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Date: 14-05-2024

Home-Learning (HL)
Format updated 7/7/23
Year Group:7 Submission deadline:

Student name: ID: Class: Y7

Subject: Teacher:
LFQ: How do I improve my knowledge of listening and vocabulary by practising PTE-
style questions?

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Listen to the audio carefully and attempt the questions provided:

Practice the provided vocabulary list.

1. abolish

do away with

He abolished the football team, planting an organic garden on the playing field.

2. coherent

marked by an orderly and consistent relation of parts

I had so many questions it was useless to try to sort them into any coherent order.

3. comprise

include or contain

"Each test will comprise English and Mathematics items."

4. domestic

of or involving the home or family

President Putin has both international and domestic concerns.

5. earnest

devout or heartfelt

Her singing is earnest and heartfelt and completely awful.

6. explicit

precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable

The sign, placed by an unseen hand, made the unspoken rules of the cafeteria explicit.

7. impede

be a hindrance or obstacle to

Because the mountains impeded north-south communication, it was much easier to coordinate the flow of
goods and services east to west.

8. instinctive

Humans, like other animals, are born with an instinctive motivation to escape pain.

9. nostalgic

unhappy about being away and longing for familiar things

They laughed together, and I grew nostalgic for my old life.

10. prevail

prove superior

Ms. G taught us that “Evil prevails when good people do nothing.”

11. relevant

having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue

We urge the public to contact us at the investigation hotline with any relevant tips or information.

12. somber

serious and gloomy in character

He wasn’t smiling at first — his face was somber.

13. stagnant

not growing or changing; without force or vitality

Many in the country say they are fed up with corruption, stagnant wages and rising prices.

14. turmoil

violent agitation

The crowd was in a turmoil now, shouting, jeering, urging freedom.

15. zeal

a feeling of strong eagerness

Hong Kong’s older protesters admire the bravery and tireless zeal of their younger counterparts.

1. agile

moving quickly and lightly

When you think of the Olympics you think of the fastest men on earth, the runners, you think of the strongest
men, the weightlifters, and you think of the most agile, the gymnasts.

2. chronic

long-lasting or characterised by long suffering

They also reported poorer overall health and more chronic pain.

3. dwindle

become smaller or lose substance

What seemed like a lot of food now would dwindle to nothing in a matter of weeks.

4. eccentric

conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual

They complain about him to Theo, calling him “ eccentric” and “strange.”

5. flounder

have difficulties; behave awkwardly

But like plenty of others, once at home, without a schedule and teachers to monitor his progress,
he floundered.

6. impose

inflict something unpleasant

And the old king, afraid the desperation would lead the people into disorder, had imposed strict laws with
harsh punishments.

7. lax

without rigour or strictness

His appointment indicated one thing: the government believed that discipline on the island was too lax, and
that a strong hand was needed to keep us in line.

8. lull

a pause during which things are calm

After an August lull, the debate resumed immediately this week.

9. meticulous
marked by extreme care in the treatment of details

Again and again he came to her room, checking, making certain that she was attentive to her job and would
be meticulous in the work.

10. oblige

force somebody to do something

It doesn’t require its chief executive to speak French, but it does oblige the airline to deliver services to the
public in both languages.

11. plagiarize

take without referencing from someone's writing or speech

How could I become so desperate that I not only plagiarized a fellow student’s work but on top of that deluded
myself into thinking I had made up everything myself?

12. remnant

a small part remaining after the main part no longer exists

The remnants of her morning meal littered the table—sardine heads, olive pits, chunks of flatbread.

13. sophisticated

having worldly knowledge and refinement

She was eighteen, a year older than I was, and much more sophisticated.

14. sustain

lengthen or extend in duration or space

He knows he's supposed to honour his country and its leaders, and that means to obey, honor, and sustain its

15. versatile

competent in many areas and able to adapt with ease

“We’re lucky we have versatile players, guys that can do a lot of different things. That’s going to help us
moving forward.”


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