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Business Communication

Module I Concepts, Theories & Models of Communication

Aristotle’s theory of Rhetoric, Wilber Schramm’s model of communication and modification,
Walter Lippmann’s Barrier to Effective Communication, The Hawthorne’s Effect, Gate-
keeping Theory, Shannon & Weaver’s Model of communication, Berlo’s model of
communication, Semiotic & Process School of Communication

Module II Essential Framework & Functions

Communication Process & Barriers, Communication Style & Interpersonal Influence,
Listening as a Communicative process, Effective feedback, Verbal and Non-verbal
Communication, Ethics & Ethical Consideration in Communication, Group Communication,
Interpersonal communication, Non-verbal communication, Communication as social contact,
dyadic communication, Persuasion & Debate, Challenges of Communicating in English

Module III Cross Cultural & Ethical Communication

Concept of Culture, International Communication and barrier, Intercultural Communication

at Workplace, Language, Identity & Culture, Culture & Conflict, Ethics in Business
communication, Corporate Communication Strategies, Values, Ethics & Communication,
Ethical Dilemma, Strategic Approach to Corporate Ethics, Ethics in Advertising, Ethical
Communication on the Internet

Module IV Communication & Emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence: History & Development, Social intelligence, Multiple Intelligence,
Goleman’s theory of Emotional intelligence, Value of emotional intelligence, Learned
Optimism, Effective Leadership, Interpersonal facilitation, Developing High Self Awareness,
Managing Your Emotions, Motivating Yourself, Using EI – Developing Effective
Communication Skills and Interpersonal Expertise
Decision Science and Operations Management

Module1 Statistics for Management

Concept, Measures Of Central Tendency and Dispersion, Probability Distribution –
Binominal, Poison, Normal and Exponential; Data Collection & Questionnaire Design
Sampling – Concept, Process and Techniques ; Hypothesis Testing – Procedure; T, Z, F, Chi-
square tests ;Correlation and Regression Analysis; Time Series Analysis.

Module 2 Operational Research

Definition and scope of operations research, Formulation of simple linear programming
problems, Simplex method, Duality, Simple transportation and assignment problems,
Characteristics of Inventory system, Simple economic lot size inventory models with and
without shortages, Economic production quantity model, Reorder level ; Definition of Queues
and their characteristics ; Decision Theory; PERT / CPM.

Module 3 Operations Management

Role and Scope; Facility Location and Layout – Site Selection and Analysis, Layout – Design
and Process; Enterprise Resource Planning – ERP Modules, ERP implementation ;
Scheduling; Loading, Sequencing and Monitoring; Quality Management and Statistical
Quality Control, Quality Circles, Total Quality Management – KAIZEN, Benchmarking, Six
Sigma; ISO 9000 Series Standards.

Module 4 Information Technology

Basic Computer Organization, MS-Office (Word, EXCEL, Power Point), Computer
Networking, Basic concept of Management Information Systems
Accounting and Financial Management

Module 1 Financial Accounting

Meaning, scope and importance; Accounting concepts and conventions; Formation and
importance of accounting Standards; Accounting process; Depreciation accounting and
policy, Preparation of final accounts, Cost-accounting: nature and scope of costing; Cost
concepts and Classifications; Usefulness of Costing to Managers; Preparation of Cost-Sheet.

Module 2 Management Accounting

Nature, scope and tools of Management Accounting; Management Accounting vs. Financial
accounting, Financial analysis, Ratio analysis, Funds-Flow Statement, Cash-flow Statement,
Budgeting: Types of budgets and their preparation, Performance budgeting and Zero-base
budgeting. Marginal costing: Break-even analysis. Decision involving alternative choices,
Standard Costing: An Overview

Module 3 Introduction to Financial Management

Introduction to financial management Objectives of financial management; Time value of
money, sources of finance, Investment decisions: Importance, Difficulties determining cash
flows, methods of capital budgeting

Module 4 Financial Management Decision

Cost of capital; Concept and importance, Computations of cost of various sources of finance;
Weighted Average Cost of Capital; Capital Structure decisions; Theories of capital structure,
Factors determining capital structure. Optimum capital structure; Management of working
capital - Cash, Receivables and Inventory Management, Internal Financing and Dividend

Module 1
Nature, scope and concept of marketing, Corporate orientations towards the marketplace.

Module 2
The Marketing environment and Environment scanning, Marketing information system and
Marketing research.

Module 3
Understanding consumer and Industrial markets; Market segmentation, Targeting and

Module 4
Product Mix decisions, Pricing methods and strategies, promotion mix, Channel
management, contemporary issues in marketing - Globalization, Consumerism, Green
Marketing, Direct Marketing, Digital Marketing.
OB and HRM

Module 1 Organization Behaviour

Concept, Scope, and Nature of Human Behaviour, Personality, Perception, Learning,
Attitude, Motivation, Interpersonal Behaviour, Group Dynamics, Leadership,
Communication, Power and Authority, Stress, Organisational Change and Development.

Module 2 Human Resource Management

Conceptual framework, Human Resource Planning, Job Analysis, Recruitment, Selection,
Placement, Induction, Training and Development, Performance Management, Job Evaluation,
Compensation Management, Employee Benefits and Incentives, Managing Career, New
Trends in HRM, Changing Environment of HRM and Contemporary Challenges, Emerging
trends in HRM.

Module 3 Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development (HRD) Concepts, Assumptions, Values, HRD Mechanisms,
Action – Research Model, HRD Culture and Climate, HRD Interventions, HR Accounting
and Audit, Consultant – Client Relationship, Knowledge Management, Human Resource
Information System.

Module 4 Industrial Relations and Industrial Disputes

Concept, Scope, Evolution, Approaches, Actors and Models, Conflict and Cooperation,
Bipartism and Tripartism, Collective Bargaining, Workers’ Participation in Management,
Grievance Handling and Disciplinary Action, Code of Conduct, Industrial Relations in
Changing Scenario, Employers’ Organisations, Industrial Disputes: Factors, Forms, Trends,
Prevention and Settlement, Role of State and Central Labour Administration, Strikes and
Lockouts, Trade Unions: Concepts, Evolution, Problems of Trade Unions in India,
Recognition, Emerging Role of Trade Unions in India.
Research Methodology

Module 1 Research Aptitude:

Research: Meaning, Types, and Characteristics, Methods of Research: Experimental,
Descriptive, Historical, Qualitative and Quantitative methods, Steps of Research, Scientific
Writing: Format and styles of referencing, Application of ICT in research, Research ethics

Module 2 Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude:

Inductive Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning, Venn diagram: Simple and multiple uses for
establishing validity of arguments, Mathematical Aptitude: Number series, Fraction,
Percentage, Profit and Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Averages and Probability

Module 3 Data Interpretation:

Sources, acquisition and classification of Data, Quantitative and qualitative Data, Graphical
representation (Bar-chart, Histograms, Pie-chart, Table-chart and Line-chart) and mapping of
Data, Data Interpretation

Module 4 Basic Statistics & Probability:

Descriptive statistics, Correlation & Regression, Probability Distributions: Binomial, Poisson
and Normal, Familiarity with statistical software packages e.g. SPSS, SAS, R
Birla School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Ph.D. (Economics) Admission Test Syllabus

Module Detail of the Syllabi

Microeconomics: Theory of Demand and Supply, Concept of Elasticity, Basic Utility
Theory, Theory of Consumer Behavior, Production Function, Cost Analysis, Markets
Module-1 – Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly

Macroeconomics: Concept of National Income, Measurement of National Income;

Module-2 consumption and Investment Function, Inflation and Business Cycle, Fiscal Policy and
Monetary Policy
Statistics: Measures of central tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Skewness, Kurtosis
Module-3 Hypothesis Testing- t, Z, F and χ2, Type I and Type II error, Correlation and
Contemporary International and Indian Economic Problems: Globalization and
Module-4 Economic Order, WTO and Indian Agriculture, Indian Planning Experience, Post-plan
Reforms, Trends in revenue and expenditures of the Central and Governments, Public
debt, Poverty, unemployment, Inequality and environment

Suggested Readings:

 Koutsoyiannis, A. (1979), Modern Microeconomics, (2nd Edition), Macmillan Press, London.

 H. R. Varian (2010): Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, 8th Edition
 N. Gregory Mankiw (2015): Principles of Macroeconomics, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning India
Pvt. Ltd.
 Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer, Richard Startz (2013): Macroeconomics, 12th Edition,
McGraw-Hill Education.
 Gupta S C (2011), Fundamentals of Statistics, Himalaya Pub House.
 Salvatore D (1998), International Economics, Prentice Hall.
 Sodersten, Bo (1991). International Economics, The Macmillan Press.
 Kapila,Uma (2018), Indian Economy Since Independence, Academic Foundation
 Misra,S K and Puri,V K (2017), Indian Economy ,35th Revised Edition,Himalaya Publishing


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