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Misinterpretation is an act of forming a wrong understanding of something that is said or done, or an

example of a wrong understanding. From the social media, some netizen may had been
misinterpretation with some of issue. For examples is an issue about politics. Politics usually declare
their decision without clearly, so this cause misinterpretation publics perception. Then social media
sometimes contain an issue not necessarily valid. People usually has a bad habit or bad culture, that
they just received hoax than the truth because there is a habit like don’t want read well or listen well.


Ethnocentrism is the belief that the people, culture, traditions, or customs their own are the most better
than the other race or countries. Ethnocentrism also known as culture theorists argue. People kind like
this has assume what they believe is right because they are grown up with that perception and doctrine
from their environment. Ethnocentrism can’t classified as a negative perception because everyone has
different view of what is right according to their thought. Somehow, there is a culture frame them as an
superior culture and dominant. For examples, a culture in Bali. Bali’s tradition most adopt from the
Hindu religion, people who lived in Bali have to join the tradition because of that superior and dominant
population from the Hindu religion, especially when seclusion day or known as Bali’s Nyepi.
It is a kind like celebration in Bali to become silence in one day, all the people who
lived in Bali should be join. All the place in Bali comes to standstill for 24 hours, with no
lights, music, nor noise, transport is halted, and everyone must stay at home and can’t
go anywhere. They thought that being stay in the silence is good for self-reflection.
That is an examples from ethnocentrism.


Stereotypes is a set of people’s idea about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is
wrong. It is like kind of someone perception or view that may wrong or right just from their judgement
about another people. Stereotypes can be based on the belief of social group or a type of individual
based on prior assumptions and can also based on popular cultural depictions of groups of people or
deeply held beliefs passed down through generations. It can be negative or even harmful. The most
common stereotypes case are cultural, social, gender, religion. While stereotypes are rarely correct and
certainly not always accurate, they’re not always be negative. Some cast can be positive light on a
certain group or type of people. For example case is in the religious, people who follow religion x has
done something that is negative then other people assume all the follower religion x are also negative.

Prejudice is an idea or opinion that disregards basic facts. It is an idea or opinion without factual backing
or evidence. Prejudice is hold think like ignorance, or a lack of knowledge, experience or education. It is
something should not be tolerated, as we all strive for betterment and higher learning. the thing that
happens most often is racism. Racism is the big one case. It is foul nations, religion, race,
culture or someone physic. For examples like during apartheid in South Africa non-whites
were viewed as lesser than or inferior to their white counterparts based on opinion.
From the movie Zootopia we can also learn about Judy Hopps, a tiny female bunny who
can’t reach police position because she is a girl and she is just a little bunny.

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