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Topic: A Little Security Officer

Observer: Dick Derit

Purpose: To find out what the boy is really interested in.
Name: Joemax Kepu Sex: Male DOB: 28/11/2019 Age: 5 years District: Ungai Bena
Province: Eastern Highlands School: Gama Elementary School Grade: E1 Year: 2024
Joemax is a little active boy, he likes to play every afternoon with his friends when coming
back from school. His favorite game usually played or interested with is, fighting with
bamboo-pop guns. With that, here are some camera shots taken during this different dates,
24/03/24, 29/03/24, 30/03/24, and 01/04/24.

On 24/03/24 around 5:12 pm when the sun On that same time, after 20 minutes all his
is setting Joemax and his friends were friends had gone. He went near a drum full of
fighting with other groups using muds and water and refilled his toy guns with water.

Pic 2
Pic 1

Observing him on 29/03/24, he was sitting with On 30/03/24, when arriving from school, I
his big brothers telling stories, creating jokes, saw him was lonely standing with his bamboo-
and were laughing. When I passed by I heard pop gun and doing some more practices with
him asking his big brothers, “apart from muds, it.
are there any more things we can use as bullets
for the bamboo-pop guns?” His brother
answered and said, yes you can use small fine Pic 4
stones and fruits from flower trees.

Pic 3

stones and small fruits from flower trees.

On 01/04/24, in the after afternoon he saw his best friend and running towards him
with his bamboo-pop gun. He went to share what he has (the pop gun) and what
his elders have instruct him on how to use the pop gun.

Pic 5
Pic 5

Several times of observation, Joemax is interested in playing with toy guns. In adulthood
stage, guns are normally used by police, warder, or an army. Maybe he might become one of
them in the future.
Therefore, to extend or motivate him from his interest, as family, caregivers, or teachers can
use these ways in guiding Joemax learning;
Engaging his interest- like playing with him.
Maintaining his interest- coming up with make-up stories, drawings, pictures, and creating
big books about his interest.
Demonstrating the interest- by acting drammers, role play about his interest.
During guided learning, the support offered by an adult gradually decreased as the child’s
become more skilled in the task. It requires family and teachers to allow students to extend
their current skills and knowledge.
Therefore, the skills must firstly identify, what the child is interested in. With this interest you
may plan their activities accordingly. This will become their motivation to become who they
want to be in the future.

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