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English Grade 6

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________

Grade/Section: _________________________ Score: ___________

Lesson Title: Drawing Conclusion

Learning Competency
 Draw conclusion from the given passage

Learning Content
Getting the main idea
Drawing conclusions involves making inferences or
reaching judgments based on evidence, observations, or
information presented in a text, situation, or context. It's the
process of using available information to make educated
guesses or deductions about what is likely to be true, even if
it's not explicitly stated.
Drawing conclusions is an important skill in critical
thinking and comprehension as it allows readers to deepen
their understanding of the material and make connections
between different elements of the text. It involves both
analytical thinking and creative interpretation, as readers
use clues and evidence to form reasoned judgments about
characters, themes, and plot developments.

Learning Check
Read and answer the following questions. Write the letter of the
correct answer.

1. Once there was an ant and a grasshopper who lived in a field. Every day,
Ant got up early and walked far to gather seeds. She balanced one seed on
her head at a time, walked it back to her home, and then went again to the
field to gather more. She was very small, so the walk was very long. She
worked the whole day, without ever stopping to rest. As Ant worked,
Grasshopper spent his days playing music, lazing in the sun. “Why do you
work so hard, Ant?” he laughed. “Summer is here! Why waste the sunshine
gathering seeds. What do you think the ant will do?
A. Keep working, because the ant knows there will not be any food
during the winter.
B. Take time out and play with the grasshopper.
C. Tell the other ants to work harder so she can play.
D. Keep working and try to convince the grasshopper to work as well.
2. Once there was an ant and a grasshopper who lived in a field. Every day,
Ant got up early and walked far to gather seeds. She balanced one seed on
her head at a time, walked it back to her home, and then went again to the
field to gather more. She was very small, so the walk was very long. She
worked the whole day, without ever stopping to rest. As Ant worked,
Grasshopper spent his days playing music, lazing in the sun. “Why do you
work so hard, Ant?” he laughed. “Summer is here! Why waste the sunshine
gathering seeds. What conclusion can you draw about the grasshopper?
A. He is very smart.
B. He is lazy.
C. He loved music.
D. He will be hungry in the winter.
3. Today was the big day. Ms. Williams returned the math quiz that they
had taken last week. One kid studied for hours. But when the students left
class, their faces had frowns and their heads were down. Which of the
following could you infer about the students' test results?
A. Many of the students failed the quiz.
B. The students passed the quiz with flying colors!
C. The students did very average on the quiz.
D. The students were happy it was Friday.
4. The Badlands of South Dakota got its name from the land itself. The
wind and rain have carved steep hills and gullies. In southwestern South
Dakota there is very little plant life. Sand and gravel cover the area. The
farm land is poor. In the Badlands you can infer:
A. there are many small birds
B. travel by foot is difficult
C. farmers don't work very hard
D. apple trees grow easily there
5. Lucia snatched up the dirty clothes that were strewn across the floor and
haphazardly tossed them into the laundry basket her mother had placed
outside the door. Then, she organized her desk, cramming markers, glue
sticks, and other tools of the learning trade wherever they would fit inside
the drawers. She jammed trash into the wastebasket until not one more
piece could fit and pulled the bag out to take downstairs. Finally, she made
her bed and summoned for her mother to come do her white-glove
inspection.What can the reader infer about Lucia based on her actions in
the selection?
A. She does not share her mother’s idea of what a clean room looks
B. She is a hard-working student who strives to do her best.
C. She likes being neat and organized.
D. She is usually running late, which causes her to leave a mess

Answer Key:
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A

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