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Material Definition

Material Definition TM-7210

Revision Log
Date Revision Description of Revision Author Reviewed Approved
22/03/2011 01 Initial Issue >MARS 7.3 KSN
15/06/2012 02 Upgraded to AVEVA ERM 10.1 LRB
17/12/2013 03 Upgraded to AVEVA ERM 10.3 SGJ
02/06/2015 04 Upgraded to AVEVA ERM 11.0 SGJ
12/11/2015 05 Upgraded to AVEVA ERM 11.2 CTS
Upgraded with 15.0 Feature Project
25/02/2019 06 ASH
Restricted Bulk Material
15/05/2019 07 Update and corrections for ERM 15.0.0 RKA

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Material Definition TM-7210

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Printed by AVEVA Solutions on 03 April 2020

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1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Aim .................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Course Structure ............................................................................................................................. 5
2 MATERIAL CODES .................................................................................................................................. 6
3 PROJECT COMPONENTS ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Define Project Components ........................................................................................................... 7
Exercise 1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Special information ......................................................................................................................... 9
Exercise 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Supplementary Items ...................................................................................................................... 9
Exercise 3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Relating documents ...................................................................................................................... 10
Exercise 4 ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Exercise 5 ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Text in Foreign Language ............................................................................................................. 11
Exercise 6 ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Exercise 7 ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.6 Copying of Project Components .................................................................................................. 12
Exercise 8 ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
4 STANDARD MATERIAL ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Material categories ........................................................................................................................ 13
4.2 Definition of Standard Material .................................................................................................... 14
Exercise 9 ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Further features ............................................................................................................................. 15
Exercise 10 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Exercise 11 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Exercise 12 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Exercise 13 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Exercise 14 ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Exercise 15 ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Exercise 16 ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Exercise 17 ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
5 FABRICATES ......................................................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Define Fabricate ............................................................................................................................. 19
Exercise 18 ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Exercise 19 ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Exercise 20 ..................................................................................................................................................... 22

1 Introduction

These training notes are intended to provide AVEVA ERM users who are responsible for defining and
maintaining material guidelines in the module ‘Material Definition’ in the AVEVA ERM Environment. The
users can be designers, purchasers, and stock managers.

1.1 Aim

Over the next course period the participants will learn the basic functions to define and maintain materials
and various functions and reporting of these.

For screens and reports, a description of the function is followed by details of how it may be accessed and
the exercise that is to be carried out is briefly described in italics.

1.2 Objectives

 To have a clear understanding of the groups of material in AVEVA ERM, and how to enter and
maintain it.
 To familiarise users with the screen layout and the workings of the user interface.

1.3 Prerequisites

Trainees should be familiar with Microsoft Windows.

Trainees should have completed the course ‘AVEVA ERM: User Interface and System Overview’.

1.4 Course Structure

Training will consist of oral and visual presentations, demonstrations and set exercises. Each workstation
will have a training environment populated. This will be used by the trainees to practice their methods, and
complete the set exercises.


The materials handled by AVEVA ERM are identified by a material code. The different materials e.g.
standard material, project components, steel plate and profiles are defined and maintained in individual
material catalogues.

• Project component (P)

• Standard material (S)
• Fabricates (F)
• Hull Steel (Plates and Profiles) (PL, PR)
• Various (V)

Additional material codes exists but are not described in this training document:
Note for Various materials that this material type are defined when purchased; therefore there is no special
screen for this material category.


Materials identified as a project component (P) is of high value and high risk, and normally it has a long
delivery time. It is defined in a separate screen, and it is always defined for a dedicated project and system.
Project components are defined and maintained in a specific project component catalogue.
A project component can be split into supplementary items.

3.1 Define Project Components

Screen s20010 is used for definition of project components. The identifying key for a project component is
project, system number and a component code.
Before a new component can be saved the following fields must be defined: System number, component
code (is default setup to be auto generated if not entered), description, group and unit.

Exercise 1

Define Project Components

Screen S20010

Define new project components for one of the new projects defined during exercises carried out for training of
Project Specification TM-7100.
Material Definition TM-7210
Material Definition TM-7210

3.2 Special information

Special information can be entered for a project component in s20010. The information in the screen varies
with the component group related to the component.

To enter special information for a project component:

• Search for the project component and mark the record.
• Enable the special information tab by activating function ’Add Special Group’
• Enter all the special information in the “Special Material” tab

Exercise 2

Define special information

Screen S20010 / Function button ‘Add Special Group’

Define special information for the components defined during the previous exercise

3.3 Supplementary Items

A project component can be split into supplementary items by use of the ’Supplementary Items’ tab in
Supplementary items will be handled as a separate item logistically, but have parent components and
cannot be purchased separately. It is possible to transform the main component to a supplementary item as
well. If this is not done, this will only act as a container for supplementary items and not an actual material.

To split a supplementary items:

• Query the project component to split and place the cursor on the component
• Enter the “Supplementary items” tab
• Enter records for supplementary items
• If initially defined project component should be handled as a material rather than a container, then
mark project component and activate the “Include proj. comp. as supplementary item” function
• Mark any one of the supplementary items as a cost carrier
• Enter all the supplementary items in this tab and save

In the main screen there will now be a ‘check’ in column “Has Suppl. items” for the project component

Exercise 3

Create supplementary items

Screen S20010 / Tab “Supplementary Items”

Select a project component, enter the supplementary items tab and create two or more supplementary

For another project component, enter a supplementary item and transform the main component to a
supplementary item, using the “include proj. comp. as supplementary item” function.

For both cases, mark one of the supplementary items as being the cost carrier.
Material Definition TM-7210

3.4 Relating documents

It is possible to relate two types of documents to a project component:

• ’Internal’ documents are defined in s20005 and then related to a component in s20010 (the
document type must have been defined earlier in s20007)
• “External” documents or Attachments are related directly to the component in screen s20010

Define Internal Document

A document is defined in s20005 by entering a document code and description. Every document has a
document type defined in S20007.

By using the button ’Lang. Text’ the description may be entered in a foreign language.

Relate Internal Document

Documents can be related to a project component in s20010 by using the “Rel. Doc” tab. When a
component is included in a purchase order, a separate position for the document will be created.
To enter documents for a project component:
• Find the project component and place the cursor on the component
• Activate “Rel. Doc.” Tab

Relate Attachments

An attachment to a project component can be any type of document that the user want to include together
with the component, e.g. in a Request for Quote and/or a Purchase Order. These documents are physical
documents like pdf-, word-, excel-files or drawings.

These types of documents can be related to standard materials and project components in AVEVA ERM by
using the Attachment action buttons.
Material Definition TM-7210

Exercise 4

Define and relate internal document

Screen S20005
Screen S20010

Create one or several internal documents in screen s20005.

Relate one or several of the defined documents to one of the Project components defined during the first

Exercise 5

Relate external document

Screen S20010

Attach one or more documents (work, excel, pdf etc) to a project component defined during the previous

Open and view the document attached by using the action buttons.

3.5 Text in Foreign Language

Pressing button translate’ in s20010 will call s20013.

In this screen it is possible to enter a foreign-language description and text for a component.

Exercise 6
Material Definition TM-7210

Define component text in foreign language.

Screen S20010 / Function button ‘Translate’ -> S20013

Create description in different language for one of the Project components defined during the first exercise

Exercise 7

Print component list

Report r20802

Print total list of project components defined for the chosen project

Print “Equipment list” for the chosen project

3.6 Copying of Project Components

The Copy function in s20010 is used to copy components between projects.

To be able to successfully copy a component it is necessary that the related system number exists on the
target project as well.

Exercise 8

Copy project components.

Screen S20010
Screen d0027

Create new project set-up similar to project chosen for first exercise in this document.

For more information about this, please see Project Specification TM-7100.

Copy project components from the project of the first exercise to the newly created project.

Check the defined project components for the new project.


Standard material is defined and maintained in the standard material catalogue. In AVEVA ERM the
standard materials can be categories into six pre-defined categories of standard materials. All the different
categories of standard material are defined via the same screen s00001
The principal difference between the pre-defined categories is the method of controlling requests, purchase
and holdings for the material in AVEVA ERM.

4.1 Material categories

Standard Stock Material

This material is purchased and stored for general purpose and can be used in any project. The value of the
material is generally low, and so is the reorder time.

Project Related Standard Material
Material Definition TM-7210

This material is only purchased and stored because there is a requirement from a project. It is related to the
project it was purchased for.

4.2 Definition of Standard Material

Screen s20011 is used for the definition of standard material. The key for standard material is the material
number. If a classification is used, it must be defined in s20001.

Detailed information about the material is entered in the different tab pages in the screen:
• General info: Category, description and unit are mandatory. Contains various information about the
• Stock: Contains Unit Conversions Coefficients and default Stock information
• Purchase info: No mandatory fields. Contains reordering information etc.
• Customer Columns: Contains information in custom columns
• Definition: Contains information about the creation of the material
• Site: Contains site specific reorder information
• Frame Agr: Contains Framework agreement information
• Stock Info: Contains site specific stock information about material
• Suppliers: Contains information about default suppliers.
• Rel. Docs: Contains documents related to the specific material
• Attachments: Contains attachments
• Statistics: Contains procurement information
• Integration: Contains information
• Custom Properties: Contains design related information

Exercise 9

Define standard material
Material Definition TM-7210

Screen S20011

Define six new standard materials.

Define standard materials of project related standard material (material category 1-3) and standard materials
of type standard stock materials (material category 4-6) using the pre-defined standard material categories.

4.3 Further features

For standard materials, some of the features described for project components also apply. Please refer to
the appropriate screens:
• Definition of special information
• Relate internal documents (tab page Rel. Doc)
• Relate external document (tab page Attachments)
• Text in foreign language ( action button Translate)

Exercise 10

Define and relate internal document

Screen S20005
Screen S20011 / Tab ‘Rel. Doc’

Create one or several internal documents in screen s20005.

Related one or several of the defined documents to one of the standard materials defined during the
previous exercise.

Exercise 11

Relate external document

Screen S20011 / Tab ‘Attachments’

Attach one or more documents (work, excel, pdf etc) to a standard material defined during the previous

Open and view the documents attached by using the action buttons.

Exercise 12

Relate certificate to standard material

Screen s20011

Mark certificate checkbox for another standard material, so that the material cannot be received on stock
before certificate has been registered.

Exercise 13

Define material text in foreign language.
Material Definition TM-7210

Screen S20011 / Function button ‘Translate’ -> S20013

Create description in different language for one of the standard materials defined during the previous

Exercise 14

Relate suppliers to standard material.

Screen S20011 / Tab page ‘Supplier’

Screen S20011 / Tab page ‘Reorder Info’

Define list of suppliers for standard stock material in the “Suppliers” tab

Exercise 15

Define Site specific information for a standard material.

Screen S20011 / Tab page ‘Site’

Select one of more sites than the default site selected on the standard material

Define Site specific attributes for each selected site

Exercise 16

Print standard material catalogue

Report r20801

Print total list of standard material catalogue

Exercise 17

Project Restricted Bulk Material

It is possible to define a restriction against a Standard Material so the materials are excluded from a specific
Material Definition TM-7210

Material > Material Definition > Project Restriction s10026
 Select Refresh.
 Add one New Record.
 Provide a sequence number, Id number and description.
 Save
 In the screen ribbon select Edit Filter, this will open up the formula/expression Builder screen

There are two concepts to select from ‘Standard Materials’ and Part Attributes from catalogue

 Select the Edit filter in the screen ribbon and add two criteria, one from Standard Materials and
one from Parts. Use the Test button within the Formula Builder screen to see if your expression
is capturing any materials.
 Once you have two criteria then select Save from the Formula Builder.
 From the screen ribbon select (Re) Apply Filter were a message should be displayed stating the
number of restrictions that have been applied.
 Select OK
 Open the Standard Material screen s20011 and filter the records against Project Restrictions and
the criteria you previously specified in the filter.
 You should now have the items which are linked to the filter you created. Open the Project
Restrictions tab and this should display your project.
Material Definition TM-7210

Define Filters to set up Rules

Screen s20011

View Project Restrictions on Material id


Fabricates are a type of material which is fabricated to match the requirements of the production. Fabricates
are materials which are fabricated from other materials either on site by own resources or by a fabricator, or
simply just purchased fabricated. Fabricates are project dependent which makes them similar to project
components. In ERM fabricates have their own material catalogue (s20017 - Fabricates Catalogue) and
once they are on stock they are handled in the exact same way as project components.

5.1 Define Fabricate

Screen s20017 is used for definition of fabricates. The identifying key for a fabricate is the project and ID, as
a fabricate is project specific.

In the fields Store / Loc of the pre-fabricate it is possible to give a default location in stock to be used when
receiving a fabricate in the warehouse.

As with standard materials and project components, attachments and related documents can be used.
Furthermore, a reference to an overview model/drawing can be defined for information purposes.

When setting up a new fabricate material, it is important to determine whether it is a make or buy fabricate
category and whether the fabricate should generate raw material needs. If set up to do so, once a
requirement exist for a fabricate, that requirement also generates the requirement for the materials going
into building the fabricate. When setup to generate raw material requirements, the requirements generated
comes from the fabricate part list (s21015).

When setting up a new make fabricate material, it is also important to determine how this is supposed to be
manufactured. There is two options here, one is to plan materials and fabrication as a part of production
Material Definition TM-7210

planning, another is to allow this for project planning. This is a process decision, and will in most cases be
determined once and then reused for all make fabricates.

Exercise 18

Define Fabricate

Define 2 new fabricate materials for the project used in the previous exercise, 1 make generating raw material
requirements and 1 buy, not generating raw material requirements.

To indicate that the fabricate is a “make” fabricate, select “make” in the fabricate category. Use the “buy raw
material” check box to indicate whether raw material requirements is generated.

Additionally enter store/location for the drawing id specifying a default location to place the fabricate in the
Stock/ Warehouse and enter drawing information and lead time.

Material > Material Definition > Fabricate Catalogue s20017
 Select Refresh.
 Add Two New Records.
 Add Fab.Id and Description.
 Check and change Del.Des.Category.
 Set the System Number.
 Add Construction and Inspection Code if required.
 For the first record set the Fabricate Category to Make Fabricate.
 For the second record set the Fabricate Category to Buy Fabricate.
 For the first record check the Buy Raw Material checkbox.
 For the second record uncheck the Buy Raw Material checkbox.
 Set the External Status to Fully Validated.
 Set the Internal Status to Released for Purchase.
Material Definition TM-7210

Define Fabricate Parts List

All depending on whether the fabricate is a Make or Buy the fabricate parts list will be required to determine
the materials that make-up the fabricate.

Only fabricates with an External status of Validated will be available for selection when creating a Parts List.

Exercise 19
Material > Material Definition > Fabricate Part List s21015
 Select Refresh.
 Add one New Records.
 Select Project and under Fabricate Id select the Fab.Id created in the last exercise.
 Enter a revision number for the Parts List.
 Select an Activity for linking the construction required dates.
 Select a System number from the LOV.
 To select material to be added to the Parts List the ‘From Catalogue’ button in the screen ribbon
needs to be selected, from here various options are available to select materials.

 Select Standard materials from the LOV and screen d0001 appears.
 Select Refresh and select some materials to add to the Parts List (Filters can be added to this
screen to reduce the number of records)
 Select Add
 Save
 Set the Technical Status to ‘Ready for Production’ from the screen ribbon
 Save

Once the Fabricate Part List is complete it can then be added to a PMTO/GMTO either manually or as part
of a MTO import.
Material Definition TM-7210

From the MTO screen the fabricate contents can be shown or hidden by selecting the fabricate item in the
MTO Items grid and then selecting the ‘Show/Hide Fabricate Content Data’ button from the screen ribbon.

The MTO data is shown under the same item but in decimal positions (30.XX). Once the MTO is approved
the fabrication contents can be seen in the Material Status List screen s50022

Exercise 20
Material > Engineering Material Control > Piping MTO s22040
 Select Refresh.
 Select an open MTO, if one is not available re-open an MTO via the Workflow button in the
screen ribbon.
 After selecting in the MTO Items grid, Select ‘Materials” under Materials under Add Positions in
the screen ribbon, this will open screen d0122 Fabricator Item Selection.
Material Definition TM-7210

 Select Refresh.
 Select the Fabricate Id you created in the earlier exercise and input quantity and select Insert.
 This will now have added the item into the MTO Items Grid
 Confirm and Approve the MTO.
 Open the Material Status List and Refresh, Filter the screen for your Project and an item from
your fabricate and this should now appear as a requirements.

 Note when Approving MTO’s all Headers under the MTO/Pipeline/Drawing/Sheet N0. Must first be

As previously mentioned fabricates can be imported, To import a Fabricate, the importer will use the already
existing Spool ID field, and will apply the following logic.

 If the import file has data in the Material ID and Size or Short Code and Sizes fields and the
Spool ID then the functionality is that the Spool ID will be added as an ‘empty’ Fabricate
Catalogue item to the MTO, and the individual materials will show the Spool ID in the grid,
and the Quantity field in the file only relates to the Material not the Fabricate.
 If the import file only has the Spool ID field populated, then the importer will treat this as a
Fabricate Item and, provided a Fabricate with this ID exists, the fabricate will be to the
MTO with a Quantity that is stated in the file.

MTO Import File

Corresponding ERM Import

MTO N0.RW-16611

 Note: The fabricate Id must be allocated to the same project as the MTO.
Material Definition TM-7210

MTO N0.RW-16312A

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