Common Topic Questions

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Game and effects

1. What are some of the good things that can happen to you when you play games?
2. How do you feel when you win a game? How about when you lose?
3. Can playing games help you learn new things? Give an example.
4. Why is it important to take breaks while playing games?
5. How can you make sure playing games doesn't take up all your time?
6. Do you think playing games with friends is different from playing alone? Why or
why not?
7. What are some of the things you can do if a game makes you feel upset or
8. Can playing games help you become better at other things, like sports or
schoolwork? How?
9. How do you think playing outside games like tag or hide-and-seek is different from
playing video games?
10. What are some ways you can include everyone and have fun while playing games
with friends?

Sporting activities
1. What is your favorite sport to play, and why do you like it?
2. Can you name some different sports that people play around the world?
3. How do you warm up before playing a sport?
4. What equipment do you need to play your favorite sport?
5. Can you describe a game or match you played recently? What was the outcome?
6. Why is it important to play fair and follow the rules in sports?
7. How do you feel when you're playing sports with your friends?
8. What are some benefits of being active and playing sports?
9. Can you think of any famous athletes you admire? What sport do they play?
10. How do you stay safe while playing sports?

Famous / interesting people
1. Can you name a famous person you admire? What do you admire about them?
2. Who is someone from history that you find interesting? Why?
3. What makes someone famous? Can you think of different reasons why people
become famous?
4. Have you ever read about a famous scientist, artist, or inventor? What did they do
that was special?
5. Can you name a famous athlete? What sport do they play, and why do you think
they're famous?
6. Do you know any famous characters from books or movies? What makes them
7. Who is someone you know personally that you think is interesting? Why?
8. Can you name a famous leader or politician? What did they do that made them well-
9. Have you ever met someone famous or seen them in real life? What was it like?
10. If you could meet any famous person, who would it be and why?

Freetime activities
1. What do you like to do for fun when you're not in school?
2. Can you name some of your favorite hobbies or activities?
3. Do you prefer playing indoors or outdoors during your free time? Why?
4. What games do you enjoy playing with your friends or family?
5. Have you ever tried a new activity or hobby that you ended up really liking?
6. How do you decide what to do with your free time?
7. What are some fun things you like to do alone?
8. Can you describe a memorable adventure or outing you had during your free time?
9. Do you have any special talents or skills that you like to practice in your free time?
10. How do you feel when you're doing something you enjoy during your free time?

Country and city life
1. Where do you live: in the city or in the countryside?
2. Can you describe what your neighborhood looks like?
3. What are some differences between living in the city and living in the countryside?
4. What do you like most about living where you do?
5. Do you have any favorite places to visit in your city or countryside?
6. What kinds of animals or plants do you see around your home?
7. How do people in the city and countryside travel around?
8. What are some activities you can do in the city that you can't do in the countryside,
and vice versa?
9. Do you know any differences in the food people eat in the city compared to the
10. How do you think the environment is different in the city and countryside?

1. What does the word "environment" mean to you?
2. Can you name some things in nature that you like to explore or observe?
3. Why is it important to take care of the environment?
4. How do you think people can help protect the environment?
5. What are some ways we can reduce waste and recycle at home and school?
6. Can you name some animals or plants that are important to the environment?
7. Have you ever seen pollution in your neighborhood or in nature? What did it look
8. What are some ways we can save water and energy in our daily lives?
9. How does pollution affect animals and plants in their habitats?
10. What are some fun activities you can do to learn more about the environment?

1. Why is it important to stay healthy?
2. What are some things you can do to keep your body healthy?
3. Can you name some healthy foods you enjoy eating?
4. How do you feel when you get enough sleep versus when you don't?
5. Why is it important to wash your hands regularly?
6. What are some ways to stay active and exercise?
7. How do you take care of your teeth to keep them healthy?
8. Can you name some emotions and explain how they might affect your health?
9. What are some things you can do to relax and reduce stress?
10. Why is it important to listen to your body and tell an adult if you feel unwell?

Famous places
1. Can you name a famous place you would like to visit someday? Why?
2. What makes a place famous?
3. Can you describe a famous place you've learned about in school or seen in a book?
4. Have you ever visited a famous landmark or monument? What was it like?
5. What are some famous places in your country?
6. Can you name a famous natural wonder, like a mountain or waterfall?
7. How do you think famous places become popular tourist destinations?
8. What are some activities people might do when they visit a famous place?
9. Can you think of any famous places from stories or movies?
10. Why do you think it's important to learn about and appreciate famous places from
around the world?

School violence
1. What does it mean to feel safe at school?
2. How can we help each other feel safe and happy in our school?
3. What are some ways we can be kind and respectful to each other at school?
4. Who are the adults at school that we can talk to if we ever feel worried or scared?
5. What are some things we can do if we see someone being unkind or mean to others
at school?
6. Can you think of any rules or guidelines at our school that help keep us safe?
7. How do you think we can make sure everyone feels included and valued at school?
8. What are some ways we can practice being good friends to each other?
9. How do you think we can make our school a welcoming and positive place for
10. What are some things we can do to help prevent accidents and injuries at school?

1. What is your hometown, and what do you like most about it?
2. Can you describe some of the special places or landmarks in your hometown?
3. What are some fun things to do in your hometown?
4. Do you have any favorite memories or events that happened in your hometown?
5. What makes your hometown unique or different from other places?
6. Can you name some important people or historical figures from your hometown?
7. How do you feel when you're in your hometown with your family and friends?
8. What are some ways you can help take care of your hometown and keep it clean?
9. Can you share a story about something funny or interesting that happened in your
10. What do you think makes your hometown a great place to live?

1. Who are some of your best friends, and what do you like most about them?
2. How do you make new friends at school or in your neighborhood?
3. Can you describe a fun activity or game you like to play with your friends?
4. What are some things you like to do with your friends when you hang out together?
5. How do you show kindness and respect to your friends?
6. What do you think makes a good friend? Can you give examples?
7. Have you ever had a disagreement or argument with a friend? How did you resolve
8. How do your friends make you feel happy and supported?
9. Can you name some ways you can help your friends when they're feeling sad or
10. What are some things you appreciate about your friends, and why are they
important to you?

1. Who are your friends, and what do you like about them?
2. How do you make new friends?
3. What are some things you like to do with your friends?
4. How do you show kindness and respect to your friends?
5. What makes someone a good friend?
6. Have you ever had an argument with a friend? How did you resolve it?
7. How do your friends make you feel happy and supported?
8. Can you name some ways you can help your friends when they're feeling sad?
9. Why is it important to be a good friend?
10. What do you appreciate most about your friends?

The family
1. Who is in your family? Can you tell me about them?
2. What are some things you like to do with your family?
3. How do you show love and respect to your family members?
4. Can you describe a special memory you have with your family?
5. Why is family important to you?
6. How do you help out your family at home?
7. What are some things you've learned from your family?
8. What makes your family unique and special?
9. How do you celebrate special occasions with your family?
10. Can you think of a time when your family helped you when you needed it?

Gold in the future

1. What do you think the future will be like when you grow up?
2. Can you imagine what your life might be like in the future?
3. What are some things you want to do or achieve in the future?
4. How do you think technology will change in the future?
5. What kind of job do you want to have when you grow up?
6. What are some things you can do now to help you achieve your goals in the future?
7. Why is it important to plan for the future?
8. How can you make sure you have a bright future?
9. Can you think of any challenges people might face in the future?
10. What are some ways you can help make the future better for yourself and others?

Study abroad
1. Have you ever heard about studying in another country? What do you know about
2. Can you imagine what it would be like to study in a different country?
3. What do you think you would learn from studying abroad?
4. Why do you think some people choose to study in other countries?
5. How do you think studying abroad might be different from studying in your own
6. What are some things you would like to see or do if you studied abroad?
7. Do you think you would make new friends if you studied in another country? Why
or why not?
8. What are some challenges you might face if you studied abroad? How would you
overcome them?
9. How do you think studying abroad could help you in the future?
10. Would you like to study abroad someday? Why or why not?

Modern citizens
1. What does it mean to be a citizen of your country?
2. Can you name some rights and responsibilities of citizens?
3. How can you be a good citizen in your community?
4. What are some ways you can help take care of the environment as a citizen?
5. How do you think technology has changed the way people communicate and
interact in society?
6. What are some ways you can show respect for people from different backgrounds
and cultures?
7. How can you help make your community a better place to live?
8. Why is it important to stay informed about what's happening in the world around
9. How can you use your voice to make a positive difference in your community?
10. What are some qualities of a responsible citizen?

1. What are some things you would like to learn about Vietnam?
2. What do you think Vietnam is known for?
3. Can you name any famous landmarks or symbols of Vietnam?
4. What are some traditional foods or customs in Vietnam?
5. How do you think life in Vietnam might be different from where you live?
6. Can you think of any famous people from Vietnam?
7. What are some things you would like to see or do if you ever visited Vietnam?
8. Why do you think it's important to learn about other countries and cultures?

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