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2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Started on Monday, 13 February 2023, 5:20 PM

State Finished
Completed on Monday, 13 February 2023, 5:46 PM
Time taken 25 mins 24 secs
Grade 24.00 out of 40.00 (60%) 1/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 1

Partially correct

Mark 0.67 out of 2.00

You work for a small firm of chartered surveyors. One of the directors has revealed to you that they and others are claiming non-business
related expenses. Which of the RICS Rules of Conduct are most relevant to your decision about what to do?

Select one or more:

a. Members and firms must be honest, act with integrity and comply with their professional obligations, including obligations to 

b. Members and firms must maintain their professional competence and ensure that services are provided by competent individuals
who have the necessary expertise.

c. Members and firms must provide good-quality and diligent service.

d. Members and firms must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain public
confidence in the profession.

Your answer is partially correct.

Taking responsibility is relevant because you must take ownership of the decision about whether to blow the whistle and report the director.
Honesty is important, because you must decide whether to tell the truth about the director or keep this information quiet. Acting in a way that
promotes the trust of the profession is relevant because your decision over whether or not to report the director will have reputational
implications for your company and for the profession.

You have correctly selected 1. 2/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 2

Partially correct

Mark 1.33 out of 2.00

You are working from home when you become aware your computer may have been hacked, giving someone unauthorised access to
confidential client information. What ethical issues does this situation present?

Select one or more:

a. Public interest.

b. Confidentiality. 

c. Fairness.

d. Taking responsibility. 

Your answer is partially correct.

Answer (a) is relevant since your clients have an interest in having their data kept confidential. (b) is relevant since confidentiality seems to
have been compromised. (d) is also relevant, given that this issue which some might want to ignore but which must be dealt with. However
(c) is wrong since there is no issue of fairness.
You have correctly selected 2. 3/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 3


Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Carrying out a fire safety inspection for a new client on your return from a business trip abroad you struggle to focus and begin to feel
unwell. Which of the following courses of action best fits with your professional responsibilities?

Select one:
a. Inform your employers that you suspect you may be unwell and request someone else carries out the inspection. 

b. Complete the inspection in a timely manner.

c. Complete the inspection in a timely manner and then inform your employers that you may be unwell.

d. Inform your employers that you suspect you may be unwell, so that they are aware of the problem, and then finish the inspection.

Your answer is correct. 4/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 4

Partially correct

Mark 0.67 out of 2.00

An RICS member risks losing their driving licence because of a speeding conviction. To avoid this penalty, a member of their family accepts
responsibility for the conviction on their behalf. What ethical issues does this situation present?

Select one or more:

a. Exploitation.

b. Whistleblowing.

c. Acting in a way that promotes trust in the profession.

d. Honesty/deception. 

Your answer is partially correct.

As per (c) and (d), the RICS member's behaviour raises a concern to do with trust in the profession and a concern to do with honesty. This
in turn raises the question of whether you should blow the whistle, as per (b). However, there are no concerns to do with exploitation in this
You have correctly selected 1. 5/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 5


Mark 0.00 out of 2.00

As part of a recent commission you’ve received a lengthy contract from a client. There are some clauses in the contract you are uncertain
about. The company lawyer is on holiday, but a junior member of staff tells you they did a law degree a few years back, and they’re happy to
have to read through and make recommendations. You run the risk of losing the contract if a signed copy is not returned to the client soon.
What ethical issues does this situation present?

Select one or more:

a. Competency.

b. Honesty.

c. Duties to the client. 

d. Professionalism. 

Your answer is incorrect.

The key duties here are those competency and professionalism. These two duties are of course interrelated, and you have a professional
duty not to carry out work that is outside of your level of competence. Clearly, offering legal advice is not within the remit of the junior
colleague, so they would be acting unethically in offering legal advice. Honesty and duties to the client are not the standout duties here. 6/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 6


Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Your firm’s policy states that you must not accept hospitality that could compromise your impartiality. You are a keen golfer and your client
who also plays golf invites you to play at his exclusive club. Which of these possible responses is in accordance with the RICS Rules of

Select one:
a. Check your company's policy. Accept the invitation if permitted and declare it in your firm’s gift register. If it's not permitted, 
decline the invitation, and explain why.

b. Accept the invitation but get your client’s assurance in writing that by accepting does not place you under any obligation.

c. Accept the invitation and treat it as a perk of the job.

d. Obtain permission from your director.

Your answer is correct. 7/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 7


Mark 0.00 out of 2.00

You are awarded a contract by a new client. The client’s firm invites you to celebrate by joining their team at the opening night of a trendy
restaurant run by a well-known chef. It will not be the most expensive restaurant in town by any means, but everyone wants to eat there,
and it is booked up for months. Your company gift policy does not explicitly debar such a gift. Which of these possible responses is
recommended by the ethical standards?

Select one:
a. Accept the invitation in recognition of being given the contract.

b. Refuse the invitation. 

c. Seek your director's permission and go ahead if she clears it.

d. Accept the invitation but ensure you declare it in your firm’s gift register.

Your answer is incorrect.

Answer (b) would be an overreaction for what is a relatively small gift. It is not big enough to trigger major concerns. However as with all
gifts it should be declared, as per (d). Transparency protects the reputation of the profession by avoiding seemingly unwanted revelations
about gifts that would otherwise have been harmless. (a) and (c) are not acceptable since they do not specify that the gift must be declared. 8/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 8


Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Your client approaches you with an unorthodox proposal which will minimise their tax obligations. Although it appears to be legal, you are
not comfortable with the possible implications. Which of these possible responses are appropriate?

Select one:
a. Refuse the work, stating your view on tax avoidance.
b. Explain your concerns with the proposal but agree.
c. Agree to the proposal.
d. Ask the client to reconsider the proposal as it amounts to tax avoidance and could be viewed negatively. Be ready to refuse the 
work if, following discussion, it seems the scheme is clearly designed solely to minimise tax.

Your answer is correct. 9/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 9


Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

You are leading a project for an international client to build a care home for elderly people in the community where you lived as a child. As
part of the project you are tasked with choosing between two possible sites, one just outside your own village, and another in a village some
distance away. You are also planning to move your elderly father, who has been living with you for some time, into just such a home in a
couple of years. As a result, you have a strong preference for locating the development in the first site. Which of the following Rules of
Conduct are relevant in determining how you ought to act in this case?

Select one or more:

a. Members and firms must be honest, act with integrity and comply with their professional obligations, including obligations to 

b. Members and firms must provide good-quality and diligent service. 

c. Members and firms must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain 
public confidence in the profession.

Your answer is correct. 10/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 10

Partially correct

Mark 1.00 out of 2.00

A senior colleague gives you a site report to pass on to a client. The client is a non-commercial client who has not used services from an
RICS professional before. Looking through the report you realise that it is written in highly technical language not readily understandable to
a general audience. Which of the following courses of action (if any) are supported by the RICS Rules of Conduct?

Select one or more:

a. Trust your colleague’s judgment and pass on the report as it is.

b. Meet up with the client and talk them through the technical language of the report.

c. Raise your concerns and ensure that the report is rewritten in a more accessible manner. 

d. Provide the client with the report but warn them that they will be unlikely to be able to understand the content.

Your answer is partially correct.

Passing on the report in its current form or simply warning the client that they will struggle to understand its contents does not solve the
issue and is a clear failure to take responsibility. Ensuring the report is rewritten in an accessible manner or talking the client through the
technical language of the report are both acceptable ways to resolve the problem, providing a high standard of service and treating the
client with respect.

You have correctly selected 1. 11/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 11


Mark 0.00 out of 2.00

When bidding on behalf of your firm for work on a new retail development you make a verbal promise to the client to complete the major
surveying work yourself. You secure the work for your firm and the client signs a contract. However, the contract makes no mention that you
will complete the work personally, and your manager suggests that it would be more cost-effective for the work to be completed be a
competent junior employee. Which of the following courses of action are supported by the RICS Rules of Conduct?

Select one or more:

a. Discuss with your manager and point out that it may be prudent for you to complete the work yourself in order to fulfil your 
obligations and do what you said you would.

b. Ensure your manager is aware of and agrees with your approach. Agree with the more cost-effective strategy, but only if the client
also agrees to this. Suggest to the client that a junior employee undertakes the work under your supervision and sign off.

c. Agree with the more cost-effective strategy as the promise for you to complete the work personally was not included in the contract.

d. Insist that the work is completed by an RICS professional of your level of seniority or higher. 

Your answer is incorrect.

Ensuring that you fulfil your verbal agreement with the client or making sure that any alternative arrangements are acceptable to them must
be your top priority. Therefore, any option that does not include the client in discussions would be inappropriate. Reneging on your
agreement would be a failure of integrity and may undermine trust in the profession. If the work is undertaken by a more junior employee,
overseeing the work would ensure that you provide a high standard of service. 12/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 12


Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Whilst working on a project to develop an agricultural storage unit for a large multi-national corporation you receive credible information from
one of the client’s employees that the building will actually be used to provide dormitories for seasonal workers. Which of the following is the
best course of action in this situation according to the ethical standards?

Select one:
a. Provide the report on the development but make clear to the client that your report only refers to the building’s use as an 
agricultural storage unit.
b. Report the client to the police.
c. Provide a report on the development, but only for use as a dormitory.
d. Let the client know the identity of the worker who provided you with the information.

Your answer is correct. 13/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 13


Mark 0.00 out of 2.00

Surveying an old airstrip which a local business magnate and politician intends to develop into an opencast mine, you come across
numerous stone tools and items of pottery that you suspect to be ancient in origin. However, you are not a qualified archaeologist and there
is significant pressure from the client and the local community to proceed with the development as quickly as possible in order to bring jobs
into the region. Which of the following courses of action is supported by the RICS Rules of Conduct?

Select one:
a. Ignore the finds. You are no expert in these matters. 

b. Take the finds to the local museum but make no mention of them in your report.

c. Inform the client and the appropriate authorities.

d. Inform the client and take their further instruction.

Your answer is incorrect.

Ignoring the finds would be a failure to take responsibility. Taking the finds to a museum or leaving the client to decide would not ensure that
the area was appropriately investigated to prevent valuable archaeology from being destroyed. Informing the client and the local authorities
would fulfil your professional responsibilities as a surveyor, demonstrating integrity and promoting trust in the profession. 14/21
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Question 14


Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

You are in the pub when you notice a table of your colleagues sitting together. They are quite drunk and are loudly discussing a notoriously
difficult client of your firm. They are discussing details of the client’s behaviour but are not mentioning them by name. Which of the following
ethical issues are relevant to this situation?

Select one or more:

a. Transparency.

b. Respect. 

c. Confidentiality. 

d. Bullying.

Your answer is correct. 15/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 15

Partially correct

Mark 1.33 out of 2.00

You’ve been asked to carry out some surveying by a construction company who have recently received negative national press for
dangerous building projects, not paying its contractors, its taxes, or its staff. You have concerns about the work, but your manager insists
that you must carry it out. What ethical issues does this situation present?

Select one or more:

a. Duty of candour.

b. Taking responsibility. 

c. Duty to promote the public interest.

d. Acting in a way that promotes trust in the profession. 

Your answer is partially correct.

This isn’t a case of honesty or candour. This is a case where taking responsibility is relevant because you must decide whether to agree
with your manager, or resist taking on the work. The public interest is a relevant principle because the company in question has alleged to
have been involved with unsafe work. And promoting trust in the profession is relevant, because engaging with a controversial company
could have reputational implications for both your company and your profession.

You have correctly selected 2. 16/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 16


Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

Your firm enlists you to assist in a bid to replace a row of structurally unsound houses in a local town with a new development. One of the
houses was your grandparents’ home and you have fond memories of time spent there as a child. As a result, you do not support the
proposal. Which of the following responses are appropriate?

Select one:
a. Obstruct the bid in an attempt to save the houses.
b. Minimally assist in the bid and hope that it fails.
c. Put your reservations aside, maintain professionalism and assist with the bid to the best of your ability.
d. Declare your conflict of interest to your employers. 

Your answer is correct. 17/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 17


Mark 0.00 out of 2.00

You work for a small local firm of RICS professionals. You are acting for the seller of a residential property. A buyer asks you if you will act
for them as well. They need a property assessment for their bank who will be lending them the money to buy the property. Both parties are
keen for you to act for the buyer: the buyer because you will be cheap, having done much of the necessary surveying work already; the
seller because they want an accelerated sale. Neither party is concerned about any conflict of interest. What are the main considerations in
this case in accordance with the RICS Rules of Conduct?

Select one or more:

a. Competence and care 

b. Client’s best interests 

c. Informed consent

d. Public interest

Your answer is incorrect.

The question is whether the firm should act for the buyer and the seller in one transaction. For this to be permissible, it would need to be in
both of the clients' interests as per (b), and both clients would need to give informed consent as per (c). However, there are no grounds for
concerns about (a) competence or (d) the public interest. 18/21
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Question 18

Partially correct

Mark 1.00 out of 2.00

A new development is proposed on land which was previously owned by a church. Your firm has appointed you to head the proposed
development. You are uncomfortable with this as your grandparents’ grave is in the churchyard. What ethical issues does this situation

Select one or more:

a. Confidentiality.

b. Whistleblowing.

c. Transparency.

d. Client’s best interests. 

Your answer is partially correct.

Your concern about your grandparents' grave creates a conflict of interest, which in turn could affect your ability to work in your client's best
interests, as per (d). This creates a need to be transparent as per (c). However, there are no concerns raised by this case to do with
confidentiality or whistleblowing.

You have correctly selected 1. 19/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 19


Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

You are bidding on behalf of your firm for the quantity surveying contract for a large industrial development. You discover the firm a close
relative works for is also bidding for the same contract. Which of these possible responses are in accordance with the RICS Rules of

Select one:
a. Share details with your relative and agree between you what your maximum bids will be.
b. After the bidding process is complete, if you have won, let the client know about your relative, to check that they are happy for you
to go ahead with the work.
c. Do nothing – this is not a significant conflict.
d. Let the client know about the conflict and only go ahead with their permission. 

Your answer is correct. 20/21
2/20/23, 8:58 AM Assessment 2: multiple-choice questions: Attempt review

Question 20


Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

A junior female colleague has approached you with concerns about the behaviour of a male colleague. She has alleged that the individual
talks over her in meeting, sneers at any suggestions she makes and is generally disrespectful to her and other female colleagues. You’ve
had similar reports from other colleagues in the organisation. Which of the RICS Rules of Conduct are most relevant to your decision about
what to do?

Select one or more:

a. Members and firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion. 

b. Members and firms must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain 
public confidence in the profession.

c. Members must ensure the financial stability of the company.

Your answer is correct.

◄ Assessment 1 - Complex case study: Chicken feed

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