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Nama : Handini Widaputri
NIM : 048905619

When I was in elementary school, I remember that my childhood was full of

friendship experiences. I have a lot of friends who are funny and pleasant. I was
always excited the moment there was a class division announcement, because I
was very curious at that moment to know my classmate and my seatmate friend.
My friends are actually not naughty and bad like in the drama and not typical to
do bullying; however, I still have spiteful friends that I don’t want to make friends
with. But there is also a good friend, and we are still in a good relationship. During
the school’s break time, I always play a rubber skipping game with them. I’m
proud of myself because I could pass each level until the rubber skipping was in
the high position. That was very fun and challenging; I loved that moment. Then,
after school, I like to play Nintendo at home. At that time, it was a very
memorable moment when I didn’t have many things or work to do.

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