Lesson Plan

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1. Define pure substance.

2. Describe pure substance based on a set of properties.

3. Relate the importance of pure substance in real-life situations.

Subject: Science

Grade Level: Grade 7

Learning across curriculum:

- Mathematics: Students can calculate the concentration of a pure substance in a


- Language Arts: Students can write a persuasive essay on the importance of using
pure substances in everyday life.

- Social Studies: Students can research and present on the historical significance of
pure substances in various cultures.

Review Motivation:

1. Show a video clip highlighting the importance of pure substances in daily life, such
as the use of clean water, medicines, and food.

2. Conduct a class discussion on the different substances students encounter in their

daily lives and their properties.

3. Perform a simple experiment where students observe the effects of impurities in a


Activity 1: Properties of Pure Substances

Materials: Various pure substances (water, salt, sugar, copper, etc.),

magnifying glasses, microscopes (optional)

1. Divide students into small groups.

2. Provide each group with a different pure substance.

3. Instruct students to observe the substance using their senses (sight, smell, taste,
touch) and record their observations.

4. Encourage students to use magnifying glasses or microscopes to examine the

substance in more detail.

5. Have students discuss and compare their observations within their groups.

6. Facilitate a class discussion on the properties of pure substances based on the

students' observations.


Criteria: Observation and recording of properties (5 points), Participation in

group discussion (5 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. What are the observable properties of the pure substance you examined?

2. How did you determine that the substance is pure?

Activity 2: Importance of Pure Substances in Real-life Situations

Materials: Various real-life examples of pure substances (clean water,

medicines, food, etc.)

1. Present students with different scenarios where the use of pure substances is
crucial (e.g., drinking clean water, taking prescribed medicine, consuming
uncontaminated food).

2. Divide students into pairs or small groups.

3. Instruct students to discuss and analyze the importance of pure substances in

each scenario.

4. Have students create a poster or infographic highlighting the significance of pure

substances in real-life situations.


Criteria: Analysis of the importance of pure substances in each scenario (10

points), Creativity and presentation of the poster/infographic (10 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. Why is it important to use pure substances in drinking water?

2. How does the presence of impurities affect the effectiveness of medicines?

Activity 3: Real-life Problem Solving

Materials: Various real-life problems related to pure substances (e.g., water

pollution, food contamination)


1. Present students with a real-life problem related to pure substances.

2. Divide students into small groups.

3. Instruct each group to analyze the problem and propose a solution using their
knowledge of pure substances.

4. Have students present their solutions to the class, explaining how pure
substances can help address the problem.

Criteria: Analysis of the problem and proposed solution (10 points), Clarity and
effectiveness of the presentation (10 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. How can the knowledge of pure substances help in solving the problem of water

2. What role can pure substances play in preventing food contamination?


Review the outcomes of each activity, highlighting the key points discussed and the
understanding demonstrated by the students. Address any misconceptions or areas
that need further clarification.


Summarize the main concepts learned in the lesson, emphasizing the definition and
properties of pure substances, as well as their importance in real-life situations.


Provide the students with a real-life problem that requires them to apply their
understanding of pure substances. For example, ask them to design a water filtration
system using only pure substances to provide clean drinking water in a remote area.


Teachers can assess the learning of the students based on the learning
objectives through various methods such as:

- Written quizzes or tests on the definition, properties, and importance of pure


- Peer or self-assessment of the group activities and presentations.

- Observation of students' participation and engagement during class discussions

and activities.

As an assignment, students can research and create a short presentation on a

specific pure substance and its importance in a particular industry or field. They can
also include examples of how impurities in that substance can negatively impact its

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