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In the Listening test . you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken
English. The enlire Listening test williasl approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts. and
directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Do not wri te your answers in the test book .


Directions: For each Qlleslion in this part, you wi ll hear fou r statemen ts about a pictu re in your
test book . When you hea r the statements , you must select the one statement thai best
describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer
sheet and mark your answer. The statements will nol be printed in your test book and will be
spoken only one time.

Example Sample Answer

@@ e ©

Statement (C), "They' re sitting at the table," is th e best description of the picture, so you should
select answer (C) and ma rk it on your answer sheet.

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New '(~ a )[1[' lr" !~C 1_0
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! 2! Actual Test 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They
will be spoken only one lime and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response
to the question or statemen t and mark the tetter (A), (8), or (C) on you r answer sheet.

Exa mple Sample Answer

You will hear: Where is the meeting room?

You will also hear: (A) To meet tile new dIrector
(8) It's the first room on the right.
(C) Yes. allwo o'clock.

The best response to the question "Where is the meeting room?" is choice (B). "lI's the first room
on the right ," so (8) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (8) on your answer sheet.

11 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on you r answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answe r on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on you r answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31 . Mark your answer on your answe r sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32, Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on you r answer sheet. 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark you r answer on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark yo ur answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on you r answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark you r answer on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark yqur answer on you r answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

New F , TOEle Ll ·He 12'"


Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to
answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best
response to each question and mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (0) on your answer sheet. The
conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed In your test book.


41. Why has Robert 's plan changed? 44. Where will the speakers meet? •

(A) Robert's clients canceled the meeting. (A) At Ihe fronl desk ~
(8) His help is needed in Ihe office. (8) In Ihe office <

(e) Someone else ottler than Robert (e) AI the man's home 0

wanled to go. (0) In Ihe coflee SllOP
(0) He had to help move the office.
45. What is the man wo rried about?
42. What can you tell about the situation the (A) It mighl nol be really important.
company is in? (8) It migllilake a while.
(A) Their sales rates have been increasing. (e) He will have to have lunch with the
(8) Their sales rates have been doubling. woman.
(e) The presidenl has been laying lots of (0) His family doesn'llike Ihe woman.
people off.
(0) Their sales rates have been constant. 46. What does the woman offer the man?
(A) Meel belween where two people are
43. Why should Robert be Ihankful ? to save time
(A) He IS slill working for Ihe company. (8) Talk in her room instead of tile coffee
(8) He is gel1ing paid more starting ne>ct shop
week. (C) Sel up anottler Iline 10 lalk
(C) He has anotller meeting with clients (0) Talk 10 her no mailer whal
next month.
(0) He is gelling scouled by other
companies. 123 Actual Test 2

47. Where does this conversation take place? 53. Why will tile man take his clothes 10 the
(A) A professor's office Dry Cleaning place?
(B) A department store (A) His pants have stains on it.
(C) A doc lor's office (8) His shirt has black mk stains.
(0) A school (e) His suit is wrinkled.
(0) His suit has stains on it.
48. What is unique about the patient?
(A) He has always been 11ealthy. 54. Why is the man in such a hurry?
(8) He had an .njury .n 11is kidney before. (A) He has to wear it tomorrow.
(C) He had mouth-to-mouth few days (8) He needs hiS shirts and necktie by
ago. tomorrow.
(0) He had a heart injury two years ago. (C) He has to refund his SUIt.
(0) He has a date tonight
49. What does th e doctor say aboul lhe
patient? 55. What does Jessica tell the man about
(A) He only has less than a year to live. their priority policy?
(8) He can fu lly recover. (A) He has to pay by credit card
(C) He will not be as heallhy as belore. (S) He has to bring In morc tllan one
(0) He will nal be able to walk. item.
(e) He has to pay tw.ce the normal price.
(0) He has to pay half the normal pllce.
50. What are th e speakers discussing?
(A) How to ge t to State street
(8) How good the Italian restaurant is 56. When will Ms, Trump come back?
(C) How the man was so hungry he ate (A) Monday
dog load (8) Tuesday
(0) Where to go to have luncll (e) Thursday
(0) Friday
51. Why does Ihe man want 10 go to the
Chinese restaurant? 57. How is th e message rrom Tokyo being
(A) It .s not far away. com municated?
(8) They have a car and she wants to (A) Through a pllane call
drive. (8) Througll an email
(C) They have lots or time for their lunch. (C) Through a tape
(0) They have to rush back to ttle office (0) Through a fax
by 2 o·clack.
58. When does the man want the tape to be
52. What can you tell about the man? sent to her home?
(A) He is very hungry. (A) As soon as she comes back
(8) He .s about to throw up. (8) 8y tan.gllt
(C) He doesn't want any food right now. (e) Wednesday
(0) He i,s gOing to have some steaks, (0) Right now

New r~e,' I OEre lCiRC j 2·1
59. What is the problem with Thompson's 65. Why will the man return to the store?
Office Supplies? (A) To attend a job inlerview
(A) They cosl alai. (8) To look al some more of their
(8) They have too many staft products
(C) Their service is 100 slow (C) To find his credit card that he lost
(D) The woman's father didn't like them. (D) To train the workers

60. What was the incident that disappointed 66. What must the man bring?
the man about their service? (A) A recommendation from another
(A) HIs notebook came broken. worker ,

(8) His notebook came two days later. (8) A resume ~


(C) His notebook was not the kind he (C) A suit n

wanted. (D) A cover letter

(0) The ShIpping cost was too expensive. •
67. What wili the man probably do tonight? ~

61. What is a good quality abou t M ax's Office (A) Write the manager a letter
Supplies? (B) Write hIs recommendation
(A) Their delivery IS always on lime, (e) Study IIle exam
(8) They guarantee safe SllipPlng. (D) Make a phone call to his professm
(C) They offer discounts if late,
(0) Their service is sometimes free.
68. What do the speakers say about the old
62. When will Mr. Brick pick up the blueprints? (A) It was stolen.
(A) At 10.00 a,m, (8) It stopped working,
(8) At 12:00 a.m. (e) II had no warranty,
(C) AI 4:00 p.m. (D) It has no tnk
(D) AI 12:00 p.m.
69. What is the woman mad about?
63. What does the woman ask the man to do? (A) The printer is expensive.
(A) Ask 1I1e producers to have some tea (8) Th811 printer broke down.
with her (C) Their new printer also broke down,
(8) Let the producers know about their (D) Their new prmter doesn't have a
promotion warranty,
(e) Find Ihe producers and fill isll the blue·
prints 70. Why shou ld the new printe r work better?

(0) Inform the producers about the clients (A) This one has a longer warranty.

wanting to meet them (B) ThiS one IS guaranteed not to break.

(e) ThiS one is from a better company.
64. Why shou ld clients see the producers th is (0) This one is cheaper
(A) The producers are on break this week.
(8) The producers will be busy next week.
(C) Tile producers have business tnps
next week,
(D) The producers are on vacation next

125 Actual 1 (. ,I 2

Directions: You wili llear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to
answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best
response to each question and mark the letter (A), (8). (C), or (0 ) on your answer sheet. The
talks will be spoken only one lime and will not be printed in your test book.

71. What type of business is the Eastern 74. Who most likely is the speaker?
Star? (A) A landscape artist
(A) A tour agency (8) A tour guide
(8) A hotel (C) A travel agent
(C) A restaurant (0) A news reporter
(0) A resort
75. Who is Zhong ben ying?
72. What is the smallest number of people for (A) A guest lecturer
wh ich a reservation may be made? (8) A portrait painter
(A) Two (C) An award recipient
(8) Four (0) An expert In African art
(C) Ten
(0) Twelve 76. What does the speake r say?
(A) There IS no charge for the events.
73. What information is requested to make a (8) Zhong ben ylng will sign autographs
reservation? in the gallery.
(A) The customer's telephone number (C) Brochure s are available at the front
(8) The customer's address desk.
(C) The customer's credit ca rd number (0) Chinese food will be served.
(D) The customer's seat preference

New Rc.:tl TOEle LCfRC 126

77. Who is the speaker? 83. What is the speaker describing?
(A) The owner of the theater (A) Restaurant
(B) The actor (B) Office
(C) The supporter (C) Tileater
(D) The painter (D) Travel agency

78. How is the theater curren tl y being 84. How much is the monthly rent?
improved? (A) 600 euros
(A) The audi torium IS under construction. (B) 800 euros
(B) The hallway is being painted. (C) 1,100 euros •
(C) The wall is being demolished. (D) 1,400 euros ~

(D) The pipe is being installed. "<"-

85. What cha rges are not included in the
79. What does th e speaker ask the audience rent? N

to do? (A) Central heatlllg

(A) Work together (B) Electricity
(B) Make a donation (C) Water
(C) Buy a ticket (D) Phone
(D) Please be quiet

86. Who is being introduced?

80. Who is the speech intended for? (A) Psychologist
(A) Company's sales staff (B) Physician
(B) Engineers (C) Analyst
(C) Accountanls (D) Kick boxer
(D) Brand managers
87. Where does Or. Hong Man work?
81. What does the speaker say about the (A) University
company? (8) Hospllal
(A) Its sales decreased. (C) Library
(B) The staff don't like Iheir company. (0) Broadcasting station
(C) It has a successfu l year.
(D) It will lay of! hall of Its workers. 88. What will Dr. Hong Man talk about?
(A) A recent book
82. What is the speaker going to do next? (B) His children
(A) Have dinner (C) A research
(B) Ask a question (D) TV show
(C) Discuss upcoming events
(D) Ride in a car

127 AC:IU(l1 Test 2

89. What is the purpose of this message? 95. What division does the speaker
(A) To call the technIcIan represent?
(8) To visil a restaurant for cleaning (A) Design
(C) To tell tile customer the fina l offer (8) Personnel
(0) To give details abollt some upcoming (C) MarketIng
work (D) Packaging

90. When is Williams scheduled to arrive? 96. Who is this announcemen t intended for?
(A) 6 a.m. (A) All employees
(8) 10a.m (8) Personnel representative
(C) 4 p.m. (C) Sales representatIves
(D) 6 p.m. (0) Design representaltve

91- What is Briman asked to do? 97. How will the outstanding performance be
(A) Unplug oHice equipment recognized?
(8) Clean the restauran t (A) A free trip
(C) Fax the carpet store Ihe reply (8) A promOllon
(D) Turn on the computer (C) Increased salary
(D) New ollice

92. What is Leah Compu ter celebrating?

(A) An important annIversary 98. What is the purpose of the ta lk?
(8) Introducing a new computer (A) To advertise to the customers
(C) A best· selling staff (8) To Introduce a web page
(D) New employees (C) To mtroduce a training workshop
(0) To find new computer engmeers
93. Where will an exh ibit be set?
(A) In tile parking lot 99. Who is Adam Motta?
(8) III the compa ny's auditorium (A) A president of a company
(C) In the lobby of the bUIldIng (8) A car engineer
(D) In lhe backyard of the building (C) A represen tative of customers
(D) A computer expen
94. Wha t is said about some employees?
(A) They have been falth lul to the 100. What will th e audience do?
company. (A) Learn to search through the internet
(8) They have been increasing the sales well
rate greatly. (B) Learn to create a secure web page
(C) They have Improved the company's (C) Learn to introduce a web page to
image. customers
(0) They have Invented new Items. (0) Learn to imitate good web pages

Ne W Rc 1 TO -Ie .C . RC 1~1'\
This is the end of the Listening Test. 29
In the Reading lest, you wilt read a variety of texts and answer several different types of
reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three
parts. and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questIons
as possible within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the
test book.

Part V
Directions: A \o\!ord or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to comple te the sentence. Then mark
the letter (A), (8), (e). or (0) on your answer sheet.

101. National Life will investigate the billing 104. Emily Hong won her thi rd
errors only when -- --. are subm itted in in ternational archery competition by
writing. defeating Katherine Schwab last Sunday.
(A) complaints (A) following
(8) complain (8) Immediate
(C) complaining (e) constant
(0) complains (0) consecutive

102. Req uests for changes of address shou ld 105. The CEO of Buy4less. com is a very
be made to .- bank in writing or in approachable person who prefers that his
person at a branch office. employees call - by his first name.
(A) your (A) he
(8) you rs (8) him
(e) yourself (C) his
(0) you (0) Ilimself

103. All students registering fo r the spring 106. Recen t college graduates should always
semester for th e fi rst time should be .- .. - try to prepare for the unexpected.
for their stud ent identification cards at the one does not know exactly what will be
Registrar's office. asked on a job interview nowadays.
(A) photog raph (A) between
(8) photographs (8) since
(C) photography (C) so that
(0) photograplled (0) unlike

New f<p,11 TO! W II IRL 130
107. Ms. Sugano's sales presentation is 112. While Sheila Price will be retiring as vice
supposed to start .... ten o'clock president of marketing , she is still open to
tomorrow morning. the possibility of remaining as a creative
(A) on
(B) at (A) consu lted
(e) in (8) consultation
(0) for (C) consull
(0) consullant
1DB. Each foreman should review the attached
checklist at the end of each shift to make 113. Nowadays, the Inte rnet enables company
sure that · . steps Ilave been taken employees to have instant access to
according to the company guidelines. confidential data from around the world
(A) much compu ter linkups.
(B) almost (A) above
(C) all (B) down
(0) most of (C) through
(0) into
109. While no analyst can ·· ... - the market, it
is clear that Asians will face a vastly 11 4. The advertising division had been
different consumer market in the future. working · .. _. to come up with a brilliant
(A) predict idea for ensuring the product' s long-term
(B) to predict marketabi lity to no success.
(C) predicting (A) torward
(0) predicted (B) soon
(e) up
110. You can definitely expect quality service (0) hard
and superior care as a customer _.. __ ..
the high cost you pay for their services. 115. I luckily found out about the job
(A) with exchange opportunity at your office through a close
(B) excllanges colleague of .. •.. ·, Ms. Nancy Albright.
(e) in exchange for (A) mine
(0) exchanging of (S) me
(C) myself
111. At one of the last stages of Speedtech's (0) my
assembly line, a machine -. cans with
engine oil and affixes labels before 116. In his first three months at Novotel , Mr.
inspecti ng them. Peethas . impressed his colleagues
(A) 1I0ws with his diligence and positive attitude.
(B)dflps (A) consist
(e) pours (B) consisted
(0) fills (C) consistent
(0) consistently

131 ACh r T~SI 2
117. Powerpro electric shavers are both 122 . Many companies with cash flow problems
durable and affordable. offering often try hard to give their investors the
customers an outstanding ....... for th e •...••. that they are doing well financially.
money_ (A) projection
(A) price (B) descnption
(9) value (C) intuItion
(C) cost (0) Impression
(0) discount
123. The architectural firm is considering --- -- -
118. When I moved to the States for the first the entire layout of the planned shopping
ti me in the ea rly 80's, I had to endu re the comp lex to meet the new bu ilding codes
inconvenience of ------- being mistaken for as we ll as to appeal to a wider public.
a Chinese or a Japanese. (A) redesign
(A) frequently (9) redesigned
(9) frequency (C) redesigning
(C) frequented (0) redesigns
(0) frequent
124. Si tuated within the beauti ful Ozark valley,
119. The sales vol ume of the travel package the Endymion Resort is one of the most
has decreased so much ------- th e agency ------- located conference sites in the
decided to launch a new advertising state.
campaign online. (A) absolutely
(A) than (8) WIllingly
(B) that (C) agreeably
(C) besides (0) certainly
(0) although
125. Very few visitors are ..... ~. enough to
120. The valu e of the stock rose ....... faster identify the damaged portion of the
than most analysts had predicted. delicate mosaic tiles on the bottom of the
(A) most ancient pool.
(B) much (A) obvious
(C) many (9) observable
(0) more (C) alert
(0) discovenng
121. ....... Ms. Hong will analyze th e new data
or the department will need to find a 126. T he plenary speaker was abruptly --_ ._ ..
certified accountant to complete the task. by the squeaking sound of the
(A) Either loudspeaker.
(9) Both (A) (Iisinterested
(C) Before (B) dispersed
(0) Whatever (C) distracted
(0) dIsengaged

N e wn e;ll TOEIC LCIRC 1~"
127. The real estate agent was ....... recru iting 132. All city buses in the lown of Gainsville will
new tenants for the newly built oHice have to be modernized to ....... the
building to no success. requ irements regarding accessibility for
(A) actively the physically challenged citizens .
(S) active (A) bUild
(C) activate (S) meet
(D) activity (C) face
(D) serve
128. The City of Somerville Police
Department's bicycle registration form
requires bicycle owners to fill in the model
133. In such a tight job market, many creative
people ------- on their own expertise to

name of their bicycles and other -------

come up with a new business idea. ~
details. (A) select ~
(A) identifies (S) refer Po

(S) idenlifiers (C) draw

(C) identify (D) seek
(D) Identifying
134. On Monday, the Pierson Publishing
129. .••.••. a few flaws, Mr. Schonhoff's House will launch an ambitious
blueprint for the new indoor swimming advertising campaign for Real Ufe, a
pool will most likely be adopted by the highly ~-.- - -- new novel from Korea.
Board of Directors. (A) introduced
(A) Beside (S) renewable
(B) Despite (C) anticipated
(C) Unless (D) anxIOUS
(D) Toward
135. Realto Restaurant Group decided to add
130. Airline tickets that are not confirmed at a couple of new dishes to its .-... _.
least 48 hours before departure carry no popular lunch menu.
------. of a seat and are subject to (A) before
involuntary bumping. (S) fasCinated
(A) confidence (C) intended
(B) local Ion (D) already
(C) assurance
(D) acceptance 136. The Columbian Ministry 01 the Interior
decided to construct a wa ter dam to act
13" The ....... published by the Pittsburgh as an --.. --- ba rrier to reduce damage
Tourist Information Center contains much from flooding.
valuable information on guest (A) expenmental
accommodations in the region. (S) expenmen t
(A) guideline (C) experimentally
(S). textbook (D) experimented
(C) brochure
(D) biography

www.nha 1:\3 Actual Te:,t 2

137 . Some of the leading activist groups joined 139. Communication ski lls are very important
together the enforcement of on line for shop supervisors job involves
privacy laws. interacti ng with workers as well as
(A) promoted customers on Ihe floor.
(8) promotes (A) whom
(C) 10 promole (8) wllat
(D) promole (C) when
(D) whose
138. The new memoir of the belated Queen
had . been on the book stands for a 140. The school"s tuition increase will be about
few hours before they were completely eight pe rcent. -~ .. -.. to just four percent
sold out. last year.
(A) minutely (A) resolved
(8) rapidly (8) Included
(C) hardly (C) compared
(D) shortly (D) related

New H TOEIC LCiRC ""\4
No test material on this page. 135
Part VI
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each 01 these sentences. Select the best
answer to complete the text. Then mark the leiter (A), (8 ), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141 -143 refer to the following leUer.

Dear James:

Thank yo u for your recent interest in the accounting position you ------- for with the
141 . (A) applied
(B) applYing
(C) applicant
(0) application

Accounting Division of Gary Armstrong Corporation.

We have reviewed your qualiticaliens. And it is with regret that I must inform you that we
have -- ----- applicants whose qualilications are better suited for th is particular position.
142. (A) another
(B) the other
(C) other
(0) others

We have also reviewed your background for other possibl e positions, and we do not
currently have one that would effectively use your qualifications and experience.

We do not an ticipate more openings in th e .--. __ . fu ture. We will however keep

143. (A) nearby
(B) nearness
(C) nearly
(0) near

your application on file and contact you should a suitable position become available.


Sharon Sala
Human Resources Department

Ne w Rcal TOEle l CIRC 1:16

Questions 144 -146 are based on the following letter.


100 Water Street , Jackson, MS

Apri l 28, 2006

Mr. John Doe
123 L Street
Any1own , Nebraska o,

Dear Sir,

I refer to your letter dated Apri l 2, 2006 addressed to Mr. J.J. Goode, Senior Vice President.
Our bank is will ing to assist you in tracing the transfer of US $800 by contacting Ace Loans
on your behalf even though we feel your banker, Second National Bank, should do that for
you as you are th eif customer. It is the transferring bank's responsibility ~.--~-- they have
144. (A) to be ensure
(B) ensuring
(C) to ensure
(D) ensured

complied with the instructions given to them by the remitting party. Before we can assist you ,
however, it will be necessary for you to send, to my attention, the ------- documents:
145. (A) consecutive
(B) constant
(C) next
(D) following

1. A copy of the January mail transfer from Second National Bank

2. A copy of the payment order (Le. check , wire , credit invoice) sent to Ace Loans by the
U.S. correspondent bank used to pay Ace Loans
It appears that you do not possess at present any evidence from Ace Loans that it has
received the funds which the above documentation will verify.
Great Eastern is , as always , ready to serve its clients in every way. Please feel free to write
if you ---_. _- any other banking problems.
146_ (A) encounter
(B) include
(C) affect
(D) induce

0\vchoef George
Michael George
Asst. Vice President
Investigations Mgmt l ip
137 Actual Tesl 2
Questions 147-149 refer to the following letter.


General Offices
Stagfield Atlanta International Airport
Atlanta , Georgia 30320 U.S.A.
January 12, 2006

Mr. Jack Cooper

112 Station Road
Bristol. U.K.

Dear Mr. Cooper:

We are holding a suitcase which we believe to be your property. If you have lost such an
article. please provide us with a complete .. ~ .. of the property, including color and
147. (A) Impression
(B) projection
(C) description
(D) intuition

properties of the contents. Also. please advise us of you r complete itinerary, including the
airline flown to your destination. To assist us in ._----- jts return to you , please give us
148. (A) expanding
(B) expediting
(C) expressing
(D) exiling

you r telephone number.

Upon receipt of the requested information we will advise you of the routing promptly.

Understandably. the property wi ll be disposed of .-.. -.. we hear from you with in
149. (A) if
(B) unless
(C) even though
(D) until

ninety days from the date of th is letter.


System Baggage Service

Alpha Ai rlines, Inc.

In reply , please refer to our file OL 9991 .

New Heal TOErc LC iRe :;~
Questions 150-152 refer to the following fetter.

Dear ITE Consumer:

ITE and Clinton County are pleased to bring you Enhanced 9-1-1. a new emergency
response system which will soon be in you r area. Th is new system, provided by ITE, will
help the Clinton Coun ty response units to serve you more efficiently.

When you call 9-1- 1 in an eme rgency, this system au tomatically displays and -- .>< you r g'
150. (A) replaces ~
(8) relays
(C) impairs
(D) implants

telephone number, address and any other specia l conditi ons or instructions you need to
provide to police, fire or ambulance services - ----- to your location.
151. (A) dispatched
(8) redeemed
(C) offered
(D) rebated

If you have questions about the new Enhanced 9- 1-1 system, please call Tommy Green,
E 9·1-1 Director at (6 13) 774·9971.

To help county officials serve you better, if someone in you r fam ily has a special medical
condition, or if you r home or business has hazardous materials. please complete the
enclosed form and mail the information as soon as possible . All information provide
.MM • • • •

152. (A) your

(6) yourself
(C) you
(D) yours

will be held in the strictest confidence.

PLEASE NOTE: If you or family members have no special conditions, it is not necessary to
return this information card.

~C) Achza! Test 2
Part VII
Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of te xts, such as magazine and newspape r
articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by seve ral Questions. Select the best
answe r for each question and mark the letter (A). (8) , (e), or (0 ) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153 -156 refer to the following article .

Toronto-A new co ntract has been sig ned by the City of Toronto and the State of Mich igan
rega rding the controversial shipment of Toronto's excess garbage south of the border to be
bu ried in fields form erly used as ag ricultural land.

Toronto's mayor, Fred Wilson , comme nted that a con tract agreement was reached after
many hours of negotiations betwee n officials from Michigan and Toronto's city council. He
said he was very pleased tt1al they were able to set1le the main paints of contention, which
were the amount of garbage Michigan would accept per year. how many years the contract
would last for, and how much Toronto would need to pay to the state.

There have been protests both in the US and in Canada regarding the new plan. Some
Torontonlans fe el that the city should be focusing on reducing the amount of garbage being
produced here in the hope that shipment of garbage elsewhere wou ld be unnecessary.
while environmental groups in Michigan are strongly opposed to bringing garbage from other
areas onto state land.

153. What is this article mainly about? 155. Which of the following was not a main
(A) A new contract between the point of contention regarding th e contract?
governments of Canada and the US (A) The amount of garbage Michigan
(B) A plan to ship garbage south of the would accepl
border (B) How much money wou ld change hands
(C) A plan to reduce the amount of (C) The length of Ihe contract
garbage produced In T oronta (0) How the garbage would be shipped
(0) Anti·American protests
156. What do some Toron tonians want the city
154. Who made a comment on the new to focus on more?
contract? (A) Negoliating a better contract
(A) Th e State of Michigan (8) Reducing the amount of waste
(B) City council officials produced
(C) The mayor of Toron to (C) Bringing the trasll in fro m Michigan
(0) Protesters (0) Shipping the trash in energy effiCient

New Rp.a! TOE IC LC:'RC 40

Questions 157-158 refer to the following letter.

From: Mr. Donn ie Bac
January 19, 2006
To: Ms. Ange la Montague
Transportation Coordinat or

On belm l r or our empl oyees, Illost of who m tak e the Q ueenstown bus to the Spccdo planl
every day. we arc concerned that our employees <Irc arri vi ng latc for work.

Qur siaff ullifonns need to be kept at work. but by the lime slaffput on their uniforms
they arrive at thei r shin stations 10 to 15 minutes later than the start of their shifL

We wonde r if it would be possib le to ha ve the morning bus depal1 15 minu tes earl ier. We
are looking fo rward to heari ng from YOtl OIl thi s matter.

157. What is Ms. Montague informed of in th is 158. What does the writer want Ms. Montague
letter? to do?
(A) More buses are needed. (A) Lower the bus fare
(B) The employees arrive late for work. (S) Cilange tile bus route
(C) New stations will be built next month. (C) Have buses run more frequently
(0) New uniforms are out 01stock. (0) Revise the bus schedule

141 AC!ll~IT(!i;12
Questions 159 -160 refer to the following information .

Thank you lor choosing the Eye-Saver Anti-Glare System. The Eye-Saver
System tits over your computer screen to eliminate glare and remove excessive
strain on your eyes. Eye care experts from around the country urge their clients to
protect their eyes during long hours of computer use. The Eye-Saver System has
been proven by researchers to improve comfort in the office.

To install your Eye-Saver System . remove the protective cover. Using the
hooks at the top of the screen, carefully hang it on the front of your computer
monitor. The hinges allow you to adjust the angles 01 the screen for optimal
viewing comfort. To clean your computer screen. wipe using plain soap and
water. If you are not satisfied with our product for any reason, please contact our
customer service representative at 1-800-42S-SAV E.

159. Where would this in formation probably be 160. What is NOT given as a benefit of the
found? product?
(A) In a pharmacy (A) It improves eye comlort.
(8) In a computer software manual (8) It is washable.
(C) In a product package (C) It improves screen contrast.
(0) In a magazine advertisement (D) It .s adjustable.

NeVI Rl,nl TOEle Lcmc l-l2

Questions 161-162 refer 10 Ihe following survey.

To: Josie Wales

Subject : The Quality of our Accommodat ions at Oak Lodge
Dale: Februa ry 3
From: Jellny Ja mieson

You have been randomly selected from a li st ar roccnt guests to receive a survey li'om
LI S regarding yo ur impressio ns all 11m qualit y or our services during your stay with us. "

Please be kind enough to fill out th e Corm below, and we welcome any additiona l ..

cOlllments yo u can make that will help us to beltcr serve you in the future. N

Il ow would yo u rate:

Excellent Good Poor

Additional commen ts 01' suggestions:

Po!" the most 1'(11'(. 'he sw)' wos enjoyable, bUI I have three complaints; mOil! serv;ce
\1'<1.\ lIer" s low ({lid (he (nod I recei),(!d \fa,\' cold and 111)" IIIO{lrc,\',\ was sOl11ew/wf

(WIIVY. Cll/d (Ii is gave me {I ~ore back

161 . Whal is the purpose of Ihe document? 162. Wh at was Josie's complaint about room
(A) To request a room service order service?
(8) To ask clients for advice in improving (A) The food was overpriced.
services (B) The staff wa s unkind.
(C) To ask people to slay al thei r holel (C) The menu didn'l have enough
(0) To ask aboul where a good hotel can selection.
be found (D) The service wasn't quick.

1·13 AClu;i! Tesl2
Questions 163 -164 refe r to the following memorandum.

To: All Managers

From: Harold Geezer, Company President
Date: Tuesday . .July 13

Because of reCCll t i s~ ues related to discipline of employees, as well as

dismissals where these employees have brought lawsuits against the company,
I have decided lhat there is a need for a well-documented compcll1)' policy

regarding both discipline and dis mi ssa ls. I have asked th e !luman Resources
department La draft this document, and to IHWC it completed by September 1st
of this year.

Once this document is completed. it will be distributed to al l managers to be

carefully reviewed. You will be given until September 7th to submit any
concerns you may have to Human Resources in writing. On Sep tember 15th,
there wi ll be H meeting of all managers, I-Iuman Resources and myself to make
any final changes to the document. It will then be distributed to all employees
011 September 21st, who mllst then read it carefully and sign it by September
28th .

163. By when musl employees sign Ihe 164. How must managers submit their
company policy? concerns about the document?
(A) Seplember lsi (A) AI a meellng
(B) Seplernber 151h (B) Oireclly 10 employees
(C) Seplember 21 sl (C) In writing to human resources
(0) Seplember 28111 (0) In wriling 10 Ihe presidenl


Questions 165-166 refer to the following email.

TO: Edith Pricklie (gogogranny

FROM: Francis Tranworth (
RE: Ticket confirmation
DATE: December 12. 2004

Dear Mrs. Pricklie.

I am writing to co nfirm that your flight to Bombay, India has been booked, with a
departure date of April 6, 2005. returning May 12, 2005. The total price for the ticket will
be $1.216, including all fees and taxes.

We do, however. al this time wish to offer you an extended package which will include
the airfare, as well as hotel accommodations during your stay, lours of the interesting
sites in and around th e city, as well as a priva te car to take you from place to place. We
can offer you all of this for th e low price of $2,999.

Please ve rify which package you wish to receive, and we wi ll print and mail your flight
ticket to you, along with vouchers fo r any other services you wish to receive. The
deadline to pay for the ticket is March 6.

Many Thanks,
Francis Tranworth

165. Which of the following is NOT included in 166. How will the ticket be sent to Mrs. Pricklie
the extended package? after she pays for it?
(A) A translator (A) By courier
(B) A fligh t ticket (B) By fax
(C) A private car (C) By mail
(0) Tou rs of the area (0) She must pick ,t up in person.
45 Aclual Test 2
Questions 167-169 refer to th e following letter.

Sassy Children's Day Camp

1873 Play Place
Seattle, WA 29909

June 13

Mr. David Campbell

1987 Workers Drive
Seattle, WA 29903

Dear Mr. Campbell

We appreciate your interest in our July Day Camp program, and we wish to confirm
that you will enroll your children in the progra m. As you are aware, our prog ram
offers the chance for your ch ildren to have many exciling experiences, both here at
our faci lity. and at other locations in and around the city where we occasionally go
on field trips. These field trips include visits to museums, amusement parks, trips to
swimmi ng pools , as well as nature wal ks, fo r wh ich we have guides who are
knowledgeable in the local animal and plant life . We make a serious effort to make
every day at camp fun and educa tional.

Your letter to us stated that you have three children , which means that you are
eligible for our special group discount. The cost per child for the month for a single
child is $599, but with three or more children, the cost is only $509, a 15 percent
saving ! Tilis means you will need to pay the low total price of $1 ,527 fo r your
entire family to attend the camp. Al so, if your children have other friends who wish
to attend the camp, they can enjoy the same savings if you book them all at once.

We look forwa rd to your confi rmation, and we look forward to seeing your wonderful
kids here at Sassy Children's Day Camp.

Jesse James

Jesse James, Director

Sassy Children's Day Camp

New Real TOEle lC/RC 1...\6

167. What is the purpose of this letter to Mr. 169. Wh ich of the following is NOT a benefit of
Campbell? the program?
(A) To confi rm the children 's enrollment (A) It's educational.
(B) To advise him of tile services they (B) It's free.
offer (C) It's exciling for children.
(C) To encourage him to have chi ldren (0) It's cheertul.
(0) To book ticke ts at the museum

168. How many ch ildren, at a minimum, must

be booked together for the camp in order
to qualify for a discount?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(0) 4

147 Actual Tesl2
Qu estions 170 -1 72 refe r to the following advertisement.

Jeebus Corporation Request For Proposal (RFP)

Jeebus Corporation has, in the immediate upcoming fu tu re, a need for assistance from a
future partner company who can help fu rthe r ou r goals by produ ci ng pri nted materials
which will spread our message to as many people as possible. In order to fu lfill this need,
this partner would need to be able to fulfill the following req uirements:

1. Have su fficien t writing an d editing staff to p rod uce 5,000 words of high -quality
advertising copy per month.

2. Have staff photographers available to photograph va rious con ferences and other
events so there can be attractive visuals included in the materials re leased.

3. Have access to affordable pri nting services capabl e of producing 300 to 500 thousand
full-color copies of our month ly newsletter, wh ich consists of 24 pages.

Please submit your proposals by March 18, 2005. Proposals shou ld be sent according to
the contact information found on the cover page of this RFP.

170. What kind of material does Jeebus 172. What kind of staff is NOT specifically
Corporation need help producing? mentioned as requ ired at the future
(A) Internet contenl partner company?
(8) Printed Information (A) Communications representative
(C) Billboards (B) Photographer
(D) TV advertising (C) Editor
(D) Writer
171. How many words must writers and editors
produce in a month?
(A) 300
(B) 500
(C) 1,000
(D) 5,000

New f~ .il TOEtc U"::R(,'; 14:\
Questions 173-175 refer to the following noti ce.

How to Build a Birdhouse

This is much more than a simple inslruction<ll Illan ual explaining

the Ill::ltcrials required and the dimensions of the pieces Ih<l! must be
fitled togethe r to build a birdhou se. This book is full of tips wit h
rega rd t o prop er sawing, nailing:. screwing and g lu ing tcdllliqucs
that will help yo u to bui ld t he hi ghcst~qua li ty birdhouse on yo ur
block! Th ere is also information that call help YOll to choose th e b('5t
wood wh en you visit your lumberyard. as well <IS painting lip!' that
will help yotl decor<lte your birdhouse and pl'ote<'t it, so th at many
genera lions of your little fri e nd s can raise families in it. Th est' lips
ca ll be appl ied to (lilY number of home ca rpent l)l projects ~Irter you
practice them by building this little won der! 129 pages, expect 4·6
weeks for delivery. Comp let ion of the birdhou se takes ahout 10
working hours.

173. What kind of skill does this book give tips 175. Which of the following is NOT discussed
for? in the notice ?
(A) Pottery (A) Sawing techl1lques
(8) Drawing (8) Selection of matena ls
(C) Making wooden th ings (C) Decoration of the birdhouse
(0) Inte rior home decorating (D) Placement of the birdhouse

174. Wh ich of th e following does the notice

mention will protect the birdhouse?
(A) Proper gluing
(8) Proper painting
(C) Proper nailing
(D) Proper screwing 149 Aclu:11 Test 2

Questions 176 -177 refer to the following letter.

Yearly Athletics

March 26
To: Mr. James Frank
99 Sahara Road, Canberra, Australia
From: Jimbo Jones, Tournament Organizer
88 Gobi Drive, Sydney, Australia

Dear Mr. Frank:

I'm replying to your letter requesting that the cricket tournament be postponed from
May 30 of th is year to June 6. Unfortunately, we must decline this request. We
understand your desire to include everyone, and we wish we could accommodate
those teams which are unable to attend on the originally scheduled dale. However,
there has been too much work done to promote the event for the originally scheduled
date. Also, Wiggly Field has already been reserved for May 30, and there is a steep
penalty to be paid for changing the date.

Best Regards,
Jimbo Jones

176. Why was a request made to reschedule 177. When will the tou rnament actually be
the event? held?
(A) There is no field available. (A) May 30 tl1
(8) The necessary preparations haven't (8) Jur1e 6th
been made yet. (C) March 26th
(C) To include more teams In the event (D) March 30th
(D) There could be a penally if they go
ahead as planned.

New Rf'al TOEle LCIRC 150'

Questions 178-180 refer to th e following advertisement.

Accounting Director Needed

The Bland Corporation is seeking highly skilled and motivated professionals to apply
for the position of Accounting Director for the Northeast Division. Appl icants must
have an MBA, be certified CPAs, have a minimum of 10 years experience working in
the accounting field , and have 5 years management experience . The job will include
roug hly 20 days of travel a year to domestic and international locations, and a very
hard working attitude will be a requirement in this position . Benefits include full
medical and dental family cove rage, a six·figure salary, and an end of contract bonus ,
as well as a substantial retirement pension , depending on how many years of service
the successful applicant provides. Please send your resume and cover letter to Ruth
Jucinia at

178. How many years of accounting 180. What a re the benefits of a successful
experience mu st app licants have? applicant?
(A) 5 (A) 100 thousand dollar yearly sal ary
(B) 6 (B) An apartment
(C) 10 (C) An overseas trip
(D) 20 (0) Health Insurance

179. Which of the following is NOT required of

app licants?
(A) A business degree
(B) A willingness 10 travel
(C) A hard working attitude
(D) A history of earning a high salary

5 Actual Tesl2
Questions 181 -185 refer to the following e-mails.

Sign Up for GoodFCU E (electronic)-Statements or E-Notices and Be

Entered to Win a $100 Gas Card!


Since you currently receIve GoodFCU account E-Statements, you know they offer
you a fast and easy solution for viewing your monthly/quarterly account statement in
Computer Line. Other E-Notices that you may lind uselul are VISA E-Statements,
Transac tion Notices and the Loan Billing Notice.

Sign up for E-Statements or E-Notices from now until July 31, 2006 and be
entered to win one of three 5100 Mobile gas cards: It's perlect for your summer
• VISA E-Statements work Just like your GoodFCU account E-Statements. You
receive an email notifying you that your VISA E-Statemenl is ready to be viewed in
Computer Line. Also, with VISA E-Statements, a link is provided to make an online
• Transaction Notices are sent via email and inform you if you have an overdraft
transfer from one account to another (for example, from savings to checki ng) or if
you have a Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) check.
• Loan Billing Notices. Receive your loan payment notices and late notices (Instant-
Cash, Home Equity Loan, etc) vIa email. When you select an E-Notice, you are also
able to choose how many days before your due date you wou ld like to receive the

Sign Up Today!
Login to Computer Line lrom the GoodFCU home page
• Make sure your email address is current
• Choose the "E -Services·' menu
· Choose "E-Correspondence Sign Up" from the drop down menu
Select "Electronic" as your delivery method for the appropriate statements and/or
notices (you may choose to receive all your statements and notices electronically by
checking the box at the top 01 tile list)
• Enter and confirm your email address
• Agree to the online disclosure
Good Federal Credit Union -

New Rc. TOEle LCIR(' 151


To: good fcu@g

From: Hush322
Subject: Hi, this is Wayne Hush.

Dear Good Federal Credit Union,

I signed up for the E-Staternents, Transaction Notices and the Loan Billing Notice a lew days
ago. and I still didn't get my $ 100 Mobile gas card. I am actually going on a trip 10 Las Vegas
in two days, so it would be very useful for me to have a gas card. Therefore. please check if
you have made a mistake in not sending me the gas ca rd or possibly il got lost on the way to
my mailbox. I just want my gas card as soon as possible. Thank you. '"


Wayne Hush

181. What is the first e-mail about? 184. Why does Mr. Hush say he needs a gas
(A) It IS a brochure from a bank card?
Introducing a new mortgage loan. (A) He doesn't have any money for gas.
(S) It is showing how much Mr. Hush (S) His car takes up lots of gas.
borrowed from the bank. (C) He wilt need lots of gas soon.
(C) It'S introoucing a way to get a $100 (D) He wants 10 sell it to other people.
gift card when you sign up.
(D) It IS advel11slng their new deats. 185. What is correct about the two readings?
(A) Good Federal Credit Union 11as sent
182. What is NOT one of their new services? Ihe gas card to Mr. Hush
(A) Electronic view at spending history (8) Mr. Husll has not signed up lor the
(6) Transaction notification new services yet.
(C) Low interest loan (C) Good Federal Credit Union doesn't
(D) Loan payment notice offer any free gas cards.
(D) Mr. Hush probably has not won the
183. What is one of th e procedures to sign up free gas card contest.
for the service?
(A) Choose E-Customer Service
(S, Choose E-Correspondence Sign Up
(C) Enter and change your password
(D) Enler your personal identification

153 r\C\ual T sl2
Questions 186-190 refe r to the following introduction and e-mail.

Honors College Information Sessions

Congratu l:n ions stu dents. fo r your excell ent academ ic achievement durlng your fi rst semester
at ASU . T he Honors Co ll ege is pleased to offer you an o pportu nity to IC:1rn more about
Ho nors Co ll ege m e mb e rs h ip. Yo u a rc inv ite d to att e nd one o f the Ho no rs Co ll ege
introductory sessions noted below:

January 23 - Monday - 129 Shod y Hall - 4:30-5:30 pm

January 24 - Tucsday - C I 06 Co lmes H:1ll - 4:30-5:30 pm

Fi rst-year stude nts may a pply fo r mc mbc rshil) in the Honors Coll ege duri ng thei r second
semester if they ma int:1i n at least a 3.5 G.P.A. a nd expect to reach sophomore standing by the
end of the semester. If you arc inlerested in appl yi ng aft er alte nding one o f these sess ions.
you will schedule a time to meet with an Honors College adviser in Euslacc-Co le '·Ial l.

If you ca nnot attend any session, you can make an appo in tme nt B EG INN ING JANUA RY 30
with an I-Ionon; College adviscr by using the on- line scheduli ng syste m.

Henry D. Cogner
Dean, T he Honors College E-mai l: cognc r@

TO: Ilenry Cogner <cogncr@asu.cdu>

FROM: Jilllmy Dashes <dashesjim@hol llla il .com>
SUBJECT: RE: I-Ionon. College Information Sessions
Dear Prof. Il e lllY Cogncr.

My name is Jimmy Das hes and I am a freshman in Arizona Statl;! Un ivers ity. Even bc fore coming
into ASU, I've hl!ard grea t things <lbout the Honors College and aile o f the goa ls thatI've sct this
year was to get into the Ii onors College. BUI I feel that I' ve had to come a long way to even appl y
for the Honors Co ll ege. My fiBllily 's business has been going down ever s ince we moved to
Arizona and last semester. J didn't get the money for the scho larship 1 eal1lcd, which was goi ng
to be lIsed 1'01' my tuitions. So f bad to work 12 ho urs a day every day for two months from
Septcmb~r to November. T hen at the end of Novclllbcr. before the final eX<lm penod, I got into:l
Car accident. and I had to spend onc week in the hospital.

My c urrent G.P.A. after the first semester is 3.3. And l know thrll the G.P.A. has to be over 3.5 to
be e ligible to apply for Ihe J lonors Co llege. However. I plead with you Prot: Cogncr thai you
consider my situation and how it was inevi la blr.: for me to do nOt as we ll as 1 coul d and not get
over 3.5 G. P.r'\ . Ithllnk you for your time and attentio n, Prof. (ogne r.


Jimmy Das hes

ASU fn.:s hman

New Real TOEIC LC/I~C l:'i www.nha

186. What is the purpose of the first passage? 189. Which one describes the studen!"s
(A) To recruit staff to help stud ents who emotional state in the email most
apply for Honors College accu rately?
(8) To find students among juniors to join (A) He is satisfied with what he Ilad to go
Honors College membership through.
(C) To offer students with high overall (8) He is very anxious that Prof. Cogne r
grade studying in Arizona State will not accept him.
University (C) He has no ambition to enter Ihe ,


(0) To look for any students who can college. <;


make to the introductory sessions (0) He is sincere and hopeful. ~


187. In wh ich hall wou ld you meet with an 190. What is NOT true about the student? "•-<
Honors College advisor? (A) He had to miss two months 01 school
(A) Shady Hall fo r working.
(8) Eustace·Cole Hall (8) He got into a car accident last
(C) Honors Hall semester.
(0) Calmes Hall (C) His fam ily is not able to support him
financially right now.
188. What should students who cannot make it (0) He rea lly wants to get into the Honors
to introductory sessions do? College.
(A) You can visit the Honors College
office to make an appointment with an
(8) You can go on the internet to make an
appointment with an advisor.
(C) You can read the Honors College
Handbook instead.
(0) You just go ~head and piCk up the
application to turn it in.
. 155 Ac tual Test 2
Questions 191-195 refe r to the following letters.

May 23. 2006

Mr. Paul Aljouney
Standing Mobile Technology
81 Fulham Road
London. SW3 6RD
Dear Mr. Aljouney:
I read in the July issue of the popular journal. New Technology. about your new cellular phone, lhe
Ultra 700 1-2. As we 3re the major distr ibutor of cellul:'!r phone accessories online. the Ultra 700 1-2 is
the kind of product we look fOl',
Our company. would be interested in selling the batteries. chargers. speake rs. and other
accessories that come with the Ultra 700 1-2. and of cou rse the Ultra 700 1-2 itself.
Would you please be kind e nough to send us a sample Ultra 700 1-2 phone and the accessories thar
will accompany the Ultra 700 1-2 and the proposed list prices! I would also appreciate the opportunity
to meet with your sales representative to discuss volume discounts.
I look forward to hearing from you at your- earliest convenience.
Don Phillips
Supply Manager
Wireless. com

May 28. 2006

Don Phill ips
32000 Business Center
Indianapolis, IN 65344
Dear Don Phillips,
I want to thank you for- the great interest and attention you are giving to us . Yes, we will send you O lil'
sample accessories that accompany the phone and a sample phone as soon as possible. We should be
able to send them to you by June 1st jf everyth ing goes accord ing to pla n. Here's the list of accessol"ies
we have with o ur new product Ultra 700 1-2 and we hope that this will help you to come up with a
good contract soon.

Product I Accesso r ies Price Quantity or Note

Ultra 700 1-2 $199.99 + 10% taX No sales o r discount
Phone Cover- $19.99 + 10% tax Comes with decorations
Earphones & Mic $29.99 + I 0% ( a X Made by Sony
Extra Battery $45.99 + I 0% tax 2 / Lasts 2 days

We are in the process of produc ing more accessories which I have not included in the table. We will
send you the rest of the accessory list as soon as we are ready to pr-oduce them successfu lly.
Once again. thank you for yo ur ime rest in ou r product.
Sincerely .
Paul Aljo uney
Stand ing Mobile Technology Production Manager

New Re31 TOEle ~~ RC 15()

191. What is th e purpose of Mr. Phillips' tetter? 194. What is NOT one of the products
(, \) ~Ic .v Iinc M( Standing Mobile Technology is
Techno[o~i Comr. 111 producing?
(8) H(~
wonts to know If "110 S.rv1.T (A) Phone decorations
Company ha: :'Illy nc Ioi [HOI ue c; (8) Earphones Illadl by SennheiseJ
(C) He wants 10 bngaln with Mr Alioullcy (C) Cellulal phone battenes
to lower ttl( pm.. , (0) Ultro 700 I ~
(0) He \I, ;f""- t I S t.J 'r - _ . , HQllucl

195. Wh ich of the choices is true about the

192. What do you know about the accessories?
Wireless. com Company? (A) Battery ~ ,he cheal... "st ..lltclclllllt:nL
(A) It sells lots of electronic products. (8) Earphones and Mic arc dealt WJ!~l
(8) It sells mobile pl)one attachments different product
(e) H Installs wireless connections for (e) Phone covel costs less than $25
customers. {OJ There arc only Iwo accessories 1(1(
(0) It turns norm?!1 iJtlOl S Into Wireless. the Ultra 700 1-2.

193. How did Mr. Aljouney's response to the

(A) He isn't really interested in doing
business wiU" Mr. Phillips.
(8) He IS excited to sell products to Mr
(C) He is unsure \'\'hcther he should sign
a contract With Mr Phillips.
(0) He needs some tuno before /1e makes
the (lecision

www. hantnvet.coll
Questions 196-200 refer to the following e-mails.

r------------ ------------
From: Namsu Jeong <>
To: Aaron Prince <>
Subject: Requests for information
Date: Fri, Feb 2, 2006 16:23

Since we introduced ou r new camera , we've been getting a lot of requests for more
in formatio n. I started a checklist to make sure we keep track of what our potential
customers want. New Prints sent me an e-mail yesterday requesting 100 brochures and a
display stand . (Are the brochures back from the Make Ads yet?) Inside Photo asked me
this morning to get a sales rep to ca ll. All the representatives are at a meeting and won',
be able to return calls until Feb 5, next Monday. However, I will talk to the reps manager to
see if they can finish their project earlier to talk to ou r clients.

From: Aaron Prince <>
To: Namsu Jeong <>
Subject: Re: Requests for information
Date: Fri, Feb 2, 2006 17:35

Today, I received requests for brochures from Marvel Film. Digital Zip, and Media Top.
Sea Gomez of sent an e-mail yesterday , Feb 1st, and she wants a sales
representa tive to call , and she also wants to get info on promotional materials .
Unfortunately, the brochures won't be ready until next week. This afternoon, I'll fax a
promotional flyer to each of them and tell them the brochures will be sent on Feb 6th. I'll
also tell them about our new processing service.

New R~al TOE1C LCIRC 5

196. Whal is Iru e aboullhe two e·mails? 199. What does Aaron plan to do?
(A) They are senllo their all group (A) Visit each client to talk to them about
members. their new product
(B) They share information about thei r (B) Fax a promotional flyer to clients
business. (C) Find other representatives who are
(C) They are written day after day. free
(0) They conlain the phone & fax number (0) Send an email to Bea Gomez of
also. ,n

197. What is one of the problems they are 200. Which of the following describes their job ~

experiencing? correctly? c
(A) The brochures have the wrong (A) They make and design cameras. •
information. (B) They assemble their new products.
(B) They still haven't introduced their new (C) They run the business with their
camera to the market yet. friends.
(C) The printing company hasn't finished (0) They promote their new products.
printing the brochures yet.
(0) The brochures will be ready by

198. When will they provide the brochures to

their clients?
(A) Feb. 1st
(B) Feb. 2nd
(C) Feb. 5th
(0) Feb. 6th 159 Actu al Test 2

I.IAI 2. f 1I1 ,l. 1:\' 4. I( 1 ~. I( J I •. nH 7.1.\ 1'1. I \1 'I. [( ) In. I{ )

II. It I 12.{11) P. I ( ) 14.11'1) t~.tB) 110. It') 17. I \ UI.I( ) /'). (( I 2U. I( J
21.1 HI ~2. HI 13. f \) :!4.t \! 2:". n~J 2(,. I \1 27. 'I ZX. « ) 211. (\1 111. Ie )

.\1. I III .\!. (, .n.lll .1.1.1111 .1:'·) .1(t. II, J7. () .1H. In, ' I .su., \
I. I Ii) ·12.1C') .l.I ....\) 4~. (I-Il ·Ii. I') ·IN . lUI ·i' I

:'1. ( . \, 52.1 \) 9. (Dl


54. Ii\)
'" 55.t{'l
..16. If I
5~. tl)) :'7. I ( , :>X. 1'\ I 5'.1. c( I

!)II. III,
(·1.1:\ I (,2. It.J (,3. cDI (,4.{il) (,~. (.\1 (,(l. 113 J l>7.1[)\ fll\. III, fl". III \ 711.1( , ) 71. iI-I) 7J. (A) 7-I.IIH 7S. (/\) 76.1:\) 77.1A) 7H.IB, 7<', t III ~n. \.\ I
~1. re, H2. t.('J X.l. Ol) 1>:.t((') MS.IA) HI>, 11\ I x7. (HI lUI. ,.\ I XI).IOj 911. ill)

'll. j .\/ n.I.\' ~.l. I( ) I.LI.I \ I IJ~. till W,. f{. \ .7 ,:\ 'IN.I( I CII,!. f!)/ 11IIL IHI
JUI.I \I 1112. '\ , 111.\. fj} 1 W.j. fU) IIIS.IH, IIIh. I i) 1117. 11) WH. i ( , 111'1.[.\, 110. n
111.{i}) 112.11J) IB.If. ) II·UD) 11;;.(,\ I II~. lUI 117 (BI lUl.l \I 11<), I UI 1211. illl

121.\1\1 122.11)1 1HlCl 124.11 I 12:', f{') IU" (1') 127. I.\) I2X.IOI 12<).111, 1.111. (t )

1.11.1(') nl.lB) 133. ,e) 134.1( ) 1.\5. (PI I :U•. (,\) 137.(0 !.lX.I<'I !.lC). (1») 1.111. (( )
141.1·\) 142. (CJ IH.IDI 14..1. (('J 145. till 14(,.1.\ ) 147. (I ) 1·IX.ln, 1.1'1. (IS) 1:'11.(1-\1
151. 1:\1 152.(n 15:t.IU) 154. (I', I~::;. (1)1 I~(,. lUI 1:"7. (1-1) ISH.IO! l!''I.Ct I 1611.d)
1(.l.cU, 1(.2. III, 11.3.(1)) It.... In I (,!'. I \ I (,t •. If I 1(,~. I \) 1M!. ( ) II,'I.UJ) 171). {iH
lil.(l» In \, 173. It ) 17·t. IBI 17~.1I)1 17{>. II ) ,
I .... (.\ I 171i. It ) I'HI. 11)1 USli. (1)1

UI!. Ie ) I~!.I( ) ORrll) 1~4. {( 'I IX~.Il>J 11((;. (0) UP.iB) IXX. IHI I1N.II\) 1'111. lA,
19J.rf)) 1'J2.1 UJ 19.1. Jll) 19.j.IB) IfIS. It 1 196. (II) Il)i. Ie ) 1'IX, (1)1 1''''). t n) 2iHI.ID)


(A) The garbage haskets look exactly the same

(A) There are cars one ;lfler another (8) The garbage baskets are on the grass.
(8) The cars are being passed by a bus. (C) The garbage baskets are full of trash.
(C) The cars are stopped at a gas station. (D) The garbage baskets are being moved by a
(0 ) The dnvers are standing besides their cleaner.
cars asking for assIstance.

4, ,--- - -- - - - ,

(A) People are sweeping the park.

-..r;:: (A) People are looking at sculptures. (8) People are playing soccer on the field
(8) People arc enjoyin9 looking <II the paintings. (C) People are on a picniC in the park.
(C) People are at a jewelry store. (D) People are parking their cars.
(D) Peopte are auctioning off the paintings . 'b7 $c Ipr s f. Ai\!='wers

5. 9.

. E:
-=- (Al People are pulling up brochures. ::= (A) The people are falling asleep.
(8) People are looking at a job ad on the wall. (8) The people are walking through the bUilding.
(C) There are loiS of brochures on the wall. (C) The woman In the middle is leading a
(0) A garbage man is scrubbing the brochu res diScuSSion \\'llh the group
off the wall. (0) The woman is shaking hands with the group.

6. , - - -- ----,

(Al The women are learning yoga in the gym.
:::1::: (A) They are watching a microscope.
{Bl The women are lookmg at different Ilalntlngs.
(8) They are lighting with each other.
(C) The women are painting the wall.
(C) Tiley are watching sornething over tho fence.
(0) The women in the front are explaining the (D) They are trying to call 911 .
paintings to other people.


11 . Where can t take the train to San FranCISco?

..E:. (A) Every twe nty minutes,
• (8 ) To San Francisco.
(Al The man IS bending over on a farm (C) At gateway 4
(8) The man is trying to plant seeds.
(e) The man is reaping frui ts from the trees.
(0) The man is working with his colleague. 12. Has the parcel already been shipped today?
::1:.; (A) Three times a day.
~ (8) No. not yet
8. (C) A delivery person

13. Who will make the first speech at the conference?

. E:. (A) Johnson's present was very nice.
:::1:.<: (8) There are no assignments.
(A) The flight is not in service yat. (C) Mr Wang IS starlsog

(8) The plane needs to be repa ired.

(C) Some people are on top of the plane.
(0) Other planes behind this plane are taking off. 14. Where do I have to put this plale?
E. (A) Yes, thank you . You can take a break .
Eo (8) You can put it over the kitchen counter

(el He'S at the restaurant.

New Reat TOFte l.e fH e 26X

15. Does the bill include the federal sales lax? 22. Is it too hot in here or is it alright the way it is?
. E (A) LeI's give him a call.
E (Al Yes, put your phone numbers . ~


(8) Yes, il has some tax included

."E (8) I'm okay, thank you.

(C) No, it's not on sale, (C) It's 100 chilly.

23. When is Jason coming to the bus stop?

16. When is the next flight to Jeju Island? %
.. E f$; (Al I will contact him later today . W

(Al Certainly not. "<I ..'"
"""='" (8) No, I've never seen Jason before.
E (8) It is much more expensive. &
-===- (C) One hOurfrom now.
(e) last Tuesday was the memorial day. ~


24. Do you mind siuing over there?

17. Can you give me a hand with this homework
E (A) Of course not.
. . .'" or should you go home right now?

• .~"r·
. .."" (8) No. I like here.
(Al I can help till about 3 p.m.
(e) No, that's not mine .
(8) Yes, I have some of my own.
(C) I left it in the classroom .

25. There is going to be a shower this afternoon , isn't

•. E there?

lB. Madonna is going to keep her part·time work, isn't

E: (A) At the headquarters, I guess.
E she? ~
(8) Yes, but I'm taking a day off anyway.
E (A) I broke up with her. (C) No, my mom is coming this Friday.

(8) Come a little early, if you can.

(C) Yes, she likes workir1g.

26. What was your inquiry , Mr. King?

19. What makes you lake so long? • (Al I war1te($ to figure out this Math equation.
(8) I had no spare time talking with Me King .


(A) The bread is especially delicious here. (C) Yes. she did ask a brilliant question.
. E (B) We can cut the sliced raw tuna .

(C) I got a 10ng·di!;lanCe call from my mother·in·

27. Did your team win the last season?
...~·r·." (Al Thanks a lot! We've been working hard .
E (8) That's exactly what people call it.
20. If I remember correctly, they've met before, -=- (C) The season was postponed temporarily.
' ",
haven't they?
E (A) He made an apology.
(8) I don't have another appointment until 2. 28. t really liked watChing this movie, didn't you?
(C) They went to the same university. -
'-'= (Al Money would be better for me.


(8) I will get my paycheck tomorrow.

{el Oh, the actresses were amazmg.

21. Why did the art gallery delay the art presentation?

~ (Al It is my second time visiting here .

• (8) The elevator is out of order.

(Cl I'll send my work by tomorrow.

t heard that somebody in this firm could help me
solve this matter.
(A) You should talk to my department manager
(8) Where are the newspaper ads?
(C) Yes, we construct commercial sites.

269 SCllpls & AnSW~fS


What sort of transportation do you use to get to
(Al Yes, if you can finish on time.
(S) I'm used to doing it.
38. Will you have your homework done by 4 or will it
be late?
(A) It's just 1 o'clock in the morning.
(8) I will gcllhe work done by 4.
(C) On foot. (C) He took a leave .

31. Don'\ you want to read the recipes first? 39. Do you know how much money you earned tOday?
"" (A) On March the twentieth.
(8) I've made the dish so many l imes.
21"'- (A) Thanks a lot.
(8) Keep the exact changes, please .
(C) Go in the other direction. (C) II hasn't been counted yet

32. Can you tell me where I can find French written 40, Has anybody applied for the assistant job?
• books? . E. (A) Ms. Wilson said she did.
(A) Yes. he's such an excellent writer,
(B) I don't have a diary with me .
(8) At 6 pm, I guess.
(C) No, it's relatively cheap.
(C) There's one bookstore in downtown.

33 . Who should I call concerning the lawsuit? art III

:~t:.; (Al No, Mr. Sakimoto doesn't wear business suits
• everyday.
(8) I'm on vacation until next Monday.
(C) You ought to talk to Mr. Hong first, W: Well , Robert. I thought you were out visiting
- E=
clienls Ihis afternoon.
M: Mr. Reid asked me to cancel the meeting;
34. Did you reserve seals in advance? we're really short staffed in the office today.
· E (Al We had such a good time. This is why I reel that they should hire more
people so that we're not heavily burdened
E=. (Bl Yes, I did it last week.
"""'" (C) This is the headquarters.
with this work to finish! Don't you think so?
W: Yeah, I absolutely agree with you. But you
know thai our company's safes have been
going down and down, They can't afford to
35. Don" you have to register for the next semester? hire any more, We 're lucky that we're no!
(A) We just sold one. one of those who were laid off.
(B) The cash register. M: Yeah, You 're right. I should be grateful for
(C) No, I can do it unli! next Monday. even Just having a job these days,

3 6. Do you want to receive a booklet for Hawaii?


:-:1:= (A) I'm sorry but I can't. M: Should! just come to the 5th floor or Just ask
• (8 ) It's very kind of you. E:::: the front desk call you?
(C) I received a package this morning. W: Neither, go to Ihe coffee shop on the 1s1
floor, on the left Side when YOll come into the
building, I'll meet you there ,
37. Isn't she still beautiful at the age of seventy· three? M: Great, I look fO(\\lard to seeing you By the

-"" (A) Yes, it's one of the most expensive areas. way, IS it going to take a short time or is it
something important that we 're going to talk
~~r· (B) Yes, I can do it. Thanks.
'<11 ......
(C) Yes, she is such an adorable lady.

New RU'JI TOEle LCiRC .170

about? I hope it won't be so long , because I am offer our customers· clothes to be handled
supposed to go out with my family in an hour. WIth priority, we charge double of the normal
W. Hmm. I don't know. It could take as short as price. Is that alright with yOll sir?
thirty minutes, but It could also take as long M: Yes, that's fine. Then I will drop It off later
as Iwo hours. What do you say? Should we loday.
just meet another hme?

'", .."" M: Will Ms. Trump be in tomorrow?
W· Dr. Smith. the patient in room one is ready to • W: She won't be in tomorrow or the next day.
see you She'll be in Paris tomorrow and she usually
M: Thank you Ms. Garcia, do you have the works at home on Thursdays. Is it an
chart with the medical history? I remember emmgency sir?
this patient is Ihe one who had a heart injury M: No, bul I still need to get this message from
two years ago. TOkyo which is on this tape to her as soon
W: Really? II's 100 bad lhal he had his heart as possible. Do you think you could deliver
attack ag<lin. Doctor, do you think he has a this tape to her home as soon as she gets
good chance to recover fully? I know that his back? I wilt leave it right here.
family is really worried about his health. W: Sure, I would love to.
They are not so positive that he can
overcome it this time.
M; If irs not the first time , I am afraid to tell them
Ihat he probably won't be able to recover fully.
. E= W: What do you thmk about renewing our
,'E contract with Thompson's Office Supplies?

M: Their shipments take so long to gel hero. I

think they need more staff. I remember last
W; Where do you want to go for lunch? What time it took them four days to ship us the
are you hungry for? notebook when it was only supposed 10 take
M: I am hungry for anythmg! I can eat anything, two days.
even dog food right now! Let"s hurry and go. W: Alright, I'll look in the phone book for other
W: Well, we can go to the Chinese restaurant or supplier unless you have another company
the Japanese restaurant. which are both in mind. Hmm, how about Max's Office
pretty close. We can also go to either the Supplies? My father always trusted them
Steak House or the Jtafian restaurant and because they never failed him once to keep
those are on State slreet. their promised arrival dale.
M: Getting to State street will take forever in this M: Oh yea? Sure Lel"s try them out.
traffic right now. Let's Just go get some Chinese
for our stomachs. It's starting \0 hurt me now
and it's only a short walk from the office.

W: Are the blueprints ready for Ihe clients?

M: We had to make a few changes after the 10
o'clock deSIgn meeting. Other than that,
W: Hello, Kim·s Dry Cleaning. ThiS IS Jessica
everything is all ready for them to see.
and how may I help you?
W: Great. Mr. Brick will be here this afternoon to
M: If I drop off a suit later this afternoon, can It gel them. The clients also wanted to see the
be cleaned by tomorrow? II has some really producers of these blueprints after they review
dark stains on it. And I have 10 wear it for my the blueprints this afternoon. 00 you think you
interview tomorrow. could lei the producers know?
W· If you bnng it in before close tonight, '.... e·1I
M: Sure. They are on vacation star1ing next week,
hang it on the priority rack and clean it first so the clients should try to see them this week.
thlOg in the morning . However, when we 271 Scripts &. Answers

Great Hall , and the second you 'll see after lunch

when Zhong ben Ylng, a guest lecturer, talks
W: Hello, how can I help you?
about ancient Chinese artwork, and wil! show
~:I:: M: I noticed your help wanted sign ill the
you some examples. Entrance is free in both
window , is the position stili available?
cases, In a moment. we'll begin our walk
W : Yes, we 're hoping to hire two new cashiers through the gallery. Please feel free to ask
Can you come back tomorrow at 11 for an questions at any time,
interview? You must bring your resume with
you and a recommendation from your
professor or previous boss.
M: Of course, I'll be here at the store at11 ,
Welcome to the Goodman Theatre's prodlrction
of Toyshop My name is John Daker, 5 years
ago when I purchased U)e Goodman , I never
dreamed it would become the theater it is today.
Eo With generous contributions from our
-=- M: Has the new printer we ordered arrived yet?
supporters, the hallway is being repainted, and
E= W: Yes, it arrived today. Let's hope this one
soollthe repairs to this grand auditorium will
doesn't break as soon as the warranty runs
begin , If you WOuld like to help us with the cost
out like the last or)e did . I was so mad when
of the renovation. please leave a donation in the
that happened. Printers need to las! at least
box in the hallway, or call the number found in
three or even five years!
your program. Thank you for supporting the
M: It shouldn't. we ordered from a more reliable
Goodman Theatre. The actors and crew hope
manufacturer this time. Although this printer
you enjoy our production!
is more expensive, I am positive it will do its
job and stay faithful to us.
W : Heck yea! It needs to for Ihe money we spent!

Welcome , everyone. As International Sales

Manager of the Western Massachusetts Electric
Company. it is my pleasure to open Ihis year's
Part IV . . . "'i:' sales convention! We're glad you've all made it
from our offices from around the world. We rely
on our international sales force to make Western
E= Massachusetts Electric one of Ihe premium
~ Thank you for calling the Eastern Star. We've
brands In our field, and this past year you
been proudly serving customers in the big city
certainly haven'llel us down. This has been
for 10 years, We're open for lunch Tuesday
Western Massachusetts Electric's mosl
through Friday from 10 am until 2 pm and for successful financial year ever. We couldn·t have
dinner from 7 pm until 11 pm. On the weekends
done it without your excellent sates efforts.
we're open for dinner only from 7-10 pm. We're
Now, let me give you Ihe details of what we
closed Mondays. Reservations are accepted have planned this week.
only for parties of 4 or more. To make a
reserva tion, please leave a number at which you
can be reached, the dale and time when you
would like your reservation, the size of your
party, and your name . Thank you. • I think you'll find this facility to be ideal for the
kind of office you want to open. The meeting
rOOm is large and there's room to seat 6
customers in that area, As ! lold you on the
phone the landlord is asking for rent of 1.100
:-~I::: Good afternoon everyone. and welcome to the euros per month with a one time security deposit
International Art Museum . We're lucky tOday to of 800 euros. The rent covers all monthly
be able to see two extraordinary collections of electricity, phone and water but not central
artwork. The first is a collection of drawings from healing charges.
Ihe African colonial period, on view now in the

New Ro~1 TOEIC LCiRC 272 www.nhnntriviet.rom

-.,. ...'" Good evening and welcome to Channel 8 Thank you for coming. I'm Ellie Pine. director of
television's 'Chat Tonight'. On our program Ihis personnel for Just Imagine Products . Eddy
evening we have Dr. Hong Man who is a Shak.e from corporate headquarters and AI
psychologist al Hillside Hospital in Vietnam. Gays, our design director, asked me to meet
Dr. Hong is well known fOf his analysis into how with you today. Each of you represents one of
freshmen make friends. But loday. he's here to our major sales regions. But more importantly,
talk about his most recent popular psyChology you are the top selling representative in that
book 'Power of Feelings', Welcome to the show region . Therefore, I'm pleased to announce that,
Dr. Hong. in recognition of your outstanding performance,
each 01 you will receive, as a bonus, a 2-week
holiday at a resort of your choosing.
Congratulations .

. J§:
-=- Hi , Dr Briman. This is Williams from Holy Town
carpet store. We're going to be installing the
carpet In your restaurant next Sunday. We
should be there around lOam and I just want to ~ Good afternoon . I'm Adam Motta, and 1"11 be
make sure thai someone will be there. II should leading the traming seminar on internet security.
take us about four hours. Please make sure all I·ve worked on security-related issues in the
the electrical stuff is unplugged. including the computer industry for the past 15 years, and I've
faxes and computers. If you have any questions, given workshops like this for the past 5 years.
I'll be here until 6 today. First. I"m going to spene! some time today giving
you a general overview of security problems
faced by the banking industry. For most of the
week, though, 1"11 be showing you how to set up
a web page that is safe for customers to use.
.. As you are aWClre , this year marks an important
an niversary. Leah Computer has now been
producing good-quality computer products for
over 5 years. I think a celebration is in order. I've
made arrangements to set up an exhibit in the
lobby of the building to displClY samples of our
products from each year we've been in
operation. We will also H,clude photographs of
employees who have been with us from the
beginning. 5 years is a long time and those
employees deserve recognition for their
faithfulness. WithOutlhem, we wouldn't be
celebrating so many years of success.

www.nhantriviet.(om 273 Scripts & Answers

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