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
‫الجمع والفرق ]الجزء األول[ ألبي املعالي الجويني‬
completed your introductory level exam in Fiqh and Its
5 Takhreej al-Furoo‘: at-Tamheed fī Takhreej al-Furoo‘ (I) by Al-Isnawī
‫التمهيد في تخريج الفروع على األصول ]الجزء األول[ لإلسنوي‬ At this level, you should begin the memorisation programme,
which is listed separately.
6 History & Terminology: al-Madh-hab ‘inda ash-Shāfi‘iyyah
By Dr. Ibrāhīm Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Aḥmad ‘Alī After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
‫املذهب عند الشافعية للدكتور إبراهيم محمد إبراهيم أحمد علي‬ the intermediate level texts.

7 Al-Furoo‘ al-Fiqhiyyah: al-Yāqoot an-Nafees

By Aḥmad ibn ‘Umar ash-Shāṭirī
‫الياقوت النفيس ألحمد بن عمر الشاطري‬

Fiqh & Its Principles

‫الفقه وأصوله‬

8 Al-Khilāfiyyāt: ad-Durrah al-Miṣriyyah

By Abūl-Ma‘ālī al-Juwaynī Beginner's Level (Cont.)
‫الدرة املصرية ألبي املعالي الجويني‬
‫مرحلة املبتدئني‬
9 Fatāwā & Application: Fatāwā al-Qāḍī
By al-Qāḍī Ḥussayn ash-Shāfi‘ī
This is the continuation of the beginner's level in Fiqh and Its
‫فتاوى القاضي حسني الشافعي‬
Principles. Each book has an exam, as well as a final exam for
the entire level.
10 Ṭabaqāt al-Aṣ-ḥāb: Ṭabaqāt ash-Shāfi‘iyyah al-Kubrā
By Tāj ad-Deen as-Subkī
After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
‫طبقات الشافعية الكبرى لتاج الدين السبكي‬
the intermediate level texts.

11 Final Exam: Beginner's Level Fiqh & Its Principles

‫االختبار النهائي‬

Fiqh & Its Principles

‫الفقه وأصوله‬

1 Al-Furoo‘ al-Fiqhiyyah: az-Zubad by Ibn Raslān

‫الزبد البن رسالن‬
Intermediate Level
2 Uṣool al-Fiqh: al-Luma’ by Abū Is-ḥāq ash-Shīrāzī
‫اللمع ألبي إسحاق الشيرازي‬ ‫مرحلة املتوسطني‬
3 Al-Qawā‘id: al-Ashbāh wan-Nađhā’ir by as-Suyooṭī At this level, you progress in your study of classical texts in
‫األشباه والنظائر للسيوطي‬ Fiqh and Its Principles, building upon what you have learned
in the beginner's level. Each book has an exam, as well as a
4 al-Furooq al-Fiqhiyyah: al-Jam‘ wal-Farq (II) final exam for the level.
by Abūl-Ma‘ālī al-Juwaynī
‫الجمع والفرق ]الجزء الثاني[ ألبي املعالي الجويني‬ The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
completed your beginner's level exam in Fiqh and its
5 Takhreej al-Furoo‘: at-Tamheed fī Takhreej al-Furoo‘ (II) Principles.
By al-Isnawī
‫التمهيد في تخريج الفروع على األصول ]الجزء الثاني[ لإلسنوي‬ At this level, you should continue progressing through the
memorisation programme, which is detailed separately.
6 Al-Jadal: al-Ma‘oonah fil-Jadal (I)
By Abū Is-ḥāq ash-Shīrāzī After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
‫املعونة في الجدل ]الجزء األول[ ألبي إسحاق الشيرازي‬ the advanced level texts. However, you must first complete
at least the beginner's level in all other pathways.
7 Al-Furoo‘ al-Fiqhiyyah: ‘Umdat-us-Sālik
By Ibn an-Naqeeb al-Miṣrī
‫عمدة السالك البن النقيب املصري‬

Fiqh & Its Principles

‫الفقه وأصوله‬

8 History & Terminology: al-Madkhal ilaa Dirāsat al-Madh-hab

By Dr. Akram al-Qawāsimī
‫املدخل إلى دراسة املذهب الشافعي للدكتور أكرم القواسمي‬

9 Al-Khilāfiyyāt: al-Iṣṭilām by Abūl-Muđhaffar as-Sam‘ānī

Intermediate Level (Cont.)
‫االصطالم ألبي املظفر السمعاني‬ ‫مرحلة املتوسطني‬
10 Fatāwā & Application: Fatāwā al-Baghawī
This is the continuation of the intermediate level in Fiqh and
By al-Imām al-Ḥussayn ibn Mas‘ood al-Baghawī
Its Principles. Each book has an exam, as well as a final exam
‫فتاوى البغوي لإلمام الحسني بن مسعود البغوي‬
for the entire level.

11 Ṭabaqāt al-Aṣ-ḥāb: Ṭabaqāt ash-Shāfi‘iyyah After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
By Ibn Hidāyatullāh al-Ḥusaynī the advanced level texts. However, you must first complete
‫طبقات الشافعية البن هداية اهلل الحسيني‬ at least the beginner's level in all other pathways.

12 Final Exam: Intermediate Level Fiqh & Its Principles

‫االختبار النهائي‬

Fiqh & Its Principles

‫الفقه وأصوله‬

1 History & Terminology: Muqaddimah Nihaayat-ul-Maṭlab by

Dr. ‘Abdul-Ađheem ad-Deeb Advanced Level (Non-Specialised)
‫مقدمة العالمة الدكتور عبدالعظيم الديب على نهاية املطلب للجويني‬
(‫مرحلة املنتهني )غير املتخصصني‬
2 Al-Furoo‘ al-Fiqhiyyah: al-Minhāj by al-Imām an-Nawawī
‫املنهاج لإلمام النووي‬ At this level, you progress to the most advanced level in your
study of classical texts in Fiqh and Its Principles. Each book
3 Uṣool al-Fiqh: Jam‘ al-Jawām’i by Tāj ad-Deen as-Subkī has an exam, as well as a final exam for the level.
‫جمع الجوامع لتاج الدين السبكي‬
The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
4 Al-Qawā‘id: al-Majmoo‘ al-Mudh-hab by Khaleel Kīkaldī al-‘Alā’ī completed your intermediate level exam in Fiqh and Its
‫املجموع املذهب في قواعد املذهب لخليل كيكلدي العالئي‬ Principles, as well as having successfully completed
beginner's level exams in all other pathways.
5 Al-Furooq al-Fiqhiyyah: al-Jam‘ wal-Farq (III) by Abūl-Ma‘ālī al-Juwaynī
‫الجمع والفرق ]الجزء الثالث[ ألبي املعالي الجويني‬
At this level, you should aim to finish the memorisation
programme, which is detailed separately.
6 Takhreej al-Furoo‘: at-Tamheed fī Takhreej al-Furoo‘ (III) by al-Isnawī
‫التمهيد في تخريج الفروع على األصول ]الجزء الثالث[ لإلسنوي‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you will be
certified in the sciences of Fiqh and Its Principles.
7 Al-Jadal: al-Ma‘oonah fil-Jadal (II) by Abū Is-ḥāq ash-Shīrāzī
‫املعونة في الجدل ]الجزء الثاني[ ألبي إسحاق لشيرازي‬

Fiqh & Its Principles

‫الفقه وأصوله‬

8 Al-Furoo‘ al-Fiqhiyyah: Irshād al-Ghāwī ilā Masālik al-Ḥāwī

By Ibn al-Muqrī
‫إرشاد الغاوي إلى مسالك الحاوي البن املقري‬

9 Al-Khilāfiyyāt: an-Nukat fīl-Khilāfiyyāt Advanced Level (Non-Specialised)

By Abū Is-ḥāq ash-Shīrāzī
‫النكت في الخالفيات ألبي إسحاق الشيرازي‬
(‫مرحلة املنتهني )غير املتخصصني‬
10 Fatāwā & Application: Fatāwā Ibn aṣ-Ṣalāḥ This is the continuation of the advanced level in Fiqh and Its
By Abū ‘Amr Ibn aṣ-Ṣalāḥ Principles. Each book has an exam, as well as a final exam for
‫فتاوى ابن الصالح‬ the entire level.

11 Ṭabaqāt al-Aṣ-ḥāb: Ṭabaqāt ash-Shāfi‘iyyah After successfully completing your final exam, you will be
By ‘Abdullāh ash-Sharqāwī certified in the sciences of Fiqh and Its Principles.
‫طبقات الشافعية لعبد اهلل الشرقاوي‬

12 Final Exam: Advanced Level Fiqh & Its Principles

‫االختبار النهائي‬

Fiqh & Its Principles

‫الفقه وأصوله‬

Memorisation Programme
‫حفظ متون العقيدة وأصول الدين‬


1 By Ibn Raslān
Selected Lines from az-Zubad ‫الزبد البن رسالن‬
1 By Ibn Raslān
‫أبيات مختارة من الزبد البن رسالن‬ Alfiyyat-ul-Birmāwī
or 2 By Muḥammad ibn ‘Abd-ud-Dā’im al-Birmāwī
Manđhoomah al-Qawā‘id al-Fiqhiyyah ‫ألفية البرماوي ملحمد بن عبد الدائم البرماوي‬
2 By Shaykh ‘Abdurraḥmān ibn Nāṣir as-Si‘dī
‫منظومة القواعد الفقهية للشيخ عبد الرحمن السعدي‬ Al-Farā’id al-Bahiyyah
3 By Abū Bakr ibn Abīl-Qāsim al-Ahdal
‫الفرائد البهية ألبي بكر بن أبي القاسم األهدل‬

Tafseer & The Sciences of the Qur’ān

‫التفسير وعلوم القرآن‬

An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’ān

Introductory Level
1 ‫املدخل إلى علوم القرآن‬ ‫املداخل‬
At this level, you gain a basic understanding of Tafseer and
An Introduction to the Science of Tajweed the Sciences of the Qur’ān. These introductory courses
2 ‫املدخل إلى علم التجويد‬ provide essential background to the sciences, so that once
you begin studying a text, you already have a grasp of the
basics. Each introduction has an exam, as well as a final exam
An Introduction to the Science of the Qirā’āt for this introductory level.
3 ‫املدخل إلى علم القراءات‬
The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
completed your introduction to studying at AMAU exam and
that you have at least started studying the pathway of
An Introduction to the Science of Tafseer ‘Aqeedah and the Foundations of the Religion.
4 ‫املدخل إلى علم التفسير‬
There is no specific text to memorise at this level.

An Introduction to the Science of Numbering Āyāt After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
5 ‫املدخل إلى علم عد اآلي‬ the beginner's level texts.

Tafseer & The Sciences of the Qur’ān

‫التفسير وعلوم القرآن‬

An Introduction to the Science of

6 Writing the Muṣḥaf
‫املدخل إلى علم رسم املصحف‬
Introductory Level
An Introduction to the Science ‫املداخل‬
7 of Deriving Rulings from the Qur’ān
‫املدخل إلى علم االستنباط من القرآن‬ This is the continuation of the introductory level in Tafseer
and the Sciences of the Qur’ān. Each book has an exam, as
An Introduction to the Manners of Those well as a final exam for the entire level.
8 Who Carry the Qur’ān in their Hearts
‫املدخل إلى آداب حملة القرآن‬ After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
the beginner's level texts.
Final Exam: Introductory Level Tafseer
9 & The Sciences of the Qur’ān
‫االختبار النهائي‬

Tafseer & The Sciences of the Qur’ān

‫التفسير وعلوم القرآن‬

Tajweed: Tuḥfat-ul-Aṭfāl Beginner's Level
By Sulaymān al-Jamzoorī
‫تحفة األطفال لسليمان الجمزوري‬ ‫مرحلة املبتدئني‬
Qirā’āt: ash-Shāṭibiyyah: Ḥirz-ul-Amānī wa Wajh-ut-Tahānī At this level, you begin your study of classical texts in Tafseer
2 (I) by Abū Muḥammad al-Qāsim ibn Fīrruh ash-Shāṭibī and the Sciences of the Qur’ān, using the knowledge that you
‫ حرز األماني ووجه التهاني ]الجزء األول[ ألبي محمد‬:‫الشاطبية‬ have gained at the introductory level. Each book has an exam,
‫القاسم بن فيره الشاطبي‬ as well as a final exam for the level.
Principles of Tafseer: Muqaddimah fī Uṣool The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
3 at-Tafseer by Shaykh-ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah completed your introductory level exam in Tafseer and the
‫مقدمة في أصول التفسير لشيخ اإلسالم ابن تيمية‬ Sciences of the Qur’ān.
Tafseer: Words with the Same Meaning: At this level, you should begin the memorisation programme,
4 Ḥusn-ul-Bayān fī Nađhm Mushtarakāt al- which is detailed separately.
Qur’ān by ‘Abdul-Hādī ibn Riḍwān al-Abyārī
‫حسن البيان في نظم مشتركات القرآن لعبد الهادي بن رضوان األبياري‬ After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
the intermediate level texts.
Tafseer: Unusual Words: Tuḥfat-ul-Areeb
5 By Abūl-Ḥayyān al-Andalusī
‫تحفة األريب بما في القرآن من الغريب ألبي الحيان األندلسي‬

Tafseer & The Sciences of the Qur’ān

‫التفسير وعلوم القرآن‬

6 Tafseer: Word Meanings: Kalimāt al-Qur’ān Tafseer wa

Bayān by Ḥasanayn Muḥammad Makhloof
‫كلمات القرآن تفسير وبيان لحسنني محمد مخلوف‬

7 Tajweed: al-Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah by Ibn ul-Jazarī

‫املقدمة الجزرية البن الجزري‬ Beginner's Level (Cont.)
8 Sciences of the Qur’ān: Itmām ad-Dirāyah li-Qurā’ ‫مرحلة املبتدئني‬
an-Nuqāyah by Jalāl ad-Deen as-Suyooṭī
‫إتمام الدراية لقراء النقاية لجالل الدين السيوطي‬ This is the continuation of the beginner's level in Tafseer and
the Sciences of the Qur’ān. Each book has an exam, as well as
9 Stopping and Starting in the Qur’ān: Manār al-Hudā a final exam for the entire level.
By Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn ‘Abdul-Kareem al-Ashmūnī
‫منار الهدى في بيان الوقف واالبتداء ألشموني‬ After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
the intermediate level texts.
10 Manners of Those Carrying the Qur’ān: Akhlāq
Hamilah al-Qur’ān by Imām al-Ājurī
‫أخالق حملة القرآن لآلجري‬

11 Final Exam: Beginner's Level Tafseer & The Sciences

of the Qur’ān
‫االختبار النهائي‬

Tafseer & The Sciences of the Qur’ān

‫التفسير وعلوم القرآن‬

Intermediate Level
Qirā’āt: ash-Shāṭibiyyah: Ḥirz-ul-Amānī wa Wajh-ut-Tahānī (II)
By Abū Muḥammad al-Qāsim ibn Fīrruh ash-Shāṭibī ‫مرحلة املتوسطني‬
‫ حرز األماني ووجه التهاني ]الجزء الثاني[ ألبي محمد القاسم بن فيره الشاطبي‬:‫الشاطبية‬
At this level, you progress in your study of classical texts in
Sciences of the Qur’ān: Mawāqi‘ al-‘Uloom fī Mawāqi‘ an-Nujoom Tafseer and the Sciences of the Qur’ān, building upon what
By Jalāl ad-Deen al-Bulqīnī you have learned in the beginner's level. Each book has an
‫مواقع العلوم في مواقع النجوم لجالل الدين البلقيني‬ exam, as well as a final exam for the level.

Tafseer: Similarities and Differences: Nuzat-ul-A‘yun an-Nawāđhir The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
By Abūl-Faraj Ibn-ul-Jawzī completed your beginner's level exam in Tafseer and the
‫نزهة األعني النواظر في علم الوجوه والنظائر ألبي الفرج ابن الجوزي‬ Sciences of the Qur’ān.

Tafseer: The Objectives of Each Sūrah: Aghrāḍ Suwar al-Qur’ān al- At this level, you should continue progressing through the
Kareem fī Tafseer at-Taḥrīr wat-Tanwīr by Ibn ‘Āshoor memorisation programme, which is detailed separately.
‫أغراض سور القرآن في تفسير التحرير والتنوير البن عاشور‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
Summarised Tafseer: Tafseer al-Jalālayn the advanced level texts. However, you must first complete
5 at least the beginner's level in all other pathways.
By Jalāl ad-Deen al-Maḥallī and Jalāl ad-Deen as-Suyooṭī
‫تفسير الجاللني لجالل الدين املحلي وجالل الدين السيوطي‬

Tafseer & The Sciences of the Qur’ān

‫التفسير وعلوم القرآن‬

Writing the Muṣḥaf: ‘Aqeelatu-Atrāb al-Qaṣā’ id

By Abū Muḥammad al-Qāsim ibn Fīrruh ash-Shāṭibī
‫عقيلة أتراب القصائد ألبي محمد القاسم بن فيره الشاطبي‬

7 Qirā’āt: ad-Durrah al-Muḍiyyah

By Ibn-ul-Jazarī
Intermediate Level (Cont.)
‫الدرة املضية في القراءات الثالث املرضية البن الجزري‬ ‫مرحلة املتوسطني‬
Numbering Āyāt: Nādhimah az-Zuhr fee ‘Ad al-Āy
8 This is the continuation of the intermediate level in Tafseer
By Abū Muḥammad al-Qāsim ibn Fīrruh ash-Shāṭibī
and the Sciences of the Qur’ān. Each book has an exam, as
‫ناظمة الزهر في عد آي السور ألبي محمد القاسم بن فيره الشاطبي‬
well as a final exam for the entire level.

Manners of Those Carrying the Qur’ān: At-Tibyān fee Ādāb

9 After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
Hamilah al-Qur’ān by al-Imām an-Nawawī
the advanced level texts. However, you must first complete
‫التبيان في آداب حملة القرآن للنووي‬
at least the beginner's level in all other pathways.

Final Exam: Intermediate Level Tafseer &

The Sciences of the Qur’ān
‫االختبار النهائي‬

Tafseer & The Sciences of the Qur’ān

‫التفسير وعلوم القرآن‬

Qirā’āt: Ṭayyibat-un-Nashr fīl-Qirā’āt al-‘Ashr

By Ibn-ul-Jazarī
‫طيبة النشر في القراءات العشر البن الجزري‬
Advanced Level (Non-Specialised)
(‫مرحلة املنتهني )غير املتخصصني‬
Sciences of the Qur’ān: al-Itqān fī ‘Uloom al-Qur’ān
By Jalāl ad-Deen as-Suyooṭī
‫اإلتقان في علوم القرآن للسيوطي‬ At this level, you progress to the most advanced level in your
study of classical texts in Tafseer and the Sciences of the
Qur’ān. Each book has an exam, as well as a final exam for the
Subtle Differences: Kashf al-Ma‘ānī fī Mutashābih al-Mathānī
3 level.
By Badr-ud-Deen ibn Jamā‘ah
‫كشف املعاني في متشابه املثاني لبدر الدين بن جماعة‬
The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
completed your intermediate level exam in Tafseer and the
Detailed Tafseer: Jāmi‘ al-Bayān fī Tafseer al-Qur’ān
4 Sciences of the Qur’ān, as well as having successfully
By aṭ-Ṭabarī
‫جامع البيان في تفسير القرآن لإلمام الطبري‬
completed beginner's level exams in all other pathways.

At this level, you should aim to finish the memorisation

Legal Rulings in the Qur’ān: al-Jāmi‘ fī Aḥkām al-Qur’ān
5 programme, which is detailed separately.
By al-Qurṭubī
‫الجامع ألحكام القرآن للقرطبي‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you will be
certified in Tafseer & the Sciences of the Qur’ān.
Final Exam: Advanced Level Tafseer & The Sciences
of the Qur’ān
‫االختبار النهائي‬

Tafseer & The Sciences of the Qur’ān

‫التفسير وعلوم القرآن‬

Memorisation Programme
‫حفظ متون العقيدة وأصول الدين‬


1 Tuḥfat-ul-Aṭfāl by Sulaymān al-Jamzoorī 1 Al-Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah by Ibn al-Jazarī

‫تحفة األطفال لسليمان الجمزوري‬ ‫املقدمة الجزرية البن الجزري‬

2 Ash-Shāṭibiyyah: Introduction by Abū Muḥammad 2 Manđhoomat-uz-Zamzamī by ‘Abdul-‘Azeez

al-Qāsim ibn Fīrruh ash-Shāṭibī az-Zamzamī
‫منت الشاطبية ألبي محمد القاسم بن فيره الشاطبي‬ ‫منظومة الزمزمي لعبد العزيز الزمزمي‬

3 Manđhoomat-uz-Zamzamī
or 3 Ash-Shāṭibiyyah by Abū Muḥammad al-Qāsim
by ‘Abdul-‘Azeez az-Zamzamī ibn Fīrruh ash-Shāṭibī
‫منظومة الزمزمي لعبد العزيز الزمزمي‬ ‫منت الشاطبية ألبي محمد القاسم بن فيره الشاطبي‬

4 Ḥusn-ul-Bayān fī Nađhm Mushtarakāt al-Qur’ān 4 Ad-Durrah al-Muḍiyyah by Ibn-ul-Jazarī

By ‘Abdul-Hādī ibn Riḍwān al-Abyārī ‫الدرة املضية في القراءات الثالث املرضية البن الجزري‬
‫حسن البيان في نظم مشتركات القرآن لعبد الهادي بن رضوان األبياري‬
more books

Tafseer & The Sciences of the Qur’ān

‫التفسير وعلوم القرآن‬


5 Ṭayyibat-un-Nashr fīl-Qirā’āt al-‘Ashr by Ibn-ul-Jazarī

‫طيبة النشر في القراءات العشر البن الجزري‬

6 Ḥusn-ul-Bayān fī Nađhm Mushtarakāt al-Qur’ān

By ‘Abdul-Hādī ibn Riḍwān al-Abyārī
‫حسن البيان في نظم مشتركات القرآن لألبياري‬

7 ‘Aqeelatu-Atrāb al-Qaṣā’ id
By Abū Muḥammad al-Qāsim ibn Fīrruh ash-Shāṭibī
‫عقيلة أتراب القصائد ألبي محمد القاسم بن فيره الشاطبي‬

8 Tuḥfat-ul-Areeb by Abūl-Ḥayyān al-Andalusī

‫تحفة األريب بما في القرآن من الغريب ألبي الحيان األندلسي‬

9 Alfiyyatu al-Ghareeb by Ibn-ul-’Ālim az-Zajlawi

‫ألفية الغريب البن العالم الزجلوي‬

Hadeeth & Its Sciences

‫الحديث وعلومه‬

1 An Introduction to the Science of Terminologies

‫املدخل إلى علم املصطلح‬
Introductory Level
2 An Introduction to the Science of Narrators
‫املدخل إلى علم الرجال‬
3 An Introduction to the History of the Sunnah At this level, you gain a basic understanding of Hadeeth & Its
‫املدخل إلى تاريخ السنة‬ Sciences. These introductory courses provide essential
background to the sciences, so that once you begin studying
4 An Introduction to the Science of Defects of Hadeeth a text, you already have a grasp of the basics. Each
‫املدخل إلى علم علل الحديث‬
introduction has an exam, as well as a final exam for this
introductory level.
5 An Introduction to Studying the Nine Books of Hadeeth
‫املدخل إلى دراسة الكتب التسعة‬
The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
6 An Introduction to Studying Chains of Narration completed your introduction to studying at AMAU exam and
‫املدخل إلى دراسة األسانيد‬ that you have at least started studying the pathway of
‘Aqeedah and the Foundations of the Religion.
7 An Introduction to the Science of Takhreej
‫املدخل إلى علم التخريج‬ There is no specific text to memorise at this level.

8 An Introduction to Explaining Hadeeth After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
‫املدخل إلى علم شرح الحديث‬ the beginner's level texts.

9 Final Exam: Introductory Level Hadeeth & Its Sciences

‫االختبار النهائي‬

Hadeeth & Its Sciences

‫الحديث وعلومه‬

1 The Science of Hadeeth: al-Manđhoomah al Bayqooniyyah

By ‘Umar ibn Muḥammad ibn Fatooḥ al-Bayqoonī
‫املنظومة البيقونية لعمر بن محمد بن فتوح البيقوني‬
Beginner's Level
2 Hadeeth Texts: al-Arba‘oon an-Nawawiyyah (with the
‫مرحلة املبتدئني‬
additions of Ibn Rajab) by Abū Zakariyyā Yaḥyā ibn Sharaf
an-Nawawī At this level, you begin your study of classical texts in Hadeeth
‫االربعون النووية مع الزيادات الرجبية لإلمام أبي زكريا يحيى بن شرف النووي‬ & Its Sciences, using the knowledge that you have gained at
the introductory level. Each book has an exam, as well as a
3 The Science of Hadeeth: Nukhbat-ul-Fikr final exam for the level.
by al-Ḥāfiđh Ibn Ḥajar al-‘Asqalānī
‫نخبة الفكر في مصطلح أهل األثر للحافظ ابن حجر العسقالني‬ The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
completed your introductory level exam in Hadeeth & Its
4 Takhreej: Uṣool at-Takhreej by Maḥmood aṭ-Ṭaḥḥān Sciences.
‫أصول التخريج ودراسة األسانيد ملحمود الطحان‬
At this level, you should begin the memorisation programme,
5 Hadeeth of Legal Rulings: ‘Umdat-ul-Aḥkām which is detailed separately.
By al-Ḥāfiđh ‘Abdul-Ghaniyy al-Maqdisī
‫عمدة األحكام في كالم خير األنام للحافظ عبد الغني املقدسي‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
Hadeeth Texts: Riyāḍ aṣ-Ṣāliḥeen the intermediate level texts.
By Abū Zakariyyā Yaḥyā ibn Sharaf an-Nawawī
‫رياض الصالحني لإلمام أبي زكريا يحيى بن شرف النووي‬

Final Exam: Beginner's Level Hadeeth

‫االختبار النهائي‬

Hadeeth & Its Sciences

‫الحديث وعلومه‬

Intermediate Level
Al-Jarḥ wat-Ta‘deel: Ḍawābiṭ al-Jarḥ wat-Ta‘deel
By Dr. ‘Abdul-Azeez al-‘Abd al-Laṭeef ‫مرحلة املتوسطني‬
‫ضوابط الجرح والتعديل للدكتور عبد العزيز العبد اللطيف‬
At this level, you progress in your study of classical texts in
Hadeeth of Legal Rulings: Buloogh al-Marām Hadeeth & Its Sciences, building upon what you have learned
By al-Ḥāfiđh Ibn Ḥajar al-‘Asqalānī in the beginner's level. Each book has an exam, as well as a
‫بلوغ املرام من أدلة األحكام للحافظ ابن حجر‬ final exam for the level.

The Science of Hadeeth: Ikhtiṣār ‘Uloom al-Ḥadeeth The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
By al-Ḥāfiđh Ibn Katheer completed your beginner's level exam in Hadeeth & Its
‫اختصار علوم الحديث للحافظ ابن كثير‬ Sciences.

Takhreej: at-Ta’ṣeel li-Uṣool at-Takhreej At this level, you should continue progressing through the
By Shaykh Bakr Abū Zayd memorisation programme, which is detailed separately.
‫التأصيل ألصول التخريج وقواعد الجرح والتعديل للشيخ بكر أبو زيد‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
Hidden Defects: Qawā‘id al-‘Ilal wa Qarā’in at-Tarjeeḥ the advanced level texts. However, you must first complete
5 at least the beginner's level in all other pathways.
By ‘Ādil ibn ‘Abd ash-Shakoor az-Zuraqī
‫قواعد العلل وقرائن الترجيح لعادل بن عبد الشكور الزرقي‬

Hadeeth & Its Sciences

‫الحديث وعلومه‬

Intermediate Level(Cont.)
Hidden Defects: Kitāb at-Tamyeez
By al-Imām Muslim ‫مرحلة املتوسطني‬
‫كتاب التمييز لإلمام مسلم‬
This is the continuation of the intermediate level in Hadeeth &
Hadeeth Texts: al-Lu’lu’ wal-Marjān
6 Its Sciences. Each book has an exam, as well as a final exam
By Muḥammad Fu’ād ‘Abdul-Bāqī
for the entire level.
‫اللؤلؤ واملرجان فيما اتفق عليه الشيخان ملحمد فؤاد عبد الباقي‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
Final Exam: Intermediate Level Hadeeth & Its Sciences the advanced level texts. However, you must first complete
‫االختبار النهائي‬ at least the beginner's level in all other pathways.

Hadeeth & Its Sciences

‫الحديث وعلومه‬

Advanced Level (Non-Specialised)

Al-Jarḥ wat-Ta‘deel: Shifā’ al-‘Aleel
By Abūl-Ḥasan Muṣṭafā ibn Ismā‘eel (‫مرحلة املنتهني )غير املتخصصني‬
‫شفاء العليل بألفاظ وقواعد الجرح والتعديل ألبي الحسن مصطفى بن إسماعيل‬
At this level, you progress to the most advanced level in your
The Science of Hadeeth: Alfiyyat-ul-‘Irāqī study of classical texts in Hadeeth & Its Sciences. Each book
By al-Ḥāfiđh Abūl-Faḍl Zayn-ud-Deen al-‘Irāqī has an exam, as well as a final exam for the level.
‫ألفية العراقي للحافظ أبي الفضل زين الدين العراقي‬
The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
Hidden Defects: al-Ilzāmāt wat-Tatabu‘ completed your intermediate level exam in Hadeeth & Its
By al-Imām ad-Dāraquṭnī Sciences, as well as having successfully completed beginner's
‫اإللزامات والتتبع لإلمام الدارقطني‬ level exams in all other pathways.

Hidden Defects: Sharḥ ‘Ilal at-Tirmidhī At this level, you should aim to finish the memorisation
By al-Ḥāfiđh Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī programme, which is detailed separately.
‫شرح علل الترمذي للحافظ ابن رجب الحنبلي‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you will be
Hadeeth Texts: al-Jām‘i aṣ-Ṣaḥeeḥ certified in Hadeeth & Its Sciences.
By al-Imām Muḥammad ibn Ismā‘eel al-Bukhārī
‫الجامع الصحيح لإلمام محمد بن إسماعيل البخاري‬

Hadeeth & Its Sciences

‫الحديث وعلومه‬

Hadeeth Texts: Ṣaḥeeḥ Muslim by al-Imām Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj

‫صحيح مسلم لإلمام مسلم بن الحجاج‬

Hadeeth Texts: Sunan Abī Dāwood

By al-Imām Abū Dāwood as-Sijistānī
‫سنن أبي داود لإلمام أبي داود السجستاني‬
Advanced Level (Non-Specialised)
Hadeeth Texts: Sunan an-Nasā’ī [aṣ-Ṣughrā]
(‫مرحلة املنتهني )غير املتخصصني‬
By al-Imām Aḥmad ibn Shu‘ayb an-Nasā’ī
‫سنن النسائي ]الصغرى[ لإلمام أحمد بن شعيب النسائي‬ This is the continuation of the advanced level in Hadeeth & Its
Sciences. Each book has an exam, as well as a final exam for
Hadeeth Texts: Jāmi‘ at-Tirmidhī by al-Imām Abū ‘Eesā at-Tirmidhī the entire level.
‫جامع الترمذي لإلمام أبي عيسى الترمذي‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you will be
Hadeeth Texts: Sunan Ibn Mājah by al-Imām Ibn Mājah al-Qazweenī
10 certified in Hadeeth & Its Sciences.
‫سنن ابن ماجة لإلمام ابن ماجة القزويني‬

Hadeeth Texts: al-Muwaṭṭa’ by al-Imām Mālik ibn Anas

‫املوطأ لإلمام مالك بن أنس‬

Final Exam: Advanced Level Hadeeth & Its Sciences

‫االختبار النهائي‬

Hadeeth & Its Sciences

‫الحديث وعلومه‬

Memorisation Programme
‫حفظ متون العقيدة وأصول الدين‬


Al-Manđhoomah al-Bayqooniyyah 1 Al-Arba‘oon an-Nawawiyyah (with the additions of Ibn

1 Rajab) by Abū Zakariyyā Yaḥyā ibn Sharaf an-Nawawī
By ‘Umar ibn Muḥammad ibn Fatooḥ al-Bayqoonī
‫االربعون النووية مع الزيادات الرجبية لإلمام النووي‬
‫املنظومة البيقونية لعمر بن محمد بن فتوح البيقوني‬
2 Alfiyyat-ul-‘Irāqī
2 al-Arba‘oon an-Nawawiyyah (with the additions of Ibn By al-Ḥāfiđh Abūl-Faḍl Zayn-ud-Deen al-‘Irāqī
Rajab) by Abū Zakariyyā Yaḥyā ibn Sharaf an-Nawawī ‫ألفية العراقي للحافظ أبي الفضل زين الدين العراقي‬
‫االربعون النووية مع الزيادات الرجبية لإلمام النووي‬
or 3 Buloogh al-Marām
3 Qaṣab as-Sukkar Nađhm Nukhbat-ul-Fikr By al-Ḥāfiđh Ibn Ḥajar al-‘Asqalānī
By al-Ameer aṣ-Ṣan‘ānī ‫بلوغ املرام من أدلة األحكام للحافظ ابن حجر‬
‫قصب السكر نظم نخبة الفكر لألمير الصنعاني‬
4 Al-Lu’lu’ wal-Marjān
4 ‘Umdat-ul-Aḥkām By Muḥammad Fu’ād ‘Abdul-Bāqī
By al-Ḥāfiđh ‘Abdul-Ghaniyy al-Maqdisī ‫اللؤلؤ واملرجان فيما اتفق عليه الشيخان ملحمد فؤاد عبد الباقي‬
‫عمدة األحكام في كالم خير األنام للحافظ عبد الغني املقدسي‬

Al-Kutub as-Sittah [by memorising the zawā’id of each book]

‫الكتب الستة بحفظ الزوائد من كل كتاب‬

Seerah & History

‫السيرة والتاريخ‬

Introductory Level
An Introduction to the Science of Seerah
‫املدخل إلى علم السيرة‬
At this level, you gain a basic understanding of the sciences
that make up Seerah & History. These introductory courses
An Introduction to the Science of History
2 provide essential background to the sciences, so that once
‫املدخل إلى علم التاريخ‬ you begin studying a text, you already have a grasp of the
basics. Each introduction has an exam, as well as a final exam
for this introductory level.
An Introduction to Matters of Governance
3 The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
‫املدخل إلى مسألة اإلمامة‬
completed your introduction to studying at AMAU exam and
that you have at least started studying the pathway of
‘Aqeedah and the Foundations of the Religion.
Final Exam: Introductory Level
Seerah & History
There is no specific text to memorise at this level.
‫االختبار النهائي‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
the beginner's level texts.

Seerah & History

‫السيرة والتاريخ‬

1 Seerah: al-Urjoozat-ul-Mī’iyyah
By Ibn Abīl-‘Izz al-Ḥanafī
‫األرجوزة امليئية في ذكر حال أشرف البرية البن أبي العز الحنفي‬ Beginner's Level
2 History: Al-Qaseedah al-Lāmiyah fee Tāreekh Khulafā ad-
‫مرحلة املبتدئني‬
Dawlah al-Islāmiyah by Ibn Abīl-‘Izz al-Ḥanafī
‫ ابن العز الحنفي‬- ‫القصيدة الالمية في تاريخ خلفاء الدولة اإلسالمية‬ At this level, you begin your study of classical texts in Seerah &
History, using the knowledge that you have gained at the
3 Matters of Governance: As-Siyāsah Ash-Shar’iyyah Fee Islāh introductory level. Each book has an exam, as well as a final
Ar-Rā’ee war-Ra’iyyah by Shaykh-ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah exam for the level.
‫السياسة الشرعية في إصالح الراعي والرعية‬
The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
4 Seerah: al-Fuṣool fī Seerah ar-Rasool by al-Ḥāfiđh Ibn Katheer completed your introductory level exam in Seerah & History.
‫الفصول في سيرة الرسول للحافظ ابن كثير‬
At this level, you should begin the memorisation programme,
5 History: Tāreekh al-Khulafā’ by Jalāl ad-Deen as-Suyooṭī which is detailed separately.
‫تاريخ الخلفاء لجالل الدين السيوطي‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
the intermediate level texts.
6 Matters of Governance: Giyāth al-Umum fee at-Tiyāth
adh-Dhulum by Abu al-Mu’ālee al-Juwaynee
‫غياث األمم في التياث الظُّ َلم‬

7 Final Exam: Beginner's Level Seerah & History

‫االختبار النهائي‬

Seerah & History

‫السيرة والتاريخ‬

1 Seerah: Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum by Safiur Rahmān

Mubārakpuri / ‫الرحيق املختوم‬
Intermediate Level
2 History: Tāreekh Khaleefah Ibn Khayyāt by Ibn
Khayyāt / ‫تاريخ خليفة بن خياط‬ ‫مرحلة املتوسطني‬
3 Matters of Governance: Ahkām Ahl adh-Dhimmah At this level, you progress in your study of classical texts in
By Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah / ‫أحكام أهل الذمة‬ Seerah & History, building upon what you have learned in the
beginner's level. Each book has an exam, as well as a final
4 Seerah: Alfiyyat-us-Seerah an-Nabawiyyah exam for the level.
By ‘Abdur-Raḥeem ibn al-Ḥussayn al-‘Irāqī
‫ألفية السيرة النبوية لعبد الرحيم بن الحسني العراقي‬ The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
completed your beginner's level exam in Seerah & History.
5 History: Al-’Ibr Fee Khabari Man Ghabar
By Al-Imām Adh-Dhahabi At this level, you should continue progressing through the
‫العبر في خبر من غبر الذهبي‬ memorisation programme, which is detailed separately.

6 Matters of Governance: Al-Ahkām as-Sultāniyyah After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
wal-Wilāyāt ad-Deeniyyah by al-Māwardee the advanced level texts. However, you must first complete
‫األحكام السلطانية والواليات الدينية‬ at least the beginner's level in all other pathways.

7 Final Exam: Intermediate Level Seerah & History

‫االختبار النهائي‬

Seerah & History

‫السيرة والتاريخ‬

1 Seerah: ar-Rawḍ al-Unuf

By Abūl-Qāsim ‘Abdur-Raḥmān as-Suhaylī Advanced Level (Non-Specialised)
‫الروض األُنُف ألبي القاسم عبد الرحمن السهيلي‬
(‫مرحلة املنتهني )غير املتخصصني‬
2 History: Tāreekh al-Islām adh-Dhahabi
By Al-Imām Adh-Dhahabi / ‫تاريخ اإلسالم الذهبي‬ At this level, you progress to the most advanced level in your
study of classical texts in Seerah & History, with the exception
3 Matters of Governance: Al-Ahkām as-Sultāniyyah by Abu Ya’lā of those who will later go on to specialise. Each book has an
Muhammad ibn al-Hussayn al-Farā’ / ‫األحكام السلطانية‬ exam, as well as a final exam for the level.

4 Seerah: Zād al-Ma’ād by Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
‫زاد املعاد ابن قيم الجوزية‬ completed your intermediate level exam in Seerah & History,
as well as having successfully completed beginner's level
5 History: al-Bidāyah wan-Nihāyah by Ibn Katheer exams in all other pathways.
‫البداية والنهاية ابن كثير‬

Matters of Governance: At-Turuq al-Hukmiyyah Fee as-Siyāsah At this level, you should aim to finish the memorisation
ash-Shar’iyyah by Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah programme, which is detailed separately.
‫الطرق الحكمية في السياسة الشرعية‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you will be
7 Final Exam: Advanced Level Seerah & History certified in the sciences of Seerah & History.
‫االختبار النهائي‬

Seerah & History

‫السيرة والتاريخ‬

Memorisation Programme
‫حفظ متون العقيدة وأصول الدين‬


Al-Urjoozat-ul-Mī’iyyah by Ibn Abīl-‘Izz al- Alfiyyat-us-Seerah an-Nabawiyyah

1 Ḥanafī / ‫األرجوزة امليئية في ذكر حال أشرف البرية البن أبي‬ 1 By ‘Abdur-Raḥeem ibn al-Ḥussayn al-‘Irāqī
‫العز الحنفي‬ ‫ألفية السيرة النبوية لعبد الرحيم بن الحسني العراقي‬
Al-Qaseedah al-Lāmiyah fee Tāreekh Khulafā Al-Qaseedah al-Lāmiyah fee Tāreekh Khulafā
2 ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah by Ibn Abīl-‘Izz al- 2 ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah by Ibn Abīl-‘Izz al-
Ḥanafī / ‫القصيدة الالمية في تاريخ خلفاء الدولة اإلسالمية‬ Ḥanafī / ‫القصيدة الالمية في تاريخ خلفاء الدولة اإلسالمية‬
‫ ابن العز الحنفي‬- ‫ ابن العز الحنفي‬-

Sciences of Language & Logic

‫علوم اللغة واملنطق‬

An Introduction to the Sciences of an-Naḥw

Introductory Level
1 and aṣ-Ṣarf / ‫املدخل إلى علمَ ي النحو والصرف‬ ‫املداخل‬
An Introduction to the Fiqh of the Arabic At this level, you gain a basic understanding of the sciences
2 Language / ‫املدخل إلى علم فقه اللغة‬ that make up the Sciences of Language & Logic. These
introductory courses provide essential background to the
An Introduction to Arabic Literature and sciences, so that once you begin studying a text, you already
3 Poetry / ‫املدخل إلى أدب اللغة والشعر‬ have a grasp of the basics. Each introduction has an exam, as
well as a final exam for this introductory level.
An Introduction to the Science of Balāghah
4 The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
‫املدخل إلى علم البالغة‬
completed your introduction to studying at AMAU exam and
that you have at least started studying the pathway of
An Introduction to the Science of Manṭiq ‘Aqeedah and the Foundations of the Religion.
‫املدخل إلى علم املنطق‬
There is no specific text to memorise at this level.
Final Exam: Introductory Level Language &
Logic / ‫االختبار النهائي‬ After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
the beginner's level texts.

Sciences of Language & Logic

‫علوم اللغة واملنطق‬

Grammar & Morphology: al-Ājrūmiyyah
by Ibn Ājurūm / ‫اآلجرومية البن آجروم‬
Beginner's Level
‫مرحلة املبتدئني‬
Poetic Meters & Rhyme: Manđhoomah Ṣafiyuddīn al-Ḥillī by
Ṣafiyuddīn al-Ḥillī / ‫منظومة صفي الدين الح ّلي‬
At this level, you begin your study of classical texts in the
Sciences of Language & Logic, using the knowledge that you
Fiqh-ul-Lughah: Fiqh-ul-Lughah by Ṣubḥī aṣ-Ṣāliḥ
3 have gained at the introductory level. Each book has an exam,
‫فقه اللغة لصبحي الصالح‬
as well as a final exam for the entire level.
Arabic Literature: Lāmiyyat-ul-‘Arab by ash-Shanfarā
4 The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
‫المية العرب للشنفرى‬
completed your introductory level exam in the Sciences of
Balāghah: al-Balāghah al-Muyassarah by ‘Abdul-‘Azīz al-Ḥarbī Language & Logic.
‫البالغة امليسرة لعبد العزيز الحربي‬
At this level, you should begin the memorisation programme,
which is listed separately.
Linguistic Texts: Nađhm Muthallath Quṭrub by Ibn Zurayq
al-Bahnasī / ‫نظم مثلث قطرب ألبي علي محمد بن املستنير‬ After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
the intermediate level texts.
Grammar & Morphology: Mutammimah al-Ājrūmiyyah
7 By Shams-ud-Deen ar-Ru‘aynī al-Ḥaṭṭāb
‫متممة اآلجرومية لشمس الدين الرعيني الحطاب‬

Sciences of Language & Logic

‫علوم اللغة واملنطق‬

Arabic Literature: Bānat Su’ād by the Noble Companion Ka‘b

ibn Zuhayr / ‫بانت سعاد للصحابي الجليل كعب بن زهير‬

Balāghah: Mi’at-ul-Ma‘ānī wal-Bayān by Ibn ash-Shiḥnah

‫الشحنة‬ ‫مائة املعاني والبيان البن‬
Beginner's Level (Cont.)
Linguistic Texts: al-Qaṣīdah ash-Shamaqmaqiyyah
by Ibn al-Wannān / ‫القصيدة الشمقمقية البن الونّان‬ ‫مرحلة املبتدئني‬
Grammar & Morphology: Shadhāl-‘Arf fī Fann aṣ-Ṣarf This is the continuation of the beginner's level in the Sciences
By Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Ḥamalāwī of Language & Logic Each book has an exam, as well as a final
‫شذا العرف في فن الصرف ألحمد بن محمد الحمالوي‬ exam for the entire level.

Arabic Literature: Maqṣūrah Ibn Durayd After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
By Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan ibn Durayd the intermediate level texts.
‫مقصورة بن دريد‬

Linguistic Texts: Kifāyat-ul-Mutaḥaffiđh

By Ibn al-Ajdābī
‫كفاية املتحفظ البن األجدابي‬

Sciences of Language & Logic

‫علوم اللغة واملنطق‬

Logic: as-Sullam al-Munawraq

By al-Akhdari
‫السلم املنورق لألخضري‬ Beginner's Level (Cont.)
‫مرحلة املبتدئني‬
Logic: Matn Isāghuji
By Isāghuji This is the continuation of the beginner's level in the Sciences
‫منت إيساغوجي‬ of Language & Logic Each book has an exam, as well as a final
exam for the entire level.

Final Exam: Beginner's Level Language & Logic After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
13 the intermediate level texts.
‫االختبار النهائي‬

Sciences of Language & Logic

‫علوم اللغة واملنطق‬

Grammar & Morphology: Qaṭr-un-Nadā Intermediate Level

1 by Ibn Hishām al-Anṣārī
‫قطر الندى البن هشام األنصاري‬
‫مرحلة املتوسطني‬
Poetic Meters & Rhyme: Mīzān adh-Dhahab At this level, you progress in your study of classical texts in the
2 By Aḥmad al-Hāshimī / ‫ميزان الذهب ألحمد الهاشمي‬ Sciences of Language & Logic, building upon what you have
learned in the beginner's level. Each book has an exam, as
Fiqh-ul-Lughah: Fiqh-ul-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah well as a final exam for the level.
3 By Qāṣid az-Zaydī / ‫فقة اللغة العربية لقاصد الزيدي‬
The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
completed your beginner's level exam in the Sciences of
Arabic Literature: al-Mu‘allaqāt al-‘Asharah Language & Logic.
By Various Poets/ ‫املعلقات العشرة‬
At this level, you should continue progressing through the
Balāghah: al-Jawhar al-Maknoon memorisation programme, which is detailed separately.
By al-Akhḍarī / ‫الجوهر املكنون لألخضري‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
Linguistic Texts: Mukhtār aṣ-Ṣiḥāḥ the advanced level texts. However, you must first complete
6 at least the beginner's level in all other pathways.
By Abū Bakr ar-Rāzī
‫مختار الصحاح ألبي بكر الرازي‬

Sciences of Language & Logic

‫علوم اللغة واملنطق‬

Poetic Meters & Rhyme: Ahdā Sabeel ilā

7 ‘Ilmay al-Khaleel by Maḥmood Muṣṭafā
‫أهدى سبيل إلى علمي الخليل ملحمود مصطفى‬

Linguistic Texts: Nađhm Muwaṭṭa’t-ul-Faṣeeḥ Intermediate Level (Cont.)
By Ibn al-Muraḥḥal /‫نظم موطأة الفصيح البن املرحل‬
‫مرحلة املتوسطني‬
Grammar & Morphology: Lāmiyyat-ul-Af‘āl
9 By Abū ‘Abdullāh Muḥammad ibn ‘Abdullāh ibn This is the continuation of the intermediate level in the
Mālik /‫المية األفعال ألبي عبد اهلل محمد بن عبد اهلل بن مالك‬ Sciences of Language & Logic. Each book has an exam, as
well as a final exam for the entire level.
Logic: Ādāb al-Bahth wal-Munādharah
By Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shinqeetee After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
‫آداب البحث واملناظرة الشيخ محمد األمني الشنقيطي‬ the advanced level texts. However, you must first complete
at least the beginner's level in all other pathways.
Logic: Tahdheeb ash-Shamiyyah
By at-Taftazāni / ‫تهذيب الشمية للتفتازاني‬

Final Exam: Intermediate Level Language &

Logic / ‫االختبار النهائي‬

Sciences of Language & Logic

‫علوم اللغة واملنطق‬

Grammar & Morphology: Alfiyyah Ibn Mālik

1 By Abū ‘Abdullāh Muḥammad ibn ‘Abdullāh ibn
Mālik / ‫ألفية ابن مالك ألبي عبد اهلل محمد بن عبد اهلل بن مالك‬ Advanced Level (Non-Specialised)
Poetic Meters & Rhyme: al-Kāfiyah ash-Shāfiyah (‫مرحلة املنتهني )غير املتخصصني‬
2 By Muḥammad ibn ‘Alī aṣ-Ṣabbān
‫الكافية الشافية في علمي العروض والقافية ملحمد بن علي الصبان‬ At this level, you progress to the most advanced level in your
study of classical texts in the Sciences of Language & Logic.
Fiqh-ul-Lughah: al-Mizhar fī ‘Uloom al-Lughah Each book has an exam, as well as a final exam for the level.
3 By Jalāl ad-Deen as-Suyooṭī
‫املزهر في علوم اللغة وأنواعها لجالل الدين السيوطي‬ The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
completed your intermediate level exam in the Sciences of
Arabic Literature: Maqāmāt al-Ḥarīrī by Muḥammad Language & Logic, as well as having successfully completed
al-Ḥarīrī / ‫مقامات الحريري‬ beginner's level exams in all other pathways.

Balāghah: ‘Uqood al-Jumān by Jalāl ad-Deen as- At this level, you should aim to finish the memorisation
5 programme, which is detailed separately.
Suyooṭī / ‫عقود الجمان لجالل الدين السيوطي‬
After successfully completing your final exam, you will be
Linguistic Texts: Fiqh-ul-Lughah wa Sirr ul-‘Arabiyyah certified in the sciences of Language & Logic.
By Abū Manṣoor ath-Tha‘ālibī
‫فقة اللغة وسر العربية ألبي منصور الثعالبي‬

Linguistic Texts: aṣ-Ṣiḥāḥ by Ismā‘eel ibn Ḥammād al-

Jawharī / ‫الصحاح إلسماعيل بن حماد الجوهري‬

Sciences of Language & Logic

‫علوم اللغة واملنطق‬

Linguistic Texts: al-Mu‘jam al-Waseeṭ

8 By al-Mujamma‘ al-Lughawī of al-Qāhirah
‫املعجم الوسيط للمجمع اللغوي في القاهرة‬ Advanced Level (Non-Specialised)
Logic: Mi’yār al-’Ilm
(‫مرحلة املنتهني )غير املتخصصني‬
9 By Abu Hāmid Muhammad al-Ghazāli
‫معيار العلم للغزالي‬ This is the continuation of the advanced level in the Sciences
of Language & Logic. Each book has an exam, as well as a
Logic: Ar-Radd ‘alā al-Mantiqiyeen final exam for the entire level.
10 By Shaykh-ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah
‫الرد على املنطقيني ابن تيمية‬ After successfully completing your final exam, you will be
certified in the sciences of Language & Logic.
Final Exam: Advanced Level Language & Logic
‫االختبار النهائي‬

Sciences of Language & Logic

‫علوم اللغة واملنطق‬

Memorisation Programme
‫حفظ متون العقيدة وأصول الدين‬


1 Al-Ājrūmiyyah by Ibn Ājurūm / ‫اآلجرومية البن آجروم‬ 1 Al-Mu‘allaqāt al-‘Asharah by Various Poets
‫املعلقات العشرة‬
2 Manđhoomah Ṣafiyuddīn al-Ḥillī by Ṣafiyuddīn al-Ḥillī Alfiyyah Ibn Mālik by Abū ‘Abdullāh Muḥammad ibn
‫منظومة صفي الدين الح ّلي‬ ‘Abdullāh ibn Mālik
‫ألفية ابن مالك ألبي عبد اهلل محمد بن عبد اهلل بن مالك‬
Lāmiyyat-ul-‘Arab by ash-Shanfarā / ‫المية العرب للشنفرى‬
or 3 ‘Uqood al-Jumān by Jalāl ad-Deen as-Suyooṭī
‫عقود الجمان لجالل الدين السيوطي‬
4 Nađhm Muthallath Quṭrub by Ibn Zurayq al-Bahnasī
‫نظم مثلث قطرب ألبي علي محمد بن املستنير‬
4 Nađhm Muwaṭṭa’t-ul-Faṣeeḥ by Ibn al-Muraḥḥal
‫نظم موطأة الفصيح البن املرحل‬
5 Al-Qaṣīdah ash-Shamaqmaqiyyah by Ibn al-Wannān
‫القصيدة الشمقمقية البن الونّان‬
more books more books

Sciences of Language & Logic

‫علوم اللغة واملنطق‬

Memorisation Programme
‫حفظ متون العقيدة وأصول الدين‬


6 Maqṣūrah Ibn Durayd by Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan ibn

Durayd / ‫مقصورة بن دريد‬
5 Al-Kāfiyah ash-Shāfiyah
7 Al-Jawhar al-Maknoon by al-Akhḍarī By Muḥammad ibn ‘Alī aṣ-Ṣabbān
‫الجوهر املكنون لألخضري‬ ‫الكافية الشافية في علمي العروض والقافية ملحمد بن علي الصبان‬
8 Lāmiyyat-ul-Af’āl by Abū ‘Abdullāh Muḥammad ibn
‘Abdullāh ibn Mālik 6 At-Tayyibiyyah fee ‘Ilm al-Mantiq
‫المية األفعال ألبي عبد اهلل محمد بن عبد اهلل بن مالك‬ By Abu Muhammad Abdus-Salaam ibn at-Tayyib
‫الطيبية في علم املنطق أبي محمد عبد السالم بن الطيب القادري الحسني‬
9 As-Sullam al-Munawraq by al-Akhdari
‫السلم املنورق لألخضري‬

Islamic Etiquette & Personal Development

‫التربية اإلسالمية‬

Introductory Level
An Introduction to Manners At this level, you gain a basic understanding of the sciences
1 ‫املدخل إلى مكارم األخالق‬ that make up Islamic Etiquette and Personal Development.
These introductory courses provide essential background to
the sciences, so that once you begin studying a text, you
An Introduction to Purifying the Soul already have a grasp of the basics. Each introduction has an
2 ‫املدخل إلى تزكية النفوس‬ exam, as well as a final exam for this introductory level.

The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
completed your introduction to studying at AMAU exam and
Final Exam: Introductory Level Etiquette & that you have at least started studying the pathway of
3 Personal Development ‘Aqeedah and the Foundations of the Religion.
‫االختبار النهائي‬
There is no specific text to memorise at this level.

After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to

the beginner's level texts.

Islamic Etiquette & Personal Development

‫التربية اإلسالمية‬

Beginner's Level
Ḥilyatu-Ṭālib al-‘Ilm
‫مرحلة املبتدئني‬
1 By Shaykh Bakr Abū Zayd
At this level, you begin your study of classical texts in Islamic
‫حلية طالب العلم للشيخ بكر أبو زيد‬
Etiquette and Personal Development, using the knowledge
that you have gained at the introductory level. Each book has
Sharḥ Ḥadeeth Mā Dhi‘bāni Jā’i‘ān an exam, as well as a final exam for the level.
2 By al-Imām Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī
‫شرح حديث »ما ذئبان جائعان« لإلمام ابن رجب الحنبلي‬ The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
completed your introductory level exam in Islamic Etiquette
Al-‘Ubūdiyyah and Personal Development.
3 By Shaykh-ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah
‫العبودية لشيخ اإلسالم ابن تيمية‬ At this level, you should begin the memorisation programme,
which is detailed separately.
Final Exam: Beginner's Level ِEtiquette & After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
Personal Development the intermediate level texts.
‫االختبار النهائي‬

Islamic Etiquette & Personal Development

‫التربية اإلسالمية‬

Intermediate Level
Zād al-Muhājir ilā Rabbih
‫مرحلة املتوسطني‬
1 By al-Imām Ibn-ul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
At this level, you progress in your study of classical texts in
‫زاد املهاجر إلى ربه لإلمام ابن القيم الجوزية‬
Islamic Etiquette and Personal Development, building upon
what you have learned in the beginner's level. Each book has
Al-Wābil aṣ-Ṣayyib min al-Kalim aṭ-Ṭayyib an exam, as well as a final exam for the level.
2 By al-Imām Ibn-ul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
‫الوابل الصيب من الكلم الطيب لإلمام ابن القيم الجوزية‬ The requirement for this level is that you have successfully
completed your beginner's level exam in Islamic Etiquette
Ad-Dā’ wad-Dawā’ and Personal Development.
3 By al-Imām Ibn-ul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
‫الداء والدواء من الكلم الطيب لإلمام ابن القيم الجوزية‬ At this level, you should continue progressing through the
memorisation programme, which is detailed separately.
Final Exam: Intermediate Level Etiquette & After successfully completing your final exam, you go on to
4 Personal Development the advanced level texts. However, you must first complete
‫االختبار النهائي‬ at least the beginner's level in all other pathways.

Islamic Etiquette & Personal Development

‫التربية اإلسالمية‬

Advanced Level (Non-Specialised)

(‫مرحلة املنتهني )غير املتخصصني‬
At this level, you progress to the most advanced level in your
At-Tuḥfah al-‘Irāqiyyah study of classical texts in Islamic Etiquette & Personal
1 By Shaykh-ul-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah Development, with the exception of those who will later go
‫التحفة العراقية لشيخ اإلسالم ابن تيمية‬ on to specialise. Each book has an exam, as well as a final
exam for the level.
Final Exam: Advanced Level Etiquette &
2 Personal Development The requirements for this level are that you have successfully
completed your intermediate level exam in Islamic Etiquette
‫االختبار النهائي‬
and Personal Development, as well as having successfully
completed beginner's level exams in all other pathways.

At this level, you should aim to finish the memorisation

programme, which is detailed separately.

After successfully completing your final exam, you will be

certified in the sciences of Islamic Etiquette and Personal

Islamic Etiquette & Personal Development

‫التربية اإلسالمية‬

Memorisation Programme
‫حفظ متون العقيدة وأصول الدين‬


Mandhoomah Abee Ishāq al-Irbeeree Mandhoomah al-Ādāb ash-Shar’iyyah

1 By Abu Ishāq al-Irbeeree or 1 By Abdul-Qawee al-Mardāwee
‫منظومة أبي اسحاق األلبيري‬ ‫منظومة اآلداب الشرعية البن عبد القوي املرداوي‬

The Noble Qur’ān

‫القرآن الكريم‬

Memorisation Programme
‫حفظ متون العقيدة وأصول الدين‬

During Introductory / Beginner's Level Study During Intermediate Level Study

The Second Half of the Qur’ān

Sūrah al-Fātiḥah 4 From Sūrah al-Jāthiyah to Sūrah Maryam
1 ‫سورة الفاتحة‬ ‫من سورة الجاثية إلى سورة مريم‬

The Last Five Juz’ During Advanced Level Study

2 From Sūrah an-Nās to Sūrah al-Aḥqāf
‫من سورة الناس إلى سورة األحقاف‬

Optional: Sūrah al-Kahf & Sūrah as-Sajdah

3 ‫ سورة الكهف وسورة السجدة‬:‫اختياري‬ The First Half of the Qur’ān
5 From Sūrah al-Kahf to Sūrah al-Baqarah
‫من سورة الكهف إلى سورة البقرة‬

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