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How to Make a Million Before Lunch

Presentations and oral exam


- Objectives

o To enjoy reading a nice book in simple English.

o To learn new business vocabulary.
o To learn how to set up and run a successful company.
o To discuss and share ideas in class.
o To make a selection of your favourite tips and apply them to a personal subject.

- What?

o A PowerPoint presentation in class

o In groups of 3 students
o On one of the chapters selected for this semester: chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14,
o +/- 15 minutes

- Content of your presentation

o Sum up the main ideas with your own words (in English of course), and explain at
least three examples that the author gives (which seem relevant to you)
o Add a PP presentation to support your oral presentation. Don’t read it during your
presentation. Max. 6 slides with only key-words.

- Remarks

o Make sure you read the chapter very well and understand it correctly
o Read the chapter with the vocabulary list at the end of he coursebook (pp. 223-241)
o The presentation should be an explanation, in your own words, of the chapter. Don’t
copy and paste! Keep your audience in mind all the time!

- Discussion session

o After each presentation you will have a short discussion in groups of 3 or 4 students.
This discussion will be based on my questions and you will then have to answer
those questions in writing.
o This means that everybody (not just the presenters) will have to read the chapters
for each presentation.

- Assessment

o For the presentation:

 Content: e.g. is it clear, rephrased and well-explained?
 Language: e.g. pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, grammar
 Body language
 The absence of one of the members of the group will not cancel the
presentation (so make sure you can fill in for anyone of your group who is not
present). Anybody who is absent (without valid justification) will get 0/20.

o For the discussion session:

 The written answers will be graded each time.

 Anyone who is absent (without valid justification) and is thus unable to hand
in these written answers, will get 0/20.


o You will have to prepare/present 20 tips from the book (2 tips / chapter) and relate
them to your company project (“projet intégré”), explaining how interesting and
relevant those tips are, according to you, and how they can help you create your own
o On almost every page of het book, Rachel Bridge gives some useful advice for future
entrepreneurs. As you read the book, make yourself a list with the 20 tips you would
follow to launch and run your company project successfully, making sure that:
 You can explain each of the tips you choose  what does R. Bridge say
exactly in her book about each of these tips?
 You have to be able to give your reasons for choosing these tips. Why do they
make sense for your specific project?
o For the due date (17 May), you will have to hand in (in class) a word-processed A4
document with a 5-line presentation of your business project and a bullet-point list
with your 20 tips and the corresponding chapters (just write down the titles of the tips,
as they are printed in the book). At the oral exam, you will be expected to present
briefly the sort of business you have in mind and explain and justify the tips in your
o You can find this document on the platform, in my section, you just need to fill it in.

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