What Is Art - WPS Office

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What is Art?

Art has always been a significant part of human life, serving as one of the oldest and most essential
forms of expression. Its presence can be traced back to the earliest human societies. The term "art" is
derived from various languages, such as Italian, Aryan, and Greek, all highlighting the craftsmanship,
inventiveness, and connection between form, ideas, material, and techniques within art (Anonymous,
2021). Art is a wide array of activities that humans engage in to create visual, auditory, or performance
pieces, reflecting the creator's imagination, ideas, or skill, meant to be valued for their aesthetic appeal
or emotional impact. In addition to creation, art also encompasses critique and the study of its history. It
can take many forms such as painting, sculpture, music, dance, theater, film, literature, and more.

What are the different assumptions of Art?

According to De (2019) the different assumptions of art are:

1. Art is universal. Art has consistently transcended time and geographical boundaries, connecting
people across different eras and places.

2. Art is not nature. Art is how people convey their understanding and interpretation of nature. Nature is
the term used to describe the surrounding environment and all living things, while art is a form of
human expression that takes inspiration from or portrays elements of nature.

3. Art involves experience. In contrast to subjects that rely on data, art is best understood through direct
experience. To truly comprehend a piece of art, one must engage with it physically by seeing, hearing,
and experiencing it firsthand.

If you were an artist, what kind of artist you want to be?

If I were an artist, the kind of artist I want to be is painter. The field of painting is very significant as it
involves conveying ideas and emotions through the creation of specific aesthetic qualities using a visual
language that is two-dimensional (Owen, 2024). Painting allows for the portrayal of life in a way that is
distinct from reality, offering a unique sensation that enriches the observer's perception of the world
(Lemay, 2019). Through painting, a painter can express his feelings creatively without any fear of being
judged. It creates a room full of imagination that can be place in a real-world visual medium. Thus, I
want to be a painter although I have no talent in arts.

Why is art not nature?

Art is distinct from nature as it is a product of human creation, not something that occurs naturally.
While art may resemble nature or surpass it at times, it ultimately originates from the thoughts,
emotions, and skills of humans (Esbin, 2019). Art is distinctly different from nature, being an artificial
creation by humans to depict their perceptions of natural elements. It is a product of human ingenuity,
not a natural phenomenon. Art takes various forms like wall paintings, body piercings, tattoos,
sculptures, and paintings, all stemming from the artist's imagination and skill. Despite this, artists often
draw inspiration from nature (Anonymous, 2023). One primary distinction between art and nature is
that art originates from the creative mind of the artist and only takes form once it is brought into
existence, contrary to nature which exists independently (Hughes, 2022).

Art is ageless, Explain this statement.

The saying "Art is ageless" highlights the idea that art is timeless and can be appreciated regardless of
when it was created. People of all ages and backgrounds can enjoy and find value in a piece of art, even
long after its creation. Additionally, the age of an artist does not limit their ability to create. Artists can
produce work at any point in their lives, whether they are young or old. The diverse experiences and
perspectives gained at various life stages can add distinctive layers of complexity and value to their art.
Art knows no age limitations as even a child can create a masterpiece. It transcends time, as each
generation brings forth its own unique forms of art.

Why does art involve experience?

Art originates from individuals, including both artists and non-artists, wanting to express and convey
their experiences using various forms of communication beyond traditional language. Even poetry and
song lyrics use language uniquely to stimulate mental imagery and emotions inspired by the creators.
Thus, art is closely intertwined with the personal experiences of the artist (Burger, 2022). Art is
intimately connected to the artist's personal journey and inner world, as it serves as a mirror of their
thoughts, feelings, and views of the world. Artists often incorporate their own life experiences, such as
cultural heritage, relationships, and important moments, into their creations, whether they realize it or
not.Furthermore, the viewer plays a significant role in art appreciation. Each individual brings their
unique background and outlook to the interpretation of a piece of art, which contributes to its
subjective and impactful nature. Art is closely linked to our experiences and serves as a wonderful way
to share and connect with the experiences of others, bridging our differences.
Cite other misconceptions about art.

According to Wan (2016), the top 4 common misconceptions about art are:

1. Art is expensive! Artwork is commonly viewed as a costly investment due to the focus on renowned
artists like Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, and Yayoi Kusama. However, buying art doesn't have to be a
budget-breaking endeavor. The cost of a piece can differ depending on the material and the artist's

2. If its cheap, its low quality art. Buying art at a lower price doesn't necessarily mean it's of lower
quality. The artist may be using less expensive materials or could be at the beginning stages of their
career. Investing in works from emerging artists could potentially lead to increased value as they gain
more recognition in the art world.

3. It’s only for the highly educated/rich/’atas’ people to appreciate. Many people traditionally think of
art as being exclusive to the wealthy or elite, but over time, the concept of art has expanded to include
community and public expressions as well.

4. This artwork is so simple, I can also do it! Art isn’t only about the technical skills involved. If its all
skills-based, then it would be a craft, not art. Personally, an artwork involves thought, a message as well
as an audience.

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