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Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII(Delapan)Genap
I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada kolom huruf a,b, c, atau d , dilembar jawaban dengan tepat!

1. My sister … her homework right now.

a. do b. does c. is doing d. are doing

2. They … to their teacher. They are chatting with each other.

a. isn’t listening b. is listening c. are listening d. aren’t listening

3. Please be quiet. My baby .. now.

a. is sleeping b. sleeps c. sleep d. slept

4. My mom … dinner in the kitchen now.

a. are cooking b. is cooking c. cooks d. cook

5. Why … at me like that ?

a. do you look b. are you looking
c. you looking d. you look

6. Look ! The children … in the garden.

a. play b. Plays c. is playing d. are playing

7. Listen ! Somebody … the door.

a. is knocking b. knocks c. is knocks d. knock

8. Don’t use your phone when you ... riding your motorcycle..
a. am b. are c. is d. do

9. They … playing football in the school yard at the moment.

a. am b. is c. are d. were

10. Sssssttt, be quiet ! Don’t make any noise ! The students … the examination now.
a. do b. does’t do c. are doing d. is doing

Good Luck


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